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Thanks for the laugh. After all those tickets, I needed it. )
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Rerolling due to winner owning part of the bundle or base game in the GOTY edition, etc, is not a special rule. Feel free to request reroll under "Majority of Bundle Exists in Their Account"
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Majority can mean 1 item in the pack in this case. Can't change the language unfortunately.
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...there were some special rules?
Also, why not "Announcements" category for this thread?
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arbitrary rules set by g/a creator. "if the entrant didn't comment on his giveaway containing word Coconut, (to verify he has read the g/a description) he will be disqualified from the giveaway. if he wins I will reroll" this kinda rules are no longer supported.
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No more "No wins only entries please" giveaways where we can laugh at people who can't be bothered to read.
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I can't see why not. You won't get a reroll though
P.S. I'm not part of a stuff, don't trust me, read the rules.
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I was under the impression everyone knew they could. The usual debate is whether one should.
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You don't even need to state it in the description. You can blacklist the entire userbase if you want (well, minus yourself)
EDIT : actually you can't blacklist the entire userbase since the blacklist is limited to 1000 users, forgot about that ^^
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What about my special rule for group giveaways that states "Winner must not be forum-banned or chat-banned in the group"?
This special rule was pre-approved since SGv1, although I have never exercise this rule before because so far no banned members won. Still...
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Jut kick those members out of the group. A member not being part of the group anymore is a valid reason for a re-roll. (As long as he was kicked before the giveaway ended.)
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We are a trading group, and we have specific rules for handling bans. Only scammer, severe cases, or repeated offense are kicked out of the group. People who flood the chat are banned from chat temporarily but they can still use the forum, and vise-versa. A normal ban usually are temporary, after a while they can be unbanned.
It is unfair for traders to be kicked out of group just because of simple reasons. Especially some are just new to trading in general. So no, we do not simply kick members out of group.
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Yeah, that does make things a bit more complicated than a simple giveaways group.
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Special rules were only allowed on small group and private giveaways in the first place.
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High level users are more likely to know that there can't be any special rule and that they are free to enter
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Special Rules not being ground for reroll doesn't mean people won't keep doing them. Its private giveaways after all.
Its just easier to drop link on forums and state rule within description than manually send link to everyone that meets req and reroll in case someone leaks link...
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I think you didn't get my point.
If you create a giveaway saying "You can't enter if <insert random reason>", an high level user will probably know that you are not allowed to have special rules, that they are free to enter and that a reroll will not approved for this rule. But a low level user might not know this and think he has to follow this rule.
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Side note, I went to Michigan from TN this past week and got pulled over 3 times on my way back. The second time I was "Following to closely to a semi-truck". Asked me to step out of the vehicle, did a body search on me and then searched my rental car. Granted, this was in Detroit, but still. I was so pissed. Took like 45 mins. D:
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The police have revenue targets. Seriously. Thus, some, especially in small towns, are more aggressive when it comes to stopping speeding violators and the such.
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So you're saying when I was going 15 over the speed limit in a 2015 Nissan Altima rental that it generated dollar signs in the cop's eyes? Haha.
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Speeding ticket is a speeding ticket. It's not like one ticket will help the department hit its budget. There are well known sections of US roads that are known for speeding traps, and it's because they need to revenue. Look it up.
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Oh, I believe it. I actually have one that drops from 55 to a blinking 25 and there's cops that always sit there, like one building after the speed drop :/
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There's a limit to the number of people you can add to your blacklist though!
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And that's it for forum GAs from me it seems. I could live without comment to enter rule, but not being able to reroll regifters if they regifted longer than month ago (average regifter will usually win less than once a month anyway) is a dealbreaker :(
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You can reroll regifters even if they regifted 2 years ago as long as they didn't got suspended for it yet.
The 1 month thing is for when they already have been suspended for the non activations, in that case then you can only reroll for a non activation in the last month.
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The problem is suspensions right now are no punishment at all as long as its only 5days, if regifters would be suspended one or two months which would actually teach them a lesson I would agree with you.
But as it is right now with 5 days only, I'm totally with zelghadis on this one!
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Keep in mind that it is 5 days by game non activated, so people that regifted multiple times get a longer suspension.
Anyway, maybe the suspension should be longer, maybe it shouldn't, but in any case I am not in favor of being able to reroll offenders that have served their suspension no matter when their last activation happened.
Potentially this would mean that someone who made the mistake of not activating a game once could never win again because they would get rerolled indefinitely.
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Why, rerolling offenders would be totally fine, because there is a simple solution for that.
If you have regifted or not activated a game and served your suspension, just buy the damn game again or activate it at least if you havent yet.
You wouldnt be noticed as a rulebreaker anylonger and it is the right move either way.
If you think about it as it is now everyone can regift as much as he wants because 5days is a joke.
If you would be able to reroll those, offenders would think twice.
And as I said if you want your white jacket back just buy any missing games again you have failed to activate in the first place.
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No they can't regift as much as they want.
They would get much more than a 5 days suspension if they have regifted multiple games.
And if you get caught regifting after getting suspend for this a first time, I think that's a permaban (not 100% sure about that though, but for example I've seen people getting permabanned for posting a referral link again after getting suspended fot this. I don't know if you get automatically permabanned on a repeated offense or if it case by case.)
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Everyone thinks of fun differently. While it might be fun for others to have a full giveaway-thread of answers with potato-gifs in them, I don't think that's funny in the least bit. With allowing "fun rules" the support would probably have more work than ever before because "fun" isn't defined, so users would report "fun" GAs with "fun" rules because they don't think it's fun, while winners would get re-rolled because the creator thinks the winners comment/action/anything isn't funny and not according to his rules.
