Are your forum posts affected by the presence of the blacklist?
I still can't understand you.
I'm the frustrated one that blacklisted you one day for a free game giveaway and 3-4 months later saw a post of yours and still remembered about you.
The fact is... You don't ignore the rules, you explicitly exploit them whenever you can. And not only this. You go around telling everyone you did so and you don't care for blacklists.
It's not a matter of opinion, here, I never ever will blacklist someone because I don't like his or her opinion.
It's a matter of politeness, respect and self respect.
I do understand it's not a black or white thing, as you also gave away something nice not so long ago, but still, just why are you going around so proud about you exploiting a system?
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That's wrong too.
I'm here exactly for the same reasons as you, but still, I don't go against the rules. I don't disrespect the rules.
If I want to give away a free game, I do it in the right thread. There's also a thing called "opening a thread" that lets you inform people about you having a free game key so that you may add non-ninjas interested in the key on Steam and give it in chat.
Too much work, huh? If so, then it's not like you really want to give games to people, you really are willing to exploit the CV system.
I have facebook and twitter accounts just because, but I never use them, just like you.
Disrespecting the rules just because "it's harmless in my case" is still disrespecting the rules. AND it encourages people to exploit the system.
Look, I even suggested once to let people create free games giveaways for 0P, 0CV, no listings in the account and such. I understand people wanting to give games for the sake of it, I would like to give away games without ninjas around too. But rules are rules, and I respect the site, so I don't even try. If I have a spare free game key, I give it around on the forum just like people around there.
Your excuses are really stupid, too.
Sincerely, you're just trying to be "the cool guy who goes against the rules". You probably are a nice person in real life, but whoever you are, you're shitting on the site you yourself love just because "rules are dumb".
Finally, I'm not just being "too serious" about the rules. I can't underline enough how this is a matter of respect, of politeness. I don't like the rules as they are, but I follow them because I respect this place. You're not just going against the rules, you're also being impolite and disrespectful to the community you're in.
Nobody is going to arrest you if you spit on your house floor, but if you love your house, you're not going to do it.
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Very good, so at least I know there's not a single reason for you to give away free games.
I hoped at least you had a bad reason. There's no good reason for it, but at least there would've been a reason.
I hoped for you to be better than what you are. That's a pity that there's still people like you on this site.
I'll leave you alone. Whatever I do is going to be exactly what you wanted, so I'm not even gonna try.
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If someone actually does blacklist me because I have a different opinion than him/her that person is not worth my time even not for blacklisting them. If they piss me off or have a bad attitude (depends on how strong or how often) then that's a reason for me to blacklist them.
I've seen this other guy on the forums who would blacklist all people that do not have a certain ratio. That's bullsh*t too. I think blacklist should only be used if someone really misbehaves.
On the otherhand I use whitelisting only on people that are sticking out with good intention, helpful ones and friendly/kind no matter what.
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Why do you think it's bullshit? It's his money he's paying for the games to make GAs - so it's his choice to decide who he doesn't want them to go to. Who are you to tell another user what way of spending their own money is right and what is utter bullshit?
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yet you cannot use SGT for group GAs for example ;) not to mention it doesn't work for all of the people (for example people with private profiles have their profile cached into SGT and would have to wait 1-3 days for their profile on SGT to update). Not to mention that as SGT is 3rd party site it can go down anytime. I hope it does not, but it can. Thus using functionalities that are implemented on SG itself intead of relying on 3rd party website is mch safer ;)
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Share the generated link from SGT inside your group then?!
And you can still publish your profile but restrict comments to friends. Not like anyone is parsing valuable personal information on their steamprofile.
I simply think that blacklisting is not meant to be used that way (randomly blacklisting people).
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but OP may also not want ppl with poor ratio in his public GAs :> I don't BL a ot for ratio, but when I see person with 1 GA for free game made and 50 or 100 wins, trade topic full of wins, hundreds of games at their profile - I will BL him and it's my choice to do so.
