Do you plan on playing Never 7: The End of Infinity?
Backlog is pretty bad, and a visual novel probably wont make it to the top of that list. I got a whole month so maybe I'll get around to it.
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Have a look at the thread that motivated the creation of this thread, some did play it within a week, but this time I decided to give a month to be fair with people who prefer to take it slow.
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Oh, I plan on playing through the entire game at some point. My life is just somewhat hectic right now, and I was wondering if this would be the incentive I needed to make it a priority over the next couple of weekends. I am well aware that the actual reward is in the experience. I just don't know if I will be able to make time for it right away. But, a month is a long time, so maybe I'll be able to find some free days here and there.
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Eight incidents in total. Shouldn't be too hard to do this one if you play through all routes, and pay attention, as is the case with all other questions. The complexity is there to make it impractical to solve the puzzle via googling/guessing which would essentially be cheating the puzzle.
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Visual novel and puzzle don't go together well.. even though i like visual novel...
I looked at the question and prepare to try it but.. i am afraid even if i find the answer.. i will spend too long to get the correct format... time better spend to play a game i guess...
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For those of you want to try the puzzle.
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I'm curious, what symbol/letters did you use at the beginning and the end of the title? I see squares with small numbers, and it kinda annoys me (I'd like to download that font/whatever so I can see it).
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I'm aware, I meant that I'd like to know what is that unicode character. :P
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I am very well aware of the max length, and I am very well aware of the complexity. This is a countermeasure against puzzle cheating e.g. googling, and I have provided a formatting standard and example to aid you in answering that question.
Furthermore, I am also able to provide dedicated help in question formatting, if you contact me on steam and give me all the correct answers, but are failing to correctly answer the question, I can add your version of the answer to the list of correct answers.
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It looks like you made an un-Google-solvable puzzle. xD I'm not solving it 'cause like I told you before, I'm not interested in this.
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Still really interested in playing it.. Ah what the hell, I have nothing to lose ^.^
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So you won't get in trouble for this thread again?
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I enjoyed Ever17. Maybe Never17 will be as fun to read as Ever17.
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I don't believe that. I played just a bit of Ever17, and found it so awesome that I stopped and went to Never 7 first. Ever17 is considered to be the best masterpiece these devs have done, so I highly doubt you'd enjoy N7 more than that VN.
But by all means, play it, you may find it enjoyable.
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Having (now) played both, I can agree with this. I enjoyed Ever 17 more, but Never 7 has a pretty unique way of presenting its content that I definitely enjoyed as well. And the writing is by the same people, so if you enjoyed reading one, I'd be surprised if you didn't enjoy reading the other.
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Here you can find the game:
Working English patch (the one mentioned in the thread is broken):
Fix to hear sounds, music and voices (extract somewhere, then copy the contents to the game folder, do not replace files that already exist when prompted by Windows):!8xsRkQxB!Oyv_HoluyJP3TMEW28bt9sbN42Le8DELCoENanAhvoA
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Shame I haven't played this VN so I can't solve it :'(
Obligatory bump :)
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I feel like I should point out something about this game for people on the fence. There's no sex and no nudity that you'd even need to censor. Fanservice is limited to a couple of girls in bikinis at the pool. This series relies on its story to keep you interested rather than being about how many Hunies you can Pop. So when you hear that the game is great, just keep in mind that it's not because they're hiding the flaws in the story with sex scenes. It's because the story is good enough to stand on its own without making something else stand on its own.
If you've ever enjoyed a story in a visual novel, you owe it to yourself to try the Infinity series. And if you've ever played Ever17, I don't know why you even need convincing.
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Since when sex scenes are a positive feature in Visual Novels? I can hardly enjoy such additions. I'm not taking it to extremes of hating skirt flashes, but actual sex scenes are, in my opinion, material that should be reserved for a genre of its own, and not be called VNs.
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Yeah, I feel like most VNs are either really short (Planetarian), force in a bunch of sexy pictures because they feel like they have to and would be better off leaving them out entirely (Fate/Stay Night), or the story is awful because it's just an excuse to get the player to the sexytimes (Tsukihime). This series and the Zero Escape games are a breath of fresh air because they deliver a long, satisfying story without feeling the need to slip in some porn.
Way back when I first tried a VN, it was Tsukihime, because it was super popular. I was pretty much turned off the genre entirely by the plot, which included committing random murders and raping a former rape victim. If a friend hadn't talked me into playing Ever17 by swearing that there was absolutely no nudity or sex, I probably never would have even looked at another VN after that. And then I would have missed out on some wonderful stories, such as this one.
