<- badass me <- and normal me
@edit: cant even paste a link here >.>
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Me with a snake because snakes are awesome. ^_^
EDIT: Another just because! :P
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You somehow seem alike to me to that Semir Guy from Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei
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If you and my brother were standing right next to each other, I would be so confused. You look a LOT like him. Not identical, but from the side/behind, I would probably not be sure which one of you to tap on the shoulder. XD
Same haircut and facial hair, too. It's quite trippy.
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Oh this is a huge compliment for me actually, and I've been told this several times :D
thanks <3
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Actually....I agree. Sexy/nerdy Doctor has run it's course and Matt is a Nerdy/Awkward Doctor. I'm all for Nerdy, but don't perpetuate the stereotype that Matt Smith's Doctor seems to be doing.
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Tennant is my doctor, too. I'm actually going to buy the Much Ado About Nothing he & Catherine Tate did together. Donna Noble is my companion. I absolutely love her. Her time spent in CAL is one of my favorite story-lines and makes me cry all the time. To be honest, this season so far has been kind of "meh" for me. There's only one episode that I'm really happy about, which is highly unusual for DW.
But Eccleston's & Tennant's regenerations have very specific attributes to them that set them apart from each other. I'm sure Matt's does too, but I just can't seem to pinpoint it? It seems a continuation of Tennant's...or at least as far as they could get away with. Maybe Matt's is just...more inquisitive and busy. Tennant's had moments where he seemed to kind of blank out every so often, but Matt's Doctor never seems to do that. Like he's too busy to do that? I wish they would've kept Eccleston for another season or so to give him more development as a character. I think Eccleston's season was more about development of Rose and not the Doctor.
But I got carried away. Sorry >.>
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Hah, no problem.
I thought Matt looked a lot like Tennant on the start, maybe to show that his regeneration wasn't complete or he didn't get the hang of the character yet, but anyway, he seems to be pretty developed now, lots of mannerisms and quirks.
Also, yeah, Eccleston could stay for another season or so indeed, too bad he quit. First Doctor I saw, that one.
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Me, too! I mean, Eccleston was the first Doctor I saw. But I saw a lot more of Tennant at first, too, just really didn't get truly addicted until Season 4. Smith definitely borrows off Tennant at the start, but Tennant was such a huge hit as the Doctor you really couldn't make the drastic change (that was made between Eccleston and Tennant) without possibly alienating a growing part of your audience.
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I suspect this is a trick question. All I know is Charlie Day, even though I didn't know who the hell he was, is fucking hot. That's all I'm saying in response to that. ^.^
Also, I'll say you're hot. I don't know you well enough to know if you're sexy.
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I... I was just making a stupid joke, but THANK YOU SO MUCH T_T <3
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Why are you thanking me? Thank your parents - they gave you rockin' DNA. Also, I hope that's not the first time you've been called hot (although maybe as a candid response to your "face", possibly?), but it's always a great self-confidence boost when someone tells you that without any expectations in response.
Also, you're interesting. I mean, goofy, obviously, but your pictures make you seem like one of those people that's half in this world and half somewhere much more awesome (or interesting). And that picture of you & the folded currency? That's a trip just fits perfectly.
Still haven't figured out why you thanked me, though...
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For thinking/saying that ;_; I never get to hear it (except from gf, and other people jokingly), and I'm very self-conscious, adn I don't think much of myself, so it's always a pleasant surprise to hear that :D
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wow... i might be the jungest one that has balls enough to do dis :P U SHALL WORSHIP MY HAT :D
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"What does the avg S.Gift user look like?"
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disregard the 70's porn mustache, please xD
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This is me trying to look clever
This is me trying to look stupid
Not sure which works best.
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She's fighting monsters at night, so she must keep a form! But she sends you hugs and she hopes that you will always be such lovely creature!
And we both want you to tell your trainer that she totally should dye her hair red! Never too much gingers in the world <3
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I'll send your regards to my trainer, thank you!! She has been wanting to dye her hair blazing red, but she's not sure if she should go to barbershop of if she could dye it herself. It's expensive if done by a professional, but it might be difficult to do by yourself :/
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If it's a colour so much different from natural, and the hair are dense, it's better to let a pro do it. She don't have short hair, so it may be problematic when done by her/her friend, because there is a possibility of uneven colour, or even noncoloured bands. It's cheaper, of coure, but the risk is higher :D Better wait a bit and collect the money. For my hair it took 3h (with cutting) of the hairdresser work and cost about 55$. But I really like the effect and I was full of admiration as I saw her dying my hair band after band :D I'd recommend her to your trainer, but the country difference may be a problem QQ
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I'm glad that I could help, I'm sure she will look awesome <3 And I'll be happy if you send me photo of the effects after she dye her hair! :3
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Maybe it's Maru's brother, or something ;o Damn, that's a one big family! :o
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everyone looks so awesome!!!!!!!!! probably my best picture ev
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You make it sound like that makes a difference! Just because you open the door and make acquaintances with someone doesn't mean they're suddenly cured of stalker-ness :P I've had stalkers before, people who are friends with me but still stalk. As a guy it's funny, but as a girl it's probably terrifying.
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Found the link to the original photo
No zombies there either :D
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I was wondering when a topic like this would show up...
Hey guiz,
I can't hang out for long cuz
I have a girlfriend
and it's kinda serious.
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your probably never heard about me. Hipsters unite
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It's pretty cool to see the faces behind the usernames. Feels more like a real live community :).
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It's pretty cool to see your face somewhere in the vicinity of my pants
@ FBI, j/k, yellow pride 4eva v^.^
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Participate in thread, get game.
Its that easy.
I'll go first
My hair grew a lot since then and I do mean A LOT, I got a hair cut however so I figured I should update since this is less accurate now. (same shirt cause its pimpin)
I made a mega-thread I have beaten steam gifts. I will make another game giveaway soon...maybe, who knows I love the fact that people actually chose to participate in this and there have been conversations between people, perhaps even friendships who knows.
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