Child of Light:

Pros: I played the demo, and from what I can tell it seems like a very solid game. Great graphics and music, and I will always have a soft spot for turn-based RPGs. I would like to just sit back with a controller and enjoy this game at a leisurely pace, collecting items, and battling monsters.

Cons: It is a Ubisoft game, however, and does come with Uplay as a requirement. This isn't a dealbreaker for me, however I wish they used Steamworks, and added cards and achievements. There is Day One DLC as well, but since it's mostly items you can get in-game, I don't really blame them for wanting to make extra money for people who are willing to pay for a boost. This isn't a dealbreaker for me either.


Pros: Bastion is one of my favorite games in recent memory. Transistor looks to be a sci-fi spiritual successor.

Cons: Not out yet. $5 more.

10 years ago*

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Get Transistor. Child of Light barely came out and already has 7 dlc.

Plus Transistor looks like a better game.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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transistor. because pre-purchases never fail you. if people are hyped, it's gotta be an awesome game.
child of light is just another turn based rpg anyway.

10 years ago

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+1 prepurchase every overhyped game, nothings better than killing people with a giant usb disk

10 years ago

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They really missed out on making a physical USB disk in the same shape.

10 years ago

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i'd buy it, depends on the capacity

10 years ago

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The sad thing about novelty USB drives is that they're usually pretty small. Though honestly, I'd never buy a novelty drive for regular use.

10 years ago

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I see no reason to pre-purchase, I might as well wait a few more days for the first batch of reviews and then make my decision.

10 years ago

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For me Transistor is going to be an INSTA-BUY!

10 years ago

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Wait for the next big sale and get both!

10 years ago

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Generally good advice, but 15% off on a newer title isn't that much of a reason to wait.

10 years ago

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It is most likely that a sale will hit transistor first before child of light. - Go for child of light
You are comparing between an unreleased game vs a released game, you have the advantage of reading reviews for child of light - Go for child of light
Since child of light is released, there are estimate times for which how long you can complete a game, 15$ for 12hours is decent for a turn based non-rpg-maker graphics style game.

Coop is a bit weird on child of light, it's like "The-Cave" where you do stuff together, but 1 must act like the main player, and 1 must act as a helper.

10 years ago

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That is a good point, about the game going on sale. Ubisoft probably won't put it on sale anytime soon, and Transistor will probably end up in a bundle at some point.

12 hours is a great length for a game. I usually get very into a game for 4-5 days and then lose some interest.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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Before you buy anything new, go finish what you already have in your library. Like Saints Row The Third. Or On The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness. Hotline Miami maybe? KOTOR games; you have at least 60ish hours there. Rage... Metro 2033... BrĂ¼tal Legend... you get what I'm saying :D

Save that cash for a better time, go play those gems you've forgotten about ^^

10 years ago

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Haha, you got me there. You're right. My backlog is so big, I had to start a new rule where I have to beat two games before I buy one. I am finishing up Batman: Arkham Asylum and Halo: Spartan Assault before buying one of these.

I have beat KOTOR, but not KOTOR II. It didn't play well with my computer.

10 years ago

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That's a great rule, I should start applying it myself (though I'd put indie bundles as an exception) :D

I'm not judging or anything, just reminding everyone (primarily myself xD) that we should only buy games that we plan to play very soon (I know I've fallen for that trap too many times, could've saved a LOT of money that way) ^^

If you do plan on playing the games rather immediately, I'd just like tu say two things. One - never preorder games. Two - If you really must preorder, make sure that, even if the game turns out not as good as you've expected it to be, its setting and story align with your niche preferences so that you enjoy it even if it's not great :D

10 years ago

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Yeah I used to buy every HIB, IndieGala, IndieRoyale bundle out there. And I slowly realized I wasn't playing any of them. And then $15 I spent on shitty games in a month, could have bought a good game.

I only buy the major Humble Bundles now. And usually only buy games with Steam Wallet from buying and selling Dota items.

10 years ago

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Hey!!! You Know... Bioshock Infinite is On Sale Right Now For $9.89... How About THAT?

10 years ago

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Have it, beat it, loved it. Burial at Sea was fantastic as well.

10 years ago

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Bioshock Infinite is soooooo much overrated. The original Bioshock is so much better, and I played all 3.

10 years ago

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Dragon Age: Origins in on sale.
As for Transistor, it looks nice, but it certainly will be in a bundle in a couple of months from now :)
As for the other game, no way, too many DLCs for my taste.

10 years ago

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I have DA:O.
I don't mind buying Transistor for full price. I got a lot of value out of Bastion.
I think the DLC is in bad taste, but since it is all game items, you're essentially just paying for a shortcut, which I am not interested in.

10 years ago

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if i had those $20 now... i will go with transistor.

10 years ago

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Transistor looks more fun to me so I would probably go with that.

10 years ago

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Unless you REALLY need some new game now.. I'd wait for Summer sale and get both then ..

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Zarilenth.