Uplay Key ? Blasphemy ! What's next ? Epic Store Keys ?!11
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uPlay I don't mind. I prefer to buy my games from GOG but do buy from them on the odd occasion. Their ads from the client in between games are annoying but that can be disabled. Otherwise I get my games in Steam bundles. I changed my tune with uPlay after they had a big pricing mistake and sent the games anyway. It must have cost them a tidy bundle but there wasn't a complaint or anything from them.
Epic is a different story. I haven't even signed up with them for their free games. I just don't trust the company. I would skip a bundle with Epic keys in a heartbeat. They seem to be as bad as SQ Enix.
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There are lots of threads on epic's practices with their client where they copied the Steam friends file on people's computers without their permission. This is a big red flag. They were prepared to look at other software on the computer and copy files from that software. That's just unacceptable.
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why would you trust Epic.. I can name a few reasons right off the top of my head.. Tencent has 40% ownership of Epic games.. Tencent is pretty much an extension of the Chinese Government.. They have already been found to share information with the Chinese Government.. not from Epic games as Tim Sweeney swears that will never happen... Then again Tim Sweeney said Epic games have never had a security breach, but the weekly emails I get saying my account may have been breached.. I'm not the only one.. Also my email I used to test out Fortnite six months ago was reported as part of 3 massive security breaches in the last 4 months. Using the email/password combo I used on Epic games.. I use a unique pass for every site I sign up too.. I don't click on random links either..
Epic is buying up exclusive PC games, this could go either way, but ultimately them doing this is anti consumer horsecrap. taking games you could buy from 15 - 30 difference sources and reducing it to having a single source.. Yet Steam has the monopoly...
Free games are nice, but would you really trust Epic with your account CC information, with how lax their security seems to be?
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We trust Valve more, cause Valve is in the market for years and never did anything awful like Epic. And Epic made a store recently and there are already legally questionable actions, like bribery - not honest marketing; instead of making good offert, they just briber devs; they want to buy audience... if there was YouTuber who buy the upvotes and subs, I would hate him for that... I hate Epic because of the same... and this is even worse, cause it affects me directly. With exclusivity for example. Buying audience is not okay, cause You are not honest player in the market. You don't do good offers. Especially that Epic Store is definition of monopoly. Prices are high.
Another shady thing is the aforementioned monopoly. Setting their own shop just to disallow others selling games too. If there is game both on Steam and Epic - it's competition. But it's not. Epic is all for monopoly.
Next is collecting players data. They excused it as a mistake, but I surely doubt it. Not to mention that Epic has no security at all. Password? In 3rd decade of XXI? I haven't seen 2-factor autentication there. Steam was prolly first who ever did that. And they did well protecting their users. Epic Store has major security breaches, while Steam mostly don't. They do have sometimes, but when You are big, You are easier targer, right? Everyone wants to attack You. Hackers have proven how easy it is to hack into Epic Store.
Exclusivity here is the least problem. But is not fair either. The worst of all is that they don't play fair. If You can't gain consumers on Your own, so You buy it... You probably should have never step into business. Never. They are so desperate wasting their money. But someday that money will disappear. What will they do then?
I use Steam, cause Steam have never did anything of that to me. Never bribed a dev to sell the games only there. And the fact that Steam is the best among others... why would I chose something worse? I would use Origin or Uplay more, if they were done correctly. But I'm not against them. Cause they play fair. Epic doesn't.
Oh, and one more thing. Steam has valuable features. Some of them are basic functions EVERY platform should have. Epic doesn't have them. So why would I use something that is visibly bad and do bad things, doesn't work as it should, when I have already good choice in other thing that works very fine, is formidable in features and looks good too?
This isn't about "Oh, I am fanboy of Steam, Epic is bad". It has deeper meaning than that, which Epic fanboys don't want to admit or listen to.
We've had Origin and Uplay for years now and nobody ever was so strongly against them. So saying that people are Steam fanboys because they criticize constructively Epic Fail Store is just being an idiot. And I mean the fanboys of Epic that doesn't want to understand that. Because they hate Steam for no reason. I mean, there is a reason. The same Avengers are being hated sometimes. Popularity. If something is popular, there are always hipsters that won't like it. Steam, Avengers or Google, YouTube, whatever. They will always be there to hate thigns, because they are more popular and they feel cool when they use niche programs, services etc.
And the funniest thing is when people are saying arguments that are proofs of Epic being bad and they use it as a thing against Steam/pro Epic. because Because they are that dumb. For example "Steam monopoly", when it's clearly Epic Store who is the first to use monopoly there.
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I'm torn here. I want AC Origin, but I'd prefer steam. Probably cheaper to get it this way though. Guess I could just do the 'Add non-steam game' thing, never done that before so not sure how well it works. Not like it'll have trading cards or achievements anyway. It has cards and achievements! Now I don't know what to do :(
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The thing is that for most of us, it's not that Steam is more important. It's that we already have so many games to play that postponing playing this won't be a huge issue. What's the point in buying this now if you don't have a huge urge to play it?
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how did we get so many games to play? by buying games we didnt play immediately. you are right by saying why buy the game if you dont want to play it right away but who does it? everyone buys games just because it is a great deal. and i can assure you that this will be the best deal ever. you will never get this game for this price with 5-8 other games. thats the logic we use. it doesnt matter if we play it. :D
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I agree. I have 4 other AC games I haven't finished yet. By the time I do, chances are this will be cheaper, or maybe even given away for free. As much as it looks interesting I haven't been a fan of the direction AC has taken, so I'm not desperate to play it. If there was another good early reveal that'd change things, but for now I think uplay-only has nudged me to skip this month.
