So, i won "" a few weeks ago, and about a minute ago it got revoked for no reason. What should i do? Will i bypass SGTools "all activated games" rule?


7 years ago

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Ask support to have it marked unreceived?

7 years ago

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i marked it unreceived myself, but will sgtools say something about it?

7 years ago

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No. Also check the giveaway topic, you are not the only one with revoked key.

7 years ago

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I had mine revoked as well. The dev made a post on Steam:

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Well luckily I bought mine in a bundle and didn't win it, so I don't have to buy a new copy to fix my status on sgtools etc.
I just have one less shitty game in my library. Probably a good thing :D

7 years ago

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Talk to the GA creator;
If GA creator has a second key or can resolve the situation and give you another = solved;
If GA creator can't provide another key from said game = agree to delete the giveaway OR mark as not received;

EDIT: Pabl0z suggestion is even better do that!

7 years ago

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Can't really provide new keys, as all keys got revoked. Dev totally fucked me. I'm in deep shit right now. Hopefully he will give me new keys.

7 years ago

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He's deleting all complaints in game discussion

7 years ago

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If you haven't already done so, file a ticket. This mess is going to take some fixing.

7 years ago

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Created the ticket, not sure how this is going to be resolved, but right now i'm totally screwed :( The dev itself is pretty shady and ingnorant changing his mind within hours...

7 years ago

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Bron I think you'll be ok as SG moderators know about your situation. Take a deep breath as they can see you have done nothing wrong and there is nothing more you can do. If Khalaq is on the case, I am sure it will all get sorted out. Have a good weekend despite obviously having a stressful Friday mate. :)

EDIT: Bron check this out.

7 years ago

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Try not to stress about it. You are not in trouble. The worst thing I can foresee is that you may lose a few slots from deleted giveaways. You are not the only one affected, but Support Staff are working on smoothing things over.

7 years ago

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I've got a response from the developer. He promised to give me new keys. Also spoked already to one of support members, who said that cg might help me out with replacing old keys with new ones and reseting the won notification when his back on monday. Right now i just need to wait till i get the keys and hopefully it will all be sorted out.

7 years ago

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Replacement keys would be the simplest fix.

7 years ago

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Got new keys, so i only now need to wait for cg to do his magic :D It all turned out well, but damn the amount of stress it gave me, don't even want to think about it.

7 years ago

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I'm pleased for you its getting sorted out bro :)

7 years ago

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Really sorry to see something like this happen again, I feel for ya Bron and all involved

7 years ago

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Mark the game not received, leave a comment in the giveaway, and put in an Other ticket with support (and provide them any necessary screenshots there).
If you do that, you will, in order: Allow yourself to continue not being flagged by SGT, both be respectful to the GA creator and provide record in the giveaway of what's happening, and have support not suspend you for changing the feedback.

If you can't post onto the giveaway (due to being blacklisted), it may be best to delay changing the feedback until support confirms your ticket to them. Flip side, if it's a mass giveaway where it's evident a lot of people are having troubles, you can likely skip putting the Other ticket in altogether (as staff is likely getting flooded with enough of them already, and should be aware of the situation; as such, your comment in the giveaway (if you can post there) should be enough).

7 years ago

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Given that the dev is giving the keys away for free, as linked above, it'd really be your call whether to (after getting the replacement key) leave the feedback as Received or Not Received (as technically you're getting the key from an open promotion following the giveaway, not from the giveaway itself), depending on which course you feel is more fair.

7 years ago

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In fairness, taking a look at the game and its reviews, some people'll likely be happy about the excuse to be able to have it removed from their accounts (without triggering SG issues)..

7 years ago

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I don't really care about the game being revoked, i just don't want to get my SG Account in trouble and hurt the giveaway creator.

7 years ago

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The best option for accomplishing both of those things probably'd be changing your feedback to Not Received, getting a new key from the developer, and then changing feedback back to Received.

7 years ago

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If you mark it "not received." The giveaway creator will be fine.

