will you buy it ??
You should really look up some tutorials ... I think you cannot use your Steam Link at all. Just minimize Big picture mode (settings) and do whatever you want with your PC. I even use Steam controller to browse internet, watch movies and play Hearthstone on TV via it.
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I use a Link and you can
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I don't have any issues using desktop through my Steamlink. There's even an option in Big Picture mode to go back to use desktop directly, ratehr than tabbing out.
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samsung tv 2016/2017 have steam link free in smart hub
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They're in a different country. UK had a decent shipping price. I have a friend in Jersey who has to pay £25 for shipping if he wants it.
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-90%? Guess not many were buying it in the first place?
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To bad they don't discount the controller that much.
The link is good. It could be better with a bit more power, gigabyte lan and app support.
But for this price, it's a steal.
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I bought the controller for really cheap on eBay a few weeks ago. This clobby device really doesn't deserve to be called controller. What a piece of shit, I immediately resold it on eBay again. The analog stick is too small, the same for the buttons. My thumb always hit more than one button simultaneously and I really don't have big hands. That dpad thing clicks very loud, the whole thing clicks if you press anything. I have tried a bunch of games which i played without any issues before with a xbox contoller, and none would feel good, the controlls are just ass with the steam controller and don't do it for me. I'm not sure what kind of games are supposed to be perfect for this controller, maybe Point&click games, but honestly I rather play them with a mouse.
If you ever played a game with a Xbox or ps3/4 controller, you will not be happy with this device. How the hell can they charge 50+ bucks for this? Avoid!
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tbh the controller is really good despite the fact about the touch analog it's just you need to get used to it. the quality of the pad it self is really great and worth a shot i play most of my games with it not the FPS games since am not used to the touch pad yet so i think you should grab it on sale whenever you find available and less than 20 quids at least that's my opinion
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You can't compare it with a Xbox or ps3/4 controller at all.
It is something different so you have to get used to it. It suits my gaming purpose perfectly since I do play alot point & click games. And I don't want to use a mouse in my couch when playing on tv. And I can almost play my whole steam library with it.
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All I suggest is read the reviews and spend some time researching.
I bought oneduring last sale and don't regret it.. but the results are not optimum.
The box is very useful (for me), but limited...
Nothing more updates can't take care of.. all my issues with the unit are softare based.
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I'm due to play that "free" game from the last deal in 2031
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I own 2. I use it to watch movies on the TV.
2nd one for when the first one dies.
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Gamestop has it for the same price and I bought mine there without having to pay shipping.
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Whats the point of this? Just get hdmi cabel and connect your pc to tv, thats what im doing!
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Some people (like myself) might not have their PC anywhere near their TV, and also not want to have to deal with moving it from where it is to anywhere else.
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My HDMI-Cable would cross 3 rooms. What do you think would my GF say :D
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They should replace that soon with never :) i think i should also search a other way to buy it
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The repeating price drops suggest Steam is looking to abandon it's focus on expanding into the realm of "lounge gaming", to resettle on the PC. That's why Steam Boxs (or whatever they're called now) both flopped and dropped. The Steam Link, in the same realm of "lounge gaming", has failed, so they're clearing stock and moving onto their next focus.
The Steam Controller probably won't be discounted quite so soon, as that can work for PC gaming. It WILL be heavily discounted in the near future though, since poor reviews coupled with a relatively high price tag have damned it. I would guess, 6-12 months away.
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Don't think so. But we'll see. The "lounge gaming" group as you call them will keep on growing very slowly imo. So it would not be wise to abandon them. The steam boxes have failed for entirely other reasons. And the steam controller will be around for a very long time...
There will be probs a next steam link with 4k support + new tv's will have access to a steam link app.
It must cost them alot of money though. Any known numbers on that?
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It would be so simple: create an andoid app that can broadcast... So you can use it with the Fire TV (and Stick), most smart TVs ans Nvidias Shild.
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Bought a steamlink with the ICEY bundle.
I'm quite happy with the steamlink itself. It works well, was easy to set up and it takes very little space. Thumbs up for that!
I was not so happy with the drivers Valve wanted to install on my PC. They completely messed up all my sound settings, and I ended up having to re-install my sound drivers, because valve broke them.
I'm incredibly unhappy with how Valve handles shipping. The fact that I ended up getting the personal information of another steam user shows that Valve does not take security seriously...
So overall, steamlink = Good. Valve = bad.
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i have to agree on the shipping part had almost the same problems but they handles it quite well and fast responds on there part.
but didn't have any problems with any kind of drivers on my computer at all so that's weird might be corrupted driver been downloaded or installed something like that.
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You also ended up with another persons personal information? That's incredibly bad.
I had a fare bit of back & forth with valve support, and I explained to them why it's incredibly bad that they're handing out other peoples personal information. They ended up refunding my order completely, but I'm not sure if Valve actually will do something about the bigger issue. At this point, I have very little faith in Valve, they've been leaving major issues unfixed for a year now.
I've got a separate sound card, and my motherboard has an integrated soundcard. That was what caused the issues. Valve had not tested properly for this eventuality, and it ended up completely messing with my drivers.
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so yeah i found out steam link is on sale again on steam
for 90% 4 quid only (keep in mind you will have to pay another 7.40 quid for the shipping)
last time i bought with ICEY bundle and it took them 3 weeks to ship it to my house and tbh i've never used it that much
what do you think is worth another shot ?
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