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you cannot set ratio requirement on public GA ;p And lvl requirement may not always work, especially for lower levels ;) you can have lvl 3 User with loads of GAs made, just for cheap bundle games, and have lvl 3 user who only made few GAs 3 years ago and just leeched tens or sometimes hundreds of games since then ;)
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because not only leechers enter public GAs? And a llot of good users with good ratios don't visit forum too often because of various reasons - they may have very little free time, they may not speak good enough english to understand forum disscussions. Like I said before - it's my money I pay for the game - it's completely my choice to decide who I want to give it to (public? group? forum? puzzle? level requirement?) and who I don't want to (BlackList, SGT). As these are all valid options to limit entrants to my GAs I really don't understand your continued arguying that one way is good way, but other is not. It's my money, my GA, my choice. Same way if you buy your game for your GA with your money I should not tell you how you should and should not use it (as long as you don't use it in a way that breaks the rules - for example to promote reflink) ;)
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"I've seen this other guy on the forums who would blacklist all people that do not have a certain ratio. That's bullsh*t too. I think blacklist should only be used if someone really misbehaves." - he thinks this certain user should not blacklist people with certain ratio. Thus he should not be able to decide how to spend his money ("I want to spend this money on making this GA that will be accessible to these people and not accessible to these people").
Ok, there may be difference between saying "Spend your money this way" and saying ""I think you should be spending your money this way" or "I think you should not be allowed to spend your money this way" but I wouldn't call it a big differene - it's semantics, but in the end "I think you should do XYZ with your own money" is still not something I would accept.
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sry but i disagree. he never said he told it to that specific person. he just said here he doesnt like this behaviour in genereall and i dont think this difference is just semantic cause he shows no offense or other negative things about this person, he just mentioned, he doesnt likes that behaviour in general
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Neither do I about any specific user nor I do find what he said offensive. But you don't have to be offensive for me to be able to not agree with you. You could say "You stupid arsehole, you should not be spending money on XYZ" - this will be a direct offense and I will be not agreeing with it. You could say "I think you should not be spending money on XYZ" - this is direct yet calm and nonoffensive sentence, yet I will still not agree with it. You could say "I think people should not be allowed to spend money on XYZ" - and while it will be not direct, as a person spending money on XYZ it will still refer to me and I will not agree with it. Heck I may not even be spending money on XYZ and it may not at all reffer to me and I still can not agree with it.
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I blacklist haters and rule breakers. For example, i blacklist people who give fake trade reputations as: The feedback on is supposed to be given to people you have traded with, not to random strangers you have never talked to.
Allow me to also quote the FAQs:
Then of course, there are the haters in sg, who are plenty sadly. Thankfully, they are much less than the good people.
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if you like quoting FAQ so much let me do the same
Use the appropriate avenues for support. If you have an issue with another user, submit a ticket with a user report, rather than calling them out within the community or on the forum.
So take your disputes to Support instead of public forum, especially as they have nothing to do with topic disscussed.
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i never gave a revenge feedback. I simply informed people about the truth of the situation. There is a huge difference between telling the truth and giving a revenge reputation, like you did out of nowhere.
this was the reason which got you into my blacklist, i shall add in order to keep this reply in subject
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I had a similar experience, where a person misunderstood me, since I can't speak english quite too well.
Because of that, they thought that I was a bigot and a neo-nazi or whatever. They blacklisted me (which is fine, who cares), but what surprised me the most was that they actually blocked me from Steam and stuff.... I tried to be friendly to that person on a discussion that they made, but they literally ignored me, even though I was friendly and all... Shoot first, ask questions later.
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SG++ tag system for people you also don't want anything to do with ;) I simply add a red tag to such people so I know it's not worthy disscussing with them :>
I would, but their angst fuels my unholy powers.
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Ok, I understand that, I do that once in a while too, but it just felt so extreme, since it was basically me saying: (not this exactly, but you get the meaning)
Me: I like dogs!
Mystery person: You hate cats and want to destroy them with nukes?
Me: No, I just mentioned that I like dogs, I don't hate the other animals
Mystery person: I don't believe you! BL and blocked!!!
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I don't care about being blacklisted. It goes for real life too, I always say what I think and I'm not scared what people will think of me. Of course that doesn't mean I'm an asshole cause I'm not. But being real is one of the most important things ever.
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I agree with this. But some also tend to forget that it is possible to voice their opinion without being blunt.
In a place like this, people come from all around the world, with totally different lives, different backgrounds, different opinions, different way of life, etc. Which can obviously make communicating difficult. So it's important to always keep in mind the way our words are going to be perceived, and try to prevent any 'drama' before it even happens. It doesn't mean censoring ourselves, but speaking with tact. And the same goes for the reader, who also needs to put himself in the shoes of the op and wonder what he meant before deciding to be offended.
The concept of community on internet forums is about opinions being exchanged and debated, but not conflict with each other. Because the highlighted element in the end shouldn't be one of the opinions, but the idea the opinions are about.
