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I'm just gonna say, I don't think any cpu on the market right now will realistically play all the games for eight years. That's just a little too much. But good luck, hope you get and enjoy a good new pc.
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Depending on your motherboard you might choose between SSD connected by SATA cable or NVMe M.2 slot.
If you trust Chinese, then there is relatively cheap SSD to grab, considering price per GB:
KingSpec 720 GB (actual size is around 670 GB), delivery time is below 3 weeks to my country, but might not be for yours, or might be extra paid.
Since memory type is TLC, it does not write many times well, but for storing same data and just reading it, it might be good alternative to more reliable but more expensive SSD.
For system you should have separate disk, with 120 GB being enough. And storing JUST system + browsers + most used programs there. Eventually 240 GB, since price sometimes is just 10-15 bucks more for twice as much space. Samsung 850/860 EVO series are very reliable and fast, but also price is high, but for system (most crucial part) you can give extra bucks.
If you want disk that will amass a lot of data (more personal than gaming), 2 TB, you can go for Seagate Firecuda which is hybrid of SSD and HDD - it will store data on HDD and will move most used files to 8 GB of build in flash memory - that seems to be good only for small games launched very often. But it's more expensive than HDD.
For headphones, mouse and keyboard, you can use products of Fury or Genesis. Those are pretty good quality for it's price, together will be like approx. 60 USD. But I do not really see reason to change those.
Those are things you can buy now and put in your current PC. I changed my disks recently, but most of parts are also ~7+ years old.
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something powerfull enough to hold my PC during 8 years, this is a piece that i'm not going to change never until my PC die or i buy a new PC
Maybe the most expensive CPU will do it? I'd still doubt it though, unless you're down to be a low spec gamer at the end of that 8 years, a gamer that has to tweak config files to get the lowest settings possible.
DDR 4 or DDR5??
DDR5 isn't in production yet. Instead, I'd go for 3200MHz RAM that's in dual channel. 8GB (2x4GB) will do fine if you're trying to save money at that front since you can buy more RAM whenever you want.
i want between 6GB or 8GB Gforce graphic card (obviously better than my actual graphic card) i probably change this new grapich card in 4 years.
Well, I'd personally go for a GTX 1070 or a 1080 if you have some extra cash.
2 SSD (i don't know how expensive are them) , i want one for windows only and programs so with a 500 GB will be enough, the other should be 1 terabyte for pure games (steam, blizzard, etc....) and download use (music, films, etc...).
So one for Windows and the other for everything other than the OS? Get a 128GB SSD for Windows and 1TB SSD for everything else. Just like with RAM, you can just get more when you need it.
Overall though, I'd recommend you check out r/buildapc on Reddit.
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No part will hold for eight years. Even the period where the seventh generation of consoles held back PC gaming for five years did not have a single part that could survive eight. You can aim for five years.
The best price/performance CPU on the market right now is the Ryzen 5 2600, bar none, regardless of where you live with local pricing.
For GPU, since you are so adamant on Nvidia for some reason, the most reasonable purchase is either the 6 GB version of the GTX 1060 or the 8 GB version of the 1070. The 1080 and the 2000-series is unrealistically overpriced. (Well, Nvidia cards are in general are unrealistically overpriced, but as long as the sheep buy them, there is zero reason for them to drop prices.)
500 GB system SSD is beyond overkill, that is wasting money. Get a 250 GB Samsung 960 EVO, it is faster than most anything and it is more than enough to store the 30 GB Windows 10 needs. I somehow doubt you will install another 170 GB worth of programs, even if you are a mechanical engineer who makes videos and music in his spare time, you won't need that many storage space.
As for the gaming SSD, anything that is cheap. Game load times are not bottlenecked by SSD speeds but by their engines' memory handling algorithms. As long as consoles exist, this will be the case.
For case, Coolermaster has some decent ones, but you can look around if there are Phantek cases around you. They have good quality but not about showcasing, and they are rather cheap compared to flashy cases.
PSU: I fancy the EVGA G2 series, since they are based on Super Flower. However, the Corsair RMx series is a very reliable and decent-priced one. You do not need more than 500W, but even a 350W one can service any single-GPU system for the foreseeable future.
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Hello i will write this message in english and spanish.
Finally the time has come, i'm going to buy a full new PC (except monitor i already bought one 1 month ago), so i will go directly to the topic that concerns us.
