First of all, your vocabulary is one of the most British things I have ever seen.
Second of all, the only reason I have employment for the summer is that I have a very kind grandmother who owns her own company and openly offers me employment because I've proven to be useful before.
Third of all, fuck all the companies who employ people on horrible pay to deal with the assholes of the public, it's an abysmal place to be in for work.
Also, never be honest in an interview, you'll never get employed however good you are, you need to silver line everything you say and pretend to be better than you are even if you are the perfect human being.
P.S I hope your situation improves and thanks.
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"Your vocabulary is one of the most British things I have ever seen."
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I have a habit of being very British when I'm angry. In fact, being British I have a habit of being British all the time!
I find it difficult to not be honest. I can do it, but it does make me feel a bit dirty and not in a good way. I guess I just want everyone to be honest with me too. I'm tired of this "Our offers are for the customer's benefit..." nonsense. It isn't.
Lastly, around here, and in my situation, horrible pay to deal with all kinds of chavvy toothless mouth breathers is about all I'm going to be able to get. Opportunity doesn't knock in dead-end coastal towns.
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I get you, but the honest man doesn't go far up in the food chain and that says something about today's world. Just try to deal with things and find a nice hobby to relax you after coming home from the job, everything will turn out well in the end as long as you don't fall into depression and start showing torpor towards it.
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Also, never be honest in an interview
I totally disagree with you. I have made interview (from the employer side) with very good human ressources people, and they managed to "block" liar interviewers in their own lies. Then, you're sure that you will not be hired.
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I'm with you.
Seeing comments like "If you don't lie, you don't get a job..." well, fuck it...I'll get my money some other way. To be so passively accepting of such a ridiculous way of doing things is only causing further harm to people in situations like mine. I'd rather make myself part of a solution than a problem.
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It's like this: if you're applying to a job you don't really want, lie. If you're applying to a job you actually want and would be happy to potentially do for years, be honest. Doesn't mean you have to be brutally honest, but really, you won't have that much reason to lie.
If you're in the unfortunately position that you don't really want any of the jobs you're applying to, well, I feel sorry for you, and the only advice I can offer is to think whether there's a job you'd like to do and how best you can work towards getting it. If you can think of no job you'd like, you're screwed.
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I think I'm failing to properly convey what I mean, I'm not advising to flat out lie, I'm advising to come up with slight bullshit such as "I'm a quick learned and will adapt to new situations and I can efficiently work with a multitude of varieties of people... I also would love to work for your company because <insert any reason that isn't money>". What OP was saying is that he went to an interview and flat out said he doesn't want to work for them but has no other choice. Nobody is going to employ anyone with an attitude like that, man the fuck up and take the job if there is nothing better on the job market, especially if people come from towns like OP and me where there are barely any vacant jobs to begin with.
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You actually said it well originally, it's just gagu93 I was disagreeing with. It's not bad to make you seem a little better than you think of yourself. That could actually help offset being too critical of yourself.
Still, if you can't honestly say you're going to work for a company for a reason other than money, then what I said applies: "if you're applying to a job you don't really want, lie".
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I worked once as a salesman, I won't do it again. I hate all those lies, twists, and ways of taking advantage of a person that wants his/her business to improve (I sold business sw). I haven't been studying for too many years at university to end up as a second hand car salesman. I'm so sorry for all the people that do that kind of job, but that's not for me.
At least in your country, you might be able to find something, because here (in Spain) I can't. That is even sadder, don't you think?
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I think you're optimistic about the UK job market, but I know things are tough in Spain at the moment. So good luck to you.
And I agree. Some people can do that sales crap, the lies, deception and self-delusion that comes with it. I can't do that without losing my sanity, and knowing how it feels to have lost it I know it's worth more than any job.
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I can't work either, due to my medical problems that stop me from doing many physical things (basically my body can handle itself about as well as a 95 year old man could) and, well, that's not something appealing to companies looking for someone to hire
so I'm stuck sitting home most of the time with $00.00. Doesn't help that my family is under the poverty line for sure
I feel your pain !
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Sorry to hear that. I know so many people in the same boat, whether it's that they can't work or can't find a job willing to accommodate their needs. It's a shitty world out there, and it's (quite weirdly) both heartbreaking and comforting to know I'm not alone.
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I think it's a bit harder for me right now than it will be in a few years, because I'm 16 years old at this moment in time, and there are just so many better suited teens in this city that people can hire compared to myself
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Yup, just remember when you get a job, even despite the trite things you have to say about a company when attempting to get hired, most of the people who will be your workmates won't care much about the company either, and you can all joke about it, just don't go for a position in sales if you cant handle having to lie constantly, there are other kinds of jobs out there
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Do you have skills and determination to learn by yourself?
