I've been looking at getting older gangster games and am wondering what the forum users here recommend? Some of these are quite expensive as they've been removed from Steam so it really only makes sense to buy a physical copy. Even then they carry a hefty price...

I'm considering:

  1. Mafia 1 (removed from Steam)
  2. The Godfather 1 (removed from Steam)
  3. The Godfather 2 (removed from Steam)
  4. Scarface
8 years ago

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8 years ago

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That's too bad. I haven't played the games before, but they looked fun.

Hadn't thought of Sleeping Dogs. That one has looked fun as well.

Thank you for the suggestions! :)

8 years ago

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I can't speak for the other games, but the first Godfather game is ok. You are a new member of the crime family and work your way up. That means that characters from the movie give you missions, some of which are related to the movie. for example, there's a stealth mission where you go with Tom Hagan to California, you need to sneak into the mansion, kill the horse, sever its head, and put it in the movie producer's bed
It's a fun game. Just don't overpay for it.

8 years ago

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I can find used copies for around $11-13. Does that seem reasonable?

8 years ago

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Depends on how much you wanna play a gangsta game.

I played The Godfather way back. It was kind of repetitive at the end.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the feedback. It looks fun, but sometimes these games can start to be repetitive. Seems like a good amount of playtime for it, though.

8 years ago

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not bad. as giftasaurus said, whether that's reasonable depends on you. According to howlongtobeat, it takes 14 hours to beat the main story, 27 if you're a completionist. I went for the main story and extras. As giftasaurus said, it gets repetitive toward the end, so I'd value it on par with a 10 hour game (20 hour complete)

Note: I only played the Wii version. don't know if the PC version is different

8 years ago

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That's a good amount of playtime. That makes the price seem more worth it versus a really quick or dull from the beginning experience. I realize "dull" and "fun" are all relative terms, but it seems like it offers a good amount of content for that price. :)

8 years ago

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I don't know what I can safely say. But suffice to say that I quit being a game programmer after I worked on the PC port of the first Godfather game because I didn't want my name associated with it.

8 years ago

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Really? Did you work with/for EA? :)

8 years ago

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Yeah, a studio called Headgate Studios. It was a great studio, and I really enjoyed working with my co-workers. I always joked that I'd quit if they sold to EA instead of just contracting for them, and the very next month after I quit they were acquired by EA and renamed to EA Utah. They thought I'd somehow figured out that they were being acquired before it happened, and called me after the acquisition to let me know that it "wasn't that bad" and to see if I was interested in coming back.

I had a really hard time getting excited working on Godfather because it felt like EA's attempt to make an M rated game by just throwing stuff in there, whether it fit with the period or not. Eventually I started dreading going into work on it every day. I decided it wasn't worth it, and quit.

And I seriously did check the credits later on to make sure my name wasn't in there. Not that I was expecting it to, since they required us to sign something if we wanted our name in the credits for the previous games I'd worked on.

8 years ago

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That's really neat! It's amazing the things you learn about other users here. :) Did you work on any of the PGA or Tiger Woods games? And are there any of "your parts" left in The Godfather? Maybe you never bothered to play it, but I'd be curious if you could look at it and think, "yeah, I made this part." :)

8 years ago

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I did a lot of the controls. It was before the Xbox 360 controller came out, but we had a prototype controller with prototype drivers, and I implemented the prototype xbox 360 controller into the game. I also did a lot of the "black hand" mouse implementation. I don't know how it ended up, so I don't even know if the mouse controls made it into the final game. I know I did some other stuff, too, but I can't recall (it was clear back in 2005). I remember particularly wrestling with how to get the whole black hand experience translated to the mouse. I really liked the 360 controller implementation (I can't take credit for the console implementation, and I copied the controller implementation for PC), because when you strangled someone you could feel their pulse getting weaker, and you rocked the thumbsticks like you were throttling someone. Migrating that to a mouse... yeah, that's quite a dilemma.

I worked on a couple of the Tiger Woods golf games. For the 2002 version, I did a lot of work on getting the facial animations sync'd up with the main animations. I also tried to rescue the event scripts after the employee responsible for that completely scrambled all of the events and then quit. I also worked on the one that released (or went gold) right about the time I quit in 2005. I enjoyed working on the Tiger games.

When it came down to it, working on games I realized that programming is programming, and the game was just the user interface. I had come from a business programming background, and while I really enjoyed working in games, I enjoyed making business applications and systems just as much, and salaries were much higher. So ultimately I decided that for me it made more sense to go back to programming business stuff and leave game programming to the people that really only want to do that. (My brother-in-law, for instance, only wants to work in games. He works for the studio that makes the Infinity Blade mobile games, and loves it. But prior to that he spent almost 20 years working in studios where he was getting laid off after each game was finished.)

8 years ago

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not sure on best gangster game but i love this game despite being an old game gangsters_organized_crime

8 years ago

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Turns out I own that there. :) I wonder how it runs on modern PCs? Looks like a couple reviews say it needs patching, but I'd have to look into it more. :)

8 years ago

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I looooved that game. The sequel wasn't very good, as I recall. I'd like to see a new version of it.

