I see tons fo the giveaways for a game but no bundles anywhere. So what's going on? Nobody ever mentioned it here on SteamGifts that Deponia is free or bundled right now. So what's going on?

Also where is the main thread for "Where all those keys come from?"? Couldn't find it.

EDIT: Btw, I don't mean Deponia: The Complete Journey. I mean Deponia and only Deponia.

EDIT2: Closed cause some people still doesn't understand the topic at all.

6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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Yeah. I already have The Compelte Journey, but don't have "Deponia". So this is nto helping me. Or maybe people are selecting wrong game?

Like this one https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/XD7p8/deponia

EDIT: So people are probably just giving away wrong game, it seems... I thought there is some other bundle with it.

6 years ago

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They show two sites currently having a sale for 91% and 90% off, but I can't see the sale when I check them. Maybe they just had sales and they ended, I'm not sure.

6 years ago

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damn, 19 bundles
still, a good game

6 years ago

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Well on dhl it shows as normal deponia, so people don't necessarily know it's actually for the complete journey. Gonna be interesting when they found out they created a ga for the wrong game of a key they got for free. :D

6 years ago

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Does it matter? Does The Complete Journey activate a different product on your account than just the 3 individual games? If it activates the 3 games, then everything should be fine.

6 years ago

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It's 2 different appid's. Sgtools would eat winners up.

6 years ago

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I didn't know that, I figured it would just activate the 3 normal games. I wonder if SG will allow to change the giveaways. It will probably be easiest to just delete the giveaways since they are free keys anyway and don't add any CV.

6 years ago

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Complete is a seperate "game" that bundles all 3 games so you can run them from first to 3rd without even leaving the game, with some fixes applied too.

6 years ago

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Yes, it's a separate 'game'/app. It doesn't give the three individual games.

Edit: ahh Hassat already answered that.

6 years ago

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Does it matter?

Yes, it matters. If you win a giveaway for Deponia here on SteamGifts, but you receive Deponia: The Complete Journey, then you have not received the game promised in the giveaway and should mark it "Not Received." (As a caveat, marking it "Received" will set you up to be penalized for failure to activate a win.)

6 years ago

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Yup, I know how that works. I thought it was giving you the 3 games when you activated the key, so the game would show as activated and you would just get 2 extra games. I didn't know The Complete Journey activated as its own separate game.

6 years ago

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It only matters in what Khalaq said with the win being non-active. Other wise both games have been given free now.

5 years ago

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6 years ago

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Yeah, right. Your comment is pretty facepalmic.

6 years ago

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you really don't know how to search...

6 years ago

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Just because I didn't search for what didn't exist? Deponia game is not bundled or given away for free. The Complete Journey is, and I don't care about this game. People are just giving wrong game away.
So stop being arrogant and go away.

6 years ago

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the thread is there... I really don't know how you couldn't find it.

6 years ago

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Guy, do You even listen to what I said? Or You just babbling for nothing? People mistook Deponia: The Complete Journey with Deponia. But it seems it's DLH's faul. WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?

And about master thread, I can copy what I found. Your ego is so high, You can't even hear (figuratively) what people say...

I didn't know perfect title, cause I am not so ugly perfect as You think You are.

6 years ago

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Oddly, the keyword "giveaway" seems to be a better search in this case. I get you sometimes I run into trouble searching for threads on the forum. I remember there's a Harassment thread by Mully but I cant find it. Another alternative way is to google search for the thread as google checks for each individual words as against the exact phrase here. "steamgifts giveaways come from" on google, should be 1st result. Cheers, Cruse~ :D

6 years ago

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I was sure the topic was like "Where does all the games come from?" to be honest and couldn't find it that way. Was sure it was something like that. And it seems to be "Where are those giveaways coming from". I mistook "all" with "are" and "does" with "those". So that was my problem there :)

6 years ago

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Well, the key is the search matter. Which is "Steamgifts" You have to identify Steamgifts as 1st subject then you just type whatever you remember about the thread. "steamgifts Where does all the games come from" still give me the "Search Results
Web results - Where are those giveaways coming from? - SteamGifts" as the 1st result.

Its how i search most things on google, like for a game "Game [Gamename] Steam". As for Steamgift's search function, you have to get the words and their arrangement Exactly right for it to work. It must be "where are those" or "giveaways" as I mentioned. If you search, "Where are giveaways" you will never hit a result on the forum. ^_^

6 years ago

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I meant I searched ON Steamgifts, not using Google.

