I created this topic, to get some help. I hope it will be a good guide for people assisting Summer Sales for first time ! (Like me :P)

The Sales are beginning : June 22, 2017

Post any question about Summer Sales. I will try to answer or any other help is welcome :)

Bumps appreciated! Community Help

7 years ago

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Will PLAYERUNKNOWN'S Battlegrounds get a decent sale ? Like 60%

View Results
Yes, Everyone will buy it!
No, Just work hard to buy it

Ok, here goes my tips for steam sales:

1) Don't wallet unless you have to.
It can be a good way of not going overbudget BUT steam sales aren't as good as they once were. With some better bundles around and alternative retailers don't cash on wallet but by purchase

2) For the most out of your buck (even more so if you're going to more titles over very few) some Preparation/Pre-planing can help a lot.
The sale can be distracting; You may purchase a title that seens a good deal here and another there and later find a more wanted deal without any buck left.

  • Rank your wishlist. Not all of it (heck, mine is over 1000), but a top 10 or more depending on your means or how optmist you are. Come on, we can dream.

  • Make sure to check/double check the titles in it: reviews by professionals and on steam, requirements, etc. Refunds can take longer during sale(haha joking. They will take longer- they 'can' take not too long with luck).

  • Stat check right now as you pre-plan this selection (see item 3)

3) Install Enhanced Steam on your browser if you didn't already and CHECK every title
It shows lowest price/highest cut it got and where also if it was bundled and how many times.

  • with rare exceptions anything once bundled will be bundled again; Meaning as low or lower cut together with other nice titles in a good deal.
    So bundled=nono

  • If it has been lower on other stores hold your horses. Some stores however aren't as frequent with their deals so Deal vs WANT may make exceptions, no point waiting ages for a good cut/sale again.

    • Isthereanydeal (links shown by Enhanced Steam) show graphs of price over time per store
      • Isthereanydeal is out of service because of heavy load year around- during sales it will be a nightmare. Have patience.
        • PS: support then if you can, they deserve it
  • Look up on steamdb (link/icon shown by Enchanced Steam) if there were price changes.
    Many publishers happen to 'adjust their prices to inflation' (excuse) by some curious coincidence of fate sometime near a steam sale. Also curious its always for higher. Go figure.

  • DON'T LOOK AT CUT BUT PRICE. Games lower in price as time goes by and tricky publishers rise prices. Never look at % but lowest $$. Raw.

4) Cart is your friend as a compare list BUT save it if needed
cart works as a selection 'to choose/select' but wonky/fuzzy server load during sales plus arcane internet cookies and during a browser restart it may empty by itself. If a list is too big save it somewhere else.
I love Evernote, its free and can swipe the list to a note- and you search all your notes in seconds. Plus if you reformat the list on evernote (so it becomes raw text) you can even add self-notes if you need.

5) Have patience: Research
As little or as much as you feel is needed. You don't have to hurry unless we're talking last day.

  • Double check requirements, user reviews

  • I like to check a titles forum- any big unadressed issue is probably high on the forum and most questions you might have are probably already made by fellow buyers.

  • OTHER STORES: some have their sales at the same time. Heck Nuuvem starts after summer sale and ends the same day- im sure so they can check what deals they can beat. Nuuvem is the only one i need to worry about being brazilian (Brl prices, region locked keys). Depending where you live the stores you have to look up will vary.

4) Purchase button: the Decision Moment

  • Use the main 'rules of thumb' for elimination: if bundled or better deals in the past= nope. Unless you're in a real hurry.

  • Don't go for less then 30-50% on new titles unless they're really really fresh and or their publishers have an habit of low cuts.