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If you think that you will be able to grab origins for 2-3 bucks in the future i am pretty sure you will be dissapointed as most ubisoft games dont go any lower than 10 bucks if they arent older than 5-6 years. 12 bucks for this game and 7 more is the best deal by far you will have for the next few years for sure.
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My comment has nothing to do with personal value as i am not the biggest fan of origins, its just a fact that ubisoft doesnt offer sales of 5-10 bucks on their big releases if the game isnt 3-4 years old at least. Far cry 4 got released on 2014 and the lowest price on steam was 8 euros a few months ago and now its back at 12 euros on each sale. If its a game that you want to buy on a low price this will propably be your best shot.
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I suppose the best choice is to wait until the last days in order to see if humble is planning to sell the dlcs on a new historical low price as they did with division season pass and on the meantime you can also check for a coupon for the bundle. But even without the dlcs i think the bundle is already worth its price, for me at least.
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I did get black flag and watch dogs for uplay only for free at some point, it's not that much of a stretch
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Add non-steam game is similar in function to creating a shortcut for applications on your computer. Aside from allowing steam overlay to function with the game, its benefit is similar to adding a shortcut for [whatever game you're adding] to your main gaming folder [ie, allowing you to better manage accessability and organization]. It doesn't actually integrate the game into Steam in any meaningful way, it just allows you to access games from the same location.
'Course, games that launch through other clients [eg, Origin, and I believe Uplay as well] will load their launcher through Steam, rather than the specific game, so the function is a bit less usable for those games.
Well, there's no risk to using the feature, so just take a few minutes to try it out, and you should get a handle on what it does easily enough. :)
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It's very different from other AC games. I had a gap after AC:3, played a bit of BF but origins was AC game that i had most fun, whole egypt setting is just great. I would still buy it at uPlay because it's cheaper there than steam and You can get season pass on very low price and from seeing how much AC games as BF, AC: Unity etc. cost it won't get much cheaper on steam.
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Uplay key????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
One early reveal?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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I'm pretty sure it's always been two to three for early reveals. I've been getting monthly since day one and this is the first time I recall only seen one game as early unlock.
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01/2016 - 04/2017 = one game as reveal
05/2017 = two
06/2017 - 07/2017 = one
08/2017 = two
after that it started to be more common that more then 1 game was an instant reveal.
You can look in the deals section, all the threads are still there so everyone can see that it was like that
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Ok, I am an idiot. I claimed this month and activated origins on UPlay although I have the game already on Steam. Now I have literally 2 AC Origins's on my UPplay. I didn't know that if I skip this month, I wouldn't "lose" a month in my annual subscription.
I did the same fucking thing with Overwatch month. Claimed it although I already own OW.
Thanks a lot for letting me know!
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At least you wont make the same mistake on the next bundles. Dont worry, you are not an idiot because you didnt know how it works, these mistakes happens a lot, i hope the revealed games will be worth playing for you.
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I wasnt expecting that but thank you:)
When people are polite to me they always end up making me feel better even if its for simple things so i always try to act the same hoping that some of them will feel the same.
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Thats so true. I could never understand whats the point of acting like an ass online. I suppose people act like that because they are hidden behind a screen and for the most part there are no consequences for their actions. Behind every screen there is always a person and you dont know how he will react at what someone says to him, he may not care at all or he may feel bad for being treated like that.
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Not your fault. It's the fault of the company for not explaining it well enough. For any subscription type of deal, they should have a list of shit you can and can't do that's explained in layman's terms with instructions. Of course, they don't have to, but it doesn't help them to have customers like you who have essentially lost dozens of dollars over something they couldn't be bothered to explain well enough.
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The very old FAQ linked in the OP covers pausing and some other topics, - the extra warning needed is that you should check a few times during the month that they don't unpause you shortly before the billing date :D
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The innocent explanation would be that they have a script running that unpauses users not when the paused bundle releases but at some point later in the month.
So you check that you're set to paused, forget about it, their script runs to unpause you, and you never look again.
The tinfoil theory would be that they just do it randomly & hope you don't notice the unpausing. :P
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Dont worry about it. You didnt know because they aint clear about it. Basically, before I sub to Humble, I asked them if I can purchased the revealed month which obviously is a no. Afterwhich I had to refund a month because the auto-bill date rolled over. They simply do not make it clear enough for the users to know. Cheers~ :)
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Got it free from Google Project Stream. So easy skip for me. :P
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Freudian stagedive, feels like. that's how similar they are - basically a full priced expansion, with some added assets n tweaks, filled to the brim with dark patterns n MTXs.
"Ubisoft© - gouging their loyal customers with asset flips, undercooked engines n copy-pasterino approach to game dev since. . .I dunno, forever!"
yeah, content! and sorry for venting in a reply to your comment.
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Considering how these two revitalized the franchise critically, financially and in public perspectives, I'd say they did a good job objectively. But it always comes down to personal preference when picking these games out, so I get your point.
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love it when the term 'personal preference' is being thrown around. the variety and subtlety of discrediting methods on the internet have no boundaries and never cease to amaze me. why would you even bring such facts up? they mean nothing dude, not in the long run. I know you're a guy that can form their own opinion - so, why go n quote gaming news outlets, with undisclosed sponsored reviews - that strictly care about their bottom line, much like Ubisoft.
How's 6.8 on metacritic PC user score for public perception? There are literal boatloads of AC fanatics that will throw their cash at shitty collectors' editions, just so they can brag about the tacky swag. not to mention all the online economy baked into the series ever since Unity.The whales have reinvigorated the franchise financially, and honestly I feel truly sorry for them.