-speakers (no need a 5.1 with a two speaker + bass it's enough i don't have a lot of space in my desktop for a 5.1)
-headphones with microphone
-keyboard (probably gonna buy the cheapest one, no need any cool led keyboard etc...but i can think in sugerences)
-Graphic card (GForce)
-Ram 8 GB or 16 GB (i can upgrade to 16GB the next month if necesary so i can play woith 8GB for one month)
-1 or 2 SDD hard disk for windows and install games etc...
-1 normal hard disk for install games and downloads etc... (if 2 ssd bought then no need one normal hard disk)
-power supply
-computer tower
WHAT I HAVE NOW (for reference and help you guys to think what i should buy)
*all pieces and component are 8-10 years old (except graphic card that it's just 2 or 3 months old and monitor that it's 1 month ago old)
-semi broken spearks 3.1 (2 speaker + one little bass) (10 or 12 years old)
-mouse G5 (10 or more years old and honestly this mouse works like the first day xD)
-generic keyboard of 15-20$ (the most simple keyboard that around 99% of people use it xD)
-Gforce gtx 1050 2GB (i know it's good graphic card but that 2GB it's too low that why i want buy another more powerfull)
-Cpu i5 750 2.66ghz (4 cpu) 2.67ghz
-RAM 8GB DDR3 i think
-motherboard p55-us3L
-power supply corsair HX 850 W (8-10 years old also....)
-Monitor ---> https://www.amazon.es/Lenovo-L24q-10-Monitor-Pixeles-Respuesta/dp/B072J2PLBK (2K monitor)
-Controller ---> xbox one
-Speakers ---> i just want a normal ones 3.1 (2 speakers + a little bass) nothing too expensive i always play and use low volume, so something decent and durable will be enough
-Mouse ---> a good mouse better than G5 or at same level of it, size of mouse should be normal (i hate the little mouse), with at least 1 extra button (don't need to have regulable speed levels) (not wireless, i want use cable!!!)
-Keyboard ---> someting generic but i'm open to cheap sugerences (i don't like any led thing or special buttons for cs:go etc.... just normal keyboard)
-Graphic card ---> i want between 6GB or 8GB Gforce graphic card (obviously better than my actual graphic card) i probably change this new grapich card in 4 years.
-CPU ----->something powerfull enough to hold my PC during 8 years, this is a piece that i'm not going to change never until my PC die or i buy a new PC
-Powers supply ---> powerfull enough to hold my pieces and durable, also with enough connections to connect all the pieces and with 1 extra connection free just in case in the future i add another hard disk or anything.
Ram --> 8GB or 16 GB RAM i can go with 8 GB for one month until i receive more money from my work to buy another 8GB if necesary, but i want a good one. (DDR 4 or DDR5?? honestly i don't know, the better i can get that it's compatible with the other parts or the PC and games)
-Headphones ---> something confortable with microphone, durable if posible i'm bored of buy new headphones over and over.....(don't want to expend a lot in this component, so something around 70$ will be more than enough)
-Computer tower ---> i don't need a gamer computer tower with some cool leds and ultra mega cool desing, i want a big computer tower with nice refrigeration, i don't care if it's the ugliest thing in this world, i want quality and price over "cool desing and cool leds", i want a silent computer tower, big and the cheapest posible, one computer tower that will not give me problems of refrigeration and space to put all the things inside.
-Monitor ---> i already got one good, no need to buy anything for now.
-Hard disk ---> 2 SSD (i don't know how expensive are them) , i want one for windows only and programs so with a 500 GB will be enough, the other should be 1 terabyte for pure games (steam, blizzard, etc....) and download use (music, films, etc...).
-Motherboard ---> i don't have idea about this part of PC, this is another piece that i will never change until my PC die, so i need one that it's compatible with the other pieces and powerfull too, with enough RAM slot for future upgrades (i doubt i will use two graphic cards so i don't need one with 2 slot for graphic card)
-i need a new mouse case too ---> i bet any will be good so probably gonna buy the first i find in the shop.
-if i need to buy some fans i want them silent and tell me how many i will need and size etc...
-i need a motherboard with enough USB slot for all the pieces of the PC and components, (speaker, controller, mouse, keyboard,headphones, etc...)
-i will use windows 7 64 byts
-My budget consist in 2.000$ or 2.500 if i wait 1 month (Euros from spain)
-i don't want anything from AMD, absolutely anything, my experience with his components was really bad in the past, don't want to waste my money on them.
-when you make the sugerence ----> link me an amazon link or tell me the full name of the component, i will write in a paper and go to the shop to buy exactly that components and fabricant etc....
-this time i want a good PC, I want a PC to play in high or max graphics all the actual games and future games (at least during 4 years without change the grapphic card) in 2K resolution (i will use 4K textures if available in the games).
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