Anyway, that's just my opinion.
But if you disagree, you're wrong.
Or am I?...
Yes I am.
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You get the very basic concept wrong. Noone is missusing blacklist, you just missunderstand how they work. It's not like "BL can be used only on regifter" or "BL can be used only on people below 0.5 ratio" or "BL cannot be used because of forum disscussion". BL does not have custpm set of rules saying for what one can and cannot BL another person thus what you're talking about is not missuse. BL to describe it the simplest way is just a tool to keep away people you don't want in your GAs away from these GAs. And that's it. It doesn't matter what reason one have to BL another - in the end he's the person who is paying for the game he's giving away and it's his right to decide that he doesn't want to send it to person XYZ for whatever reason he feels like.
And if the fact of being BLed by someone is enough to make you less active in the forums that only means that you are either extremely greedy person or have a very weak character. There are thousands upon thousands contributors in this community. Hundreds of GAs are being made every day. If person A BL you you can easilly find loads of other GAs to enter from person B, C, D etc. If you're willing to hide your opinions, don't speak them or ev3en lie about them just for the sake of being able to enter and win games from person A that doesn't speak to well about you yourself in the first place.
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I agree with this. People should be free to blacklist for whatever reason(s) they wish. For all I know, people may have blacklisted me because they don't like my avatar. That's their prerogative.
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I mostly blacklist for poor ratios and I'm very open about this fact. There is only 2(?) peeps on it that have earned their spot on it for being complete assholes though and I will not remove them any time soon. I personally like the feature, but others can argue that I'm way too liberal with my use of the function.
Personally, I do not care if I get blacklisted or not for obvious reasons :P. I get curious as to why when it happens with someone who I don't remember talking to and it is not a mutual blacklist thing, but other than that I don't care :).
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I ussually browse wishlisted and group giveaways, so unless I get blacklisted by a group member. I'm pretty unlikely to notice. Even though I'm not that worried about blacklists, I still avoid a lot of conversations because I don't want to deal with the drama on here, at least not directly.
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Wow, what a foolish fellow... (The writer of the piece you linked to, not you.)
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No, I'm pretty foolish too.
But yeah, I really can't understand his logic. Bots are evil, but regifting is generous?
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He sounds like he's just mad that one can't gain access to a high level without a monetarily significant contribution. He seems to think you should get all rewards and perks for free.
Perhaps he is not well off himself.
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Your, it's ridiculous XD
I want to know who he/she is, of course to blacklist.
(edit) OK, I searched and found the shameless one.
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Where the heck did he get this excerpt of the FAQ? Is this from SG 1.0 (or whatever it's called)? But his article is from November, 2015.
I've never heard of CV being locked due to "too many bundle games."
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Some people will look for anything to sell a narrative. I'm not familiar with sgv1 but I believe that your cv could not pass 30 unless you gave away a non bundled game
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yup. In SGv1 bundle games could give you max up to 20% of your nonbundled CV (plus you got your 1st 25$ non-bundled free no matter what you gave away, so 25$+20%=30$). For example if you'd give away 100$ worth of nonbundled games your bundled CV could rise by 20$ so your total CV would rise by 120$.
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So that begs the question-- why is his excerpt from SGv1 if the article was published in November 2015?
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because it fits his drama story better ;) "I give away games worth 100$ on steam that I bought for 1$ and got no value for it" sounds better than "I give away games worth 100$ that I bought for 1$ and got only 15$ value for it". ;)
And the best sounding one is getting rid f actual money spent and saying "I give away games worth 100$ and got no value for it". He simply chose data and manipulated it in the way that would the best fit his story ;)
Same was he pastes only screenies of his support tickets regarding bots and not screenie of his suport ticket regarding his suspension for regifting :>
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Thanks for the lunchtime entertainment, TreeB.
I hate how big my blacklist has gotten. :/
And, for being a scam, he's still here. Giving games away. Heh.
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wow...I'm pretty speechless after reading that.
I refuse to believe someone can be so narrow minded.. nope... just nope
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I'm a bit surprised more people from here haven't gone and posted in the comments. Though, I guess I can't be certain they haven't: perhaps he's just moderating them out.
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So I read this in the FAQ...
"How does a blacklist work?