    • Chances are they will go on deeper discounts this year or first half of the next. Some even soon after sale
    • The higher profile, hot and played a title is the less likely
  • If theres a upcoming sequel soon ahead it will go deeper after the new title is around

  • Older releases are hit-and-miss: they may get bundled for better deals soon or not and you may get mad for making the wrong move.
    Unfortunally theres no sure choice here BUT some tips can help:

    • Lookup humble bundles history of bundles: if it had sales from a publisher (generally called 'Publisher Sale') with not too old titles chances are this game will be on a next one.
    • Also look if said publisher appeared on humble monthly; If so there are chances their high but not too fresh title will be in some next one.
  • My rule of thumb is: if you really want a game and will feel bad for waiting next year go for it (if it wasn't bundled and such). You're exchanging 50% of being mad because it was bundled soon after having the game to 50% chance of being mad of it not being bundled and you needing to wait, without a game.
    Plus if the purchase means getting a repeat game on a bundle thats one more to giveaway or trade.

  • Rule of thumb for big spends is considering replayability. Seeing big hours played on user reviews are a good hint.

    • Take into account your preferences and previous experiences HIGHER then reviews, hype and appeareances. Personal tip- too many times a title too praised that i tought would make me very happy ended up being not for me or under my expectations. Better bet on 'similar enought to a game i love' then any big thing causing buzz;

(For example shooters for me are hit and miss. I love Stalker and even with some hardcore mods but mostly i liked but didn't played quite much shooters aiming for 'closer to life' or survival multiplayer shooters- so i won't be buying battleground unless its a steal).

  • Indies are more likely to be bundled soon BUT they're also lower price/bigger discounts and very often the bundle thing is mistakenly given too much credit- either for bad titles in a bundle or simply math even (dividing titles in a bundle by cost). This is more on point with Humble Bundles monthly.

    • BUT id say go for it for most indie titles with too high praise if they're new. They will probably hold on bundling for longer and... come on, we gotta support indies that deserve it. If bundled it can save you a good buck (Newer titles if bundled will be on HB's Montly- 15 dollars- and often as the only title you'd get).
  • Buying mid to the sale gives you enougth time to get cards and craft or sell then. If you're like me wanting more titles and cheaper ones cards for wallet can afford a few good titles as bonus.
    So avoid buying too late if you want to use cards for more titles this sale.

  • Any spare bucks or doubts you can find threads on SG, steam and elsewhere with people pointing out hidden gems, their choices and whatnot.

  • Variety: often ignored by some, even more so the more niche focused they are; If you love to death shooters and multiplayer for example, or any genre that takes too many hours of playtime- you only have 24 of those in a day. Mastery in skill-based games also take time. I want Street Fighter V, Tekken 7, Mortal Kombat X and still deciding on the new KoF. Not my main genre but even if it were i would buy only one of those for now; By the time i have room for more another sale will be close or not far ahead.

6) Most important: joy factor.
Holding on some buys for a little potential deal later on for less joy is... idn, bad? Its rational but joy isn't rational and on my opnion more valuable then a few bucks.
I freaking love having some slick and novelty titles the sooner.

As long its not misguided hype train directing your purchase then go for it. Joy, emotion and the irrational aren't bad- they're only bad when you're not the one behind it. And oh do the marketing guys do everything they can to direct your impulse and wants.
(For example is Fallout 4 good? Yes it seems. Is it as good as 3 o new vegas? Is it as good a purchase if you bought and played the previous ones? I want Fallout 4- but id buy, idn, Hollow Knight (just naming one out of the top of my head) over it in a hurry. Not only i will probably get it for less i will probably be getting a better if not newer game(for me) and for less. You can put any franchise on this buck btw)

Id exchange any bulk purchase of 'great deals on ok/good games' with less of great games that brought me more joy.