7 years ago

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Glad to hear this. :)

7 years ago

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Well since i'm the creator of the giveaway. Dev revoked all the keys. He said that he will give a new key to anyone that had it previously. I've created a topic in the discussions, but the response i've got wasn't really promising. I'm really fucked right now. Hopefully he will give me new keys, so i can replace them. The case itself is pretty crazy. I guess you can ask for a key yourself and then change the feedback, depends on how you feel about the whole case.

7 years ago

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I Wish you the best. Otherwise, you will be just fucked :(

7 years ago

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¿The solution to this is to 500+ winners agree to delete the giveaway? ¿SG support said something about this situation?

7 years ago

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This is pretty much the worst-case scenario for a Steamgifts giveaway creator. I bet your stomach sank when you started to see those notifications.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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I'm wrong or your topic (and also the other one with the complain) on steam got delete? I'd them open for stay update and now they're no where to be found...

7 years ago

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Ooook, he delete the discussions.
Next he post a news with some keys, few minutes after delete it and say: it will be free.
Edit: aaaaand few sec after he delete also the news about making the game free...

7 years ago*

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Next: delete all the news about the key problem too...

7 years ago

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Sorry guys I've to stop with my lovely report on the field (is 1AM here)
This is the hot topic of the moment:
(if dnt get delete in the next few minutes)

last update: he also delete the new discussion about revoke another user do

7 years ago*

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Update: (rise and shine!)
He post a new news about the situation and the free-to-play thing >
It seams he also don't get very well critics>

7 years ago

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As far I see... Looks like the keys are not stolen in first place. Some site bought a lot of keys to make GAs and the developer "think" that keys are stolen, and revoked keys. ¿?

View attached image.
7 years ago

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As far as I understand the dev sold the keys to DIG, some people (like MrBron99) brought a lot of keys for promote the game.
Gamehag do so, a friend of the dev see the giveaway there but was already ended so ask him when will be the next.
Dev go crazy, revoke all the key (even if they're legit) because he thought they were stolen because he never sold a key to gamehag.
Bla bla, a lot of mess, he make a fuss and delete all the prove and all the discussion, go in tantrum-mode and made the game free without a logic.

7 years ago

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Also the dev ban and unfriend those who ask for information.

7 years ago*

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Again I had not expected the kind idiocy this dev do... I've to start to screenshoot everything each minute...

Edit: he also delete all the comments made by MrBrown99 here >

I'm sick with this... I'm out, I've to study for uni for ****!

7 years ago*

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thank you for documenting all this info

7 years ago

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I feel sympathy for you MrBron...

7 years ago

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Oh wow, sorry this happened to you (and everyone who got their key revoked as well).

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Already got new keys from him. Now i just need to wait till cg gets back home and helps me with replacing old keys with new ones.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Why I ddnt screenshoot everything... he delete something every minute now XD

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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"Grazie" for this and all the other screen below, he got me completly unprepared >.<

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Apparently the dev deleted both posts, the one that said he had revoked the keys, and the last one that said he was gonna make the game free...

7 years ago*

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I say we get the dev removed from steam aka mass reports of the game the dev and constant complaints to steam support

7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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Full story from the dev:

I revoked the keys in a panic. I got a message from a friend of mine who asked when the next bundle for my game would be since he missed it. I asked when did you miss it? He said I missed it recently. I asked where from and he said it was on gamehag. I never agreeded to have game hag sell my game or anything like that.

The game will just be free. I will make nothing from it plus I havnt made anything except 3$ from it in the last few months.

To explain: Gamehag buys keys legitimately from DailyIndieGame, for real money, then makes small scale giveaways.
Dev actually got fully paid for them by DIG before.
Revoking that is plain wrong.

I've hinted him that he can ask Valve to reverse the revokes and seems he might at least try that.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Well, gamehag wasn't selling it, so shitty dev's friend. Unless I'm missing something.

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Makes no sense, I think he's lying and didn't even ask, but we can't know for sure.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Yes, I know he's giving new keys, I was just talking about the screenshot above, where he said he contacted with Valve to reverse the revoke, that's all.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Not sure if he means he can't solve himself and asked Valve, or if he got denied.

Usually Valve doesn't reply so fast.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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NOTICE: It seems all the copies of the game have been revoked and free keys are being issued. If someone does not want to get a new key and re-activate the game to their library, simply mark the old giveaway "not received." If you cannot do that (due to timeout), then file a ticket. SteamGifts Support will deal with this, one way or another.

