There have been new rules added, see here and here.

Congrats to everyone who participated in May! The stats are the following:

  • 5129 achievements have been achieved
  • 3144.6 hours have been played
  • 286 games have been beaten
  • 138 people have participated and beaten at least one game.

Hope to see you all again this month :)

Due to timezones/people not being online 24/7 I am still accepting any edits/applications for May for the next couple of days (till the May thread is closed).

The theme for this month is

Live. Die. Repeat.

(Thank you to Moony1986 for the suggestion!)
Games added to old PAGYWOSG events which are not beaten yet *
Games in which the ID has two identical consecutive digits (e. g. 633950)
Games from a game series
Games split in levels/episodes/missions/periods *
Games with special characters in the title**
Remastered versions / Remakes
Multiple endings *
Games with one of the following tags: Choices Matter, Replay value, Choose Your Own Adventure, Nonlinear, Time Travel, Time Manipulation, Survival, Perma Death, Clicker

* Please provide some kind of explanation/proof in the notes or it will be rejected. And saying game has levels is NO proof.
** Anything that is not a letter or number in the english alphabet.

No win that fits the theme or played them all?

Please use the "Note" section when submitting the game to inform me of this situation.

You can submit this months games you are going to play here:


Who can participate

Anyone who does not have any unactivated wins, multiple wins or a VAC ban. You can participate even if you don't have any SteamGifts wins, see the "Have already completed all your wins?" bellow as it applies to this scenario too.

Don't want to login into the site?

No worries, you can just leave the names of the games you are going to play in the comments bellow and I will add you into to the site myself at the end of the month.

Theme for July

♪ 7 de Julio, San Fermín ♪
Mouse's favourite things
Lucky Seven
Too Hot to Handle

Theme for August

Do you think you have a good idea for a theme for August leave it in the comments bellow. If I get more than 1 suggestion I will list them in the poll next month and the one with the most votes will become August 's theme.


Everyone who beats at least one win this month will get the chance to win:

The Spiral Scouts by Samwise84
The Walking Dead: The Final Season by Samwise84
.hack//G.U. Last Recode by Samwise84 region locked, will not activate here BN/CN/HK/ID/JP/KH/KP/KR/LA/MM/MN/MO/MY/PG/PG/SG/TH/TL/TW/VN
Bully: Scholarship Edition by Samwise84
Dungeons 2 by cynnix
Rocket Knight by cynnix
Wanda - A Beautiful Apocalypse by Tristar
Cat Quest by cece09
Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom by cece09
Songbringer by Moony1986
RiME by Moony1986
Shadwen by Moony1986
Dustforce DX by thamore
Hotline Miami by thamore
The Adventure Pals by Kyrrelin
Quest of Dungeons by Kyrrelin
GRIS by VladislavDracula
Sakura Angels by VladislavDracula
GET EVEN by VladislavDracula
ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West™ Premium Edition by VladislavDracula
Gato Roboto by VladislavDracula
Hotline Miami by VladislavDracula
Moonlighter by VladislavDracula
NAIRI: Tower of Shirin by Naitas
Life is Strange: Before the Stormby Naitas Region locked in AL, AR, AM, AZ, BY, BA, BR, BQ, GE, IN, KZ, KG, MK, FM, MD, ME, RU, RS, TJ, TL, TR, TM, UM, UA, UZ
Chasm by Naitas
A Good Snowman Is Hard To Build by Gelweo
West of Loathing by krol7
Yakuza Kiwami by Noxco
Seven: Enhanced Edition by salemSamwise
Castle of Illusion by Sylom

Have already completed all your wins?

Then feel free to participate with your normal Steam backlog instead :)

Useful links:

Steam group - please don't bother requesting to join unless I told you to do so, you will get denied.
How Long to Beat
Do You Even Play, Bro? – kelnage’s script
BLAEO website - BLAEO application thread
Source code of the website.
Steam Library Filter

Previous months:

2020: January - February - March - April - May
2019: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2018: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2017: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December

4 years ago*

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Which theme would you like to see for July?

