And after that, not reading the Guidelines. Despite the fact that most of the FAQ covers it, except when it doesn't.
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Is it bad that I haven't read either of those? I haven't broken the rules (I think) or asked any stupid questions (until just now) where the answers were in the FAQ/Guidelines. Maybe I'm a rebel.
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I'm just kidding. Let's go to Swagopolis ... the land of swag, ruled by the king, Swagonidus!
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Ok, bring balance to the Force then.
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Its bad luck to be you
A chosen one of many isn't new
When you think you're full of luck, in the bollocks you'll get struck
Oh its bad luck to be you
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Don't regift (as in, win a game and instead of activating it, create a giveaway with what you've won).
Don't enter giveaways you're not interested in.
Read what people write in their giveaway description.
Do not create giveaways for free games.
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i really thought about regift. some people here do it pretty often when you take a pick on their profile. is it punishable?
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That last one doesn't apply as much anymore as I believe they don't even give the option to give away games that were free at one time.
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There's always a delay between the moment a game is given for free and it is removed from the list.
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That's why I made sure to say "as much." As it still does apply at times. Maybe I'm just being tired and should get some sleep. xD
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IIRC they will delete those giveaways, and if you get caught making multiple free giveaways you get a ban for trying to game the system.
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Wow... kind of a begging on steroids tactic?
"Will someone give me GTAV?... 5645 offers!"
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA for real? i should try it someday...
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1-Saying that you're a newbie here.
2-Trading dick/duck pics. Actually Should be allowed
3-Using the site while being drunk.
4-Spamming "potato" answers everywhere.
5-Making a "scam site" thread after less than one month of signing up.
6-Making support tickets to ask about general life questions. Dear support, where do babies come from?
7-Not accepting the Illuminati.
8-Fangirling over Fidel Castro.
9-Making a Dota 2 giveaway.
10-Spamming "thank you" everywhere.
"A Newb's mistakes on SG" Vol.1
Stay tuned for Vol.2
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but newbie people should do newbie staff... this is what the world is expecting from them...
it's like when grandma and mothers use internet. we all know that they will look for babies and puppies.
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challenge accepted. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
power point not allowed.
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Why should anyone be surprised at that? It's a proven fact that mothers put out.
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But my comment wasn't a joke. It was a statement of fact. In other words, "Why shouldn't we expect moms to be into sex?"
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I'm surprised no one mentioned the calling out rule. Calling out a person for any offense is not allowed. Even if it's DSM obvious. Eg.
"This GA is fake / a regift."
"This guy scammed me / someone."
"I ran across a malpractice done by this guy on the site."
Never give information regarding another person publicly, either by word of mouth, or screenshots (Learnt that one the hard way.)
And of course, don't give ref links. Don't ask for greenlights in exchange for GAs. And above all else, HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF GIFS ON YOU.
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"The penny dropped..."
And that is how I figured out you are Brazilian! :D
(Or maybe it was a big coincidence -- do people use that expression out there in other countries?)
Funny, do you know this expressions' origin? I do have a hunch from my old days, but I will let you guys say your theories...
Cheers, and welcome to our community!
[Edit: google is my friend -- I see the phrase is indeed used in English, with about the same meaning as in Portuguese!]
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i'm no brazilian til 2018. i'm hu3br with a even hu3brier president.
the penny dropped because it's all i have til then.
cheers and thank you!
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It's been around a while ->
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but about item 1... everyone can see that i deleted a giveaway entry?
because i already did HAHAHAHAHA. it's just to know. i really don't care if it will be there.
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That kind of sucks, the only reason I have deleted giveaways was due to a glitch that created 2 giveaways when I only created the 1. Had this happen twice :/
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Are you sure? Can you see which game I deleted a giveaway for from my profile? I can't see it myself on my profile but can see it on the giveaways created page.
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one week in and already 2 GA over? nice.
welcome. the biggest mistake new users do is not reading, but you seem to know your stuff ;) just use common sense, and ask.
i'll tell you a secret, there is a chat for the site Steam group. look at the bottom right of the screen, you can alwyas ask there for a quick answer ;)
hope you like it here, most are crazy as hell, and like potatos for some reason
(cause they rule!)
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Down with the potato meme!
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no one can kill the blue dragon.
we still don't know your weakness until you release your game ;p
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good to know about that chat! thank you!
about that potato talk... is it for the same reason that 9gag likes potatos? never got that :(
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i don't know. and honestly, don't care.
it's there, good enough for me :)
have a potato
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i prefer mashed potato. done right: with a lot of olive oil and other roots.
can't find the recipe online, but have it in Jamie Oliver book ;)
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I was playing Blockstorm (surprisingly decent game and even more surprisingly, I don't totally suck at it), so I came here too late to post anything which hasn't been covered yet. All I can do is:
Since number one is pretty much all there is to it, all is left for me is to welcome you to the weird amazing community that is Steamgifts.
So, welcome to Steamgifts, vinirockman! I really hope you'll enjoy the forum and community and that you'll win games and shit stuff.
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Of course you will. Anybody fits in on Steamgifts.
Steamgifts is like silly putty, anything goes in easily, but going out is nearly impossible once you're deep in. It consumes you and you're time... it becomes an addiction... and then...
...Oh wait, I shouldn't scare the new users. Just ignore what I said.
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thank you! :)
these are, certainly, the top ones...
luckly got them pretty fast.
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First things first: use them wisely.
Blacklists "block" the people who are, summarizing, jerks here from your life (they can't enter your GAs, for instance).
Whitelists are like... fancy party lists. If you create a GA for only the cool kids in your whitelists, only them can partake!
Pro tip: A lot of kind, funny and with good ratio people here are a must for anyone's whitelists. Find them. Collect them! GOTTA CATCH THEM ALL, POKEMON! Unless you wanna make your whitelist for your friends only, which is, of course, also a good choice. (:
Don't blacklist people just because they have bad ratios (poor win/give rate). Seriously, don't.
So. Many. People. Don't know how to hide games they don't want to see from their GA feed. Just click the "eye" icon and confirm.
Follow 3 and keep 4 in mind. You'll eventually wish you had done better if you don't.
Follow the link, save the link, be the link.
Follow the link, don't ask for help, don't post answers, get to few people GAs.
Btw, welcome, dear. Need anything, just ask the Forums. Plus, I'm always around myself, so (:
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THAT'S what i'm talking about. you're da real mvp.
finally this will get me going to places.
(really mean it)
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I'm here. Did the world explode? Where's the fire?
I'm here for the cookies. Where are they? Jk.
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Hey, no problem! All the credit goes to the master puzzle guider, zelghadis. He's such a pro!
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I thing nobody mentioned it yet:
I have seen once GA where its creator wanted trading cards that would be dropped from this game. Its just bad :)
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D'awwwwn. You're so totes in my whitelist now. (:
Seriously, though. You're quite the cool kid.
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newbie here. i want to know what are the most mistakes from beginners on steamgifts.
would you guys list it to me? just to prevent to do the same mistakes.
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