Hi there! You like puzzles but bored with morse and binary translation, raging over vague and incomplete directions given or not having fun guessing the correct Egyptian or Greek god? Then welcome, maybe you'll find this one more entertaining.

Caution: some advanced math knowledge may be needed!

Ok, to the puzzle itself: assume we've got a function f(x) = 2 ^ (x / 4) - an exponential function with base 2 and power 0.25 * x. To solve the puzzle you need to answer the following questions:
1) Find out the distance between the origin point and the point where graph y = f(x) crosses the ordinate axis.
2) Using f(x) build a special function using this man's knowledge and find the limit of this function at minus infinity. You can also use his, his or his knowledge. All these men used such special functions but developed different notations for them.
3) Calculate the area under graph y = f(x) in II quadrant and get the function f(x) value using the area value obtained.
4) Find out abscissa of a point of crossing of graphs y = f(x) and y = x ^ (1 / x) in I quadrant.
5) Find out abscissa of a point of crossing of graphs y = f(x) and y = x. You need the integer one.

Now what to do with the answers: convert them to digits or letters (all the answers involved belong to the [-26; 26] interval; hope it's obvious how to convert them to letters). Oh, also there is a criterion on which letter is lowercase - if graph y = (x / 4) ^ 2 lies below y = f(x). Note: there is an intentional ambiguity how to interpret values belonging to the [-9; -1] U [1; 9] interval, if you get answers from this interval it's a little guessing work which are letters and which are numbers. Converting the answers to characters fill the X part of the link with them: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/XXXXX.

Hope you will strug...eh... enjoy the puzzle! It will last for more than f(8) days. If I feel that the puzzle is too hard I'll give hints, but will do until there are, say, f(12) people in.

1) Since this is a distance between origin and intersection with ordinate axis, you just need to find f(0) which is 1.
2) The man in the picture is Gottfried Leibnitz, who (alongside Newton) greatly developed infinitesimal calculus. His notation for function differentiation is most commonly used. Other people on the pictures (Lagrange, Newton and Euler) developed own notations for differentiation. So the task was to find a derivative of f(x) and then its limit at minus infinity. Observant people should notice that since the function is exponential with positive coefficient before independent variable all its derivatives as well as anti-derivatives also should be similar exponential functions with positive coefficient before independent variable. Hence finding derivative wasn't necessary as all derivatives as well as f(x) itself have a limit 0 at minus infinity.
3) To find area under f(x) in II quadrant one should find a value of definite integral of f(x) from minus infinity to zero. This value turns out to be 4 / ln(2), where ln is a natural logarithm. Since 4 / ln(2) = 4 * log2(e), where log2 is a logarithm with base 2, value of f(4 / ln(2)) = 2 ^ ((4 / ln(2)) / 4) = 2 ^ (1 / ln(2)) = 2 ^ (log2(e)) = e. It's lowercase because f(e) > 1 (since e / 4 > 0) and (e / 4) ^ 2 < 1 (since e / 4 < 1).
4) Graphs y = f(x) and y = x ^ (1 / x) cross twice in I quadrant, at x = sqrt(2) and x = 2. Both roots should hint answer 2.
5) Graphs y = f(x) and y = x again cross twice, once at a point with transcendental abscissa and at x = 16. So the answer to the question is P (16th letter). It is uppercase because f(16) = 16 and (16 / 4) ^ 2 = 16 and therefore the criterion doesn't hold true at this point.

The resulting giveaway link is http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/10e2P. Thanks for all who solved and tried to solve the puzzle. Congratulations to the winner and good luck to everyone else!

13 years ago*

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Reserving the first FIRST comment.
If you find a flaw in description, don't hesitate to tell me. Hope it doesn't contain them though.

13 years ago

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3) Calculate the area under graph y = f(x) in II quadrant and get the function f(x) value using the value obtained.
i couldnt understand what the 2nd part is. i calculate the area under the graph in 2nd quadrant, and now what?

13 years ago

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Reading the clue, it tells you to find the area, and do f(area).

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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me has trouble converting them, will look at it later.

13 years ago

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Number 3 is over the ENTIRE 2nd quadrant, correct? If so I'm pretty certain the value (not only of the area, but also f(area)) is a decimal..

EDIT: Oh. I'm dumb.

13 years ago

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Are you sure its not a decimal?

It looks decimal to me :P

Also AWESOME giveaway

Give the math kids some love :)

13 years ago

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lol great. taking a pen and solving this.

13 years ago

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Graphic calculator go!

Also, finally, a puzzle that I have a chance of solving properly without Google.

13 years ago

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You know, Google now can draw graphs too!