You can pretty much start looking for video-tutorials, e-books and similar stuff and start freelancing as a web designer/developer, graphic designer, social network manager for a company, making parties/raves/events, etc. Or start an e-commerce thing, selling t-shirts and other small and cheap (you buy in a large scale somewhere else and resell them for slightly a few more) made by your own or for a theme that you like (ie, games or movies, whatever), electronics, whatever. Basically, 'home working' at all!
You won't profit much at the beginning and it won't be easy, mostly you'll work to pay the bills. As soon as you are more commited, gaining experiencie and start gaining the trust of your current and possible clients, there's no limit that you can go, if you know where to go!... For me, that was quite enough when I started and today I've lots of perspectives to raise my own company and also I have lots of quite profitable freelance stuff to go...
You have lots of ways to follow, there's no need to rush for and think about just on mostly boring 'sales' positions... The world is yours, my friend, you just have to find your way and take it!
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Im trying to say whatever I think openly and loudly. So far this has led to 3 years of unemployment for me (even though I managed to work twice for a month during summer which helped but not enough). Basically, since Im not Einstein the 2nd, dont have influential relatives nor am I willing to shut up and keep with the flood Im sort of "defective" as far as society goes. Oh well, life sucks anyway for most of us, just in a different way :D
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Problem is whoever is in charge decides the way. And it seems like I am IN the way :P
Moreover, no matter who is what, the situation wont suck less because of it. And you cant eat, nor drink nor pay with the feeling of "I am right, just it's the way it is"
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Do at YOUR way then! Stop being passive at the point to leave this decision which way you have to choose for 'who is in charge' or otherwise you'll be just another defective and frustrated zombie around the world...
YOU have this power, but it does mean nothing if you don't believe that you have and if you don't do nothing about to change this picture!
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I just said that you don't have to be an 'Einstein 2nd' to be a genious at your way or on whatever you do, you don't need to know any influent one to raise your empire and you can fight as much and as long as you're willing to do for what do you think is right, to build your life and future at the way that you want, not the way others want you to do, and be a well succeded person at whatever way that you choose to follow.
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Not all restrictions are arbitrary (as you seem to be fond of claiming) just because they do not benefit you. Nor is being serious a social ill. Having a laugh sometimes has its benefits, but taken too far it leads to a sloppy, unprofessional, and unproductive workplace.
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Mate, I am in the exact same situation. Word for word. Weird.
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Can't you get anything on steamgifts? I mean you are here all the time? :/
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Well I'm in the same situations (in a latter stage) I've stopped university in an almost natural way "monday going to university, tuesday hmm no, wednesday hmm no...." one month later, "I should get a job, instead of thinking I'm a student when I don't go to school". So I got into mcdonald's since it's the only company that hire you even if you don't lie.
Seriously I totally said to them that I hate idiots, I'm drunk everynight, I can't respect my superiors etc, etc...." Well I really didn't want to work there, so during the interview I tried to make them hate me didn't work and I worked there. XD
you can see the end of the mcdo story in the giveaway comments and I'm now unemployed for more than 1 year now, and do some undeclared work left and right, and some translation work for small company trying to work with japanese company to keep me afloat, and trying to ask japanese indie game developpers if they want to translate their games but facing a big wall there.
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I'll say it here and now, McDonalds are a complete and utter shower of shite.
Also, funny synchronicity this song just came on - Amazing lyrics from the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens (Now Yusuf Islam)
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Okay that's a degree you can't really put aside if you want to work in this.
I must say that I can still work in some tourism related thing if I'm in a pinch, and that helps me thinking I can do what I want for the time being. But I may just be delusional >_<
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Why did your University boot you out? Seems lame not supporting students with various issues, over here they pretty much beg you to become an alcoholic or suicidal.
I'm studying myself now, I dropped out of high-school years ago and ended up doing casual labor but it was a waste of time for me. It could be good for you though if you use the time wisely and don't get distracted, watching those lovely $$$ fly out the window.
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To clarify, I was not kicked out. But my position was made such that I had to make a choice, essentially, between my studies and my mental stability. A lot of irritating and arbitrary rules and regulations were standing in the way of me being able to progress with my work, and it was extra hoop-jumping that I did not need, especially around exam time when I was in a bad enough state as it was. I had/have personal issues on top of all my studies that were a huge distraction, and financial issues with that. Extra monetary demands were required which I could not meet because my budget was shoestring as it was, and I have no additional support I can receive. It made it impossible for me to focus and actually recover, and I put mental health recovery above pandering to bureaucrats every day.