7 years ago*

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Holy crap. Thanks for the guide, that's pretty thorough and actually pretty helpful for shoppers. +1

7 years ago

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Thanks for the super detailed guide for Summer Sales, these are some superb tip and tricks for everyone no matter new or experienced.
One minor critique about the fresh titles being bundled. In the past that is true to some extend due to humble and the various other bundle sites, only came out the non-fresh titles at least 1-few month(s) old. But recently i feel that this might not be the case anymore, the most recent example i could think of was the Adult Swim bundle, Rain World. This game just came out of their kickstarter and ready for publish (not sure if it was released in Steam as early access) and i think HB has a policy of not bundling early access games. But during the time when the Adult Swim came out, Rain World was in 3rd tier and i checked its release date and it was only 3 or 4 days difference, so the thing about newly released games whether right after early access or not can be due for bundle anytime. Just another thing is that DESYNC also comes from same publisher and it came out about a month before Rain World but wasn't bundled. Food for thought i guess. Otherwise, thanks for the great guide for Summer Sale, definitely will help me out a bit there.

Any spare bucks or doubts you can find threads on SG, steam and elsewhere with people pointing out hidden gens, their choices and whatnot.

Shouldn't it be hidden gems :P

7 years ago*

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Well pointed! I forgot about this.

However it could still be a one time thing or this publisher in particular... And thanks a lot for pointing out Desync is from the same folks, that is more then food for tought- its a feast!

English is not my main language but the typo could have been from hurry (because the text became longer then i expected). I will edit it :)

7 years ago

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That's a real good guide, kudos to that

7 years ago

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Wow, fantastic article!

7 years ago

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Rank your wishlist.

Too bad not enough people do that and just end up with more like a historical wishlist.
At least you reminded me to do that now, so I went ahead and ranked my wishlist. Took longer than expected.

7 years ago

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Thank you for this great post.
What did you mean with this?

With some better bundles around and alternative retailers don't cash on wallet but by purchase

Because I've been selling all my idle cards, I have some wallet funds in my account. Why wouldn't I spend that?

7 years ago

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Oh definetly do spend!

What i meant is to not (if you can) put money straight into steam wallet. Idn if its different with other currencies but steam gives option to credit your wallet by 10, 20, 50 o 100 (in Brl at least). You pay like a purchase straight to them and the money sits there on your wallet.

The bad things about putting money beforehand:
-Math can leave unspent cash behind; Isn't a real loss since sooner or later you will be buying on steam and the spare left will help but ive been through 1 or 2 sales where i swear ive missed one more game because of cents- but my credit card was already dead and couldn't sell cards quick enought and the counter for sale end... ended.

-Competitors may cook a better deal mid sale and your cash would be locked in steams wallet.

But money from cards? Do spend! Its all i do with then (don't care for badges/level). Btw that was my main source o unbundled GAs until Gabe wrecked my fun.

7 years ago

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Totally agree with this. The only people with steam wallet should be those who fill theirs with items they sell on the marketplace.

7 years ago

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Install Enhanced Steam on your browser

This, so much this.

7 years ago

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Good list.
4) Cart is your friend as a compare list BUT save it if needed
I use browser bookmarks. ¯\(ツ)
Disclaimer: That's not always the best idea. Overdoing it leads to lots of sub-sub-sub folders and a large amount of bookmarks might slow down your browser. For more information please contact your local IT department or your general practitioner.

7 years ago*

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I would go insane with bookmarks; Also they don't list title+price in a good comparable fashion.

I also like Chrome's Session Buddy (im sure theres more then one Firefox similar)- it records windows and tabs for dozens of sessions (like a history) and you can save any set (also merge and change then).

So when i end up comparing storepages i open then in new tabs and i can save the session. Usually on sales i gather quite a bit of those that i can merge in one 'curated menu' for selecting my dishes. Also with tab extract (another extension) i can separate any open storepages from messy browsing (like opening good links in windows with other tabs)- i just type ex steam and all steam tabs come together for better saved sessions.
(sounds complicated but its easy and i can't imagine myself browsing without those).
+Saved sessions allow to open only a specific window(all tabs that were on it) or specific tabs
+Its easy to filter by elimination- deleting saved tabs until theres only a handful

Still the cart is the better way to list comparing prices. While i mostly save sessions (even more so as late at night i want to sleep and keep where i left) the table like view of the cart is pretty useful

7 years ago

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I am already insane so I don't have to worry about that. :3 1700 bookmarks for games, 1100 bookmarks for bands, etc.
Your addons sound interesting, thanks for the tip! Will check them out.

