I'll be fair, I don't mind paying a higher-than-bundle price for it, because it's a wonderful project that I know I'll enjoy. But if between now and the next month or two it's going to go 66%, 75% or even higher off I am going to be annoyed with my impatience, as is my ever decreasing bank balance.
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I don't know how in depth the demo is these days, but it used to be pretty nice (not graphically, just features-wise). I enjoyed the demo a lot, and would like the full polished version, but the demo back then (a year or two ago?) gave enough for me to be content with it until it really does get much cheaper (and/or bundled).
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Yeah, I had the demo on my old laptop but haven't re-downloaded it. I think it's an amazing project they have going on and I have never had so much fun doing what are seemingly some quite tedious and technical things!
The other thing I liked is that mods worked with the demo! So I was able to have additional content with a demo version.
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I read somewhere they will raise the price when it gets full released, plus it will take at least 6 months or so to be 50%~75%. If someone is in a hurry to play right now this is a good deal, otherwise they will have to wait lots of time to even match this price.
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Hey, you're back, haven't seen you in a long time :)
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So far this is my GOTY 2013, even over games like Bioshock Infinite and ARMA 3. There will be better deals, however I'd just buy it. Got it full price and have no regrets.
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Oh, man.. I am in love this this game, and I've only even played the demo so far! I started playing it a few days ago and got myself hooked on it. =P I just wish it had multiplayer to it. That would have made the game a million times better.
I really want to buy it, but I've gotten into a bit of a money issue just recently, after taking a trip to the ER (turned out to be a complete waste of money since they couldn't figure anything out, and really didn't even try..). It's only $15, though, so it's not like it will really matter all that much. I'll probably cave in and buy it tomorrow or something. =P
I'd love to be able to get an even better deal on it, but the game will probably end up jumping up in price soon, after it's officially released. So, even on sale, it probably won't be any cheaper than it is now any time soon. =/
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Got it through a trade - Got a deal on it I feel represents value to me, so I'm happy. :) Downloading now and my space obsessed female companion friend, Female Companion, will be very happy when she visits me to sit back and send small, weird-faced creatures into space.
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I'm playing an 'arr' version until it reaches a price I can afford, in love with the game (if you want to call it a game, of course) though. Managed to get a lander on Duna yesterday, granted when I should have been revising. Have fun, I'd recommend subscribing to this channel.
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I used to watch that channel when I was playing the demo mode. Currently watching tutorials on another channel. Also, I've not even got to Mun yet! :P I think I'm not taking it seriously and basically just strapping as many solid rockets as possible onto everything and shouting "POWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!"
I hope they don't introduce death by G-force later - my Kerbs will die.
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It's harder to land on the Mun than it is Duna! Lack of atmosphere means no parachutes. I went through that stage too to be honest, it is pretty fun. ;) But yeah, once you get the hang of things, it becomes a really fun and challenging experience. One thing to remember, especially when doing landers, is F5 - quicksave. F9 to load it again after you inevitably crash and burn, haha.
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I bought it for full price just a few weeks ago; Its SO worth it. Seriously I recommend it so much. The price is pretty magnificent at the moment!
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So, for anyone who doesn't check the latest deals, Kerbal Space Program is currently 33% off - Only £12.05 in the UK not sure of international pricing.
So, new question...How many rocket is enough? I don't mean in the sense of the best thrust/weight ratios and delta-vs and getting your craft into space. No, I mean in terms of sheer stupid-minded over-the-top bored gamerness, how many rockets is enough?
I am currently using a rocket that has 104 solid fuel boosters, and 9 liquid fuel engines for initial thrust, with another liquid fuel stage for travelling through SPAAAAAAAAAACE!
So, I want to know from KSP players - what's the most ludicrously overpowered yet mostly useless ship you've created?
Also, if I were to do a challenge giveaway at some point for ludicrous builds, would there be enough KSP players to justify it?
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