What's your Tactic?
What a pity! I already own The Banner Saga Trilogy for $13 five months ago.
I hate my hands!!
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I agree with that.
In this bundle, Banner Saga is a tier 1 mainstay game to stabilize the price.
Other smaller games are elements of surprise.
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cheapest way to get everything for the banner saga to, I paid more than this for just it during the summer sale.
I would have 100% snap bought tier 1 if I didn't already have it.
I may consider picking it up still and trying to sell off banner saga to recoup some of my cost.
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If you like the other 3 games in Tier 1, selling the Banner Saga is the cheapest way to collect all the games!
To me, I'm only interested in Coromon.
Maybe waiting for its rebundle is better for me.
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You can get Coromon for ~$9 (10% off with OMEN10 coupon code) over at Fanatical with their Ripper Bundle 2!
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You can get Coromon for ~$9 (10% off with OMEN10 coupon code) over at Fanatical with their Ripper Bundle 2!
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I've seen that since Ripper bundle starts.
There is the same problem. The other games in this bundle didn't attract me :(
Still thank you for your kindness :D
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looked halfway decent and then i saw it 2 coupons...god DAMN!!!
easy pass
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I can confirm that the Banner Saga Trilogy Deluxe Pack is a single key. The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk is three:
The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet of Chaos
The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos - Goodies Pack
The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos - OST
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I can confirm that the Banner Saga Trilogy Deluxe Pack is a single key.
It's a pity, as others I own 1 and 2. Deluxe means the OST of the 3 games, and then wallpapers, digital world map and an ingame item. But as the 3rd game on sale costs about as much as the trilogy goes for in Group Buys, it's better worth activating for a single game and the extras than selling it and buying the 3rd game alone.
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ASF log [EU-NL]:
https://steamdb.info/sub/247678, Jupiter Hell
https://steamdb.info/sub/912796, Banner Saga Trilogy - Deluxe Pack
https://steamdb.info/sub/371141, Jack Move
https://steamdb.info/sub/421781, Coromon
https://steamdb.info/sub/273574, Songs of Conquest
https://steamdb.info/sub/359402, Panzer Corps 2
https://steamdb.info/sub/318188, The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos, Humble gift notification / locks
https://steamdb.info/sub/492551, The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos - Goodies Pack
https://steamdb.info/sub/492548, The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos Soundtrack
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wish it would be about 15$ since there are 2 coupons but i think im buying anyway
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Songs of Conquest, Coromon, Banner Saga trilogy (though I own 1-2) , Jupiter Hell...
They can stuff the bundle with 5 more coupons if I get this great of a selection for this price, I rather count the games than the coupons :P
It's technically a 9-game bundle for 18€, and Song of Conquest's historical low alone is 14,99€.
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Tier 1 seems amazing if you like these kind of games. I've played and recommend The Banner Saga Trilogy, Jack Move, and Coromon. I don't have and haven't played Jupiter Hell. If I didn't already have most of these games I'd buy this without hesitation.
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Nice bundle
If I didn't already own Banner Saga 1 + 2, Jack Move and The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk, I'd jump on this for sure.
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I'm on the fence. Like, I do want Coromon for sure. Then there's Banner Saga 3, Jupiter Hell and Songs of Conquest. May or may not be worth it for those 4 games. GAH!
And then I'm telling myself that my car needs new tyres before it's NCT later this month, so I should probably not spend on games. Haha!
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You can get Coromon for ~$9 (10% off with OMEN10 coupon code) over at Fanatical with their Ripper Bundle 2!
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Yeah, I already saw that one and was like "nope." The rest of the bundle isn't something I want. =)
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afrrrrr nice bundle but i hate panzercorps 2, has a lot of dlcs...
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They offer you a bundle of games that individually would cost more and yet they are mad at it...
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I don't think that was ever sustainable from the game devs' side.
It was a happy and cheap period to get games, but nobody will get 3-5 games in a 1€ tier so they they can divide 0.30€ between them for each copy sold, and also break their sales because thousands of keys filling up the grey markets.
It's already a 90%+ discount for the store price of the games in US/EU. We all had times in our life when money was short, but if you want 1€ tiers without even caring what's in them, and a 90% off deal is bad, then it's either it's unlucky to have these games bundled up, or you just don't want the games for a reasonable price. It's okay, not every bundle needs to be bought.
1€ bundles really turned us into hoarders, while I check what I activate, I would have maybe 10% of my library without bundles.
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I still pay the bare minimum for HB, and go 50-50 between devs and charity - the option is still there to give.
You can even give 15.43€ out of the 18.16€ to charity!
It's not possible though, if you want dirt cheap games most of all, and make up "this is just a sale" as an excuse for...why you would prefer 1€ tier?
You know it's about you giving to charities, not about being a charity case, right?
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The charity of your pocket?
I'm sorry, lol. I just don't see the logic of your post, since they still offer the option to give a percentage to charity.
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I still don't get it.
For as long as I've known of the existence of HB, they've been a business, not a charity. A percentage is donated to charity, but that didn't make them a charitable organisation.
By selling these really cheap, less would go to charity, and developers would see their keys go on the grey market for years to come. For example, Coromon is a relatively new game that has never had more than a 50% sale. For a while there, Humble were not getting good games. The higher price point is likely why devs are allowing these games to be bundled.
This is a fantastic bundle. I own 4 games from it already. I bought 2 of the Banner Saga games on sale for like €5 each and thought that was a good deal.