6 years ago

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Yeah, I was suspecting you were talking about the Forum search so I tried to detail about the forum search difference and google search. Perhaps it'll help you or others in future. Warm Regards! ^_^ Cruse~

6 years ago

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Harassment thread by Mully

Jokes aside, the forum is lacking a better search function.

6 years ago

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I meant the cat calling harassment thread, it was one of the 1st threads I comment in. Which reminded me I could check my chat history, it was 30 pages back, Luckily I changed the page number on the top. Apparently she closed the thread a month ago. It also reminded me that its been 8 months and almost a yr, time flies!

Indeed it lacks search function. The way I mention with google search is quite effective but you must remember to use google, key words that way it'll be effective. Sometimes I forget to use the method like the thread I mention above. Hahaha!!! I'm a dummy. XD

6 years ago

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Haha, don't be so hard on you, my quote was taken out of context. :D
Yeah, google is the way to go when you want to find specific comments or topics.

6 years ago

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Hahaha, nah, I really forgot to use google to search that thread as I had been trying to find the thread for awhile. Talking about not doing what you preach. XD I can get too forgetful at times. Alot of times I also forgot I had previous interactions with others. >__>" Good thing is there is a chat history, the bad? You can't search the chat history. XD

6 years ago

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Even easier if you use site:steamgifts.com as then google only shows results from SG, and not anything else where SG might be mentioned.

Hadn't actually read your comment yet when I posted that below.

6 years ago

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Mmm, thats a nice trick. Not sure if I can remember. XD But its very nice to know, Thank you~ :D

6 years ago

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Yeah it, also works more specific. If I want to search for comments by you, but only only in giveaways I can use site:www.steamgifts.com/giveaway Cruse
same for only in duscussions
site:www.steamgifts.com/discussion Cruse
Really great if you want to find something specific on a certain site, or certain part of a site.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Thanks for the pro tip. Learned something new about SG today :-)

6 years ago

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Well, google search actually xD But it's one of the more useful search parameters in my opinion (there are quite some others too).

6 years ago

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Jokes aside, the forum is lacking a better search function.

Agreed, although it is better than some.

For that matter, our forum is on the "Simple" end of the spectrum. It lacks many things.

6 years ago

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Next time maybe use this, SG search is pretty wonky.

6 years ago

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If I knew SG has bad search engine, I would probably do that earlier.

6 years ago

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It's pretty easy to find in "deals" section
In DLH it's written deponia with picture of deponia, so the assumption is strong with this one that people giving away wrong game

Even the main thread is there ;)

6 years ago

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Thanks for the main thread.
About Deponia, I meant Deponia, nto The Compelte Journey. But it seems people are giving away wrong game. I just thought that maybe there is another bundle with "Deponia", instead of free key for the game I already own.

6 years ago

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In DLH it's written deponia with picture of deponia, so the assumption is strong with this one that people giving away wrong game

Yep, there is a chance that people doesn't aware that is not "deponia" since DLH set wrong title/picture


6 years ago*

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Lmao, so it's not people's fault but DLH's. Well, it's like selling tonic in vodka's bottle, telling people it's vodka... I know it's for free but it makes confusion. Especially with SteamGifts... I just wonder what will happen if the people win the Deponia games and activated Compelte Journey. AFAIK, SteamGifts staff wont' change the game. So they will have to delete giveaway.

6 years ago

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In this case, it's more like vodka in a tonic bottle. Haha! You're in fact getting the 3 deponia games rolled into one, instead of the just the first one as advertised.

6 years ago

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I don't know the game. Just heard of it, so I don't know what games does this pack contains.But Steam list it as standalone games. Deponia Complete Journey is different game than Deponia. So does DCJ contains Deponia?

6 years ago

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Yes, it contains the first three deponia games.

6 years ago

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So... I don't understand why Steam list it independently.

6 years ago

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Because they were released as single cames first. The Complete Journey was released later as a pack. That's btw. not Valve's, but Daedalic's decision.

6 years ago

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They could have just merge them or make one game part of another.

6 years ago

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The Complete Journey is literally the merged 3 games, as Myrsan said. And therefore, the 3 games are part of another, the Complete Journey ;)

6 years ago

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You didn't understand. Why they didn't merge Deponia into Complete Journey or list TCJ as DLC or whatever.
I can buy Deponia, even though I have Complete Journey, so I thought it's very different game.