8 years ago

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All I can say is I spent an entire Thanksgiving Day years back absolutely sucked into Mafia I while the roommate cooked dinner.

The fact I remember this tells me it's a damned good game.

I say go with Mafia I.

8 years ago

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Well I have always trusted your taste in games. :)

8 years ago

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:D !

Speaking of, I wanted to talk to you about baseball games again... this time on a different platform. Hopefully I can catch up with you on Steam this weekend.

8 years ago

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Yeah! Hit me up! :D

8 years ago

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Mafia 1 is a great gangster story that tries to be as close to Coppola as you can with an action game that also tries to be a lightweight GTA-esque title (but still maintaining individuality in that aspect, unlike the sequel which is just a reskinned GTA IV).

8 years ago

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I recall playing some of the game when it came out. I got to borrow it from a friend and he wanted it back when I was maybe half-way through it. It was run and I'd love to finish it. :)

8 years ago

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By older gangster games do you mean games that were made a while ago or a noire style setting gangster games?

8 years ago

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Interesting question. When I wrote this I had old games in mind, such as the ones listed. But I'd also be interested in more modern games with the same overarching theme. :)

8 years ago

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It's just that all your games seem to be olden style mafia games so I wasn't sure if you ment that or old games because I can deliver on age but not genre.

I was gonna suggest saints row 2, but it did have an annoying sytem where you had to do bonus content to unlock the next mission, and the pc port was abysmal, My fond memories of it could really only happen on console.

Anyway, good luck picking a game, hope you find a great deal.

8 years ago

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Thank you, TreeB. :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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I never knew The Darkness had a theme in this area. I've never seen either the first or second game. That makes me interested in checking it out. :)

And I remember Kingpin! My cousin had that when it launched but I never got to play it. That one brings back some serious nostalgia. :D

8 years ago

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+1 Darkness 2 is awesome :3

8 years ago

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Hmm i think there was a old game called mob rule or something it was fun.

8 years ago

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I feel like that used to be available from GOG, but it appears it has been removed. :(

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Well i don't want be that guy.But if you can get in any store there is always the other "option".

8 years ago

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Never played any but Scarface.I had fun with it. It's definitely worth checking out if it's not too expensive for you.

Edit: Just saw gameplay of GF1. I played that too and really enjoyed the story missions in it.

8 years ago*

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Scarface is quite expensive. It's around $40 for a PC copy. :(

Thanks for the feedback on these. :)

8 years ago

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I wonder if it's region free?

8 years ago

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i believe scarface had some issue with multicore CPUs or something

8 years ago

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I'm not quite sure but you can ask here

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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I recall playing some of the game when it came out. I got to borrow it from a friend and he wanted it back when I was maybe half-way through it. It was run and I'd love to finish it. :)

8 years ago

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the godfather 2 was pretty weak, imho. I played it a couple of times on ps2 and was 'meh'

8 years ago

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Any reason in particular? :)

8 years ago

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Actually I can't remember. The tutorial was in Cuba, so a lot of The Godfather part II was missing from the game. Suddenly you have no money and your Godfather, good ol' Michael start asking you and your men to gain money. Thats when the sandbox mode starts and you need to "conquer" factorys and such. But the gameplay, the script... I don't know, godfather 1 was better.

8 years ago

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Thank you for the feedback. That's probably a reason Godfather 1 is more expensive used than Godfather II is brand new. :)

8 years ago

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add mafia 2 as well its great

8 years ago

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+infinite :D

8 years ago

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I actually beat that for PS3. I'd love to get to a second play through of it, but I'd like to play the first one before that to see them in order. :)

8 years ago

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Had a bit of fun with Kingpin years ago.

8 years ago

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I remember Kingpin! My cousin had that when it launched but I never got to play it. That one brings back some serious nostalgia. :D

8 years ago

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Now I want it on Steam. Don't know where my old copy is. Your fault :P

8 years ago

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You had the boxed copy? :D

8 years ago

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Grand Theft Auto III

8 years ago

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I replayed that one a few months back. Actually, I replayed the entire series from GTA I. :)

8 years ago

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Yeah, I'd like to replay them too. Hope I get the games eventually.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Godfather 1

8 years ago

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This one does look fun. Is it similar to any other game? It kind of looks like a Mafia/GTA/open game like that, but I haven't played it so I'm not sure. :)

8 years ago

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More like mafia. is not that open. You go through the city, collecting money in the butcher's and so. Story missions are realted to movie events

8 years ago

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No... The Godfather is a GTA clone, through and through. In fact, it's basically GTA set in the prohibition era.

8 years ago

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It sounds fun. I wish it were still available from Steam and/or Origin, but such is the world of licensed material. :)

8 years ago

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Well, you have the main story to play through, apart from which you can acquire the families' businesses and warehouses. The game has a nice story and the combat is simple but fun. You can easily put about 20+ hrs into it.

