What do you think ? A friend and I want to buy this game but i'm stuck with the bad feeling i got the first time when I played the beta...

A lot of people are saying major updates totally changed the game in one year.

So ?

Thanks :D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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ah, I was going to be surprised if you had played it and had that reaction. worth a try!

8 years ago

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Heroes never die!

8 years ago

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I was going to be surprised if you had played it and had that reaction.

Why? People have different tastes. I for one don't like that type of game and thus won't like that game...

8 years ago

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You're right, people do have different tastes. But Overwatch was widely recognized by lots of people who love all kinds of video games that it was one of the best made and most fun and worthwhile gaming experiences they had in 2016. It would be foolish to dismiss it without having played it, and if I'm making charitable assumptions about ambidot (he's not foolish and he's likely to at least understand and appreciate, even if he doesn't enjoy, the beautiful design, balance, humor, and simultaneous simplicity and depth of Overwatch if he had played it), my surprise is justified.

8 years ago

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Comparing an online competitive game to the Division ...

The Division is a whole different style of game and play so it is not a fair comparison.As the Division is based more on loot grinding/co-op then it is PVP and even with the PVP it has it still not a true FPS like overwatch.

The Divsion is a cover shooter that relies on loot grinding and co-op as solo at higher levels is just suicide.It does have some PVP stuff but that is mostly tied down to DLC.The Dark Zone is the only PVP part of the game that is part of the base game.The Dark Zone itself is not a full on PVP though it has risk rewards for going rogue.

Nothing like just saying no and then telling someone to get a game so far from what this game is based about as the alternative.Have you even played The Division?Overwatch to the Divsion is akin to saying no to Fallout 4 and get Doom.

8 years ago

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I think comparing the Division to either Fallout or Doom is a bit generous XD

8 years ago

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I am not sure if you said that because you think I was comparing them or your reply is just in general lol

As I would never compare them two together only if say the OP asked which one out of a select group would you get.I just find it silly to even suggest Overwatch with The Divsion given how vastly different they play.I assume the OP is looking for more CO-OP play as this was clearly built for that and not PVP.Though lately, it seems to be more focused on PVP which I think will just divide and kill the game.You have to be one or the other trying to be both never bolds well as i got it for CO-OP but as of late it all PVP so i have quit playing it.If i wanted PVP there are plenty of other games that do it a lot better,like Overwatch.

8 years ago*

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No overwatch is worse its overrated just like witcher 3 in my opinion (No sarcasm)
OW is so broken

But the division is fun but it gets boring pretty fast.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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If its your type of game, i dont see why not =)
And this also - http://www.pcgamer.com/the-division-16-update-will-nearly-double-the-size-of-the-dark-zone/

8 years ago

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Full of hackers in multiplayer

8 years ago

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I have encountered just one in 200 hours played.

8 years ago

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Lots of people think only hackers can kill them.

8 years ago

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Wait, WHEN exactly was it worth buying? o.O

8 years ago

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sorry for the "still" haha !

8 years ago

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not everybody hates it :P

I really enjoyed it up until the end game... but I am like that with most games

but I feel I got my moneys worth.

8 years ago

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There's more to play after the end game.

8 years ago

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When Newegg accidentally sold it for a penny

8 years ago

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I already got OW but sometimes I got an OverDose of this game.

So I was thinking about The Division.. but it doesn't seem to be appreciated..

8 years ago

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Why don't you say the game genre that you prefer and ask people to suggest you games of that genre? ;P

8 years ago

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I play with my friends when everyone is available (not a easy task) and its great fun. I only got it recently so I cant compare to how it was before.

8 years ago

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Ok then I like open-world games (particularly survival ones) to play with friends (and got a lot of fun if possible).

H1Z1 is a mess.

Rust is a classic, but Iit's not what i'm searching for.

8 years ago

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have you tried 7days to die?

I haven't played it, but my brother really likes it.

8 years ago

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I almost bought it 2 weeks ago but I would prefer to put my money on a game "finished". I'm tired of these early-access..

8 years ago

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I really like 7 Days To Die, i highly recommend it.
Its really fun to play with friends and u can do tons of stuff in it !

8 years ago

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Well Ubis games are all early access, but they just dont finish them haha

8 years ago

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7 Days is pretty good, indeed. Right now I'm only playing Project Zomboid. The most immersive survival game IMO.

8 years ago

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What about Dead by daylight ?

8 years ago

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Yes. If rpg-ish looter shooters are your thing it's definitely worth it. Once you've got through the story you can grind undergound mode or try survival. Survival can be accessed without finishing the story, once you've unlocked the base. In the Dark Zone you may run into people who like griefing people but you can avoid them. Spontaneous groups can be made too making the pve or pvp more fun.

8 years ago*

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This video review is more funny than playing that game.


8 years ago

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I regret buying it, it got repetitive and just seemed to be missing that special something that made you want to come back and play it. but I paid full price for pre order so on sale for 20 or less might be worth it if your playing with a friend.

8 years ago

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Was it ever?
I played the beta and it felt so empty im out of words, not because of just lacking players... But things to do overall.