Actually I have:

  • Chaos on Deponia
  • Goodbye Deponia
  • Deponia: The Complete Journey


  • Deponia
  • Deponia Doomsday

How I could know which games from those are part of TCJ? Steam store page doesn't even list those games. But I guess I already have 2 of the games out of TCJ as standalone games. Amirite? I only know that Doomsday is not part of TCJ, but probably Chaos and Goodbye is. This is really bad, cause it's like billing two times for the same thing, cause the seller won't tell it's the same game. If there is bundle of 3 games, it should be listed as bundle of 3 games and not standalone game.

6 years ago

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The Complete Journey was released in 2014 and thus contained the three parts until then (Deponia, Chaos on Deponia and Goodbye Deponia). Doomsday was released in 2016.
For people, who already had had one or two parts, it surely was better that Daedalic didn't decide to remove the old apps, because it was cheaper to buy the missing one(s) instead of the Complete Journey at that time. Instead of a new app ID they could have made it a bundle, but the Complete Journey also contains extras.
Other developers often remove apps at the release of remastered / remade versions or later, sometimes directly replace them. Yet there are also other similar confusing app/package histories (e.g. the King Arthur RPGs, ARMA 2).

But I agree with you that the description of the Complete journey is admittedly vague, since it only states in bold that it doesn't contain Doomsday and provides just a hint regarding being a trilogy ("Showered in top-scores and awards, the Deponia-Trilogy, created by the developers of Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World and Memoria, managed to reach cult-status almost instantly."). A list of the contents would be precise.

6 years ago

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You know there is something like bundles? Or off for those, who own a title? Many games does that. You own game X, You can buy game Y for lowered price. Ori and Dark Souls made that. And both old versions of the game are impossible to buy. However it's bad for Dark Souls, cause it IS different game and it's online. So if You are playing PtD, You can't play with newcomers, cause they won't buy game that is removed from store. That's bad.

But Deponia could have made pack out of those 3 games with a off, when You own a game. That's the case of MOST of the games. Why they couldn't have done that? That's the mystery.

So they should have NOT made different game, just make pack of them three.And the problem is fixed.

5 years ago

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They had 85% off for owners at release... FOR ONE WEEK. I learned about the existence of the thing later than that so kinda pissed at it.
But at 1 dollar hb bundle I couldn't complain. Then gifting the free copy to my gf.

And a bundle would not link all 3 back to back with fixes and bonus content. The complete pack is NOT just a collection of three games. Which made the discount being so short so annoying to me.

5 years ago

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I find this very uncool and unfair, cause I own a game and wanted to buy others, thinking they are very different games. They never mentioned those 3 games are what is inside the pack, so naturally I was sure they're different games. This is what I don't like about it. Cause if I didn't ask for Deponia giveaways, I wouldn't even know I own all the games and would buy it in the future. This is not okay. They should have specified what games are in the Complete Journey and make the pack out of it, instead of selling them as a different game.

5 years ago

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You've been told several times already why it's not that.
And what else do you think "Complete Journey" would entail... a new game? While it may seem logical to explain what it entails, why should they... it entailed EVERYTHING... (well, till Doomsday that was).

5 years ago

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I bet You didn't even read what I said, cause Your answer is a non sequitur.

5 years ago

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I mentioned the possibility of a bundle and a possible reason why they didn't do it that. I mentioned that devs/publishers use different ways to sell games at Steam. If you want to know the truth or blame them, contact Daedalic. If you had bought it, you could ask Valve for a refund. If you think that this is unfair, boycott the publisher. That's up to you, I don't care.
You wanted information, I gave it to you. You're welcome.

5 years ago

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This isn't about blame or refund. I don't care. But it's unfair how they prosper. They literally sell the same things twice as a standalone things.
Contact Daedalic? They are devs. Devs never listen to people. They sometimes does, but definitely not single person.

5 years ago

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Why they didn't merge Deponia into Complete Journey or list TCJ as DLC or whatever.

First half makes no sense (turning the 1st game into complete?) , and if you stop to think just for a second, how exactly do you want to have TCJ as a DLC for THREE different games?

How I could know which games from those are part of TCJ? Steam store page doesn't even list those games

"Showered in top-scores and awards, the Deponia-Trilogy [...] Deponia: The Complete Journey does not include the new sequel Deponia Doomsday!" 4 Deponia games exist, one is not part of the trilogy (that means 3, just in case), then what does it contain? Not exactly the riddle of the year.

If there is bundle of 3 games, it should be listed as bundle of 3 games and not standalone game.

It is a standalone game though, it's not activating 3 different subs. You would know that if you would look at the install size, or how it installs one game, not 3.... It is a remastered version of the 3 games with heaps of additional content and features, as it is written in the store page.

