So as you've guessed I've bought the recent HWB which included RISING STORM. After activating it on my account 3 different games showed up in my library:

RO2, Heroes of Stalingrad BETA

Rising Storm BETA

RS/RO2 Multiplayer

Now, is RS still in beta, really? Was it mentioned on HB page? I don't see it mentioned on the Store page. It's still downloading (over 10GB) so I haven't tried it yet, just wanted to have some heads up.

Also, have you got Red Orchestra 2 activated too? Is it beta for you too? Do you know if that's a temporary pass or it'll be permant?


11 years ago*

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If you've purchased Rising Storm you get the entirety of the original Red Orchestra 2. RO2, Heroes of Stalingrad BETA is just what it says, beta testing for upcoming patches. RS BETA is a leftover from when RS wasn't released yet and beta was given out to people who owned RO2. RS?RO2 Multiplayer is the one you want to install.

11 years ago

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Thank you. It wasn't clear at all to me, and still doesn't make much sense in a way - I'm not a beta tester and neither want to be, why would they just push them in?

Now I start downloading all over again other 10.8GB, lol.

11 years ago

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No they just give you the beta too. For example I have the paid version of TF2 so I also get the beta version of it.

11 years ago

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Thank you

11 years ago

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The Rising Storm is a rock and roll group which was active at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts between 1965 and 1967.
The band is still active and has reunited to perform on multiple occasions: in 1981, when Cohen was replaced by rock musician and record producer Andy Paley; in 1982, 1992, and 2002, when they played at their 15th, 25th, and 35th class reunions at Phillips Academy; in 1999, when they opened for the Boston reunion of The Remains; and in 2007, when they opened for The Yardbirds at the Primitive Festival in Rotterdam, with progressive musician and composer Erik Lindgren on bass.

But im still not sure what your question is about

11 years ago

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no worries, you just clarified everything thanks

11 years ago

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can't figure out why would they go for such confusing naming/arrangements. shame I won't get to play any RS single player campaign, but I can live with it
thanks for the link

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by tciulo.