I'm not sure if you're defending the publisher, the franchise or the gamedev tactics n streamlining of said gamedev, but you just can't be centrist about these practises. they're glaring, mind-boggling deficiencies in the gaming industry, you (not you personally, but ppl in general) just can't be that oblivious to the extent *of how sinister social engineering has become.
apologetics will get us nowhere as a species, is all i'm saying.
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I've no idea where you're even going with this. and I'm sorry to point out the obvious, but you're hardly the one qualified/ informed enough to criticize the franchise as a whole.
Ubi's just the tip of the iceberg; the aaa industry has transformed and adapted to the 'growing threat' of quality indie games in the worst way imaginable. the fact of the matter is, they couldn't be farther from ashamed for employing such tactics and indulging in mmo-mobile patterns in fully priced aaa games.there's just no way of justifying it. say what you will, but it's gruesome n sickening.
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love it when the term 'personal preference' is being thrown around. the variety and subtlety of discreting methods on the internet have no boundaries and never cease to amaze me. why would you even bring such facts up? they mean nothing dude, not in the long run.
Lol, okay, I was being nice. Then you're just completely wrong and your opinion has no place here. Begone, thot!
Takes a dumbass to claim that personal opinion has no place in video game discussion. Fuck, your entire attitude is so shocking frustrating to me that my mind's racing to figure out the way you came to that conclusion and how you can get to that position where you throw around words and be so dismissive, while also struggling to keep in my quick giggles.
It's fucking fascinating dude. Unlike you, I and many others are original enough that we manage to actually think with our own brains. So if someone likes something, I might dislike it. Shocking, I know.
Also, what "long run"? What long run are you talking about? We're talking about whether a video game sold well, whether people liked it and whether you personally like it. What long run? Stop trying to act like you're in some deep discussion where all you say is some gold here. Humble yourself.
I know you're a guy that can form their own opinion - so, why go n quote gaming news outlets, with undisclosed sponsored reviews - that strictly care about their bottom line, much like Ubisoft.
You say that, yet you also say "love it when the term 'personal preference' is being thrown around. the variety and subtlety of discreting methods on the internet have no boundaries and never cease to amaze me. why would you even bring such facts up? they mean nothing dude, not in the long run."
First, what sponsored reviews did I quote?
Second, what gaming news outlets did I quote?
Third, please provide proof that Ubisoft bribes reviewers to give them good reviews for Assassin's Creed: Origins. 5 outlets is enough for me. Legit proof please, not just "You know it obviously, it's obvious"
Fourth, what bottom line? The fuck are you saying? It's like you're just spazzing out with words :D
How's 6.8 on metacritic PC user score for public perception?
It's a 6.8. What 83% on Steam for public perception? Love this selective picking here. Like a 6.8 is even bad for a franchise that completely reinvented itself for the first time in ages. For a company that's hated by many. But nah, as you said, personal preferences are bullshit and who cares. Why even show them then :D
There are literal boatloads of AC fanatics that will throw their cash at shitty collectors' editions, just so they can brag about the tacky swag.
Lol, yeah, their opinions don't matter. You, the intellectual, have the say here. Fuck the public. You're the smart one here! Screw the fact that AC: Origins beat sales records for them. Nah, that's just noise! Goes against your opinion on what people spend their money on, so they're "fanatics" and their personal preference is useless here.
The whales have reinvigorated the franchise financially, and honestly I feel truly sorry for them.
Lol, where were they before then? When AC had the worst sales figures in years? Where were those "fanatics" then? Took them 2 years and poof, they appeared, became total fanatics before the game was out even! Like bloody magic! God, I feel your struggle now! Look at all the fanatics out there for the unannounced NBA game that comes out during some year and becomes more successful than any other NBA game in the franchise! People might hate the current NBA, but if there's any successful one out there in the future, it'll be because of fanatics, not because of merit!
I'm not sure if you're defending the publisher, the franchise or the gamedev tactics n streamlining of said gamedev, but you just can't be centrist about these practises.
What are you smoking, dude? Centrist in what practices? I said that it was a financial success and it was well reviewed compared to their other recent releases in that franchise at that time... and that it's fine if you didn't like the game. I defended nothing. :D
Are you being serious with all this drivel?
they're glaring, mind-boggling deficiencies in the gaming industry, you (not you personally, but ppl in general) just can't be that oblivious to the extent how sinister social engineering has become.
Lol, what? Okay, Alex Jones.
apologetics will get us nowhere as a species, is all i'm saying.
Holy shit, this is gold :D
This is the reason why I responded to this comment. This is just such a quote, dude. It's... wow... I'm baffled at this. Love it so much. This is a quote to just meme with people. First, the word apologetics... "Apologetics is the religious discipline of defending religious doctrines through systematic argumentation and discourse.". Ah, just gold. Me saying facts and saying that I understand why you feel that way is me defending a religious doctrine through systematic argumentation and discourse. Literally the first comment like that in this thread, i haven't even said anything positive about the game itself or negative about your comment, but I'm already an apostle :D
Also, the fact that you think these threads on Steamgifts are improving our species is just amazing. I love your enthusiasm and optimism in this part. It's something we all need. If only the rest of the world thought that my hentai collection and tentacle dildo reviews improved mankind... Thanks bro :D
Seriously though, read my comment through again and all I said was that Origins and Odyssey revitalized the series, which is true in terms of financial success and critical perception. Not sure how you managed to take all you did originally :D
Thanks for the laugh though. Loved responding to your comment. I don't usually get freebies like that. The responses were so easy to form and required no thought. It's like a vacation. I appreciate you, bro :D
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Not to be all like "Please stroke my ego please", but after posting this comment, I started thinking that maybe I was just completely crazy when and everyone will call me a total moron for it. Good to hear that I'm not just nuts for saying what I did..
