Would making a Whitelist wishlist giveaway do this?
Make a discussion either here or in your group asking members that want a certain game to add it too their wishlist.
Then Whitelist them.
Then start a giveaway for that game only including the Whitelist and do not add anymore members to it.
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I could see that working. But mattering on the size of the group, it will take quite a while.
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would be a pain adding that many people, plus whitelist has a limit, plus could only have 1 giveaway going at a time.
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Only have the entry period be a few hours or days, depending on size of group or willingness to add a bunch of people..
And yes, only one at a time, which sucks. Which is why we need a rainbow of colored lists.
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Yeah size in this case is in the thousands so you need something automated
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True. But IMO even with a group of 50 people, it would still be quite hard.
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Group of 50, post in group about wishlist giveaway, only about half will see it before time limit expires. Adding 25 people to a Whitelist would take a matter of minutes.
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At that point, with that many entrants, what would be the point in entering a wishlist giveaway for a private group or even public. If the odds of winning are on par with what would be a regular public giveaway anyways.
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I feel that it would this would not be suitable for a person like me, why?
The reason being is because, let's say I wanted Grand Theft auto. I don't care which one, they are all good. But darn, it will take me quite a while to put then ALL on my wishlist, and then when a new game comes out I have to add that! Same for something such as Call of Duty., Need for Speed, LEGO, or really any series of games. The thing is that I search up the games I want. I never put anything specific. So if I wanted GTA, then I would put "Grand Theft Auto", not something specific like "Grand Theft Auto San Andreas" or "Grand Theft Auto V"
So for me, sorry; but i'm going to have to say that it's a bad idea.
EDIT: And on top of that, as xboxer said, I never bother with my wishlist. It's simply something that I never use. The games on my wishlist are from around 1-2 years ago. I don't even know what my wishlist looks like.
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But my wishlist isn't up to date and I rarely bother with it.
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Hmm... Not sure how I feel about it.
Many people will end up filling their wishlist up to the limit (is there one?), so they'll be able to participate in as many as these GAs as they can, so it kind of goes beyond the point of it. But maybe that won't be an issue in your opinion....
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I think this is the best way to go about this. An automated system is hardly possible for this for the reason I wrote below. But I've seen this before from other people even though it was a forum giveaway and not a private/group one. IF you can get that special rule approved, you could then have the winner re-rolled if he doesn't comply.
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Just because some people don't have the game or their wishlist doesn't mean they don't want to play that game.
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I usually put the games I'm interested in in my wishlist but not always. Plus, if for any reason the wishlist didn't update correctly in a sync, or if someone add the game to their wishlist after the sync occurred but before the giveaway started, that person would be prevented from joining even though they meet the requirement.
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Is it possible to add an option where only people who have the game in their wishlist before the giveaway was created could enter?
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