On user profiles, you'll see a button that has a circle icon with a slash through it. Clicking this button will add the user to your blacklist. This means the user will no longer see your giveaways on the homepage, and they will not be able to view or enter your giveaways from this point forward. If the user entered one of your giveaways prior to being blacklisted, their entry still remains valid."
I have a question. Does the giveaway part work both ways? For Example, when they blacklist me I can't enter their giveaway but can they still enter mine even after blacklisting me?
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I need to do this (keep a file). I wish I did that when I first started. Usually I can remember/determine why they are on BL, though. It's only been a small handful of times that I've needed to revisit a BL, and in most cases, I've removed them for one reason or another.
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what to fix about it? Like I mentioned above - user can BL you for any reason. BLing doesn't have to mean I don't want nothing to do with you - irt only means I don't want you in my GAs. I may BL you simply because of your ratio for example. Then it's up to you to decide whether you feel offended and want to BL me back or you understand that your ratio sucks, you've been leeching, you try to repair it and then ask for unBLing but in the meantime allowing me to enter your GAs. It's your choice and should be made by you not automatically by the site.
not to mention for example forum events that include BL - there's been cases of events where for example in X-day long event user running it would only temporary BL winners of GAs so each user could only win once and give better chances other participants. Again - in this case you would not want to automatically blacklist him back.
Also Also - BlackList is limited to 1000 spots. Let's say you get BLed by an user who rarely ever do any GAs, or make them only for group you're not part of? Or only make region-restricted GAs not for your region. You may want not to waste a BL spot for such a user. EWhat if with automatically BL back system 1000 such users BL you? you run out of BL spots - and when you find someone really BL worthy you cannot BL him because automation BL-back system already used up all your BL slots?
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I see your points but SG does not tell me when someone BL me so how would I know when to BL someone back with out getting a tool for exactly that reason? (which seems quite petty) I'm just saying I think it would be more or less "fair" to make someone unable to enter my giveaway if I can't enter theirs. It's like not giving a homeless guy some change but then when he hits the lottery or something you ask him for money.
As for the events, there are private groups for that exact reason, to decide who can and cannot enter your giveaways and to set rules such as "only one entry per train."
I was unaware of the 1000 spot limit but you are thinking of it differently than I, see I was thinking it would work like so...
When they BL me it keeps on their profile record of it so when they remove said BL it removes the "linked BL" from mine as well. The link would not use my spots or even be know it is there.
Now I don't know how anything behind how the code or whatever works I am just giving input, but it has been done with other sites/games using BL features.
I don't plan to even use BL/WL so either way it does not matter just trying to state my opinion on it.
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to reply to your example - shouldn't in this case it be up to this ex-homeless millionaire to decide whether he would give you money or not? What you are proposing instead would be a law that would prohibit this guy from giving you any money whether he wanted or not. It should be one's choice - he may want to give you money just to prove that he is a bigger person than you for example.
GA groups are one thing, forum events are other thing. Forum events get much more attention than any GA group would get for just one example.
As for your proposition of information about being BL - it sound nice and would work nice in a perfect world. But we do not live in the perfect world. There are a many whiny little bitches around. As it is now we already get quite a few QQ threads on forums saying "This arsehole blacklisted me for no reason!", "Blacklist are flawed, because XYZ BLed me!" not to mention loads of BL commentas in peoples event or puzzle or train threads "why did you blacklist me" and when you reply a whole lithany of how stupid/unfair etc your reason it. Now imagine the utter chaos on forums if each time some of these whiny bitches gets Blacklisted he gets notification and goes to forum post another QQ thread, stalks person who BLed him posting in his threads etc.
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I can't really think of a better way of saying what I was trying to explain with my example but oh well.
I was not proposing BL information being shown to users or anything of the sort I think you miss read that third part or got the wrong idea from what I said above it but this was the selling point for suggestion...
"The link would not use my spots or even be know it is there."
Thanks for the response, its nice to know how things work. I actually found this thread because I was wondering what the BL/WL did and I was hoping it was just a way to filter chat from unwanted users (or show more from WL users) but since that's not what they do I guess I won't be using them.
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What is there to fix? If someone blacklist me, I have no reason to prevent them from entering my giveaways.
I've seen people running whole events by using their blacklist , running x number of consecutive giveaways and blacklisting you after you enter one of them so you have to try and gamble, deciding if you'Re entering the current giveaway or waiting and hoping that the next one will be even better. (Of course, they would remove everyone from their blacklist at the end of the event) Would you want to prevent someone providing you a fun game to join your giveaway?
