I couldn't find on the FAQ, whether or not it is 'ok' to enter two giveaways for the same game at once.
Since there is a (very slight) chance of winning them both, (which is kind of not nice), I thought I'll ask here just to be safe. :)

13 years ago*

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Unless they both end at the same time, if you win the first then just remove your entry from the second ;)

13 years ago

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Of course, why didn't I think of this.. Thanks! :)

13 years ago

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It always was allowed to enter multiple giveaways for the same game =)

13 years ago

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It's allowed. If by some ridiculous chance you win both, simplest thing to do would be to accept both, put up a giveaway of the spare (if you can't find a friend who wants it. It's only preferred you get your own gifts here) and give back to the community with a note explaining what's going on.

13 years ago

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You are not actually allowed to win the same game twice, give it to a friend or otherwise trade it.

If you are the luckiest guy in the world and win both, because you forgot to withdraw your enter for the second, just tell the gifter to ask for a re-roll on support...

13 years ago

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From the FAQ:

"There's a great game up that I have, but my buddy doesn't. Can I win it for him?

It's preferred that all members only enter for their own account, for games they do not already own."

Only says "preferred." That makes it sound like you can, but it shouldn't be a common thing. It's also applicable only rarely, when you haven't synched your library up for a while, for example, since if you own it, you can't enter the giveaway anyway. If it is a definite no that's been given by a mod elsewhere, okay, then, but the FAQ should be reworded just a little to avoid confusion if that's the case.

13 years ago

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Agreed it might need a rephrasing, since it also says:

  • Don't enter for games you already own.
  • Don't trade games you win or submit as giveaways.
  • You must immediately redeem the game on the account you entered with, and may not trade it to others


13 years ago

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The entering for games one I already covered. I read that "don't trade or resubmit" as "don't be an ungrateful little douche and resubmit something you won just because you don't like it" and an occasional exception would be made in the case of winning two games at once. The third one, I'll admit I missed while skimming through the FAQ. That one does seem more of a universal "no."

All this is largely irrelevant anyway. You're never going to win two games at the same time unless you entered into giveaways for Children of the Nile: Alexandria. snigger

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by Heke0.