7 years ago

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Thanks for this awesome guide !

7 years ago

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Good guide...

7 years ago

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Bump for future references and help regarding Summer sale

7 years ago

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Thanks :)

7 years ago

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im too in summer sale first time as well :P

7 years ago*

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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thanks youuu >.<

7 years ago

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patpatpat india :)

7 years ago

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It may be helpful right here because there is nothing somewhere else
(I feel like G2A Deal trolls)

7 years ago

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List of games bought during the sales:

gog: ~35€ for 24 games, 1 dlc and 15 free games
Monkey Island 2
Gurumin: A Monsterous Adventure
Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition
Dungeon Keeper 2
Faces of War
Dustforce DX
Stories: A Path of Destinies
Hand of Fate (+ addon)
Oddworld: Munch's Odysee
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD
Avadon 1+2
Gothic 1-3
Leisure Suite Larry 1-6
Deponia 2-4


7 years ago*

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Gog was killing me. My purchases=none because the Real(brl) is on new low and the dollar prices+taxes would murder my wallet.
Im stuck with Steam.
Waiting for Nuuvem to beat some of steam during this sale.

7 years ago

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That really sucks. As far as living in a country with a good exchange rate towards the Dollar, Europe gets screwed when it comes to gifting though, because of steam's regional pricing.
:thumbsup: for that impressive guide at the top of this page

7 years ago

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Thanks! \o/

I really hope Gabe rolls back with some with these changes. Hopefully they changed enough user's purchase habits (for less) for then to take notice.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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The "?" Hmm!

7 years ago

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Rule #1: Don't talk about the Steam sales.
Rule #2: Check re-sellers for better deals.
Rule #3: Do you need that game? You don't need that game. Don't buy it.
Rule #4: ...Are you listening?
Rule #5: Stop it
Rule #6: No
Rule #7: Think of your wallet
Rule #8: Please stop
Rule #10: There are no rules. Welcome to Steam.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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+1 this guy came from hell

7 years ago

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If you have money left for food,you-re not doing the sales right.

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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I will keep it simple:

1) Do you HAVE to have that game NOW? Or isn't it that urgent and can it wait? If it can wait, wait. If the game has DLCs, wait for the GOTY-Version. Else wait until you can snag it up for a price you actually really like.
2) Only buy things with a discount of 75% or higher. If the game you have to have does not get such a steep discount, look a number 1).

7 years ago

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I have to disagree with the only buy only 75% or higher thing as the games usually associated with that high level of discount is either 1) Its bundled greatly before. 2) It has promotion of giving free keys before such as NVIDIA promotions etc. 3) Its just super oldie game 4) Its just so cheap and indie which no one plays it so they bait with steep discounts. 5) Most uncommon but possible, just publishers feeling happy and giving all-time low discounts on a great game.

Option 1, 2, 3, 4 = Not good as usually cheaper elsewhere, Option 5 = Very good if its non-bundled

All in all, refer to the good tips on the top of the thread and with help of everyone, if you do find a good deal on steam, chances are its available cheaper elsewhere.

7 years ago

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The "-75%" rule is like a historical now this days, from the good times when Daily Deals gave incensive to publishers to discount their games higher.
Now, they know hordes will but it with -50% anyway, so why lose money?

7 years ago

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Thanks ^^

7 years ago

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Don't rush. It takes a while for the discount to apply.
Buy what you're going to play. Unless you buy just because you want to.
If you bought a game in the previous sale and still haven't played it...i think that's a problem.

If you're not crafting the event badge, sell the cards ASAP.
Be responsible. If you have backlog waiting, finish it but don't force yourself to finish it just because you've bought it.
Sometimes, you make mistake, purchasing impulsively. There's steam refund for that.
But if you keep repeating that mistake...I think that's a problem.

7 years ago

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Don't rush. It takes a while for the discount to apply.

