Guys I can't tell you how happy I am! :D In the last two weeks I have won 4 gifts of which 3 were The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, L.A. Noire and Miasmata! I couldn't believe it myself! I am so immensely happy beyond words can explain!

So I thought this would be the perfect time to make my first train ever, and make someone else happy as well! And you know balance the Universe a bit so luck can come my way again :P

And I also wanted to take the opportunity to tell you to how to win games! Just believe! I really really wanted to win all 3 of these games, and I kept thinking: "Dalilah you will win this game! No one else! You are predestined to win this game! You want this game more than anyone and it is only fair that you get it. That's what the Universe wants! You will win this game!" And guess what, it worked!!! I was beyond happy, so much that I started crying and then dancing and jumping around my house!
So I urge you to repeat after me when you really want something! "I will win this game!" "I will get that thing" "I will get that promotion!"
"I believe!"
That's all you have to do: Believe!
I am sure if you believe that you will win, you will definitely win! You just have to believe harder than everyone else.
That isn't hard right?

So go ahead and do that and then board the train here!

Edit: More giveaways added! Try to find them all within the train!

The train is not over yet! Bonus giveaway still lasts 3 hours!

Oh and one more thing: My Uni is starting again soon (Yay! :( ) so this is probably the last time in a while that I can create a train, or giveaways, or visit SG, because I will be overwhelmed with responsibilities and assignments and projects and homeworks and know the drill

So this is kinda a Goodbye Train from me as well (at least for now). I will be back again, and will be stopping by occasionally.

Oh and least I forget, there are WL compartments hidden inside, for those special people! ♥

If you want in, say why you should join them! :D However please don't go overboard and spam the thread with WL entries. This is after all a train about believing, not WL recruitment!

Love you all <3
Remember to believe!

Please keep the BL drama out of this thread!

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8 years ago*

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Congratz, now go and learn and get a job!

8 years ago

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Those are some nice games you won there, congrats. Hope you will have time to play them with school starting. Thank you for the train, will board it later. :)

8 years ago

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Congratulations for your wins. It's heartwarming to see somebody that much excited bout their wins :)

8 years ago

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Oh thank you eeev! Yeah I get easily excited. :D

8 years ago

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Congrats on your recent wins!

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8 years ago

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have a thanksy bump

8 years ago

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All I can think of is that, "Hey there delilah" song. I can't even focus :D

Anyhoo, congratulations on the wins! Good luck in your studies! :)

8 years ago

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Oh I've heard that before! Everyone seems to get the song stuck in they're head. And then it gets stuck in mine too. :D

Thank you for the wishes! ^_^

8 years ago

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Bump and meow

8 years ago

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Meow! :3

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8 years ago

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Oh yeah, now we are win-bros, no wait... win-sis... no... eee.... I know! We are win friends! :D My previous GAs was also really good, and guess what - one of the games I won was L.A. Noire :D
And thanks for the tip on how to win things. I might try. Recently I developed other way, exlusive for GAs winning - fighting with backlog. By beating games, universe will feel that you are closer to the line where words 'I have nothing to play' will be actually true and will help you with RNG gods :P

And good luck on Uni ;)

EDIT: Ha! Today I beat one game that I won here, as a part of my backlog killing plan and guess what? I just won a game :D

8 years ago*

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Oh, that's great to hear that other strategies are working as well! :D As long as you keep on winning!

Btw you have access to the whole train now

8 years ago

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No matter how we get there as long as we will get there! :D (or soemthing like that)

Thank you! Does that mean I'am now one of the cool kids? :D

8 years ago

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Don't be silly, you were always one of the cool kids! :D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I tried believe... Sadly I really wanted the game, but missed the GA and didn't enter.
So believing without entering ia not enough!
Thanks for the train

8 years ago

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Oh yeah, it happened to me as well, that I forgot to enter some giveaways later on..... and they were some sweet titles too.... but what can I say, you win some you lose....

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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thats really nice to hear, glad you won games you really want :D good luck with your uni.

EDIT: when i submitted this message, the page refreshed and got the pop up with the cat that says i just won a game 0.0' is this magic?damn.. you have a lot of luck around you, just being in your thread lol and i won a game. This was epic.

8 years ago

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Oh god, that's so lucky Mari! I'm so happy for you, that I lifted my victory fist in the air when I heard!

I guess I really bring luck, eh?

8 years ago

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yeah, for real :D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Did not enter, but thanks for the giveaways, congrats on the awesome wins and good luck with school. I'm glad I quit school early, just thinking about it gives me headache.

8 years ago

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Let's see...I think I deserve a spot on your wl because reasons and because I believe :P

seriously, though, only if you think I deserve it...

btw... good luck with uni... it can be cumbersome but never get discouraged ... you know, just BELIEVE :)

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8 years ago

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Hahaha, normally I would find this a bit pushy...but because of your level of contribution Added ;)

How come I haven't seen you around before?

8 years ago

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lol ... I thought some may interpret it that way but I still took the risk... just in case, I was just kidding and not trying to push anyone around :D

About missing each other... I do not really spend too much time lurking the forums, so perhaps that may be the reason... still, it is weird o.O

oh well, nice to meet you! :D

Edit: oh, and thx for the spot on your whitelist :D

8 years ago

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Bump and thank you for the ride ;)

8 years ago

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You're welcome!

8 years ago

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Bump ;)

8 years ago

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Congratulations on your wins! LA Noire is great. I really liked it! Haven't played the other two yet but they are on my wishlist so it's just a matter of time :D
Good luck in uni and I hope we will see you soon!
Thank you for the train <3

8 years ago

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Thank you for the wishes dkny! :hugs: ♥

8 years ago

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Congratulations :)

8 years ago

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Congrats! See you again on Christmas!! Study hard!

8 years ago

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I won't finish until after the New Year! :cries: :(
I'll get maybe 2 days off to celebrate New Years and one day for Christmas (even though I don't celebrate it)

8 years ago

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Thanks and BUMP!

8 years ago

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Congratz and bump :D

8 years ago

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BUMP for more giveaways added!

Try to find them all!

8 years ago

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Bump for fires and zombies and slowdancing.

8 years ago

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Thx bump

8 years ago

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sneaky bump


8 years ago

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