I bought Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk also during a sale. I think I got Jack Move in a build a bundle.
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at the start Humble was more of a charity, allowing people to buy the starting tier for a penny, next tier was always beat the average but you had people dropping 10k to charity on them to keep that average fair.
as for this bundle, I paid over 13 for the banner saga trilogy during summer sale 2023, thought I had a good deal... now its cheaper in this tier 1 with 3 other games. So this bundle is a good deal, just not dirt cheap.
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You don't understand that you can still give the vast majority of the money to charity, you can divide the money paid in a custom way, right?
You don't have a problem with greed, profit, or charity. You just think the bundle is expensive. WHICH IS A FAIR POINT. Just don't make up fake arguments about the points of charity and profit, especially when that "profit" either goes to the charity that you so adamantly would like to return (??), or the greedy-greedy developers who want to support themselves and their family.
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Which is still very much true, as devs have on more than a few occasions said that bundles are a death sentence for future sales, as they feed the grey market with so many cheap keys. By not going super cheap they do at least somewhat guard themselves from sellers scooping up too many keys to sell back at a later date.
Sure, I enjoyed getting a bunch of great games for 1€, but it really was not sustainable for the devs, for several reasons.
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And now you feel you are missing out because of Humble comes up with ridiculous prices?!? Such a Jack Move from their part...
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I'm personally more concerned about this trend of selling incomplete games (usually base game and maybe 1-2 DLCs thrown in) and then add coupons to buy the rest from their store. I mean I don't mind higher prices as long as they provide complete games. I find it impossible to make a 1€ tier with any of the titles included in the 1st tier, but they could have easily made a 2€ 1st tier with "Dungeon of Naheulbeuk". But I'm not sure if that would have made people happier about the bundle.
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Yes, I would prefer they don't chop off games in little pieces. I'm aware the publishers are also at fault for this.
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Yes, of course DLCs can be different for each title and not always mandatory. And agree with you, when they have DLC functioning like Add-Ons it's completely fine, I've also noticed that publishers with this mentality have the tendency of pricing them accordingly. But when there's a title and you end up buying different versions of the same game, basically buying the game more than 1 time to get the entire content, then there's a big problem. Also how can someone enjoy a game, when a company keeps adding content to the main story and re-release the same game over again.
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At least based off what I read on this site, I don't think people will be really pleased unless everything is on a single $1 tier.
Jokes aside, I'm sick of the "no $1 T1???" complaints personally, and I 100% agree with you too, would rather a bundle with a game either having all the DLCs or none (of course preferring the former). Not this Frankenstein-esque half-assed system of "get some, and then get random coupons for others".
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It's even worse for titles where the upgrade to the complete version is more expensive than buying the complete version or not even available. When they include games like these in bundles, I can't help but feel we are offered demos.
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Right??? Dying Light is the perfect example of that to me. I remember getting the Enhanced Edition and then soon after they released the "Definitive Edition" which had everything on it. Instead of selling the DE as a "complete your collection" series, they HAD a separate "buy all the DLC" collection (it has since been delisted from Steam). And guess what? It was ALWAYS more expensive to buy that than just re-buying the game but in DE. Drove me wild in how counterintuitive it was, and it's not like you get a gift copy of DL you can give to someone when you rebuy it...
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i only had two of these, banner trilogy and the nahelbeuk one. Coupons suck though
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Yep lol. One of the better ones in a while, at least as it relates to my gaming preferences.
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I am currently in a sling (left arm) after shoulder surgery, been looking for good one handed games to play over the next 5 weeks.
This bundle looked great, but that price, not atm it would seem:(
Maybe i dig up some deckbuilding games i might have somewhere.
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Nice bundle especially for The Banner Saga Trilogy Deluxe Pack and Songs of Conquest.
There's value for everyone in this one, good idea to bundle split, if you just want certain games, to lower your average price per game.
Sad that they started adding these discount coupons as the new norm instead of the games now.
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I ahve time, let's see how much it takes me to complete some of the games already have.
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First tier at over 10 bucks/euros. What a joke of a service
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Surprised to see Songs of Conquest in a bundle like this. I expected that to be prime choice material.
Wanted Jupiter Hell, Songs of Conquest and Banner Saga 3, with Songs of Conquest being very high on my wish list, so guess Humble is getting some of my money today.
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I guess they calculated that SoC would do a better job in convincing TBS fans to buy this bundle than to satisfy a general audience in Choice. And it comes for a higher price too, which should have helped to convince Coffee Stain.
But yeah, it was quite a surprise. I was sooo close to buy it during the Summer Sale.
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It worked for me. If only just to share it with my Dad who loves HOMM2 and 3.
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Monthlies had games that were already features in higher tiers of standard bundles. Maybe it's really too much of a niche game considering the big picture, or it will be in a monthly within a year. Anyhow, it's awesome that they made a proper bundle that featured it, and it's not a repeat-sundae with SoC on top as a cherry
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Surprised to see Songs of Conquest in a bundle like this. I expected that to be prime choice material.
...and it still is. Sometimes HB tries to drop such games in very expensive high tiers first before they go into choice - for example Chivalry II from this monthly.
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Take Your Turn: Tactics & RPGs
2 Tiers, 9 Items
11 Aug 2023 - 02 Sep 2023
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The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos
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Tier 1 - 13 USD | 11.80 EUR | 10.10 GBP | 17.18 CAD
Tier 2 - 20 USD | 18.16 EUR | 15.54 GBP | 26.43 CAD
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