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I try not to get into opinionated discussions in forums in general :( - sometimes people take things too personal
When I do get into discussions, I try to see both sides to an argument (there usually are 2+) :)
You shouldn't be afraid to voice your opinions about things for fear of being bl'ed - sometimes you might bring up a point that someone has never thought of and alter their thinking (or vice versa)
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I've got to say, this is one of the most courteous online communities I've ever been a part of. People are friendly and polite, by and large. Really bad fighting is pretty occasional. I've almost never seen the name calling that's common other places.
I'm not sure why this is. But I wonder if it isn't partly because something rides on how others feel about you. Unlike any old forum or comment section, here on SG there are actually consequences for bad behavior (short of getting banned). If people don't like you they won't trade with you, won't invite you to groups, will give you bad feedback, and will blacklist you. If they like you they can whitelist you too. (And there's a significant disincentive to abandon your profile and start over, as troublemakers elsewhere often do.) In a sense, because of the way the site is set up, more rides on your relationship with others here than on many other sites.
As I said, this is just a hypothesis. And, even if true, I doubt it's the whole story. But mightn't it be the case that easy blacklisting is actually a very good thing for the community, even if some misuse it?
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just wrong with giving bad feedback ;) If you give negative feedback to person you never traded with or who was just rude but didn't scam you (aka you got your games, he got his games) using negative feedback is against the rules and will get you suspended ;) Negative feedback is only fir trades gone wrong - you got scammed, user treid to scam you, you got code for wrong game, platform etc.
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I realize (though thanks for the reminder). And I'm glad the rule is that way. I still feel like it serves my point though: this is another way in which how you deal with people ends up impacting you, even if only in the context of trades that are actually completed.
Still, I've seen people break the rule if they get irritated enough. I've seen a really irritating person get more than one piece of illegitimate bad feedback for the same aggravating habit. (I had to laugh when the guy did the same thing to me. But I resisted the temptation to continue the trend.)
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Also while parts of what you're saying may be true (well known big rulebreakers for example have no chance for any spot in any decent group) I also think that the reason behind an atmosphere on SG comes from the very principle of the site. It's the site that runs around giving gifts and presents to other people - both people you know and strangers. I simply believe that people who have personal traits that make them more willing to share with others are less likely to be offensive arseholes than your any other average community ;)
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When I first showed up, it was kind of harrowing to see what felt like an overwhelming number of people that would blacklist for completely arbitrary reasons. (The thank you/don't thank you thing, some people just being uber sensitive), but I quickly realized that a majority of the people here are low maintenance and not really looking to get caught up in all of that drama.
Just like with the real world, once you realize you can't be liked by everyone, no matter what you do, you worry about it less and focus more on the people that don't require you to jump through hoops for their approval. I actually have a couple dozen people on my blacklist, simply for being outright dicks. I know I'm on a few for not commenting or breaking a wacky rule on a giveaway. Everyone's on someone's blacklist for something. Not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things.
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Blacklisting in this community is most of the time used in stupid ways by some people. Rather than in the intended ways (avoiding people who cause drama, rule breakers, etc)
Half a year ago or so i got blacklisted for winning a giveaway from someone, which i got no clue who it was since i'm blacklisted. Was going to thank the person but nope, i found out i was blacklisted instead. Amazing, right?
But tbh, i don't really care if i get blacklisted or not. Which each comment made in the forums related to opinions, there is always that one person in the shadow thinking about blacklists/whitelists, if the opinion they read is totally against their thought, you are blacklisted, if your opinion is related to their own thoughts they gonna be like "You are awesome dude, whitelisted!".
Also, i know with this comment i'll get into someone's blacklist for sure, this is the price of being honest with what happens around here. Like i said, i'm not going to care. It's not like i'll be missing alot anyways.
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I voluntarily "blacklisted" myself from a certain generous user giveaways for this very reason. I won 2 great games from him, and it's more than enough. I won't feel right winning a 3rd game, especially when there's zero chance he'll ever win a game from me (or anyone else). I probably said too much now...
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how do you define misuse of blacklist, since it's up to each user to apply their criteria when blacklisting?
for example, i blacklist annoying and/or rude people, but others will find this stupid and say that they only blacklist rule-breakers. also, my definition of annoying/rude is different from other people so you will never be able to find the perfect blacklist reason that everyone would agree with.