Unless it's a price bug that's going to be corrected. In that case grab it asap.

7 years ago

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I'd add that if you occasionally trade/sell TF2/DOTA2/CSGO keys/items for games, you may want to consider liquidating whatever items you plan to trade on the marketplace before the sale rather than during the sale. Key/item prices tend to drop during sales.

I'd predict this would be even more useful this year given the changes to the gifting system. You are probably just better off spending your own existing wallet/inventory on games you want versus hunting for trades. It may be harder to find good swaps, and at least by buying yourself, you can get a refund if you want one.

7 years ago

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It differs.
When the Gem system was introduced, prices of cards went up.

It really depends if Valve comes with a new system that suddenly makes a certain item high wanted.

7 years ago

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I agree with you regarding that exceptional scenario with gems being introduced on cards, but I can't think of anything similar that altered key prices. Not saying it won't happen, but I can't imagine Valve screwing with their TF2/CSGO/DOTA2 economies where people pay real money to acquire in-game items versus cards which are basically useless aside from profile building.

If i recall about the gems, that change took place a week or two before a sale started, and people could then use the gems to bid on games. That was the last time Valve did anything remotely creative with a sale event and it was great. I miss those days, and hopefully they will have something fun for us this time instead of an exploitable clicker game.

That isn't to say Valve won't spring something market-changing on us, or the gifting change may have actually stabilized item prices since people will only be acquiring those items to use them in-game. I guess we will find out in a few days :)

7 years ago

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CSGO Keys will keep the same (in Trades) it doesn't matter. They will rise in future (after sale) resellers know this.

7 years ago

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Actually, keys always seem to drop in value during the sale, likely to (roughly) match the discounts. No trader will give you more than the value the key has for them if they were to sell it on the market. You are right that keys go back up after the sale ends.

The difference this sale is since you can't keep traded games in your inventory (for future resale), it is probably smarter to spend wallet so you at least get the protection of being able to get a refund if you don't like the game.

I am not advocating buying wallet with actual money. If you are spending $ on games, you are far better off using other sites as their discounts are often better now than the most recent Steam sales. For the record, I haven't spent real money on Steam games since the market was established, so the comments are for those who have item inventory to liquidate.

I can't imagine anyone thinking the value of keys/items will go up during the sale, but people are welcome to keep their inventory and see what happens. :)

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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Thanks :)

7 years ago

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My tip: just wait for Humble Monthly games to be revealed. Maybe there are the games on your wishlist.

7 years ago

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The Humble Monthly is a nice initiative for a whole year. The Summer sales are happening once a year. A big event to farm some games. I am already subbed to this monthly tho :P

7 years ago

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I'm still angry because I missed the price glitch on Life is Strange last year.. I read on Reddit that it was probably because I already owned Episode 1 so I got a special discount, but that wasn't the case, and soon after the price glitch got fixed. :S

7 years ago

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:,( I like price glitches :P but with new gifting system :/
Do you remember Shadow Warrior 2 Price Glitch which happened this year?

7 years ago

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Yup. I missed that one, though. :P

7 years ago

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Not my first sale, but thanks for this guide.

7 years ago

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No problem!

7 years ago

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Why you said no problem? I looked for every comment but cannot find your guide here :(

7 years ago

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Well i don't have experience :/ It's mainly to orient other people who have experience :)
It's my first time tho

7 years ago

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Where is the option:"Not Interested in PLAYERUNKNOWN'S Battlegrounds"?!? I would rather buy a gift copy of winrar.

7 years ago

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My summer sale guide:
boycott Volvo ... pass and dont care about Steam Store, their gifting thing is awful

7 years ago

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You want to boycott Volvo? You know that is a Swedish car?

7 years ago

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Gabe is everywhere

7 years ago

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Save to pay for moar college oWo

(RIP those textbook prices)

7 years ago

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Mostly hoping for S.TA.L.K.E.R to be discounted or the first Far Cry

7 years ago

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