Sometimes on the Internet it can feel like I'm taking crazy pills or something with an argument. Like, someone once said "There hasn't been a single good EA game", to which I replied, "People seemed to love games like Dragon Age, Mass Effect and The Sims 2" to which I immediately got flamed over. So, again, not to be an attention whore. Just glad to see that I'm not completely crazy here :D
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The dissecting, the breakdown, the downplaying, the child-like revelation of how remarkably thorough and pedant you are in showing you've not taken a grave amount of offense by my comment, is oh so enticing to engage in 'i know what you are but what am i' mental gymnastics. Guess I'm just too weak to resist the urge, and love to stroke my own ego as much as the next guy.
I mean, we're all opinionated in this high technological era, and we want our voices be heard, loud n clear. and many of us are more than extremely prone to theorising conspiracies - but one fact remains - we're all in an echochamber, like it or not. terms like buyer's remorse, validation, signaling, self-projecting, subcontext, underlying message conveying, pure unadulterated, altruistic strivings. . .they're there, but apparently they mean nothing.
sure, we all know n love the Wikipedia for it's ease of use and access. it's great, how can it not be the term used above can be applied to any man-made concept, construct, thought, theme, agenda and so on. no clue why you're banking so much on it, but ok, have at it
5.7 user aggregate on metacritic for all platforms for the expansion (Odyssey) is also there, but likewise, means fuck all, coz the base game (Origins) was a record-breaking, revitalization of the franchise; arguably. . .mabee, can't really tell for sure. but it's what counts; and libtards don't play vidya gaems, everyone knows that. how can their opinions count, if ever?! barely 2/3s of the base game purchasers on Steam bought the expansion - that's not a telltale sign of anything.
I'm glad I made you laugh, and that you're thankful for my drivellings, and that you appreciate me, BREH! guess I'm, unlike you, a lazy fuck, and not a knowitall in enough of capacity, to grace your comeback with an evenly composed and carefully-thought out and planned response, much less an appropriate and deserving cohesive thought of any kind, for you know your shit, and will regulate promptly. whereas, my e-peen has been significantly shriveled due to my constant ineptitude to not intentionally offend my collocutors, and deservedly so. I've been humbled and shall henceforth refrain from polluting the beautiful gardens of the Kingdom of Zerulia, and SG altogether, with my cognitive dissonance. . .for my existence is flawed, but my eyes have been fully shut, my whole life. Thank You for illuminating this feeble mind. I truly feel blessed and somewhat ascended.
Also, why you succumbed to insulting me with such vague n worn out phrases, in the very opening of your post is beyond me. and no, you're not self-righteous at all. bloody hell. . .where do you get off?
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The dissecting, the breakdown, the downplaying, the child-like revelation of how remarkably thorough and pedant you are in showing you've not taken a grave amount of offense by my comment, is oh so enticing to engage in 'i know what you are but what am i' mental gymnastics. Guess I'm just too weak to resist the urge, and love to stroke my own ego as much as the next guy.
Are you for real? Are you really trying to say that my argument's childish because I read what you said? That I read the entirety and that I went through every single one of your points? You pulled a rabbit out of your ass right there. If you have to complain that your point's total nonsense if you read it, then maybe your point's bloody nonsense, mate :D
I mean, we're all opinionated in this high technological era, and we want our voices be heard, loud n clear. and many of us are more than extremely prone to theorising conspiracies - but one fact remains - we're all in an echochamber, like it or not.
What...? No, most people aren't even slightly prone to theorizing any conspiracies... I'll take it you're referring to your "social engineering" tangent that you went off on? Yeah, that's just nonsense because you basically said that referring to sales figures is indoctrination.
Also.. what echo chamber? We're literally having a discussion right now. With differing opinions. Literally the antithesis of an echo chamber.
terms like buyer's remorse, validation, signaling, self-projecting, subcontext, underlying message conveying, pure unadulterated, altruistic strivings. . .they're there, but apparently they mean nothing.
Uh... cool? This has nothing to do with this conversation, but I appreciate your view, I guess?
sure, we all know n love the Wikipedia for it's ease of use and access. it's great, how can it not be the term used above can be applied to any man-made concept, construct, thought, theme, agenda and so on. no clue why you're banking so much on it, but ok, have at it
Lol, what? :D
You try and make these literary sentences, while trying to sound really sophisticated and shit, but all you're saying is nonsense "sure, we all know n love the Wikipedia for it's ease of use and access.", like holy shit, this is a terribly pretentious sentence right there.
But back to the statement... what are you even talking about? Are you just assuming that I'm using Wikipedia to... what.. see sales records for games or something? Just so you know, in case this is the case (otherwise you're just saying nonsense again), then I'll just say that I'm looking at different journalistic outlets and I double-check everything I claim here. This isn't tough. Plus, Wikipedia's a bloody good place to get information, since it's an aggregate. Don't disrespect my boy Wikipedia. :D
I thank you for your ever-lasting generosity for letting me "have it". The check's in the mail.
5.7 user aggregate on metacritic for all platforms for the expansion (Odyssey) is also there, but likewise, means fuck all, coz the base game (Origins) was a record-breaking, revitalization of the franchise; arguably. .
Ah, so we're selectively choosing reviews again. Metacritic is a critic review aggregator, not a user review aggregator, first of all. Though, since you made this mistake, you obviously don't know what an aggregate is.
But yeah, let's trust the site that's known for having a bias against the AAA industry and that doesn't require you to own the actual game to give it a score. Steam, the place where you have to own and play the game you review, has given the game an 8.2/10, which is completely in line with the 8.6 that the critics overall gave it. Hmm, I wonder who's more right.... a site where you have to play a game to review it or the site where everyone can say whatever, has less overall reviews and isn't known for its PC crowd... HMMMMMMMMMM
.mabee, can't really tell for sure. but it's what counts; and libtards don't play vidya gaems, everyone knows that. how can their opinions count, if ever?! barely 2/3s of the base game purchasers on Steam bought the expansion - that's not a telltale sign of anything.