It's not billing two times for the same things, but offering the option to buy the original games one by one, or the full package as a trilogy pack. You as a hopefully adult person, you are responsible for what you buy. You don't seem to be an incompetent consumer who feels victimized, that they about the difficulty that you can't just blindly buy everything, they need to think first. So don't act like one?

Are you angry about Lord of the Rings selling books and DVDs one by one, and in trilogy packs too? Or with other television series, trying to rip you off by selling seasons individually and as a complete thing?

I may not understand you and your incompetent anger, but you have trouble understanding written information, and refuse to think for yourself. I'm not sure if you just enjoy the outrage, or this is what you are capable of. Anyway, better luck with your errands in the future.

6 years ago

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Ori and the Blind forest with removing old game and make new game.
Or just any pack on Steam that have off when You own a title of it.
Whatever. There is tons of options, and I listed just two of the most popular and easy to do. But they couldn't even manage to list what games are in the complete journey. They failed so bad.

Ori Base
Ori with DLC
You can't buy base game anymore. Yet the Definitive version was set to the same price and whoever owned base game, had the price cut of 50%.

Dark Souls PtD
Dark Souls Remastered
The same case, but this is remastered, different game. Which is actually bad, cause of what I said before.

Assassin's Creed Bundle
Bundle that contains few games of the series. Not listed as a different game for no reason.

If those studios could have done that, they could and should have too.

4 Deponia games exist, one is not part of the trilogy (that means 3, just in case), then what does it contain? Not exactly the riddle of the year.

Don't be a smartass. Many games are not sold on Steam. And Steam didn't have description that listed those games.
Why should I google collection, that should have listed games in its description. It's their DUTY to say what the pack contains. And why would I even want to google it if I was sure this is a bundle that contains VERY DIFFERENT games than the other 4. Because that's what every intelligent person would think. That's the point - every one would think we have 4 games + pack of other games that are not sold separately. This is how they make it look like. For me it's intentional to make people buy games twice. It's pretty uncool.

It is a remastered version of the 3 games with heaps of additional content and features, as it is written in the store page.

In a store page not much is written. And no, they never said "it's a remastered version of Deponia, Chaos on(...)'. Never. So the normal reaction is - some pack of probably the oldest games, that maybe were not on PC or whatever. I'm not the clairvoyant, so I didn't know those games are the same games. How would I know if they never said it is.

It's not billing two times for the same things, but offering the option to buy the original games one by one, or the full package as a trilogy pack. You as a hopefully adult person, you are responsible for what you buy. You don't seem to be an incompetent consumer who feels victimized, that they about the difficulty that you can't just blindly buy everything, they need to think first. So don't act like one?

Once again, don't be a smartass. If insulting is the only thing You can do, even though You are pretty wrong, this is the case for You, maybe You should start acting like an adult. Cause You are clearly acting like in a kindergarten and You don't like one kid, so You are mean to them.
I already showed how they could and should have made it. Any other studio does that. Why this one fails?

Are you angry about Lord of the Rings selling books and DVDs one by one, and in trilogy packs too?

First, I am not angry. It's clearly You who are fanboy and couldn't stand a criticizm, that is very legit.
Second, this is the case! They are selling BUNDLE of the movies, which Deponia's makers couldn't make. But as the DVD is physical copy, not a digital, it can't offer off for what You already have. I hope You understand that simple thing. They never offered a pack. They offered a one game, sold as different one, instead of saying it's the trilogy of those specific titles.

I may not understand you and your incompetent anger, but you have trouble understanding written information, and refuse to think for yourself. I'm not sure if you just enjoy the outrage, or this is what you are capable of. Anyway, better luck with your errands in the future.

It's You who can't stand the truth and criticizm and You who is mad that someone dared to say something You don't understand. So don't turn this against me. Cause this is You who is incompetent here and pretty much aggressive towards me. You can't understand simple things as bundles in digital distribution. You are trying to lie how they say it's a trilogy of those games, while they never specify that this is it.

So either You start being grown up, or don't reply to me in that way. This is what makes You NOT an adult. The hostility because someone said something.

5 years ago

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Once again, those are remasters of ONE GAME. This is of THREE GAMES. Really, why do you keep missing that point. You've also been told countless times why it's not a bundle, since it's not simply a bundle of 3 games. Once again, you've been told this. REPEATEDLY.
Ori Definitive was given for free for all Ori users, not 50% off AFAIR.

Generally the complete version would entail, well, everything. They didn't really account for people like you who seem to conspiricy theorize so far, or expect anything but a collection. The description does clearly state it's bundled games. And infact untill you now this has NEVER been an issue, so cut the whole "intelligent people" crap.