13 years ago

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and Wolfram|Alpha (for those interested)

13 years ago

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Screw that! I just pulled out my handy dandy TI-83. :P

Suprisingly, I'm better with it than a good number of people who have TI-89s! XD

13 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

13 years ago

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I'm starting on this, and it certainly seems like you need to have spent some hefty points on that Maths skill.

13 years ago

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Are you sure about 3)?
Won't give me a whole number, mistake might be on my side, but I'd like to be sure before doing it all over again

13 years ago

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Yes, tested on my friend before posting.

13 years ago

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I'm getting a decimal number too.. perhaps we're supposed to round up?

EDIT: Ok, so it's supposed to come out as a whole number.. wish I could ask if my methods were correct.
For figuring out if a letter is lower case, if one of the answers is at the intersection between the two graphs (hence neither are below each other at that point), is it lower case?

13 years ago

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Re-read the criterion, it's unambigious.

13 years ago

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I can confirm that its correct, it really works!

13 years ago

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It normally works, just solved it :)

13 years ago

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Thanks for the maths puzzle!
Managed to figure out the answers but the intentional ambiguity left me hanging. Now I'm not sure whether I haven't tried all the possible combinations (Which is really frustrating) or that I got the answer wrong. =/

13 years ago

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Well, there isn't much ambiguity really: even if all five characters lie in the "ambiguity interval" you'll only have to try 32 variants.

13 years ago

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First to solve it! Thx :)

13 years ago

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I was never good at recognizing faces... This puzzle may not be solvable for me just based upon the fact that I cannot determine whose method I'm supposed to be using in number 2... XD

13 years ago

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try typing "famous mathematicians" into google images ;)

13 years ago

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Doh, why didn't I think of that. Thanks! :D

13 years ago

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I also have no idea who the guy in number 2 is xD

13 years ago

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same here...i am not even clever enough to find that guy on google xD

13 years ago

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Ok, then it's time for a little hint. I'm updating the post. Done updating point 2.

13 years ago

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Thanks for this even though I already solved the puzzle! =)

13 years ago

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Well, since it wasn't only you asking...

13 years ago

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I wasn't being sarcastic! D:

I meant that if I hadn't already solved it, this would've gotten me there. XP

13 years ago

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I can't be bothered to math.
Can you tell us what game it is?

13 years ago

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Well, it's a puzzle game with a name surprisingly similar to a hexahedron. You don't have it.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Seems legit.

13 years ago

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Well i like
1,2,3,4,5 you found the giveaway puzzles more than all others but since i suck at math i give up here!!!

13 years ago

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Damn, I should have chose Extended module 2 instead of 1

13 years ago

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What. Game. Is. This. For?
I am not about to go through all of this math just to get a chance to enter for Vegas or something I don't have enough points for.

13 years ago

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I've no reason to force you to do it. And I already gave a hint to the question you asking three posts before. You don't have it as well.

13 years ago

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I'll do it after I eat breakfast har har.

13 years ago

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Yes, no more confusing decryption. Go go TI-83 Plus!

Apparently, only having taken math up through Trig so far isn't enough. I can get them all except 2 and 3.

13 years ago

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A small reminder that two more days left in the giveaway. Sorry, no more hints as 28 people are already in.

13 years ago

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Wish I had my V200 at hand right now.

13 years ago

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This is impossible

13 years ago

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Only if you decide to try dividing by 0.

13 years ago

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Why can't I solve 2)? I got the function yet the limit yields the same result regardless.

13 years ago

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I don't understand the problem - the limit is a number. Use it just like all other answers.

13 years ago

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The limit is a number all right, I'm just confused because the function basically does naught, correct?

Also, is the game Qube? If so, I might want it after all, though I did the puzzle for challenge mainly. (Haven't had maths in ages, and I remember at school how I couldn't understand why my other teachers couldn't do maths anymore).

13 years ago

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Maybe it does naught, maybe it does not. I don't understand your confusion - find the answer and either convert it to a letter or leave as a number. Maybe it's Qube indeed - solve the puzzle and you'll see, there is more than a day left. It also disappoints me how frequently people forget maths not having a chance or not willing to use it in real life.

13 years ago

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Well, the uses of these functions are pretty limited in everyday life to begin with, so yeah...
My confusion stems from the fact my only doubt lies with 2), since I checked the other results and they are correct. I still cannot get the code right though, and having to bruteforce the 2nd char with all the other number or letter possibilities is tedious.

13 years ago

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I am confused about the number-letters part. I cant just bruteforce,there are too many combinations...

You could clarify how to get a number or a letter in the [-9,-1] U [1,9] part


13 years ago

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As I understood it, that just refers to the union of two sets of numbers: One from -9 to -1 and the other from 1 to 9.

