who knows... Would be awesome if he could clearify that instead of writting bye or till... Well we'll see :)
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When I used to watch anime I watched them mostly on http://www.waoanime.tv/. Pretty good site and good quality. Don't know if it still is as I haven't watched anime for about 2 years now.(Switched to mangas so I don't really have much time for animes). But it would be better to watch them legally
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Most of anime's are not translated in some languages(not talking about English), so if some group of ppl makes for free dubs(voice the charaters) or subs for these animes and publish them in their own site without asking for money(donations not count because ppl who don't donate can still watch all animes), is this considered piracy? those ppl are working translating and dubbing animes for free, just because more than 95% these animes will never be translated officially, so by doing these they still create a lot of fanbase to the original creators.
I think is still considered piracy too, or I'm wrong? but in this case I think is for good because they don't ask money for that they translate and dub, and they help fanbase grow. Personally I appreciate a lot that ppl make this kind work for free.
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But the thing is if it wasn't for these ppl who do it for free, not a lot of ppl would watch lots of animes outside Japan, so animes won't be popular like they are now, and original creator won't have that big fanbase, this will make their sales for games and other stuff related with anime going down since not a lot of ppl would buy it outside Japan. I think the creators of animes understand that this kind of work helps them too, not directly with money, but with fanbase that will spend money after anyways on other stuff.
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Then again if you can watch fansubs for free(or even dubbed international versions) there is no incentive to really buy anything. Sure we might call ourselves animelovers saying we support this and that and what not but i'm pretty sure most of us have never bought any merchandise from any series or even boxed copies of those animes we like.
If you truly cared for the creators you'd order the anime from Jpn even after you have watched it online or use services like crunchyroll who actually have deals w local japanese studios..
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So continue watching fansub, no problem, but the creators only benefit if you buy the series or use official licensed services like crunchyroll.
I'm saying if you really consider yourself a true animefan or fan of a particular anime even, you should still buy/order anime even if you don't/cant watch it to support the studio and author that created it. Most of us never do though.
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I dislike crunchyroll because of the amount of ads that are on their website. I enjoy using Kissanime where I don't have 3-5 video ads. I still buy a t-shirt or some kind of merchandise if I really enjoy the show. I've got a Durarara! shirt and I'm going to order a FMA brotherhood messenger bag/laptop carrying case. Hoping to pick up some nice stuff next year when the local anime convention hits. The last day for it allows you to haggle for some good prices.
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it is not piracy as long as the anime isn't licensed in the region the sub is for.
as soon as it is licensed it is not longer legal to provide episodes from it, thats the reason some fansub groups remove subbed episodes from their website sometimes, at least if they don't support piracy. (there are also many which don't care at all about this issue!)
animecrazy was the best site for watching but it closed down for good, now I use nwanime though there might be a better one to use instead.
(I mostly watch stuff from actual season, those new animes aren't licensed anywhere besides japan itself.)
BTW I can recommend Tokyo Ghoul and Akame ga Kill! from new season (season started few days ago)
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If anime is licensed, they just remove it from their website. I watch animes in Russian, there are some groups that do these stuff, and they already translated, subbed and dubbed voices for more than 2000 animes I think, just because of them in Russia anime are very popular and have a lot of success, in other countries a lot of ppl still like animes like in Spain(is where I live) but practically no one voices animes, they just sub them, and most of Spanish ppl even prefer subbed animes instead of dubbed, personally I prefer dubbed, I'm just used to it, subbed anime feels awful and uncomfortable to me, and these ppl from Russia make very good quality dubs for anime, sometimes they even translate and sing the opening or ending, the aniem it self are good quality too 720p or 1080p easy findable for practically everything from recent years, as I see in most of the countries ppl have only subs.
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http://anime4psp.org/ It lets you download anime in mp4 format which should play in all devices/phones. Tested them on my tablet and they have pretty good quality.
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if it isn't licensed you are allowed to download the shit out of it.
I just checked again and it seems I was partially wrong!
The distribution of fansubs is technically a violation of copyright under the WTO TRIPS agreement. However the TRIPS agreement does not demand that distribution of copyrighted material is a criminal offence unless it is done on a commercial scale. (so you can distribute it as long as you don't do it commercialy)
The copyright of unlicensed material is held by the original creator and thus very unlikely a japanese company will sue you in another country.
Also it isn't available legally at all in most of the world, so either go with fansubs or don't watch it at all. (ofc crunchyroll is great for US and has many shows to watch legally)
If those companies would release localized versions I would be happy to throw my money at them, but this won't happen at all since most animes don't get a release outside of japan, sadly.
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While I do think anime is best experienced in watching HD, as would probably any other kind of media entertainment, some people, myself included, have to deal with datacaps making it practically impossible to do so. I would very much like to watch all of it in the highest definition possible, but when you have 100 GB for a full month, shared with 4 other people, (and previously only 50GB) there's just no way of doing so when watching on a regular base. That said, I do watch my anime films in HD, anything less for those often beautifully crafted masterpieces would indeed be wrong.
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Here is a good one to watch anime. http://www.dubbedepisodes.org/
another one that i like to use is http://www.animedreaming.tv/ and http://www.gogoanime.com/
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The site doesn't exist anymore, the creators of it shut it down theirselves months ago with the message that while it had been a long and good time together with the community; they were not able to make the progress necessary to the site to keep things like users preferred, etc. or something akin to that I believe.
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There're hundreds of decent sites to watch anime. I personally prefer animecenter.tv. They usually provide both non-HD and HD videos to watch online, English subbed. Also I like how the site is user-friendly, unlike many others.
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AnimeFreak.tv - Weird site layout IMO but the video player they use has just one quick ad (sometimes none in my experience) makes watching anime with ease.
GoGoAnime - Usually my main. There are similar sites like this (example: anime44.com)
AniChat - A helpful site that shows great anime information each airing season (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall). Also has a great airing chart to keep track when a new episode will be released.
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I use Anime-planet and Myanimelist to find series and download them from BakaBT, NyaaTorrens or Tokyo Toshokan.
I used to use several direct download sites too but most of them went down with Megaupload.
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I prefer using it from the XBMC program.
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I use kissanime. They show the newly updated anime right on the front page with a picture of the show which is great. The ads are also easy to hide and there's no video ads. They use the youtube player which makes for faster streaming than most other streaming sites, and they stream in 480 or better. You can also download the episodes right there and they have a comment section.
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http://www.animeavenue.net/ It's good quality site
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You have to register, tons of anime and it will save you so much disk space !
Files are small but the quality is still good. :)
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Just few questions. Can someone actually tell me a good website where I can watch anime in a decent quality (480p or higher)(youtube is not a solution...I can't find the movies I want there!) where I don't have to pay? Or a place where I can actually download them (with download helper or just download)? In weekend (actually most of our weekends) I go with my parents to our grandma's place but when I'm bored I wanna watch an anime movie on my phone but I can't find a decent website from which I can get what I want.
Any thoughts?
Sorry no ga. D:<
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