View Results
♪ 7 de Julio, San Fermín ♪ - Games with bulls, bullfighting or matadors/Games based in Spain/Games with spanish characters/Games up to 7 points/Games with 1-7 achievements/Games you won on the 7th of the month/Games with fireworks (Chupinazo)/Games with alcoholic beverages/Games where you fight against established authority/leaders (Riau riau)/Games with giants/Games where the character wears white and/or red/Endless runners/Games with/about religious themes or a prominent religious character
Mouse's favourite things - games with lemons, telephones, boobs, sexual content, dancing, karaoke, singing, salt, mice, beer, tea, 50h+ HLTB /games where you can beat up someone with a bike or bikes in general/games where you can get a kiddy GF or are forced to be a boyfriend/games where you become a daddy or are simply called daddy/ games with weird machines that give out random crap or lootboxes/math, physics, educational games/games playing in Japan or Slovenia/ puzzle games/achievement whore
Lucky Seven - Game ID, won date, GA code includes a 7/Name, developer, publisher, gifter name with 7 letters or incl. 7/Games where the gifter or giveaway is level 7 or above/Games with exactly 7 tags (on Steam)/Games with exactly 7 trading cards/Wins with a winning chance <= 0,7%/Games which were bundled 7 or more times/Games with Random Achievements/Gambling, Casino, dice or card games/Choices Matter/Games with good and bad ends/Games where treasures or enemies drop loot
Too Hot to Handle - Games with a warm color palette (reds, yellows and oranges)/Fire as a main element of the game (i.e. superpower, campfire as a saving checkpoint, fire as a continuous source of light or heat, etc)/Games that take place on a desert or a dystopian wasteland/Steampunk/Games where the main character wears tank tops and/or shorts/Games with hiking or climbing as the main mechanic/Games where you can visit a beach/Games about hell/Games that have dragons or phoenixes


4 years ago

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SG username Number of achievements Hours of Playtime Games beaten
goplayer7 25 161.7 1
cece09 786 159.9 38
SolubleCrow 206 113.5 6
escollo 133 107.4 6
Thexder 51 106.4 4
Metalhead8489 159 95.7 7
Moony1986 212 93.6 10
SpiderDen 125 93.6 5
samwise84 190 92.1 6
Naitas 323 84.2 12
Mitsukuni 13 78.2 1
krol7 51 67 5
RayOfLight3 38 64.8 1
aonrao 78 63.6 6
GarionX 75 63.4 1
melisand 15 61 1
robocub 113 59.7 3
LagiNatoRRR 11 54.2 2
TheDruidNym 126 47 2
Kyrrelin 33 42.3 2
86maylin 63 40.2 6
Cowoth 31 38.8 1
ArsenalGunna 56 38.8 1
ThePonz 58 34.4 2
Brightboy 66 34.3 3
moemustaine 105 33.8 4
EyeofArrow 20 32.4 1
lext 116 32 4
Noxco 32 31.7 1
Waxlor 50 30.5 2
Tim3Shift3r 2 29.1 1
itekin7 117 27 3
RiderOfPhoenix 38 26.6 2
Ninglor03 67 26.4 6
sweetcuppincakes 58 25.2 3
Wildstorm 68 21.6 3
PapaSmok 37 21.1 3
AbdAllahMohamedRefat 41 20.8 1
enigma9q 42 20.7 4
Blando 0 20.7 1
PeterShepard 0 20.5 1
satyam001 67 19.8 2
alayersoffe 49 19.3 2
PeteOzzy 40 18.9 2
Droj 88 18.2 2
Gellax 61 17.8 4
RiseOfValhalla 111 17.4 5
thoughtfulhippo 52 16.1 2
Sylom 18 16.1 1
emymer 29 16 1
VladislavDracula 28 15.9 2
sceypt 7 15.9 1
Mikoy7 25 15.4 1
Blueaquapearl50 22 15.2 1
AlvinCanCabbage 9 15.2 1
semik552 39 14.9 1
Epaminondas93 5 14.4 1
valsept 27 13.9 1
ryogareloaded 14 13.6 1
JustDucky 27 13.4 1
Filipi 0 13 1
Dux80 0 12.6 1
Aldcoran 23 12.3 2
Zarddin 48 11.9 3
patatesgipsy 15 11.6 1
Ad4m 24 11.3 1
SINNEDUE 13 11.3 1
mulchand 17 11.2 1
andreeeeeww 36 10.6 1
Kokkol 136 10.5 3
GauFF 18 10.4 1
Saucisse 42 10.2 1
Khayta 133 10 2
Tewam 5 9.7 1
Patzl 70 9.5 1
FallenKal 28 9.3 1
salemSamwise 23 9.2 3
ihcnab 82 9.2 1
CallMeKap 14 9.1 1
nubplayer007 26 8.9 1
BarefootMonkey 12 8.8 1
nanji 30 8.6 1
Gelweo 16 8.5 2
MrD 5 8.2 1
CptWest 30 8.1 1
JaffaCaffa 10 7.8 1
Zarshir 20 7.5 1
digitaldictator 4 6.9 1
cynnix 16 6.7 2
Roleri 50 6.5 1
juhaszandor 32 6.5 1
AnuPatel 30 6.3 2
Slide95 13 6.2 1
MouseWithBeer 499 5.8 4
adam1224 7 5.7 1
Akuburanir 16 5.5 1
CharlesNonsens 30 5.5 1
PsychoApeMan 13 5.4 1
DrAmpelmann 2 5.2 1
776861743f 16 5.1 1
Strifeborb 40 5.1 1
Charlie22 3 5 1
Pinajet 20 4.9 1
LosingMyEdge 22 4.9 1
Millsshogun 16 4.8 1
kinkami 40 4.5 1
z00rox 19 4.4 1
LupoSilente 64 4.4 1
ithamore 1 4.2 1
Arcsurvivor 24 4.1 1
Bakilas 28 4 1
EleonoraFalcon 6 4 1
gangnamstyle 17 3.6 1
Timobkg 3 3.6 1
ba2 157 3.6 1
BlackStark 15 3.5 1
NoSenses 10 3.1 1
JennDjinn 0 3 1
murkotlyvo 24 3 1
LaVolpe99 9 2.6 1
Aethyna 11 2.6 1
shortyginger 0 2.4 1
AiKirika 8 2 1
Whoosh 0 1.5 1
FattalCZ 3 1.5 1
APocketfulofStars 5 1.4 1
Tristar 100 0.8 1
tidhros 3 0.5 1
Cemitpes 48 0.3 1
Total 6848 3062.5 287
4 years ago*