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There is no misuse! Its free click away! Unless you do something super egregious and anger an entire community and somehow they all see it and they all feel the same way about it... IMO its tough to have much of an impact. You are excluded from one persons GAs. You will be okay. I for one, am happy you blacklist rude or annoying people because I want you to be happy to give and taking the joy out of giving for you would be unfair.
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I don't blacklist people who disagree with me, but I used it few times against people who are shady, rude or shows disrespect to others. The other reasons for my blacklist, besides clear rule breaking are: entering game+soundtrack bundle just for soundtrack or entering huge bundles just for one games, or game+all dlc for dlc that is rather cheap compared to the price of the game itself. For me it's wasting GA's creator money and taking chance from people who never played the game.
I'm not going around and checking someone's profile on SG before I respond to them, so no, the blacklist "threat" does not matter to me in that regard.
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I know that. That's not the point though :). It's about greed, because I can't call it any other way. I'm not going through every GA like that and looking on users Steam profiles to expand my blacklist. Usually it's because of comments (and maaany times when GA creator add in the description that they wish that only people who don't have the game enter) like: "I'm missing a soundtrack :( Can I enter?". It just annoys me beyond many other things.
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If we are talking about a bunch of quite pricey DLCs (that very often cost more that the base game) that I don't see anything wrong in that. But if someone have most of DLCs and he enter this sort of GA just for few of them that he's missing or we're talking about just one dlc that costs way less that base game, then for me it's a waste. And of course it's always good to ask creator if he's fine with that, though asking about soundtrack... It just makes me cringe, seriously.
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Some goes with games like Tomb Raider GOTy when owning base game already. It's just bunch of skins and maps (for dead multiplayer) so I don't see any sense in entering to get them and taking chance from someone who doesn't own base game.
Entering into Skyrim: LE, Fallout NV Ultimate or something like that has some sense, because it's cheaper to buy GOTY than buying DLCs separately xD
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lol, just for fun, I discovered that in your comment you named at least 12 more steamgifts users. :p
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I only really blacklist for violations. Perhaps something egregious might warrant blacklisting, but for the most part, since I cleared my blacklist, I've only been blacklisting for rules violations like multiple wins, inactivated wins, begging, or doing something spectacularly stupid (which breaks the rules, obviously) so for the most part I don't think people have much to worry about from me. I hope the same goes for me, but honestly, I mostly pick up group giveaway wins and I don't think people in (most) of my groups would blacklist me, so I don't really worry.
That said, blacklists are the prerogative of individual users, and you don't need a valid reason to blacklist, so I'm not very concerned about how people use it (I'm sure I've gotten quite a few blacklist for blacklists from people who broke rules, and honestly it doesn't bother me much because like I said I mainly enter group giveaways) as long as it's not used to break rules (i.e. give me a game or I'll blacklist you) which doesn't seem to happen much as far as I know.
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Personely, I only blacklist people who broke the rules or got my attention through bad manners. I don't see any reason why it should be used in another way, though, but that will depend on the other person then :) And as long as i happens in a civilized manner, everyone should be able to voice their opinion, no matter how stupid it is. I'll may keep then in mind as idiots, but not as people blacklisted ^^
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A Blacklist is subjective and as such can't effectively be policed. Until that changes it isn't possible to misuse it.
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I try not to have an opinion on the internet. I'm usually wrong and don't like admitting that :P
I do own a blacklist, it has a few people on it that I could remove, but there is one that deserves a permanent spot...and I don't remember who is who... :/
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I hope you don't blacklist me for this but I think the best port of the anime you use as avatar was the ending theme. Rest was kinda crap and pseudo intelectual stuff to act as clever and that. I didnt like it.
Well, I didnt undestand it at the beginning. I guess I watched it at the bad moment. Do you think It worth for a second chance?!
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Maybe you're just, as I call, "anime-anime" type? For example, I really liked that one, but I hate most popular animes filled with anime cliches. Matter of taste.
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I thought you said you're not into anime? I don't really know what those are. After googling I see some of the more prominent titles on the list, but "Death Note" is also on that list. I don't remember it as being over the top, although I watched it really long time ago and don't remember much.
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No problem. Stay strong! Don't let them suck you into it, lol.