13 years ago

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Yes but if you get the number 5 for example in an answer the giveaway code for the answer is 5 or E?

You can't know which one is it and he states that this is intentional.

But i dont like it :P

13 years ago

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At least it's only a coin flip. At maximum, this only introduces 32 possibilities... and that's only if every answer falls within that set. Oh and I forgot to say that I think he was referring to integers with the sets.

13 years ago

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I'm at a loss. I have all the values, checked them a hundred times, asked friends who study mathematics who confirmed my values, tried every upper/lower combination possible, even bruteforced the answers I have doubts about, reversed alphabetical order, nothing. This makes me feel incredibly stupid.

13 years ago

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I worked on this a little when I first spotted it a few hours ago. I have answers for them all. I'm completely certain of all but one. If I worked at it more, I might be able to nail it down with certainty, but I refuse to force my sleep-deprived brain to relive the nightmare that was Calc I and II more than I already have. Never mind the ambiguity not only in the letters and numbers department, but the capitalization as well. Even if I consider which values are supposed to be used for that criterion to be sufficiently obvious, the criterion itself is vague. Whether uppercase or lowercase is indicated by that criterion is not clear. Additionally, if my assumptions are correct, then one instance occurs at an intersection point, leaving it ambiguous as well. Even if I wanted to try and brute force the character I'm uncertain about, I would have to check 18 different configurations for each character I tested. Long story short, it's just not worth it to me to put myself through that kind of hell on such a short deadline. If I could get some sleep and work on it later, maybe, but no. You're not stupid, it's just a tricky problem. That's all.

13 years ago

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From what I remember, there aren't any hidden terms or anything. You may have made some incorrect assumptions.

13 years ago

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MAZEL TOV I overcomplicated stuff. Bare made it in the nick of time.

13 years ago

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This is the last bump as only 6 hours left till the giveaway ends. With only 35 people in there is still a decent chance to get a nice game.

13 years ago

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So.... answers?

13 years ago

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First: 1/A/a
Second: 0 (zero)
Third: J/j (That's my best guess. That one gave me fits. I kept getting long rational numbers and that's the closest I got to an integer. I'm guessing it's wrong.)
Fourth: 2/B/b
Fifth: P/p

These are correct as far as I know, except where noted. The distinction between letters and numerals was left intentionally vague, as laid out in the OP. I also found the criterion for uppercase/lowercase vague. Firstly, it's not clear whether the one function being below the other indicates upper or lowercase. Secondly, I assume the value entered into the function to determine that is the value of the answer rather than any of the values used to arrive at it (seems like a pretty safe assumption to me). I also assume the value is to be used as the input (x value) of the function rather than the output (y value). Third, if my assumption that the answer values are to be used for the uppercase/lowercase determination is correct, then the P/p falls on an intersection of the functions, so its status is still ambiguous in any case. Which variable is chosen doesn't even matter, since they have the same value at that point.

This is the best I can offer you, since I only found this giveaway shortly before it ended and I didn't really get to work it out properly. Hopefully, the gifter will pop in and clarify things for us.

13 years ago

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Correct answer: 10e2P

i) Plug in x=0 to get a point on the y-axis. The y-coordinate is 1.

ii) There's some unnecessary information in this question. All you need to do is take the limit of the function at negative infinity, giving an answer of 0.

iii) Taking an integral of the function in quadrant II and plugging the answer into the original function does indeed yield an irrational number. However, well versed mathematicians will immediately recognize the value as none other than e.

iv) Can be done with guess and check or an equation solver. Answer in quadrant I is 2, as this makes both functions equal to the square root of 2.

v) Done in a similar way to part iv. Integer answer is 16.

So now we have...





P/p (16 does not fit into one spot.)

Next, we evaluate the capitalization criteria. Subtract the original function from y=(x/4)^2; wherever the new function y=(x/4)^2-2^(x/4) is negative, the test function has a lower value and the letter can only be lowercase. We have no negative answers, so we need only look at quadrant I. As it turns out, the function turns out nicely in that y=0 at x=8, with negative values/lowercase letters from 0<x<8. A, b, and e must be lowercase while p must be uppercase.

Now it's just guess and check with the URLs. There should only be 4 possibilities remaining to check: 10e2P, a0e2P, 10ebP, and a0ebP.

13 years ago

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Hey, can't you wait for official answers? Come on, spoiled me half fun :(

13 years ago

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Wow... I actually had all the right answers, but I didn't try every combination. Also the two graphs intersect at 16 so I didn't know if P was upper case or lower case.
For number 2, it's not unnecessary info exactly. You're supposed to differentiate the equation (all those guys came up with different notations for differentiation), then take the limit.
Luckily, I don't have much interest in Qube anyways. Good puzzle.

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by zhur.