Purchase the MAY 2019 Monthly Bundle!

A curated bundle of games sent to your inbox every month. When you subscribe, you'll immediately receive ASSASSIN'S CREED® ORIGINS (Uplay) with more to come and enjoy 10% off in the Humble Store!

View this bundle on: ITAD - Barter.vg - Lestrades

📅 Important dates

  • 💳 April 26th, 2019: AUTOCHARGE DATE (for subscribers only)

  • 📆 May 3rd, 2019: Bundle release date: (first Friday of every month)
  • April 5th, 2019: The April Monthly Bundle cannot be bought any more. You will therefore NOT receive that bundle by purchasing this one!

⚠️ Region lock ⚠️

AC: Origins has Ubisoft's region locks.
They're pretty blurry and mixed, so I am not sure what to list here. But for example, we have roughly the following regions:

  • NA: US territories including Puerto Rico and American Samoa as well as Canada
  • South America
  • CIS
  • SEA (+ Europe? + Africa? + Middle-east countries?)

From EU it shows the following list: AG, AI, AM, AN, AR, AS, AW, AZ, BB, BD, BL, BM, BN, BO, BQ, BR, BS, BT, BU, BY, BZ, CA, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CW, DM, DO, EC, FK, GD, GE, GS, GT, GY, HK, HN, HT, ID, IN, IR, JM, KG, KH, KN, KP, KY, KZ, LA, LC, MD, MM, MN, MO, MS, MX, MY, NI, NP, PA, PE, PH, PR, PY, RU, SG, SR, SS, SV, SX, SY, TC, TH, TJ, TM, TT, TW, UA, US, UY, UZ, VC, VE, VG, VI, VN, XK
From SEA it shows the following list: BD BN BT HK ID IN KH LA MN MO MY NP PH SG TH TW VN (does not include EMEA countries)

🎮 Games:


Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
Wandersong 98% of 293 🏆    Giveaways    W M 0 $19.99
Finding Paradise 98% of 6207 🏆    Giveaways    W M L 1 $9.99
Monster Prom 88% of 2125 🏆    Giveaways    W M L 0 $11.99
The Journey Down: Chapter Three 89% of 151 -    Giveaways    W M L 0 $19.99
Do Not Feed the Monkeys 92% of 1258 🏆    Giveaways    W M L 0 $11.99
I’m not a Monster 84% of 217 - 🏆    Giveaways    W 1 $12.99

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Battle Edition leaked for June Monthly

Reddit thread

💸 Subscription + Bonuses

  1 Month 3 Months 6 Months 12 Months*
Per month $12 $11.67 $11.17 $11
Total $12 $35 $67 $132

* bonuses are often offered for this type of promotion
In some regions, a sale tax is applied (example)

Subscriber bonuses (for all the above subscription types): 10% discount on the Humble Store, shareable with a friend
Past bonuses for new subscribers: $99 for an annual subscription (expired); Parhfinder: Kingmaker for an annual subscription (expired), Kingdom Come: Deliverance for a 3 months subscription (expired), 12 months for only $99 (expired), buy 12 months and get $40 Humble Store credit (expired)

💡 Humble original: Once Upon A Crime In The West

It all started on Christmas Day, when The Old Sheriff of New Town was murdered. In the days that followed, several dangerous strangers would make their way to the Mount Inn, an isolated shelter on the mountain path between New Town and Old Town, and kill each other.
Youtube video

📝 Note about referrals

SteamGifts by default modifies all Fanatical.com, HumbleBundle.com, GamersGate.com links from all threads, adding the SteamGifts referral code. Whenever a user click or shares a link to one of the sites listed above, SteamGifts will earn a commission.
By using these reflinks, SteamGifts will receive $10 for new subscribers, 5% of Humble Store sales, 15% for bundles via the Humble Partner Program.
If you prefer, you can disable referral links from your settings panel.

📖 Informative links

Rachel's Q+A
Master thread of ongoing bundles!


🐰 Thanks to luckz for helping with the poll!

5 years ago*

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View Results
[Recurring subscription] Keep Calm and wait till your subscription runs out.
[New Subscription] The Easter Humble Bunny laid some really good eggs this month. How can one resist owning AC Origins?
[Maybe subscribe] Hmmmm should I make my wallet happy this month? Or should I make myself happy?
[Cancelling / Pausing subscription] The Spring Cleanup made me realize that my backlog is too big as it is. There are better games than these that are worth my time.
[Non-subscriber, will not buy] Hey IGN, is that a joke? April Fool’s Day was a while ago...
[Didn't subscribe, and regret it] I should have put my money into this instead of those Fanatical Mystery bundles...
[Complain] O-M-G, UPlay games again. Next up, Epic Games Store.

I actually liked most of the games here, but I'm not a Monster? REALLY? The game that's been free and bundled several times? Flipping heck, HB.