"First, I am not angry. It's clearly You who are fanboy and couldn't stand a criticizm, that is very legit."
Yeah, no, they pretty much aren't. There's nothing in their post even remotely hinting at your conclusion. They just see you seemingly refuse to listen to EVERYONE explaining this to you and get a bit tired of it, same here really. Probably more people too. You've been told why things are as they are, yet you seemingly keep pointing out things that have no relation to it at all instead. It will upset quite a few people doing that. Being crass doesn't help. You say he's being a smartass but you're adding "intelligent people", "you're acting like in kindergarten", "You are a fanboy" and other insults right back at them, and this isn't the only post where you're being extremely unkind to people for no reason what-so-ever.

5 years ago*

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Once again, read what i said, then answer.
And You are wrong, Ori was given with 50% off, wasn't given for free for base game owners.

Also the only "Extremely unkind" people here are You and this other guy, who literally try to make idiot out of me. I just shown how unmature that other troll was. And funny that You are a hypocrite. First of all, he called me an idiot. Second, I never said anythign about him. Just stated that any intelligent people would think as I though - that with not being given the information, it's obvious to think as it's the different game. CAUSE EVERY SINGLE STUDIO IN THE WORLD DOES THINGS THAT WAY. The only exception is Deponia makers.
About kindergarten part... don't misrepresent things. I said, and this was a truth, that he argues like he was in kindergarten. Cause the way he insulted me was exactly how would it be in such place. There is no insult from me here.
And those two things were the a reply to what he said. He literally called me idiot and the kid. Yet You just conveniently missed that part. I was only defending myself. He was calling me idiot, so I said "no, every intelligent person would thing that way". He was calling me kid, co I said "no, it's You who act childish". So don't make it into me, while he was hostile for his entire comment. I had to explain the simplest things to him, cause he was so aggressive.
And Yes. he is definitely a fanboy. A guy, who gets mad because someone says something he doesn't like, so he gets full hostile mode. Perfect definition of a fanboy. He can't stand what i said, so he insulted me. You act the same way right now.

Also I don't care about Your comment actually. You got angry that I stated the fact. I won't argue with people like You, cause You are definitely a troll. I stated what should it be like, what it is like and why it shouldn't be like how it is.You got mad and started to insult me. The same like the other guy did. So bye.

5 years ago

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Or an obvious mistake so Humble wont go after them? Hmm~

6 years ago

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This is what I thought reading the comments in the dlh thread.

6 years ago

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View attached image.
6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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Deponia the Complete Journey includes 3 games:

  1. Deponia
  2. Goodbye Deponia
  3. Chaos on Deponia

so if you own the complete journey, you own "Deponia" as well. So in both cases you already own the game.

6 years ago

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His point was that they are two different SteamID's, purchased separately. In other words, they are two different games which include the same content. DtCJ contains additional content, however, and that is the fact he is overlooking.

6 years ago

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You don't "own" Deponia though.

I have the Deponia the Complete Journey and Goodbye Deponia, but am lacking Deponia and Chaos on Deponia.

Think of it as Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor, there is a GOTY edition and a normal edition. Sleeping Dogs and Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition.

Owning Deponia the Complete Journey doesn't grant you 3 separate Steam Games, it grants you 1 game that has had all 3 games merged.

6 years ago

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Exactly, DtCJ doesn't even let you download the 3 games separately, it's either the complete package you download, or none.

5 years ago

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These 2 are not even similar.
Mordor GOTY is just the base game + all dlc, no different appid. Sleeping dog and it's definitive ARE 2 diferent appid's though.

So one is a bundle and another a "different game" like Deponia here.

5 years ago

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But those are listed as two different games on Steam. That's the point.

5 years ago

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Maybe just because complete journey not giving cv

6 years ago

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Actually here is the answer. It's just DLH's mistake.

6 years ago

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Neither does Deponia and that is what they are creating giveaways for. It is most likely just because they don't know what the key is for and they think it is just Deponia.

6 years ago

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Maybe Bot accounts making giveaways? Hmm~
Bot grab bot gib! XD

6 years ago

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Neither Deponia nor The Complete Journey grant CV.

5 years ago

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Yeah, really. This pic is my reaction to Your epic fail. Did You even read the description or just came here to troll?

View attached image.
5 years ago

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I got a free copy from Lootboy that I was intending to gift since I picked up the Complete Journey when it was free a few months back. Just tested the key and it looks like the Lootboy key is in fact just Deponia and not the Complete Journey.

5 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by EyrieTheEagle.