I play both, and you're simply being a snob. The two games are different, and there are things which LoL does better than DOTA 2. Personally, I wouldn't say that either one is "better" than the other.
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There goes a one sided opinion. Are you even aware of the fact people can have an opinion that differs to your one? Perhaps your brain is to slow to comprehend?
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Says the human being incapable of debating two sides of an argument. Good job retard, your parents must be so proud of raising a human being with a single brain cell. Under what assumption am I a "Lol" player, is it because you cannot comprehend the fact that I offended you because your argument is one sided? Just for a fact I play neither, because I dislike MOBA games. Doesn't mean I go around throwing my opinion into people's faces.
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"Incapable" Using big words there for such a puny brain. There is nothing to deny. You are literally embarrassing yourself at this point.
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Nope once again, your intellect presents itself in an abomination-al way. You should really look up the definition of "Denial". Here is a tip use Google, its a good way to start education for sub-human beings like you.
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Being a LoLtard, you evidently don't even understand the concept of denials. Not only is that absolutely fucking hilarious, but you then proceed to use made up words after bitching about ME supposedly not understanding what denial means. GJ LOLTARD!
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I dont play "Lol" nor "Dota". They are not made up words, your vocabulary is clearly limited to 150 words at max. That's not denial that's a fact, please get your shit together. Your intelligence as mention before is clearly on a sub-human level, is it literally that hard for you to comprehend people can have an opinion that differs to yours?
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Both LoL and Dota suck. I was playing Dota from the beggining (and the Aeon of Strife map), and then I started playing LoL as well since around to 3 years ago, and I played the Dota 2 Beta (thankfully I won a key, and then 25 more...), and I can guarantee you that they suck nonetheless. Even the last map of Dota was totally unbalanced and unfair in many ways, as for Dota 2... Sniper, just that. LoL, well... What exactly is the main point of it anyways? It's full of damn luck, and I struggled to get in Diamond I. Dota 2 though is by far the worst of them... Seriously, they didn't even improve it, they destroyed it... I would love if they made a Pudge wars or tower defense, these maps had more fun than dota. Vampirism would be the best though. But Dota? No, it's just a game for "pro gamers", though a professional gamer doesn't play for money, and that's why real pros can be bad players.
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Does that make you a "Loltard"? You clearly said "Loltards" cannot use Google. Since you don't know the meaning of the word "Denial" and you can't use Google, to me you are deprived as a Loltard, go ahead and spend some riot points, you gotta get that champion dont you?
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Oooo might not be too high since your ping is pretty low compared to the average players that have about 70-100 ping
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I get 160-200 playing on NA. You could try using pingtest.net and select a server in Los Angeles.
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Yes alright :3 but if you ever want to play on NA you can tell me.
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gave up on lol been playing since before season one but community killed it for me everyone is blaming others and ragequiting and picking champs we don't need... terrible
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Yes they should implement a system similar to WoW's dungeon finder
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RTS games always have evolving metagames and MOBAs are no exception, and players should also not be forced into playing with a certain strategy. This would force people to follow a specific playstyle in soloqueue, as well as running into the same abuse that automatic group finders do in every game (example: select Jungle as your role for a shorter queue time, then insist on playing Mid after you get into the game). It would also slow queue times to a crawl which does not suit the flow of the game.
The problems there are now are nothing compared to the problems such a system would cause.
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yea it's not game system that needs to change it's people attitude
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Every LoL player I know says: "LoL is a free to play game and no need to use money to." But I don't know ANYONE who hasn't used money to it. Their logic fails so hard... :P
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Duh. They chose to spend money. not all chose that path bro.
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Well I don't know any of the second path walkers, so MY friends can't say that it's f2p.
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Well, the only thing i see you could spen your money, is on skins, and you don't need to, so yes, itas a f2p game and you just spend because you like not because its a p2p
BTW, doata is f2p now, but he was p2p before and it would still p2p if they didn't need to spam copys to give it for free you know... So please, don't even compare DotA to LOL.