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People allowed to enter giveaways:

4 years ago

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PeteOzzy - 76561198002399439
776861743f - 76561198064893117
86maylin - 76561198142746975
APocketfulofStars - 76561198073972405
AbdAllahMohamedRefat - 76561198128785478
Ad4m - 76561197997125483
Aethyna - 76561198172691650
AiKirika - 76561198287468787
Akuburanir - 76561197992752428
Aldcoran - 76561198062660320
AlvinCanCabbage - 76561198296872531
AnuPatel - 76561198345906612
Arcsurvivor - 76561198107078391
ArsenalGunna - 76561198071701444
Bakilas - 76561198025942284
BarefootMonkey - 76561198025461537
BlackStark - 76561198415650031
Blando - 76561198116517331
Blueaquapearl50 - 76561198211520780
Brightboy - 76561198343787461
CallMeKap - 76561198073694096
Cemitpes - 76561198031807383
CharlesNonsens - 76561197990245665
Charlie22 - 76561198119519665
Cowoth - 76561198053301065
CptWest - 76561198073881948
DrAmpelmann - 76561198119856740
Droj - 76561198162768792
Dux80 - 76561198113664675
EleonoraFalcon - 76561198138675700
Epaminondas93 - 76561198205498640
EyeofArrow - 76561198030464920
FallenKal - 76561198032315186
FattalCZ - 76561197995868245
Filipi - 76561198009106967
GarionX - 76561198155137468
GauFF - 76561198225895948
Gellax - 76561198352939969
Gelweo - 76561198118982727
JaffaCaffa - 76561198047536700
JennDjinn - 76561198141135467
JustDucky - 76561198035865655
Khayta - 76561198101776626
Kokkol - 76561198128535425
KornKage - 76561198013321249
Kyrrelin - 76561198036297204
LaVolpe99 - 76561198376046355
LagiNatoRRR - 76561198069635016
LosingMyEdge - 76561197973803229
LupoSilente - 76561197999386018
Machy - 76561198048215619
Metalhead8489 - 76561198069420656
Mikoy7 - 76561198054907249
Millsshogun - 76561198075996214
Mitsukuni - 76561198036913791
Moony1986 - 76561198249392362
MouseWithBeer - 76561198063952731
MrD - 76561198047237454
Naitas - 76561198054939035
Ninglor03 - 76561198007224367
NoSenses - 76561198107994152
Noxco - 76561198047132749
PapaSmok - 76561197982447568
Patzl - 76561198079289651
PeterShepard - 76561198064039782
Pinajet - 76561198020728219
PsychoApeMan - 76561197994025244
RayOfLight3 - 76561198052900321
RiderOfPhoenix - 76561198886227993
RiseOfValhalla - 76561198146147354
Roleri - 76561198184693922
SINNEDUE - 76561198072201915
Saucisse - 76561198126303619
Slide95 - 76561198444127759
SolubleCrow - 76561198423956440
SpiderDen - 76561198050400321
Strifeborb - 76561198038433039
Sylom - 76561198028338018
Tewam - 76561198027547755
TheDruidNym - 76561199000078579
ThePonz - 76561197993524388
Thexder - 76561197989280149
Tim3Shift3r - 76561198015522608
Timobkg - 76561197970625493
Tristar - 76561197982136630
VladislavDracula - 76561198030051314
Waxlor - 76561198116836855
Whoosh - 76561197966778988
Wildstorm - 76561197989463326
Zarddin - 76561198078894531
Zarshir - 76561198028027215
adam1224 - 76561198025823574
alayersoffe - 76561198141834738
andreeeeeww - 76561198023327915
aonrao - 76561198082864110
ba2 - 76561198120364067
cece09 - 76561198140547710
cynnix - 76561197975164603
digitaldictator - 76561198025473646
emymer - 76561198185481023
enigma9q - 76561197995611927
escollo - 76561198071731888
gangnamstyle - 76561198012679672
goplayer7 - 76561198040715710
ihcnab - 76561198046967467
itekin7 - 76561198419226853
ithamore - 76561197981107149
juhaszandor - 76561197998619018
kinkami - 76561198237246036
krol7 - 76561197998466535
lext - 76561197968806363
melisand - 76561197995790724
moemustaine - 76561198025889911
mulchand - 76561198028260044
murkotlyvo - 76561198153300136
nanji - 76561198027120088
nubplayer007 - 76561198442268170
patatesgipsy - 76561198031335027
robocub - 76561197992633946
ryogareloaded - 76561198048246334
salemSamwise - 76561198078006018
samwise84 - 76561198100730699
satyam001 - 76561198109320176
sceypt - 76561197964092131
semik552 - 76561198029137080
shortyginger - 76561198275196156
sweetcuppincakes - 76561197970536949
thoughtfulhippo - 76561198140258141
tidhros - 76561198041890198
valsept - 76561198046155690
z00rox - 76561198313415063