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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But won't this leave a 'not received' mark on the GA creators profiles? It's not their fault that the keys got revoked.

7 years ago

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Until all this solves, your account could be flagged by Sg and SGTools

7 years ago

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It's just that though, a mark. There's no real consequences to the thing in and of itself, and anyone that looks into it should easily be able to see why instead of holding it against the creator for failing to deliver. Any punishment part is a manual process that would look at all the circumstances involved, and obviously won't be held against the creators in this case.

I don't even think there's an SG tools filter for it because of all the various BS that could happen that's outside your control (usually just unscrupulously liars, but also a situation like this). Or maybe there is an SGToools filter, though no one uses it for the same reasons? I don't recall having ever seen one anyway.

7 years ago

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I know it's just a mark, but it's not right. There's a user who created a 500 keys GA for this game, you can see his comment above, he shouldn't get 500 "not received" on his profile.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Which is why I said we would handle it. We understand what is going on and we will figure out a solution for it.

7 years ago

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Nice then, thanks for the clarification. :)

7 years ago

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Yes, but you could get suspended for "not activating" if you don't, and be blocked by SG tools giveaways.
Support may be fixing giveaways for this game for GA creators so they aren't punished by a stupid developer..
When it goes free you can just add it to your account to also solve this problem.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Bump . same as every one . maybe will be best to take the game down

7 years ago

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Man, people are concerned about the giveaway creator and the people who won, but imagine how the guy who made the game must feel right now.

7 years ago

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I mean, he was the one who chose to revoke all these keys. Obviously, you are going to get a lot of upset people by doing that. And since he wants to make the game f2p now, there's no guarantee those people who paid for this game will get their money's worth.

7 years ago

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Why revoke ALL keys as a first reaction to this? Even the developer said it was a rash decision before deleting a series of posts. By doing this, the developer has also affected many people who actually paid money for this game. The problem is the giveaway creator is now facing a massive problem that is NOT of his doing. The game creator made a BAD decision in my opinion of his OWN doing.

7 years ago

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The problems that the giveaway creator is facing seem far less severe than the backlash against the developer. On a personal level things tend to be much easier than dealing with businesses.

7 years ago

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When I read "Johns game" I thought one of my s***** giveaways was revoked. But this is bad, hope the GA creator wont get affected by this. I mean, he already gonna lose time with this. Same for support.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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i still think the reactions of most people is more retarded than the crude way the dev choosed to handle the situation...^^

7 years ago

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If someone tries to retarded someone, the retarded is the same one who says it ;)

7 years ago

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I feel bad for those who bought the game and now its going to be free xDDD

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks for the heads up :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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nice. :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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They should make a game called "REVOKED"...

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I know its not a case like digital homicide, was just a suggestion not to this dev in particular , so is the game good??

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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Yea I like retro / 2d games , I grew up on Atari and colecovision , I'm old gonna be 50 in 3 months :/

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I know were not the oldest gamers my brother who was in the army all his life is 62 and he's the reason I got into gaming and computers he thought me everything he's the one who bought Atari and coleco and sega and Nintendo stuff when I was a kid we had every game produced he's a real tech maniac his house look like the bridge of the starship enterprise :D. and there's gamers even older then that some are in their 80's and beyond , cause tell yourself all the people who invented these things are very old or dead by now...

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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We had pc's and all the games for Atari and coleco and a couple other systems that would connect to these and ran other titles/ games or programs some were on 4x4 cassettes that we loaded into the Atari or coleco in the 70's at my parent s house cause of brother hes an ex-army elite commando master sergeant and trainer , anyway he travelled a lot in these days and was able to get his hands on these things before everybody else almost , cause we were the only family in my neighborhood that had these things , you know what you're talking about , and we probably had internet as soon as it was created cause it was a military connection we had. I was able to find that out many years later , when I fked something up and called the isp , problem was solved instantly =lolz I didn't want my bro to know about these days it was easy to mess up something on a pc , I learned a lot of thing s the hard way....

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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just got revoked

7 years ago

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