LOL never spamed copys to get players ^^
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Yes, robbing a bank is also legal if you go in there and say: This gun us legally mine, this is not a robbery, I suggest you to give your money, but
only if you want to. They have made the game that everyone wants too buy, the only thing stopping you is yourself. Sooner or later you probably will. Actually there were 30000 free dota keys freely to take on many websites. All you had to do was google. Dota is a rising community and time by time, dota has more players than LoL. Dota 2 super league will also be streamed on TV in Sweden. LoL will be left to second place, just a matter of time. I bet, you will live now in denial and not accept it before it has happened. I'd bet, that will happen in a year. Have a nice day!
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I spent $15 and I must say IT IS A RIP OFF like when u buy champs but I like the skins tho... I was pretty new so I wasted 975 on jayce lol
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i dont get why people smurf? i got 1 account, created another but got bored at lvl 6
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Lol I created mine to play games with my new friends but they couldn't go on yesterday and plus 2-3 out of 5 players in the lower levels are smurfs so I can't really stomp anyone
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Well we can play on my level 30 if u want lol I just want to practice fizz since I only have it on my level 14 now
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Denying, river runes, nonmandatory jungling, actual carries, no changing of the game every 3 weeks with a balance patch, more varied hero design, controllable minions, no hidden stat modifiers (masteries and runes in lol are the most stupid thing for a competitive game when the same champ can have different setups that you cant see while in game)
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I definitely understand why people like LoL, I wish people would stop fighting about it too. I picked Dota 2 over LoL because it looks nicer, in my opinion it's more balanced, I like having all of my heroes from the start, and the hidden stat modifiers seem really dumb to me. That being said League is way easier for people to get into because it's all very streamlined and nice, extremely noob friendly too. Can't we just let people choose the game they want to play? (Besides my friends, assholes won't play dota with me.)
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While "hidden stats" can seem dumb for you, I have to say I like them. The mindgame that ensures during ranked games, what matchup you expect to play, how you set up your runes and masteries for that lane matchup adds flavor to the game. You may expect a lot of harass from a magic damage based lane opponent, you can set up a magic resist based rune page for it.
It's a sort of pre-game "itemization", that allows for some clever decisions going into the game.
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No, just because you enjoy a fucking game that doesn't mean the other sucks. I personally like Dota 2 more, but I also play league if I want to. Both games are entirely different from each other if you didn't notice.
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damn, cause of the "xD" in the title, I thought you're asking if there are players between 10 - 15 years.
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Play with your account and leave low level players alone. Smurfs accounts are pathetic.
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Stop comparing lol and dota 2, it's offensive. (for dota)
Lol is arcade garbage without any depth, i played both long enough to judge it.
90% LoL players wouldn't be able to do anything with Invoker, this 1 champion is harder to play / master than all LoL champions alltogether.
Also LoL is pay2win unless you can grind hundreds of hours to get runes/rune pages/champs.
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You must know. Like I give a fuck about someone who's best argument is "smurfs sux & lol sux".
Go hump your pillow instead.
The whole elitist attitude where you guys think that a game is better because it has a couple champions which are harder to play, spells DUMB for me, with capital letters.
Not to mention even League has complicated champions with 6-7 skills in their kits.
Go and play Jayce, or Elise.
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Jeez, that Jayce sure sounds complicated. Even Troll Warlord looks more complex.
Why would call it stupid to say heroes with a higher skill ceiling are "stupid", and then in the exact same post try to boast your shitty game has such heroes in it (it doesn't btw)?
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Land the Shock Blast through acceleration gate consistently, and I'll say you are good. Otherwise you can shut the fuck up.
I call it stupid because I personally don't find Jayce more fun or better, just because it has 3 more skills at his disposal/can shift stances.
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If you're playing alone Dota 2 has a matchmaker that pairs you with other people playing alone. It's much easier and i gets you a lot better for when you do play with your friends.
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Not all Dota 2 players are like that. Check out r/dota2, there's plenty of Dota 2 players there that welcome former LoL players/people who want to play Dota 2 alongside LoL, while LoL bashing is frowned upon usually...unless you mention Pendragon or Riot attempting to block pro teams playing other eSports if they wanted to play LoL.
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I want to play with my smurf account which is level 13 using Fizz :3 so does anyone want to play? As long as you're not level 20+
Oh look I'm level 14 now lol
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