What will Supernatural s11 be?
It pretty much ended there for me, minus Sam showing up in the last scene. I haven't watched too much since.
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Much better cliffhangers ended up being just much ado about nothing. Castiel went mad and became god? Meh, reset at start of next season. Angels fall from the sky? meh, reset at start of the season. We just brought freaking apocalypse upon earth? Meh, reset at start of the season. And so on and on.
All they may do is to kill some more characters during season, maybe even Castiel (as they did kill Bobby) but Sam and Dean will go away unscratched in the end. So I guess some of these: Sheriff Jody, Hannah, Rowena, Crowley, Castiel will die and that's all.
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on first impression what you say is not having a lot of sence, but then again, when I think about some psycho-fangirls I've encountered at conventions... maybe there is something to your conspiracy theory :D:
(still, I could understand Jo, but Charlie? her relationship with Winchesters were in no way romantic - rather protective, older-brother-younger-sister like, so why would fangirls would feel "endangered" by her? Not to mention that afair she was a lesbian)
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That's not fair. I'm a female fan of the show but I loved Charlie with the guys! She was awesome!!! And I almost stopped watching when they killed her because it just about broke my heart. Just like it did when they killed Jo and Helen, and when they killed Bobby! Those characters were all the family the Winchesters had. But I keep hoping they'll bring them back somehow. Bobby has shown up a couple of times and so has Jo. Just because they're dead on the show doesn't mean they're gone. So I keep hoping.
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Okay, fair enough. I don't go anywhere near that far so I can't say anything about that level of fandom.
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I'm talking about actual death - aka removing character from show's storyline, more or less (in case of dead Bobby still being helpfull sometimes) permamently. In case of Dean dying, Sam being trapped in hell for "all ethernity" (reading few months) you can be pretty much sure they will simply resurect/save this character.
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Whatever the end it is i just hope to be really good,because after all the seasons it should be awesome - since they have lost it on their way -
Jo and Charle die?Really?As for the Bobby i'll leave it.You die,Bobby stay dead - i'm talking that he became evil ghost -
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Yeah, the problem is that I wasn't even sad for Charlies death. My first reaction was hmm, okay, wonder WHEN they will bring her back
As for permamenth dead - it will be permamenthly only for minor characters like that hunter killed by vampire in last episode. As far as I remeber to this moment he only had one apperance in show. As a voice in phone -.-
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"it will be permamenthly only for minor characters" - so you consider characters like Jo or Ellen minor? Actually Jo had much more appereances in the show than Charlie did, yet she got permakilled ;) Other, more recent example - Benny perma-died as well, so did (probably) Kevin ;)
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Hmm, I think I use wrong words. I mean in 'current situation'. When Jo or Ellen died they weren't revivng eceryone they could (or did they? I think they died somewhere around first revival of Dean, when it was a huge thing). And Benny? Well, after all he was monster so it was kinda obcious what will happen with him, sooner or later.
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Jo and Ellen died close to the end of 5th season afair, there's been already a lot of revival in the show up to this point S1 - Dean Dies hit by a truck, John sells his soul, S2 - Sam dies stabed to death, Dean sells his soul, S3 Dean killed by hellhounds, revived by Cass, S4 - Sam struck by lighting, dean revives him with wish from wishong well ;)
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Hmm, I really need to rewatch it ;) But I was more reffering about that episode when they got killed by other hunters and some angel explains them that they have already died many times but they are being ressurected many times but it was wiped out from their memory, but this one time he will let them remember it, or something like that.
I mean, you know, then it was huge deals - like pacts with the demons (remember when one demon was great opponent for them? :P). Later it become something normal.
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Well, at the end some omnipotent power can do a Dragon Ball magic and make everyone (I mean everyone) forget about all what happend and make brothers live their lives without even knowing that they were hunters.
Yet still it would leave open doors to another season. Heaven, angels are disturbed "oh my it's so evilll what will we do, general Castiel?" "there is only way thing we can do - let's bring back Winchesters memories!" Carry on my wayward son starts playing, season 20 is now on
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Something like this http://i.imgur.com/GBrrYVz.gif ;)
Haha you really think they can pull it so far?Already is a little bit tiring.Well going to see the next episodes that i'm missing and i'll be back to tell what impressions left me.
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I finished today the s10 and to be honest few episodes i like.Nothing much to say except that the season finale it reminds me the episode with the faling angels.Death is dead,how can this happen?So i belive that Rovina who make the spell so Dean finally get rid of the mark of Cain release the Darkness which Darkeness obey to Rovina.Will Rovina be the new Abaddon?Ppl cant die,since death is dead,so there will be walking dead on earth or immortal?Or even better how about Sam and Dean become evil,since Darkness swallow them?
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Sorry for delay in anwer, I had few things to take care of and I actually forget about my own thread -.-
You know, I had few similliar predictions, and idea of BOTH brothers being bad is really appealing but like few people mentied earlier - we forget about fans. I consider myself a big fan, but I guess there are people who goes on conventions, buys books (I think they weren't translated to my language) as so on. I would risk and say that this hardcore fans might be a big % of viewers and they probably wouldn't like this scenario.