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You should be able to correctly answer about half of them relatively easily, or at least have enough of an idea about them that you can use the shortcuts to skip to the correct dialogue. For the other half, if you have answers that you think are right, maybe add 3P1C on steam and let him know what you think the answer is so he can double check it. I know my answer on 3 wasn't working, which is what prompted the "Q3 fixed, if you're stuck at it, it's now working perfectly guys!" post after he caught a typo.
If you don't at least have a guess for all the questions, you might not have finished the whole story. Check your CG gallery - if you're missing some, you haven't finished the game and should probably check a flowchart to see what you still haven't done.
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I have already answered correctly half of them, the ones I'm missing are 1, 3 and 4. I have absolutely no idea on what Q4 is asking for (I mean, I have no idea on what that Word is and how many events there are); I think to have all the 8 events of Q3 (they are 8, right?) but can't get it right, and I'm also quite sure to have the answer to Q1 (but maybe I have misunderstood the question).
In fact I'm missing two CGs from Yuka, that's why I said "(I think)". I'm quite sure to know what one of them is, but I have no idea of the other one (the third of the last row). o.O? When I have some time I'll play it again and I'll add 3P1C on steam.
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Ah, those CGs aren't super important. One is for winning at tennis and one is for getting pretty much every affection point throughout her entire route and then choosing to go to the hot springs the third time the game asks you. You can use a flowchart to make sure you don't miss those, but if those are the only two you're missing, you're done with everything major.
Definitely send your answers for 1 and 3 to 3P1C, because it sounds like you're close on those. There are indeed eight for Question 3, as stated earlier in the thread ("Eight incidents in total.")
As for #4, if you at least know where the clip is from, you're probably close on that as well. Try a few other guesses.
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Yeah, I agree with you. I just really wanted to know what game was it that you offered, or if I owned it.
About the game:
I used a flowchart as suggested by the GauRocks, and I thought this would be a boring story. But I was really surprised by what happened, and the story was quite interesting, with likeable characters and great music.
Ah, I think you can help me a bit. What are those passwords we get for every ending? Where do I use them? And what is a Curé route? I was thinking of seeing other endings, but i think that would require playing from the beginning, and skipping a lot. I only see one shortcut after finishing the game.
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The passwords are for the notes system that's buried in the game directory. It's pretty pointless, though. It's basically just a bunch of explanations about areas and concepts that show up in the game.
As for the other endings, you should absolutely play them. The game allows you to fast forward past dialogue you've already seen and go straight to new things. Every route diverges into a totally different story, and the real fun of the game is actually what happens in the last few routes. The ending you've seen leaves a lot of questions hanging, and as you play all the other routes, the game will resolve those questions.
The Curé route is the second to last one that you unlock as you go through the game. When you replay the game, you'll notice that things are a little different and you have new options in old scenes. Once you've completed all the other routes that block it off, you can use the flowchart to steer yourself into the Izumi Curé route, which is about 50% longer than the others and is the best part of the game.
Basically, you think you've seen the whole story, but you've actually only seen 15-20% of what the game has to offer. And the best is yet to come.
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Thanks for the very nice explanation, I'll check the other routes as suggested. One last question: when looking for an ending (using the flowchart), I just need to always pick choices that give me points with one of the characters, and the other choices don't matter, right?
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Pretty much, yeah. If you look down near the bottom where it says "Route split", there's a big set of requirements for each ending. YA leads you to Yuka, Ha 23 or greater and HA leads you to Haruka, and so on. You basically need to take a route that gives you all the required points (With one letter lower case, like Ha) and also hits the flags required (All caps, like HA). Whichever end you're looking for, it's probably a good idea to skim the flowchart looking for those all caps flags ahead of time so you know what decisions are the most important.
You also want to be really careful to avoid the event that gives YA, since that flag forces you down the Yuka route no matter what else you do.
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Where the idea began
1VN - One Visual Novel - #001
Never 7: The End of Infinity
A group of students go to an island in order to attend a mysterious (and mandatory) "Seminar Camp". At first, everything is normal, but Makoto wonders about what is the purpose behind the Camp. What he doesn't know, is that things will soon get far from ordinary, with one strange event happening after another.
This game is amazing, it's on my list of 100 things you should do before you die
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1VN - #001 - PUZZLE LINK
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