I knew it! You're just a loon! No one uses the term "libtard" unironically.
Oh, also all the other stuff indicates it. But damn, dude used the term "libtard" in 2019... unironically... as an insult. I'm proud of you dude. You're a total boomer and I love it :D
Also, 2/3 buying expansions... that's fucking amazingly high percentage, you do realize that? Any game's lucky to get a single third, not even a half, to buy their expansions. So, yeah, it's a telltale sign that people like that game. It's like you have no clue about the gaming industry and are actually just so politically driven that everything is a political issue and everything's a slight against you... wait.. hol'up :D
I'm glad I made you laugh, and that you're thankful for my drivellings, and that you appreciate me, BREH! guess I'm, unlike you, a lazy fuck, and not a knowitall in enough of capacity, to grace your comeback with an evenly composed and carefully-thought out and planned response, much less an appropriate and deserving cohesive thought of any kind, for you know your shit, and will regulate promptly. whereas, my e-peen has been significantly shriveled due to my constant ineptitude to unintentionally offend my collocutors, and deservedly so. I've been humbled and shall henceforth refrain from polluting the beautiful gardens of the Kingdom of Zerulia, and SG altogether, with my cognitive dissonance. . .for I my existence is flawed, but my eyes have been fully shut, my whole life. Thank You for illuminating this feeble mind. I truly feel blessed and somewhat ascended.
Ah, no problem dude. We all stray from the route of worshipping Ubisoft. Oh, whoops, guess I just showed my true intentions. It's ME! The CEO of Ubisoft, Yves Guillemot! Ahh, oui oui oui, you discovjeoured my ingenius plan of indoctrinating the weak minds in Steamgjefts! Oh, nonononono!
Also, why you succumbed to insulting me with such vague n worn out phrases, in the very opening of your post is beyond me. and no, you're not self-righteous at all.
Dude, I'm mocking the hell out of you because you're accusing me of shit I've never done, you say random nonsense, you call people libtards and so on. It's fucking stupid. It's embarrassing. Sometimes you need to be taken down a notch or two. I'm not self-righteous because I know I'm not perfect. I say dumb shit. And usually there's someone to point it out and I can learn from it. You've gone too many years without seeing differing opinions that you've become a walking-talking stereotype from a left-wing comedy show. "Ah, libtard this, libtard that! A sentence that tries to sound smart, but is so easily dismantled because it's a basic statement. This is a political issue! Conspiracy theory thrown in for no reason! Extremely confident statement that everyone's like you, while asserting you're unique." Do you exist to give material for SNL or something? You're just that good!
bloody hell. . .where do you get off?
In my bed mainly. Depending on where I'm consuming my porn. Your mom just isn't enough for me anymore :(
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you bore me to death!
another thing, you should heavily cut down on reddit. you spew all the yummy n greasy refs like you've seen the whole world with your imaginary 3rd eye. yet you're blind to basic deceptions. and have no comprehension of what unironic is and how it's used in a sentence -that shit flew straight over your head and you never even saw it coming. that's kinda sad. but be a tryhard,see if I give a flying fuck.
and honestly, the lvl of your maturity is at best questionable. you're far from humorous or entertaining. you love saying stuff like 'objectively did a good job' and then backpaddle with 'am i not allowed to have a personal preference, a subjective opinion'? those 2 don't rub that well, especially in the same context.
if I need to draw n spell out everything for you, then your in position to think that any of your claims are valid and bear any weight - in terms of ill-conceived game development. (just a side note - it's not AnvilNext, as it's been AnvilNext 2.0 for 4.5 years). and, sure rag on metacritic all you want, but skewin' is skewin'. whatever helps you sleep at night. the games are trash, with basic RPG systems as placeholders, just so they can buzz 'the evolution' and 'another take on the formula' over n over. style over substance, Ubi's games are the sheer epitome of that motto, but at least they had some integrity up until just a few years ago;now, they're far from anything worthy of mentioning or be proud of. and you're ok with that? no wonder the world's going to shit.
Newsflash bruv, everything is a political issue. . .if you got thoughts on stuffs, you're political, and thus you open up a political issue on the stuffs n fings. but never you mind. be happy with who you are. parrot other ppl's musings. and so shall I, as i'm quite unoriginal, but at the same time so done with yo mightily vocal, pretentious ass. have a good life, if you can muster the strength of actually trying to be a somewhat normal human being. take care.
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you bore me to death!
Ah, that sucks!
another thing, you should heavily cut down on reddit. you spew all the yummy n greasy refs like you've seen the whole world with your imaginary 3rd eye. yet you're blind to basic deceptions. and have no comprehension of what unironic is and how it's used in a sentence -that shit flew straight over your head and you never even saw it coming. that's kinda sad. but be a tryhard,see if I give a flying fuck.
Lol, what? :D
Dude uses "libtard". Isn't in an ironic context. Says that I don't get it. Sure, bud. Can I have some water with that dry bullshit sandwich you're trying force on me? But for real, you're just saying these things like they suddenly are true when you say it. Yeah, you were playing 6D chess while my puny brain was playing checkers.. sure, dude. Sure.
If you have to devolve into this type of drivel, then you should realize how fucking clueless you've been with your points.
and honestly, the lvl of your maturity is at best questionable. you're far from humorous or entertaining. you love saying stuff like 'objectively did a good job' and then backpaddle with 'am i not allowed to have a personal preference, a subjective opinion'? those 2 don't rub that well, especially in the same context.