4 years ago*

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Reply to this comment with the games you are going to play this month.

4 years ago

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Choices Matter
Drinks with Abbey
Enamored Risks
Evergreen Blue
One Night Stand

Choose Adventure
Depression Quest

Double Digit
1954 Alcatraz
Dashing Dino
Magi Trial
Murdered Soul
Red String of Fate

Game Series
Art of Murder
Endless Fables 1
Endless Fables 2
Endless Fables 3
How to Fool a Liar King
How to sing
How to take off mask

Multiple Ends
Cinderella Phenomenon
Connected Hearts
Divine Slice of Life
Escape from the Princess
Eternal Senia
One Night, Hot Springs
Secrets of Me
Starlight Drifter
Summer Fling
Summer Nightmare
Sword of Asumi


Replay Value
Red Bow

Special Characters
1 Moment of Time
Beyond Two Souls
Eternal Hour

4 years ago*

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finally finished my win back to backlog gaming

4 years ago

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okay 2 games done since my last bump so time for another one

4 years ago

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done my next 2 and even got another subtheme added
also did 2 more with another subtheme. past free games have been surprisingly good

4 years ago*

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starting to feel like bumping every 2 games was not enough

4 years ago

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waited a couple of days so another bump. almost got my 20

4 years ago

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got my 20. can we get to 30 probably not one of the mods will kill me!

4 years ago

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a big old bump for 30 done :D

4 years ago

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last week left. 32 done

4 years ago

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my final bump is here. All 38 games done here to next month!