A reason why I'm also in favor of the rule is because I feel some users act very high and mighty sometimes. (I might be no exception from that perception though)
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So if they had choice to make private ga with rule, or none at all, you prefer they don't make them at all?
When i see ga with "act like trained monkey" desc i just move on and take my points elsewhere. But not all rules were like that and now every rule in private giveaway is forbidden.
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No bite to the bark. How sad. No more re-rolling because the winner didn't offer a compliment on my nice, new shirt or my awesome fuzzy slippers. You bastards have emasculated us all.
Revolt, my Steamgifts brethren! Down with this totalitarian Support staff. Revolt and replace them with a more competent regime!
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they can still do that though if I understood correctly
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nice throwing everything to one bag. Every special rule must be "act like a trained monkey or meet my blacklist" in your opinion, I presume?
I for example had just 2 special rules, comment to enter, to prove you've read the GA description and "You must have activated all previous games won on SG." - clearly activating your wins instead of regifting them is acting like a monkey...
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I edited my comment in the meantime, I obviously misformulated mine, I'm sorry for that. I can understand how you want to eliminate regifters however, no disagreement there. I don't want to throw everyone in the same bag, at least, that's not my intention. But in the past, seing some special-rule-GAs, I felt some of them were very arbitary.
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It does not, at least it's very limited as a reroll reason - you get a reroll granted for non-activation/regift ONLY if user was just caught on it by you (aka wasn't reported before and already served suspension) or it happened less than a month ago. Average low level regifter wins less than once in a month so it's not punishment at all.
Enforcing such a rule in GAs ensured that not only recent rule-breakers would be excluded but that all rule-breakers would be excluded. If someone regifted a game 1month and 2 weeks ago for example you can no longer request a reroll, while with such a rule you could.
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But the way it is right now makes sense. Why would keep punishing someone by rerolling them if they have already been punished (and they didn't repeat their offenses of course) ?
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because they broke the most fundamental rule of SG and stole a win for their personal gain - and I personally believe that 5 day suspension for someone who wins something once every 2-3 months is no punishment at all. It would hurt me just a little being 5 day suspended - and I win a looot more compared to 99% of userbase. Plus every regifter/nonactivator has a chance to make good for the person he cheated the most - GA contributor who gave them game in good faith - he can buy game he regifted himself and activate it and will no longer appear as regifter for ppl checking him out. Unless he do so, in my opinion he just avoided responsibility (again, 5 days suspension is nothing for most of userbase), and it is my right as a contributor to decide that I don't want any cheaters in my GAs at all.
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I'm with you on this. I don't want any people who don't follow main rules, like "must activate your wins in your account", to win my giveaways. I would love if support staff could understand this and accept it.
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in the 2+ years i have been here, i never made any special rules anyway. so i guess this doesn't really influence my doing here. and if i feel the need to make any rules, i guess i can live with one less spot, in case the winner didn't follow them. don't know what to do with 160 spots anyway. ^^
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well, making 160 giveaways at a time would take more time than i have for SG. ^^
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why do you quote, i never said it like that. ^^
i have some time for SG, but i just don't have the time to create a 100 game train, which probably takes hours. at least not without taking away time from my other hobbies. so i prefer to make only few giveaways at a time and spend some time here in the forum.
and i am not really debating on this. i am stating, that for me personally the lack of this feature doesn't matter, since i never used it. i am merely giving my opinion about the subject, since i assume feedback on any changes is welcome here. :)
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never had a demand of any kind in my it ga's doesn't mix well with the "spirit of giving" ... austrialian-outback-ga-rulz-4-lyfe
' + why would i want someones "attention" (comment) if it needed to be forced by a "threat"?
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Maybe just have a few optional rules that anyone can apply? I really generally only see two rules in giveaway descriptions related to re-rolls anyway: If you own base game and if there are no comments.
For example, if someone wants to re-roll based on lack of comments, let them. No need to apply. It's just something that anyone can opt for after the fact. Exactly the same as how there's no need to proactively have support approve re-rolls for base game ownership.
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I'm totally agree with you. Let's hope for the best to be considered and accepted.
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You can probably already ask for a re-roll for owning the base game under the reason "Majority of Bundle Exists in Their Account". Although the exact option could probably be added to the list.
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Base game ownership is not a special rule in the first place. You can request reroll under "Majority of Bundle Exists in Their Account".
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Regardless, is it possible to include "Did not comment" as a standard drop down option? For some people it's important that winners be gracious and courteous. Frankly, it's not asking much.
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If this was included, it would be needed to implement a system where you could select this rule when creating this giveaway, and if you use this option the rule would be stated in the description with no possibility for the creator to edit it out.
Otherwise this could be too easily abused, if you get a winner you don't like for some reason and they did not commented, you could edit your description to state entrants must comment and request a reroll.
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263 Comments - Last post 30 minutes ago by RobbyRatpoison
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788 Comments - Last post 31 minutes ago by Fluffster
451 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by Fluffster
1,165 Comments - Last post 47 minutes ago by Xerxas
We've been a little inconsistent with special rules since SGv2 was launched. While we have not been allowing new special rules for the past couple of months, some support members have accepted rerolls for older special rules created in v1. After some deliberation, we've decided to disallow all special rules in the future to be more consistent. While not a direct substitute, the blacklist feature can be used as a pseudo-barrier as well: "Comment or I will add you to my blacklist" e.g.
Some people seem to be a bit confused about my last statement. You can blacklist someone but if he/she has already entered the giveaway, this action will not invalidate the entry. It will only prevent this person from seeing and entering your giveaways in the future.
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