Yeah, no shit, Sherlock I'm not entertaining and funny to you. The joke's on you, you mong. Cut the act. You're trying to be this "higher tastes" type of fellow, who just doesn't understand the peasantry that goes on here. "Your mom jokes are just very simplistic in nature and I can't see the purpose in them!"... of course, your grammar would be on the level of a 21-year old chav from Liverpool or a 5th grader (your pick) and it'd also involve you trying to sound even more cuntish.
If you can't realize that a product was objectively successful if it made a truckload of cash over the couple bucks of investment, then you just betray your own cause. I thought you were right wing. Right wingers should understand the basics of business since capitalism is a thing they promote quite heavily. Fuck, like, these are genuinely some of the core ideals of the political views you're pushing on a simple conversation about whether earning money is good or not...It's embarrassing.
if I need to draw n spell out everything for you, then your in position to think that any of your claims are valid and bear any weight - in terms of ill-conceived game development. (just a side note - it's not AnvilNext, as it's been AnvilNext 2.0 for 4.5 years). and, sure rag on metacritic all you want, but skewin' is skewin'. whatever helps you sleep at night. the games are trash, with basic RPG systems as placeholders, just so they can buzz 'the evolution' and 'another take on the formula' over n over. style over substance, Ubi's games are the sheer epitome of that motto, but at least they had some integrity up until just a few years ago;now, they're far from anything worthy of mentioning or be proud of. and you're ok with that? no wonder the world's going to shit.
Yeah, engines get upgraded... Do you really think that Unity's the same bloody Unity? :D
Fuck, read out the update version while you're at it, please. You accuse me of being pedantic, yet here you are, claiming that there's a huge difference between a major updates of AnvilNext. Fuck me, that's just amazing, dude.
But yeah, again, personal preferences are fine. You think that, others don't. You're not objectively correct. You'll never be that. People call Odyssey the Ubisoft's version of The Witcher 3 for crying out loud. So yeah, opinions will differ.
Take a page out of your own book and stop throwing out your opinions then. You're a top-tier hypocrite.
Newsflash bruv, everything is a political issue. . .if you got thoughts on stuffs, you're political, and thus you open up a political issue on the stuffs n fings. but never you mind. be happy with who you are. parrot other ppl's musings. and so shall I, as i'm quite unoriginal, but at the same time so done with yo mightily vocal, pretentious ass. have a good life, if you can muster the strength of actually trying to be a somewhat normal human being.
... do you really think that? Seriously...? No joke, that's fucking sad. With this single paragraph, you just reminded me of myself when I was younger. Fucking everything was politics, everything was about a side and shit. It's an unhealthy way of life and I hope you'll snap out of it at some point. Whether it'll be a quick jolt from some event or just a gradual realization, I hope it'll happen soon. Once you get out of that slump, shit will look better. You'll be way less pessimistic and you'll get angry and random shit.
Do you watch anyone political on Youtube by any chance? That's how I personally got sucked into it. Used to watch shit like Steven Crowder, some of the "skeptic" community and stuff like that. They always seemed to have solid points and so on. But every once in a while, you'd see what they really think. I personally remember this video is where I just looked at it and thought "Yeah, this is some insane conspiracy shit right there...", Link. Didn't help that he did the "Change my Mind" stuff. The issue with a format like that is that you show your true colors immediately. And he did. He pretended to listen to everyone else and give their ideas a shot... he never did. He just had a list of talking points and he only actually cared for broadcasting his ideas. The good thing about that was that most people weren't even crazy fanatics, like I was made to believe. They were almost always pretty relaxed, with a few exceptions. Same went with those skeptic channels. Sometimes they had easy targets and they really excelled. But when tougher situations came up, you saw a lot of bias.. yeah, sorry for rambling.
take care.
Look, I'm obviously being an obnoxious twat here, but fair play to you, you managed to make me actually care.
Take care dude. :)
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It's strange that I am now defending this game, as I have never been a big fan of the series. But I just have to correct a few things here. Odyssey is not a simple reskin of Origins. It has more content than most games. And that's not just filler content, but a lot of really good content. A lot of really good quests. It is one of the very few games that kept me interested for more than a few hours. The last one before that was Divinity 2, the so far only one after that is now Sekiro. So I just can't agree with your assessment of a shallow "full priced expansion" reskin. It's really more than that. And if you look at the Steam user scores (people who actually bought the game) you see that people like the game. Metacritic's score is lower, as you pointed out, but it is obviously influenced by people who don't own the game, but rate it low because they hate Ubisoft. To sum this up: it is a good game, and most people seem to agree with that.
To give a few comparisons why I feel the reskin argument is unfair: did you say stuff like that about Dark Souls 2 or 3? It's the same game, with just a few tweaks, a new map and reskinned enemies, right? Did you say it about Divinity 2? It's also basically the same game. Same mechanics. Just a new map, new story, new NPCs. Did anyone shout "reskin" when those games came out? No, of course not. Because it wasn't published by Ubisoft. ;)
Now, that does not mean I like the microtransactions, all the different editions and the boatload of unnecessary DLC. That stuff should not be in the game, or any game for that matter. But I feel it is important to differentiate between the game itself and the stuff the publisher puts there on top of it. This is not apologetic behaviour, it's simply being honest about different parts of the game. And the game part of the game is pretty good. Even though the MT/DLC part is horrible and shouldn't exist (can savely be ignored, though). But that's no reason to act as if the game was bad. We should be able to criticise those seperately.