It was not a decision I made lightly, and it was made on the advice of lots of close friends, family, support workers and professional mental health workers.
The thing is, the actual support for the problem in terms of care, medically speaking, was top notch. I was dealt with fantastically well for that. When it came to arranging alternative work arrangements, this is where things got very messy very quickly and no accommodations were made. It became a case of just about pass, with barely any sanity left, or cut my losses, consider a new path for a while and maybe try again when I have my head straight and can earn not only a degree I can be proud of but with which I can get on the career path I want.
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Yeah you can always return later to study, I entered at 26 and there's quite a few people in their 30s through to 50s.
You want to get satisfaction out of the study, or quality learning.
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Steve Jobs dropped out, while being allowed to do that walk-in thing and learn about other topics. But yes, you're right about jobs wanting you to sell yourself to them as if they're the best thing since sliced bread when they're nothing more than a salary for the time you're generously offering to waste on their pathetic tasks.
You can always try to do some startup yourself. You need a skill in something to acquire money no matter what though.
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Not everyone has the luxury of loving their job. Get the job first, bitch later. Practical reality comes first. At the same time, appreciate that there are always interesting things to learn, no matter the job, though you may have to dig a little to find those nuggets to appreciate. If you don't have a job, you don't build skills, and you will become infinitely less attractive as an employee as time goes on.
And with regard to being a traveling salesman, no one expects you to walk into a customer's home sopping wet. But you would be expected to be on the road, no matter the weather, so that you can make your sales call when the weather improves. You're focusing on a lot of minute detail that doesn't matter provided you deliver. Don't lose sight of the forest.
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Job hunting sucks the big one. But stay optimistic, the road to a perfect job will have it's fair share of bumps. The way I see it, every job/time spent at university (however short), is an experience whether you enjoyed it or not. You get to discover what interests you or what irritates you. My advice is to try and stay optimistic, no what what shit you have to deal with. The perfect focus for your life is out there waiting to be discovered. As long as you keep trying out different things, you'll find it eventually!
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Companies are not looking for you to be dishonest, rather they are looking for particular job candidates which you apparently are not. You want a job that you will love, and companies want employees that will love (or at least give a reasonably passionate effort towards) their job.
You seem to want to use the company that hires you for short term ends and then dump it. I'm sure companies are looking for, and can find, people that are willing and able to develop long term relationships within the company. I certainly would not want to hire someone who is going to take the valuable training I give him and walk away after a short time, and all the while he was with me he was not willing to work his hardest for my company (e.g. you being unwilling to go out in all-weather). There are plenty others that will.
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sorry to hear about that..
maybe enlisting in the military could be an option? but if you're not up to that, i wish you luck finding something you will enjoy doing and will suit your needs
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I understand that you dropped out of the studies of the subject you wanted to wanted to work at, so any job you'll try will likely feel second best, but try to think what other things will appeal to you. Even if you don't find work right now, try to set up time to do something that would have some appeal to you and could grow into a job. You express yourself well and you're on a gaming related site, maybe you could start a blog writing about games, or maybe something else you're interested in. I don't know what appeals to you and what you're good at, but doing visible things without pay can help you get paid for them in the long run.
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So, recently my life fell apart as a result of my on-going mental health issues and an unaccommodating university made it very difficult for me to continue the studies I had set my heart on. Needless to say I am now at a loose end and looking for an opportunity as soon as possible, before stagnation sets in.
But I cannot stand the absolute WANK that companies put in their bloody job descriptions. Like an all-weather door-to-door sales position that implies I have to be willing to go out in all weather because I 'put the customer first'...BE HONEST! YOU DON'T WANT ME WALKING THE STREETS IN THE PISSING RAIN ROUNDING UP CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR DAMN BENEFIT, DO YOU! IT'S FOR YOUR (I.E. THE COMPANY'S BENEFIT!
It bloody frustrates me so much that it seems if I want a job I have to turn myself into some ludicrous corporatist doublethinker and use the right buzzwords - If I was honest at an interview and said "Actually, I'll be honest I'm working for you so I can save up money and go back to uni in a more comfortable position because I couldn't give two fucks or a shit about your irritating company, I'm in this for me..." I wouldn't get hired.
I don't know...I'm just frustrated I suppose.
Oh, and there was a giveaway for the kind people who read that and who don't post irritatingly trite advice below [ENDED]
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