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the word you're looking for is shojo ;) but basically shonen doesn't neccessary mean over the top. Shonen is a manga mostly targeted at young male audience while shojo is targeted at young female audience. And that's all. It doesn't mean that shonen gotta be over the top. It will usually have quite a lot of action, this action can be over the top, but it doesn't have to. Same way with shojo - it will usually be about romance, some drama - but it can as well be some silly over the top ultra-love-at-first-sight story or simple, warm story about usual romantic relationship ;)
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I actually don't disagree with you, the anime itself is incredibly overrated. And that one episode, Smileland, was moronic. Worse than the Fly episode of Breaking Bad. The character design of Re-L is just aesthetically appealing to me. I didn't hate the anime by any means, but as someone who only watches psychological/thriller/mystery anime, I don't regret watching it.
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I have said it before when post like this have come up,i simply only blacklist for rule violations.I know some may do other wise and i am sure i have ended up on blacklist because someone did not like what i said or did.I will black list if you break the usual rules,or being racist and so forth.
I think the blacklist is a good thing but like anything that was meant to be good,there will always be those who will use for things that it was not intended.I do think it is up to each person to put whoever they want on it for what ever reason,do i agree with it no i do not but it is not my call to decide who should or should not be on someone blacklist.
In saying all that people can do as they wish with the blacklist but i will never blacklist someone just because they blacklisted me,I will not blacklist people for having different views then me or saying something i dislike.I never ever will as that not what it is meant for imo.I will blacklist for breaking rules and disruptive behavior on the forum,like being racist or foul toward other members,ect.
In the end i do think a lot times it is use for the sole person of blocking someone you do not like or share the same views and other none sense.I do GA's for anyone as long as they do not break the rules and so forth.If you are on my list it is because you broke some rule,most likely re-gifting or not redeeming wins.
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Most people who have blacklisted me are on my WHITELIST
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You know, some people have blacklisted me for having a bad ratio when they themselves are/were sitting at below 1.0
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Blacklisted! I have infinite ratio bow down to me everyone!
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Btw welcome to my whitelist, your ratio is too good
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Have you seen those parents who hide stuff from their children so they won't be corrupted by them? That's because they're "children" and even in those cases it's not a good approach, I don't think we're dealing with children here. People should be given every available tool and if they don't know how to use them, well too bad for them. And no one's forcing anyone to use them if they don't like them. After all it's humans' right to be able to make their own choices.
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I blacklist only rule-breakers, I don't do it for different opinion because of my not so great English. (-_-)a
Everyone has everyone's standard, I guess. I have no intention to demand my standard to anyone. Yeah, I saw somewhat harsh BL, but that's not my money. They have freedom to do what they want as far as not hurting others.
I don't like to argue on internet, though I try to say my opinion if needed. It's hard to express my thought in foreign language. :(
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So this is something that's always been in the back of my mind, but I guess I'd like to hear what others think about it also.
As we all know, the blacklist is a very helpful feature which is often completely misused by a lot of people. We often see people threatening others to blacklist if they say something they disagree with or when someone is accused of something. Even outside the forums, it's very hit and miss to give people freedom to such power as there are users who blacklist others for not commenting on their giveaways just for entering, some for commenting too much and (most understandably) not thanking for winning.
What kind of effect has this had on users in the forum? Personally I don't treat here the same as I would on a normal forum when it comes to anything political or something that's just highly opinionated, because it's frustrating to see someone I had a long discussion with (not even aggressively) ended up blacklisting me purely because of a difference in opinion, and it has since made me much less active in the forums. With that on top of the inability to sometimes understand sarcasm or a joke, people also often blacklist someone after they have misconstrued their post. It's funny because most of the time they're people that give away very little in the first place, but it's still a matter of principle.
I feel like the feature needs to be more hidden, not as simple as visiting someone's profile, but for an encounter to actually have happened between two users in the form of a giveaway to prevent abuse, but that's just me.
I hope you've been revising your hidden GA strategies, because this one goes a bit deeper.
Anyway, please engage in some relaxing music to sooth yourself from the inevitable upcoming difference of opinion and save yourself from being blacklisted. I strongly recommend it.
Dream Theater
EDIT: Small update, just posting the solution to the GA (It was Far Cry 4, lv3 requirement) as it seems to have frustrated quite a few people, ending with 53 entries. So I guess this could also be considered a heads up to any future posts that try to use this method.
As suggested, the GA was hidden deep in the post. At the bottom of the OP, I was highly recommending some music to everyone. The title of the song linked was "The Answer Lies Within". This was not a coincidence. If you note the URL of the link, it's not a normal youtube link. Scroll down and you'll see it's actually linking directly to a comment. Being from me. This included the code needed for the giveaway URL.
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