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how about grind for the upgrade materials and lvl requirements for areas, bosses, events? either that or buy your way around them so you wouldn't have to actually play the damn game as it's boring as hell and the only saving grace of it is story, and maybe new combat mechanics, even tho they're both far from fully actualized and matured. and in reality it's made in such a way to make you crave the 'timesavers'. the gatekeeping is abysmal, going forward from Unity and the new engine. it's quite disappointing and a missed opportunity. but it is what it is. can't see them backing down from this path. they'll milk it for all its worth.
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how about grind for the upgrade materials and lvl requirements for areas, bosses, events?
It's like it's an RPG...
the only saving grace of it is story
It's like it's an RPG...
and maybe new combat mechanics
So you're happy with the entire gameplay loop of storydump and combat? Yeah, sounds the game was shit then.
going forward from Unity and the new engine.
Hmm, I don't know if I should burst your bubble or not... It's always been the same engine, AnvilNext.
can't see them backing down from this path.
Yeah, nothing shows that you're a good businessman than ignoring the market demand and changing up everything for no reason!
they'll milk it for all its worth.
You're probably right about that. Ubisoft's notorious for milking shit so much that people feel repulsed by it.
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Hah! I made the same mistake at first. Happy it's Origins and not Odyssey.
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So did I. Now I got AC Odyssey for free from there and now AC Origins from humble bundle. I now have all the AC games in my library.
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Definitely an account link required. It looks like they started with a key and quickly switched. Did it last time too except it took them longer to switch then.
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None of the resellers are supposed to sell uPlay keys. This is to stop the secondary key market. From what I gleaned about the situation, they are still allocated keys but are supposed to use the API's to automatically activate them on the customers uPlay accounts so the customers never see those keys. They don't want 100k AC Origins keys going onto the second hand key market and hurting their future product sales.
It's annoying for me because I don't like to link any of my accounts but have to link them if I want to get these games in bundles. On the plus side, in theory we should get better bundled games if they can't find their way onto the key reseller market. Whether it actually pans out that way is a different matter. If I wrote video games for a living then I would prefer the uPlay system to Steam keys. There is no way in hell that I would want a whole bunch of bundled keys out there unless I had given up on the game.
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I'd hope not too many gamers would buy into this way of doing things .
It's bad enough when you buy a hard copy of a game these days and you don't even get a disc or if you get a disc you can't play it coz it needs a 30gb update before it will start.
I bough Doom a while back and it was just a game code on a piece of paper and some stupid tiny collectors patch that you could sew on your jacket.
I mean i can't imagine any collector being happy with that.
Now they're trying to take away the game codes too.
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From a consumer point of view, it stinks. The problem is that people are buying bundles like the Humble monthly and then selling off the keys at a later date as standalone products so they compete with the game makers. I don't like it but I understand why they are doing it.
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Yes, the option was there for me to gift to a friend.
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If this was a steam key, I would buy it straight away as I do want to play AC: Origins though. With it being uplay, its thrown a slight spanner in the works but I will probably still get this!
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This is true. I just prefer having it on my steam account. The spanner in the works is quite small.
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Origins has Steam achievements unlike most other Ubisoft games. It may not mean much to some but will be a significant point in favour of Steam for others.
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So, you mean it is like with the Rockstar games, where Steam also acts like a glorified launcher that launches ROckstar Social which in turns finally starts the game… but people still want the Steam one since Social mirrors the achievements on the Steam account?
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Yes. Playing on STeam will unlock both the Steam and the Uplay achievements but if you play the Uplay version first and then later get the game on Steam you'll have to replay it to get the Steam achievements.
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I must say, the fact that it's a Uplay key is a bit of a letdown. Still a great deal, I probably get it anyway.
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True, bought Origins and Odyssey, both Gold, during xmas Steam sale with 50-60% off and after 300h+ in total it was the best buy in a while.
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Bought it from Serbia, Europe. Got this:
Not available in:
So I think that's EU only.
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Thank you very much! I think the AU probably won't work on BR...
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I seriously don't see the problem with it being a Uplay key, so I'm totally buying the May monthly bundle
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Wait there's boss battles in AC now? What happened to 'here's a guy to kill and it'll be challenging to sneak in and get to him'? Boss battles seem like a lazy way out of making it challenging. I enjoyed the sneaking and climbing to get around guards in some large complex.
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Origins and Odyssey - to a greater extent - are much more similar to The Witcher 3 than old AC games tbh. Both still have stealth and it's the best way to deal with enemies, but there are now quests/side-quests and they've re-done combat from scratch.
I prefer this new AC, but it's personal choice.
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I didn't expect to say this (ever), but I kind of hyped for the times when I get a new PC - for some AC games. I played some of 2nd a long time ago but as I wanted to do every stupid side-activity, it took too much time and I got uninterested ( bought it recently from a proper source). That was the last one I played 3 had its troubles, 4 was super praised, then Unity (?) just murdered the whole series for me.
Later Syndicate got interesting with the setting, then Origins (and Odyssey) reworks got me interested a whooole lot. Egypt okay, Greece is awesome. They dropped the yearly releases, they dropped the unchanging gameplay, and BAM - suddenly I'm more interested in AC games than ever :D
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The game has its ups and downs. It's a grind after you reach lvl 30. The game forces you to do side-quests and clear some camps or else you gonna be too weak and unable to progress. The fact that he was getting insta-killed by snakes is definitely a indication that he needs to farm some xp. Honestly, it's my least favorite part of the game. It was clearly designed to induce the player to buy boosters.
Can one finish the gamewithout it? Sure, but it's just not as fun.
Other than that, I think it's a solid game. Definitely a 7-8.
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The fact that he was getting insta-killed by snakes is definitely a indication that he needs to farm some xp.
Snakes can two-shot you even at max level with the best items.
Snakes, man. Snakes.
It was clearly designed to induce the player to buy boosters.
