There's no official 95% rule. It's left at the discretion of the bundler, and if he decides it should be bundled, it's bundled.
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Games may also be added to the bundle list if they're available for free during a promotion, or if they're highly discounted in a sale.
Isn't it enough ?
95% is the usual cut off but it's just a rule of thumb.
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I still think they could give some head room there seeing how RUS is now on lock down it is pretty hard to exploit game prices when things are locked they way they are.Also it easy to farm cv still because of bundles,and indie gala and happy hour,i mean i am at level 3 with just mostly bundle GA,and i would be a lot higher if i could afford to buy a lot more bundles then i do.Though to be honest i do not really care about CV i am just saying that they need to not allow cv for bundles if they want to avoid farming cv i see plenty with high CV because of buying cheap bundles.
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Like i said in that case no CV for bundles because they can be exploited just as easy most bundles in Indie Gala can be had on happy hour and most of them usually can be had for 1.00 and if the bundle is worth say even 100 dollars you will still get about 10 dollars or so of CV for money spent and some of those bundles full price is 200 and over for a couple bucks.
So tell me what is easier and safer?Risking a ban for making fake ga and cv boosting or fake groups to do it....or use bundles to raise cv legit without worrying about being caught because your not breaking rules
Like i said i could care less about cv count,but that does not mean i do not think this is fair to those who do not break the rules and have to pay more because here in the U.S the game is not 95% off during the sale and some places will pay even more then we do like AUS.Just like with DRM usually the ones who get it legit suffer more then those who are not legit.
So if i could buy 7 bundles for 1.00 that are worth 100 and i get 10 or so cv for each bundle,i could spend 7 bucks and get about the same CV and i will not break any rules or get banned for it .
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Indie Gala can be had on happy hour and most of them usually can be had for 1.00
Not on happy hour. Well, you can buy the $1 tier and get a handful of games worth nowhere near the $100 that you mentioned, but you won't partake of the happy hour "deal", for that you need to beat a certain price, which is generally raised during happy hour. I don't think I've ever seen a bundle where the $1 tier has been $100.
Risking a ban for making fake ga and cv boosting or fake groups to do it...
No-one ever talked about fake GAs, games are handed out. There is no way for support to check if the copy you gave were region restricted or not though.
So if i could buy 7 bundles for 1.00 that are worth 100 and i get 10 or so cv for each bundle,i could spend 7 bucks and get about the same CV and i will not break any rules or get banned for it .
So with the above in mind, what you said here does not really hold true.
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as I always say, there's no rule about bundle. anything can be bundled any time by any reason, including being marked retroactively.
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so to talk clear... people that isnt russians...are paying more because that rule? o ...thx lord puttin xD
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Just getting less CV for the money. And everyone, but yes. Yay for regional pricings and that we can't have a simply, clear, up to date system. It's getting quite meh when weeks later something gets bundled because if you would have been checking the action currency rations then it was a LOT cheaper in russia. Apparently the 95% itself also not general, so... don't buy stuff over 80% discount if you plan to give it away for CV.
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Wow, I think they should try to keep things like that off the list more than tossing it on, because lets be honest here...
On the bundle list in cases like this = less ROW Give aways, which means less chances for everyone. Because enough people DO care about their CV.
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That's too easy to bypass. You just need to make group giveaways were everyone in the group is Russian, and not mark the giveaway as region-restricted. This is how people used to bypass the "no region-restricted giveaways" rule.
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It might be because the bigger part of the bundle is bundled? I know a bundle pack gets bundled when majority of it gets bundled.
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I was debating on whether to keep the game or do a GA for it........was.
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Russian sale price + stackable coupon from Alienware arena
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Why ist the Russia price eligible to decide how high is discount? For example I gave away Wolfenstein DE Edition some months ago. Which is completely different from the ROW Version and also has it own ID. It never had such a high discount. It is the wrong way to calculate this way.
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Well this has nothing to do with this, but you actually made a fake giveaway there.
You should have given away the ROW version as the DE isn't available to be given away here.
You actually can't be disappointed about this, as you didn't give away the right game in the first place.
edit: will I ever learn this language ? ._.
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Yea, the system lacks the ability to choose non-US-Steam-Store-Games ... sad about it, as some games cannot be activated here so there is a need to give away localized version. If you want to give, of course.
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Well, If I want, I'd buy a version from a ROW seller and give that away here.
I'd also like to give away the DE version as I think it's still a cool gift for people who like to have something special in their libraries, but unfortunately it's only activatable in germany. And as we can't make region restricted giveaways for germany, I can't make one.
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I disagree :) If I want to give away a DE version then I give it away in a DE group ...
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That would be okay if it had the same ID and if it's just a region-restricted version - like a game you bought on RUS+CIS store. You would have restricted it to a german group, where winner doesn't get a problem with activation errors. this would be totally fine.
But you also said that the DE version has another ID - another entry in the library. You are well aware that this is another game.
It is like giving away... Deus Ex: Directors Cut but labeling it as Deus Ex - Original, which are basically the same game but both are different games and are handled different. also in cv stats I think!?
The thing is: you received cv for another game, and what is even worse is, that the winner doesn't have the game in it's library, thus he's commiting an infritction to the site rules.
This can lead to suspension of the winner.
So as this actually doesn't have anything to do with this topic about evil within I shorten this:
You were initially arguing that you'll now receive less cv and that it's not fair because you actually gave a away different game that hasn't received such harsh price decreases.
You could now go forth an open ticket and ask support if they would add Wolfenstein TNO to the giveaway list, and that you want to change your Wolfenstein GA to the right ID.
That would help your winner, and you may also keep your CV, as the german version may not be considered "bundled".
Doesn't that sound awesome?
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No it doesn't. The problem is, I contacted support and opened a ticket months ago but they told me that they can't change ID to others than from the US store. So I would wonder if it leads to suspension.
Conclusion: the CV system lacks equality in some cases. And: it's not about loosing CV in general. I don't care but just wanted to give an example where CV system is not applicable. And, in addition, I also cannot understand why Russian store is used to measure how high the discount is. This isn't logical as products are often not available to others including US people and vice versa.
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No. I think it is a kind of philosophical topic if a gave away another game than I said. They are aware of the "problem" and did't see a problem within the ticket.
And: when I created GA I didn't realize the "wrong" game behind the link to steam.
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Well I don't really understand what philosophical topic in this case means. I just stop here.
I just wanted to make you aware that this site has rules, and that I also like to give away games that aren't in the giveaway list - but I can't, because that would mean I break those rules.
And as long this site doesn't support to give away the games I want, I have to give these games away WITHOUT the use of this site.
Which you should have done, too in that case.
Please label the games correctly that you give away in the future. Or don't give them away here.
Edit to your AND: jeah, well I thought you may still don't know that, so I thought I let you know
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OK, stop here, you're right.
One last thing: I can't be the people's task to check the ID when they create a GA. This would go way too far.
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hm, now i've done the calculations. Putting rb to euro, it is 95,588%. Maybe I misscalculated.
285rub = 4.07 € and the price of the game is 79.98€
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check this , Wolfenstein: The New Order and The Evil Within Bundle added
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"u can buy 10 games 60 usd each and u will get zero cv once these games go on sale or will be a part of humble bundle " - wrong, if you give them away before they gets bundled or high sale, you'll keep your $60.
You won't keep it if publisher decided game is now worth in normal price $40, or $20.
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The Evil Within Bundle: The Evil Within + Season Pass
In RU-region price 285p. = $4.31
It costs $80 in USA.
$4.31 from $80
Only 94.6125% discount.
94.6% < 95%
Is it mistake in bundle list or why was it bundled?
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