We also have to remember one thing - CW makes their polls and reasearches. If show is like it is, basically the same from few seasons, it means that most valuable (by CW) group of viewers like that. The same goes with that feelings thing. First seasons was more dark, but when show become more popular, creators decided to hire few womans as scriptwriters to add some bro love moments. Some people didn't like it but it seems like fangirls was in majority and feelings sharing moments are still a thing.
You see, this is kinda sad but I realized that many of our questions and predictions can be answered IRL. Will Crowley die? Well, lets check if there are any infos about Mark Sheppard and his contract. Will Castiel become bad 4 eva? Nah, girls would hate us for that. And so on.
Some creators risks, some of them are happy with what they have. Unfortunatelly CW looks like they are in second group. If they will do a gamechanger and show us something really new, this will probably means last season*.
*And still it don't have to be last. Do you remember Prison Break? They was on a brink of the end, and when they announced that they decided to end the show, ratings get sky high because everyone wanted to know how it will end. Numbers was so nice that creators decided to make few more seasons.
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Dont worry we all have works to do :)
To be fair the brothers became evil at some point of the seasons,not together but one by one and i belive their numbers go high.Well we have to wait until October to see whats going on but i keep an eye here if anyone say something else.Thanks for answering have a nice evening :)
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Yeah I know they were evil (soulless Sam, demon Dean, Dean Mark of Cain Edition and so on) but when anything bad happend with one of brothers, second one was always there to fight for him. But if they would make something like you said, that both of them would be bad - that would be interesting ;)
Have a nice weekend ;)
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it used to be quite good, most of all it has exceptionary soundtrack and this nice feeling of "road movie" - but generally now they are just reusing the same schematic idea ofr 10 seasons straight so it's not so great anymore. Still have some nice side-stories every now and then, but got weaker as a whole story.
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I'd recommend doing at least that! I loved it up until 5, beyond there I wasn't the biggest fan.
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I'll bump it anyway.. 5ts season should be the last one imho :)
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Honestly? have never heard of it...
don't really watch TV except very specific shows.
haven't bumped "that" thread, cause it's just been bumped. but i do keep an eye on it once in a while
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Because it's not a mainstream show, that's why most people don't know it, but the past few years it got more known thanks to tumblr.
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naah, I believe it's Sam turn to die now ;p After all he died "only" 6 times so far and haven't died even once since season 5. On the Other hand Dean died 111 times (actually 9, as 103 were in one episode ;p) and died 3 times already since Sam's last death ;p
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I'd like to believe with The Darkness being out, meaning every evil thing is out including Lucifer.
With Death's death, I'd think Dean is Death now or he just messed things up and everyone who died is brought back to life?
I have been watching Supernatural since the very start and honestly I do hope this season is the final one as much as I love the show and everyone behind it, it's getting very tiring and tedious.
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No, death of Death means that people won't die, not that they will be bring back to life. And, I think there was a show when Death was captured or something like that and people just didn't die. I remember that there even was a scene with a guy with gun wound on his chest just trying to figure out how he is still standing.
On the other hand - other riders was killed (do I remember it correctly?) but that didn't stopped wars or other things :P
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I was pretty sure I saw season 10 but this dark cloud is not sounding familiar at all. Does it have something to do with the Mark of Kain?
As for season 11 predictions, the brothers will grow apart, one of them will fall into a life or death predicament. The other one will come back to help. Many dialogues about family is everything. The one bro will work secretly with a bad guy to try and save the other. Many dialogues about going off the reservation when the other bro finds out. Dean will eat a lot of pie (take that in whatever way you want to).
In the end, they will beat the bad guy but the one brother could not be saved....until the next season.
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it has.
as Death explains to Dean, Mark of Cain can't be gone, or pre-genesis Darkness wil consume Earth. It can only be passed on another, but there always has been someone holding Mark. Dean asked Death to teleport him somewhere far away where he cannot hurt anyone. Death agreed on one condition - Dean must kill Sam, because Death know how Wincesters are, even with Dean locked up, Sam will spend rest of his days trying to find a way to bring him back, and they have history of finding such a ways. Dean agrees, arranges meeting, is about to kill Sammy butin last moment change of heart kills Death instead. At the same time in other place Rowena and Crowley, not knowing about Darkness prophecy, end spell/ritual to remove Mark. Mark of Cain gets removed instead of being passed, Dean informs Sammy about Darkness, they go outside and see a big black cloud moving towards them consuming everything on it's way.
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Oh wow. I must have stopped watching at some point before that. Sounds pretty dramatic at how it played out. Odd that I've watched every episode of every season and for some reason tuned out last season and can't even remember it. Maybe I'm getting tired of the sameness I guess. I know the Rowena storyline was really wearing thin for me. I love me some Crowly but introducing his mom in that form wasn't the way to go.
Thanks for the recap, will have to check it out before the start of season 11.
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Yes it was one of those seasons or maybe all of them :). They kind of all blend together anymore. The fact I can barely remember season 10 tells me the show is not as fun for me as it used to be.