8 years ago

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The game is not bad but it is not everyone's taste. There is very much changed after the beta but I still think that in current state it is only worth it if you get the Gold Edition or buy the game and season pass separate. There were pretty good deals for both during Steam winter sale and there are acceptable prices still on Kinguin store. Soon new DLC will release and players with DLC will probably start getting better gear from new expansion maps. It is very hard to get good loot alone and with low level gear so be prepared and try find good players to team up with :)
You should look some streamers play it on twitch and then decide if you want it or not.

8 years ago*

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A friend of mine pre-ordered The Division. He hyped it up and tried to get 3 others to pre-order it with him. Somehow, after 5 hours he was able to refund it. He said that he would never pre-order a game anymore. To this day we still laugh at him about it. Found out recently that he just pre-ordered Wildlands

Do not buy The Division. Look for a game that is similar, but do not buy The Division. The issue that he had explained to me was that there were a bunch of hackers just killing everyone and taking their stuff and after a little while he just got sick of the game and it wasn't interesting anymore. Another reason was the near-empty servers.

8 years ago

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My friends and I got ~240 hours of playtime out of it before one of them moved and had no internet for a while. We haven't gotten back to it since then. Reaching the Level cap and PvE is quite fun but I've heard bad things about endgame & PvP.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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It was NEVER worth buying to begin with.

Trust me, I stole it from a friend and I can tell you that I still felt ripped off.

8 years ago

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Do you steal from all your friends ? :D

8 years ago

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It was an accidental steal, he was like "code doesn't work in my account" and tried it myself and it worked.


8 years ago

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Well if he is aware of it I would rather call it borrowing ;) I do that with console games from my buddies all the time.

Edit: Nevermind :D I read what you wrote but somehow my mind didn't process it correctly.

8 years ago*

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Was it ever worth buying?

8 years ago

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If you like shooters and RPGs, then totally yes. I dropped 220 hours in a month into it. There's also 1.6 patch coming and from the patch notes it's adressing a lot of things that I was complaining about.


8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I had fun with it. The end game is apparently disappointing, but I haven't played since 1.2 so things probably changed. And as for PVP I created my own fun by avoiding players and sneaking past hi level NPCs to get loot.

8 years ago

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I don't know about The Division but I bought Rainbow Siege Six on Christmas sale and I love that game. It's a great shooter and you can be good in it straight from the beginning. Getting some of the new characters might be difficult since you have to play (and possibly win) many matches until you have enough points to get them. Or you could just pay with real money. Still awesome game!

8 years ago

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Just wait for the movie adaptation? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

8 years ago

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Nope ...dead game .

With all seriousness , that game was never worth buying to begin with

8 years ago

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Dead game? What are you smoking? There are enough people still playing it. And with patch 1.6 and a new larger Dark Zone coming more will be returning.

8 years ago

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You know ,before you ask me what I'm smoking ... How bout you read the whole comment ...

It may have player base but it's a buggy mess ( or at least was few months ago)

It's boring as hell , literally fighting the same enemies over and over who for some reason take 2 magazines of ammo to kill .
Like it's not fps but some old MMO where you grind ppl instead of mobs

AI was retarded... PvP is shit and the whole have loot nonsense is just ridiculous .
Like 40m fight for a beenie?

And the end game .... Shoot a helicopter for 15m, ... And that's it ?
Like there was no conclusion to the already lacking plot that they put together probably in the last minute ...

Yeah it may have some player base , playing it out of putty or regret for the money they spent... But unless it goes for 10$ that game is not worth it

8 years ago

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Read the whole comment?
It was 2 lines with no elaboration on why. Just 1 line saying it's dead. Did you even play it, especially lately?
It's an mmo fps, like Borderlands or . That's what people forget. It's not a normal fps. Apart from that, bosses in shooters take loads of ammo to kill too, that's just how games are.
It's okay not liking certain games or mechanics like looters, but saying it's dead is simply untrue.

8 years ago

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Now go back and re-read it very careful ...

As for playing it nope I'm not playing shit games like that .
You may enjoy it , but there is no way that game is worth buying unless it's 75+% off .

Also I'm not talking about bosses taking 2 clips , I'm talking bout some random regular dude who for some reason cannot die .

But anyway nonpoint arguing tbh seems you just feels like you gotta justify your purchase .

8 years ago

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Ah, now I remember your way of having a discussion.
So, you never played it, okay.
Anyway, fine, you win and have a nice day.

Edit: 360 hours since September/October.
So, it certainly justified my purchase/being gifted it. But to be honest, I don't think you're actually interested in other peoples differing opinion.

8 years ago*

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You know you wouldn't see irony even if it hit you you in the face .

With all seriousness kinda implied that the stated above wasn't to be taken seriously but anyway ....

As for discussion you start your comment with an insult , not sure what ware you expecting in return .

And I did play through the story with few friends , biggest waste of a week of my life tbh .

Anyway have a nice day 2

8 years ago

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I mean I do care about other ppls opinion, just not the one of someone who uses what are you smoking as his opening line....

Glad you enjoy it . I did not :)

8 years ago

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It was never worth buying

8 years ago

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Did you play it on Playstation 4 or XBox One ?

8 years ago

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Nope. Only beta PC

8 years ago

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I rest my case.

8 years ago

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No at the moment it's not worth buying, because almost no one is playing it anymore :D

8 years ago

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