No, it was actually designed so that you clear all the zones. If you don't want to do that, you're playing the wrong game.
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I honestly don't remember Origins that well. It's been a while, but I don't remember being so easily killed by snakes.
You should be able to finish any game without doing a single side-mission. If you can't, it's because the devs want you to grind or give up and buy boosters. Origins is more geared towards the second choice because of how steep the grind is. There is a video on youtube where the guy use boosters and is able to always be at the correct lvl to start the next main quest - which is impossible without boosters. It doesn't happen by chance. It was balanced for those people who buy boosters.
Overall, it's not a bad game. I enjoyed it a lot,especially the setting (Egypt is amazing) and the story. However, it would have been better if the had balanced the game with non-booster players in mind.
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Yes. Not everyone has time to do everything a game has to offer, but everyone who bought a game is entitled to being able to finish that game without doing side-content. Those who do find the time to finish all of it are rewarded with being stronger than all NPCs, which is a great feeling, if you ask me.
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the bad thing about that is that you end up doing the same boring, pointless missions over and over rarely contributing to the main history.
I have 113 hours played and instead of being FUN it is a PAIN (I keep playing it because I want 100% achievements) :(
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I read all other comments and can't disagree. I loved AC3 and Black Flag but now with bosses soon it will became God of War
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was thinking about these 12 bucks. not interested in AC (guessin it won't run here) and unsubscribed Monthly ages ago.
still: very tempted, and more than before, to subscribe. plus, quite sure Humble will reveal some other goodies, next days.
like, it's the perfect time to jump on Monthly wagon
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The good thing is probably they will give promotion (i hope $100 for a year sub) for fixing the lack of interest
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Played it not too long ago and AC Origins is a grind. You can't just do the main missions without being horribly underleveled and getting your ass kicked. Therefore, you are forced to do all these side missions that spread all over the place and will give you minimal exp. Then you have to grind for mats to upgrade your weapons which is another issue since you either have to raid a caravan that has the mats you need or look for the right animals to get the proper skin/leather. The whole thing has a very mmo-ish feel to it which might be a turn off for peeps who are not used to such gameplay. For those who think you can stealth through the game without worrying about levelling, that is a nonstarter. It only takes about ~2 lvls under for your stealth kill to only do some damage to the npc (degree of damage depends if it is a mini-boss or not).
The ZP review pretty much highlights all the issues that the game has. If they are not that big of a deal for you, then you'll probably have an alright time. Otherwise you can safely skip it. Story is okay and I've already forgotten how this one relates to the convoluted overarching narrative of the AC series.
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You can't just do the main missions without being horribly underleveled and getting your ass kicked. Therefore, you are forced to do all these side missions that spread all over the place and will give you minimal exp.
If you don't enjoy the zone clearing playstyle, you should steer clear of Ubi open world games.
There's a definite target demographic for these though, and over here we buy them near full price ever since they added Steam Achievements (which all other UPlay-y games lack).
TL;DR: A lot of people like it, a lot of people dislike it, and that's fine.
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I actually love Ubi games but this one just felt like a lazy mmo. I've played every AC but the newest one and most of their other games as well (though mostly on consoles). The side missions weren't even that interesting and felt like filler.
Thank god the added auto drive to the horses since I just put it on between destinations and went to get a drink/washroom/etc.
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But why would you do that?
You can do the same in World of Warcraft, make a new character with a max level shortcut (though I think only one such 'voucher' is given out for an expansion purchase).
There's also a new game plus in AC:O, while at it - though I haven't played that, seeing how I feel it's very contrary to the zone clearing / completion idea of the game.
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It sounds like they continued on with my least favourite (read: most hated) parts of Black Flag. Going around killing things to get resources for upgrades is boring. If I wanted a crafting game I'd play a crafting game. I'm here for a stealth/assassination/free-running game.
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They should've done an Assassin's Creed bundle instead of this, I own Origins Gold Edition already so that's a no from me.
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HB already had an AC bundle. That along with Project Stream and XBL is how I accumulated all of them, either free or as part of a bundle.
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I'm missing the ones in between Black Flag and Origin though ^^
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I see. The 2017 AC HB didn't include AC Black Flag, AC Syndicate, AC Revelations, AC Rogue and the newer games AC Origins and AC Odyssey.
Aside from the AC PC HB, Ubisoft also gave away a free copy of AC III PC version, during the anniversary celebration giveaway a few years ago.
I got AC Black Flag, Revelations, Rogue and AC Syndicate for free with my XBL games with gold sub, Uplay PC versions of AC Odyssey via Project Stream and finally AC Origins in the May HB which completes my collection.
However despite having it already on Xbox One, I did decide to buy AC Black Flag Complete Edition(steam key) as well on PC separately at an ongoing sale on Amazon a few years ago. This same key automatically redeemed for Uplay so that I added the game to my Uplay library as well.
My guess is that XBL will be giving out eventually AC Origins and AC Odyssey in a few years as well.
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Yes I bought the Complete Gold Edition PC steam key(with all the dlcs) from Amazon awhile ago on a sale, but since any Uplay game installed on steam needs the Uplay launcher to authenticate it(double DRM), I also automatically redeemed Black Flag on Uplay as well where it is listed as owned. However when I do try to play AC Black Flag on the Uplay launcher(instead of on steam) it opens up the game on steam to authenticate the keys first before launching the game.
All of my other AC games are on Uplay(single DRM) so I only need to click the icon of the game on the Uplay launcher to start it.
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AC: Origins has Ubisoft's region locks.
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From SEA it shows the following list: BD BN BT HK ID IN KH LA MN MO MY NP PH SG TH TW VN (does not include EMEA countries)
🎮 Games:
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