5 years ago

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yeah, i think i've got it for free?? was it from beta or something

5 years ago

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steam every once in a while does Free on Demand games for a day or 2. this was one of them previously

5 years ago

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Finding Paradise would have been good... if Indiegala didn't also bundle it before this :P

5 years ago

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I'm honestly pretty happy with this one. I used the "come back to us and save $3" coupon they sent and for $9, I would have been happy with just AC Origins (which needs UPlay anyway so I don't care about not having it on Steam). But I ended up redeeming Wandersong, Finding Paradise (huge fan of this dev's other work), and Do Not Feed the Monkeys. I might redeem the Journey Down Part 3, but I wanna actually play 1 and see if it's my fancy.

5 years ago

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I must say that I am a tad disappointed; the games themselves are decently intriguing, but the overall "perceived" value looks a bit weak to me.

But I suppose complaining would make me a hypocrite, having criticized people being spoiled before - it's still a nice chunk of fun content for a low price.

5 years ago

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true, some of it are in the "POSITIVE" review and even in my wishlist, but it's pretty weak game selection.
pretty obvious, especially if the unlocked game is pretty big deal (even though on uplay)
still a good bargain just for origin though

now onto next monthly, now that's gonna be sick, literally sick ie BAD
i dont mind NOT STEAM game, but MP only, especially plagued with micro-bs, no thanks

5 years ago

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Yeah, again, the games are fine, just nothing to make me go "Wow!". Definitely more... "Decent, passion-project games".

If this was 2012 or something I'd welcome MW3, but yeah... Not even the usual movie-like SP campaign? Microtransaction BS? Not on Steam?
Only if I was REALLY into CoD, but that train has long gone...

5 years ago

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what a crap bundle :(

5 years ago

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check this month bundle

5 years ago

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at least I passed on this months, I had hoped last month would be better, only two games I liked... oh well

5 years ago

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vaya bassura de ubundle...xDD

5 years ago

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4 wishlisted, 1 interesting, 2 owned games, awesome!

5 years ago

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damn it tried to get last month's bundle but ended up with this one :(

5 years ago

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All of the games shown today aren't bad per se, just very underwhelming, but I kind of figured this was going to be the case when Wondersong was selected as an early reveal. Take away Assassins Creed Origins and to me it feels like it would be, an extremely good Indiegala bundle.

5 years ago*

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Indiegala is far away from a bundle like this, they have 3-4 bundles a year which are decent enough to be considered a buy for someone who just don't want exponentially bigger library.

5 years ago

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I agree that IG doesn't have many good bundles, but I disagree that this without Assassin's Creed Origin is far away from a bundle you would see on IG. It's common on IG to see an indie bundle that includes an RPG Maker game(Finding Paradise), a Dating Sim(Monster Prom), a point and click game(The Journey Down: Chapter Three), and a game that was given away for free(I'm Not A Monster) all in the same bundle where in the HB monthly not so much. As I mentioned I also think this would be an extremely good bundle on IG. This definitely isn't a common thing there.

5 years ago*

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For me it is closer to a Fanatical bundle than IG but I see your point in a way :)
But I am still okey with not pausing this month since there are games I wanted to buy in it :)

The next month on the other hand I don't see why we don't get Zombies as well O.o

5 years ago

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You could definitely swap out Fanatical for IG if you wanted to, it works either way. I know you get what I'm saying :)

As far as Black Ops 4 goes I agree it should be included and there's a good chance it may by the time all is said and done. My guess is HB marketing is choosing not to list it right now just to see if it can meet the projected bundle sales without it. If it doesn't do well then they will more than likely add it along with another game as early reveals.

TBH if Activision's data shows that the majority of people who buy Black Ops 4 buys the Standard Edition or that the people who purchase the Battle Edition end up upgrading to the Black Ops Pass Activision may feel that there's no reason to include it as people more than likely would by it.

5 years ago*

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I always buy based on the unlocks so I'm not disappointed. This one was really touch and go because I wasn't too impressed with Origins. Wow, the rest of the bundle is pure trash for me. Not my cup of tea at all. For once I am actually regretting buying it. If I was over the moon with Origins then it wouldn't be so bad.

5 years ago

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Wow, what a letdown of a bundle this is. I didn't pause the sub so my fault. June looks even worse, now I did cancel the sub.

5 years ago*

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Well i regret not buying it Do not feed the monkeys and wandersong are in my future buy list and Origins would be a plus

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

5 years ago

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I agree. I like games that have more "gameplay" this monthly was full of point & click games with little to no gameplay at all. (Finding Paradise, Monster Prom, Journey Down, Do Not Feed the Monkeys) + I'm Not a Monster requires multiple people to play, can't play solo.

Also doesn't help that I detest point & click adventure games, and already own AC Origins on Steam.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

5 years ago

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only regret came from this bundle. I really tried to like anything, but I ended up regreting in every single try.

5 years ago

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Does anybody know if it's possible to sell Assassin's Creed® Origins as a Humble gift?

5 years ago

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It should be. There is a 'gift link' option next to the link to your uplay one

5 years ago

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Thanks, this button I saw as well. But I remember it wasn't possible to sell Division some months ago.

5 years ago

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Hm I don't know where you saw that but I was able to make my Division 1 from February 2019 Humble Monthly into a giftlink fine

5 years ago

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