8 years ago

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Thank you for the feedback, Ducky. :)

8 years ago

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Mafia 1 and 2, those games are the best imo.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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I beat Mafia II for PS3. I'd love to get to a second play through of it, but I'd like to play the first one before that to see them in order. :)

8 years ago

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If you own a Playstation you might want to look into "Ryū ga Gotoku"

8 years ago

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Oh, I've never seen this one before. :)

8 years ago

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My patriotic side would say Mafia, but I have to go with Sleeping Dogs.

8 years ago

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I've read many good things about Sleeping Dogs. :)

8 years ago

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I notice no one has mentioned Chicago 1930 or Omerta...

8 years ago

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Chicago 1930 is pure gold!

8 years ago

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I've never heard of Chicago 1930 before. After checking both Steam and GOG I'm guessing it's not available digitally?

8 years ago

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Yeah, it's kind of old, but you can find a legit purchase online if you're lucky. I used to have the CD around somewhere... I also bought it digitally from GMG, but they're not offering it currently.

WildTangent appears to have it, but my install of Windows 8 (came with my PC) had Wild Tangent on it and it was a bitch to get rid of. Maybe this won't require the client?


8 years ago

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Found it for download at fireflowergames.com. They're listed on IsThereAnyDeal so I'm going with them being legit. Good luck!

8 years ago

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Looks like they list several sources to buy it from. Thanks for the heads up. :)

8 years ago

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I loved mafia 2. So I'd go with part one. I played godfather on PS3 and it was it bit wonky, but it was ps2 port.

8 years ago

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Thank you for the feedback. I really enjoyed Mafia II for PS3. :)

8 years ago

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Sleeping Dogs. Because it's the only gangster game in which you can sprint towards an enemy and high-kick him in the face or throw him in a garbage bin as a finishing move. Grand Theft Auto may have jet packs, but nothing beats kung-fu!!!!!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You may also want to consider Max Payne. It's a linear shooter, but it's film noir at its best. Not exactly gangster, but not exactly not gangster.

8 years ago

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I got that as a birthday gift way back in 2001. I miss the days of big box games. :) You're correct, though. It's a great game. I now want to replay it. :)

8 years ago

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I recently finished a playthrough.
I had intended to continue with the sequel, but I don't have it in me right now

8 years ago

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I'm going to have to play these. It's been far too long. :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Oh God no. This game was pretty bad, mediocre at best. It's a poor GTA clone (think GTA: San Andreas but a lot less fun). The main missions where okish, but pretty repetitive, boring. The real problem is the side stuff which is just terrible and completely unbalanced for some of the side mini-games.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Not to mention that the PC port is absolutely broken, especially the driving...

8 years ago

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For me Saints Row 2 was a good game. If you compare it to GTA San Andreas or GTA IV, the game excels in many ways. The side missions are for the most part fun, sure, some of them are not thoughtful, but almost all of them are fun to play if you get bored. The main missions can be replayed which is a plus, the story and cutscenes had great writing making characters like yourself and Gat feel like badasses and the game had a robust character appearance customization, so you can create either as yourself or some action hero you wanted to be. Also, your A.I. companions can follow you in a vehicle while you drive in a one.

For me, Saints Row 2's gameplay is better than the GTA games I mentioned. The only downside is the PC port. But you can get the mod called "Gentlemen of the Row" which fixes various problems the game had and even makes the performance a bit better.

8 years ago

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I haven't played a Saints Row game before. I'll check it out. Thank you. :)

8 years ago

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Uhhhhh. Gotta play 'em all (except for the first, because 360 exclusive). Be warned, though, that IV is nothing like The Third and, yes, 2 is a bit "...ehhh."

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I really like Grand Theft Auto IV, so this has caught my attention. Thank you for the detailed description. I honestly don't know anything about the games and just saw the jet packs and crazy super abilities from the later installments and wasn't sure if it'd be my type of game or not. But this makes me think it's definitely worth a try. :)

8 years ago

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Double Dragon

8 years ago

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Great games. :)

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I would go with Mafia 1 for noire style gangster game and with Sleeping dogs for modern one.

8 years ago

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I'm sensing a theme with these two games being mentioned frequently. :)

8 years ago

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Mafia III looks like it has potential, for now i would stick with Godfather 2 and Mafia 2(for "gangsterish" style), i also played Scarface but for these days looks a bit "old" but gold. If you like hand to hand combat also consider Sleeping Dogs it is good.

PS: I have asked the same question my self some time ago and this where the best games i found(for my self) because tastes are tastes...

8 years ago*

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I recall playing Scarface many years ago, but never for PC. It seems it only runs with 32 bit OSs. That could be an issue. Maybe there's a workaround?

8 years ago

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I have followed this >VIDEO< tutorial, it worked with some visual bugs here and there, it was the best option i found. The problem is that the game has issues running in multi-core processors, if you use the program called "3D Ripper DX" it should work, i was using Windows 7 at the time.

8 years ago

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Very nice! So you've played it on Windows 7? :D

8 years ago

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Yes i did.

8 years ago

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This is great news. :)

8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by guppy44.