I'll watch season 11 but maybe keep it on a short leash.
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Yeah, I'm considering starting all over and watch few first seasons, when it was closer to horror genre. And there is always anime with few episodes that wasn't created in main series - one of them was with a giant mech created from destroyed cars or something like that :D
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I hope they start thinking about wrapping up. I used to love the series, and I still watch it out of habit, but it has been dragging.
I really liked the original yellow-eyed demon story, because it was more personal.
Now the whole world is always at stake all the time, and has been like that for too many series.
i want a new interesting story that closes it all, developed over a couple of seasons: one to close old unfinished business and setup the last, and... the last. Big finale, lots of tears and move on 'till the series is still loved. Maybe do a Bobby spin-off, and that's it.
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I was thinking about some scenario to end show - they team up with Chuck/God, maybe even defeat The Darkness but earth is beyond repair. Then two things could happen - first, God 'restart' earth. Second - they leave earthe behind and all good people go to heaven and all bad people go to hell. Anyway, that probably won't happen because many reasons, one of them - plans for potential spinoff. Bloodlines didn't work but CW ceo still want it. They still could a spinoff about Man of Letters, set in past but I don't think it's possible
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problem with spinoff is that usually it should go atound already well established character(s). They may be secondary characters, but should be known and liked by the audience. |And Supernatural basically already killed off 90% of it's well established secondary characters ;p
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The scary thing is, they can always go further into abyss of absurd. Imagine them defeating The Darkness 'haha, I was only a minion, now you have to fight my master!' Season 12 is now on!
But really, I agree with you. They could actually focus on some fighting or actually antyhing else, without all that whining scenes. On the second note, they need to somehow fills episodes right? ;P At this moment I really reduced my predictions and hopes to a point where they won't do something 'bad' with one of brothers so we will be free of constans struggle when one of them is going to be dead/bad/soulless/demon/younameit ans second will try to rescue him. No more epic sacrafices, although I think this is unavoidable.
And don't get me wrong, I love that show, and I will cry like little girl when they will finally end it, but it's like watching your favourite athlete being worse and worse, spreading himself too thin, becasue he missed a point when he could go off the stage invincible.
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What about poor Crowley? He is pretty big down there... after all, a few extra inches is how he sold his soul and became a demon.
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I had no idea this show had run that long. Good for them, I guess. I never thought it looked interesting enough to ever watch more than a couple of minutes, typically when I was channel surfing and there was an attractive lady on the show. That's always enough to draw my attention for about two minutes.
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Hello fellow Supernatural fans!
There will be massive spoilers, so if you didn't watch it, leave this thread.
unless you think you can find something in here, I have heard that there is a hidden suprise in 1 of 8 GAs; well not really but who knows?
So, finally, yesterday I have finished season 10. I liked it, but it didn't gave me the wow effect like few others seasons endings. I mean, yeah, The Darkness is pretty badass but wasn't leviatans also very promising? Ultimate evil, that ended up being a big corpo. It kinda scares me, becuase that big black cloud might actually be nothing more that cliffhanger. It spawned on earth, but ultimatelly it will posses few dudes and we will have same the same ride all over again. It will be like Dragon Ball - another superb enemy that will be defeted after finding new, powerfull, pretime artefact that somehow went unnoticed untill now.
BUT if they will step up the game, and use it really good it might turn out pretty hardcore. Imagine 23 episodes of hostile world covered in darkness, where everyday is a fight for a living. This might be a chance to bring 'back' God, maybe Lucifer and Michael, because as we were told, only God and his Archangels was capable of defeting The Darkness. Knowing that, it will be hard to belive that Sam and Dean will be able to fight it alone.
If creators will go with second scenario it also opens up a question - will it mean end of Supernatural? I mean, you can't go much further right? There will be another pre-prebiblical evil? It's already kinda like Dragon Ball, where every ultiamate opponent is ultimate as long as story don't need new threath to push forward. Of course they can do something like: fight with The Darkness in season 11 only to find out in finalle that they need help from a Lucifer. Then, in season 12 finalle, after 'killing' The Darkness they would find out that Lucifer don't want go back to his cage and seeks for revenge. And then we would be served with season 5 repetead ins eason 13, which would suck major balls because IMO season 5 was magnum opus of creators and was, so far, best moment to end show. Don't get me wrong, I love it and I will be still watching it for next 50 years if they will still make it, but now it's not even so scary. Characters are like lvl 100 Skyrim characters that can defeat everything, and if they don't they probably will be revived or bring back to living world one way or another.
So yeah, this is my thoughts about it, what about yours? I could elaborate more but I don't want to create even bigger wall of text. Also, english is my second language that is very visible in long messages like that one. I have read it few times, but some mistakes can still be there so ask if something is not clear. I am excited to hear your ideas :)
EDIT If someone wonder there was a GA hidden here. You had to create a link from bolded letters and numbers. I thought it would be super easy to find, because I couldn't find a use for numer 8 so I created this spolier where I basically said that you can find something here :P
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