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago*

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Worse things are coming ;D

4 years ago

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Because you hate yourself :P

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago*

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Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth - Completed

4 years ago*

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I am not giving you a list because I can fix the stuff myself if something goes wrong but I just wanna feel included :D

4 years ago

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yes be like us commoners in the comments

4 years ago

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Pfffft, I am just joining the party, I am not gonna be doing any work ok, I might do a lot more work than the rest considering I am running the event, but those are details

4 years ago

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oh ive seen all the games youve done today. Putting a lot of work in

4 years ago

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Awww. Well no need for a list because I know what you want to play anyways and I do not have a hamster brain and forget it easily :P

4 years ago

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You don't know, maybe I will sneakily add more games ;D

4 years ago

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You know me. I never will stay away from the website, so I will probbaly notice, my sneaky mistress :P

4 years ago

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if you dont i will. i probably spend more time on it then both of you

4 years ago

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Kinda hard, since it is always open in at least 1 tab :P

4 years ago

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thats just to much work. well fine i click on it the most. if i havent clicked it at least 50 times aday assume i got in an accident
its became a habit of my daily life now. I have to just keep returning to it and see if any new games were added and junk. No one can add anything without me noticing

4 years ago

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Sorry to disappoint but I looked at the statistic for the website and you are not even close. I hands down win that one by a country mile. I know it doesn't say that much since it isn't just one person from each country but the UK isn't even top 5 when it comes to traffic to the website.

4 years ago*

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clearly need to up my game XD

4 years ago

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I guess that's challenge accepted XD

4 years ago

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Gonna start strong with Hotline Miami, after that I have more in mind but I'll go step by step.

Game Theme Status
Hotline Miami Part of a series Beaten
Dungeons 2 Part of a series Beaten
4 years ago*

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I guess that's gonna be it for me this month, haven't played as much as I wanted in general and I don't think I'll get to finish any other game before the month ends.

4 years ago

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Dragon Fin Soup Games in which the ID has two identical consecutive digits //
The Sexy Brutale Games in which the ID has two identical consecutive digits // Tags : Time Travel and Time Manipulation.

4 years ago

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I'm going to play Day of the Tentacle Remastered. It fits several subcategories perfectly! :)

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

4 years ago*

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I'll start with two unfinished games from May PAGYWOSG: DOOM (2016) and Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut

Game Achievements Playtime Subcategory Status
DOOM 27/54 (16 before) 34.2h (27.7h before) Game added to old PAGYWOSG events (May 2020) Beaten
Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut 60/60 64.6h (7.9h before) Game added to old PAGYWOSG events (May 2020) Completed
INSIDE 14/14 5.0h AppID has two identical consecutive digits Completed
Q.U.B.E. 2 15/29 13.3h (5.7h before) AppID has two identical consecutive digits Beaten
MO:Astray 25/25 18.6h (1h for distractions) AppID has two identical consecutive digits Completed
Total 125 93.4h - 5

Last update: June 23

4 years ago*

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Samorost 3 ☑️
TASTEE: Lethal Tactics (Game split in missions)
Super Cloudbuilt (Game added to previous event - January 2020)

Edit: Working on that Monthly in a Month thing, so I doubt I'll get to Tastee or Cloudbuilt :(

4 years ago*

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Finding Paradise for its App ID:

They're also making a sequel to it, so it would also fit the series category.

4 years ago

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I've completed the game. Steam is currently saying I played it 4 hours, but the last auto-save before the ending said it was over 5 hours

4 years ago

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Oh i had a complete opposite thing happen. Brand new game steam saying 6 hours while the real time was like 4, fixed it self when I reset but idk where it got those extra 2 hours from

4 years ago

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A couple of months ago, Strider was even more quirky for me. It ran the graphics around 1/4 speed most of the time. The save file said I had played just over 5 hours, but Steam counted 20. (Side note: It was fun being a ninja with constant bullet time, but the cut scenes dragged longer than their welcome.)

4 years ago

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oh sounds fun but also very annoying about the cutscenes

4 years ago

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Who even knows this month haha :P

4 years ago

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About Virginia - I already went and found that the game has chapters, but please next time actually provide some proper proof and not just say that the game is split into days, that is no proof.

4 years ago

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Oh sorry I didn't mean to make it harder... If I have something similar again 'll link the achievement guide then....

4 years ago

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Name Subcategory Won From Status
Stardew Valley Games added to old PAGYWOSG events which are not beaten yet DivineBloodline
Book Series - Alice in Wonderland Game with special charaters in the title GediKnight
Midnight Mysteries Game from a series DeKaN
Cryptocurrency Clicker Clicker tag wulaha999
Left in the Dark: No One on Board Game with special charaters in the title Fiztan
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride Game from a series nickchanger
Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan Game from a series vandersnoff
Grim Legends 3: The Dark City Game from a series Eiion
Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers Game with special charaters in the title GediKnight
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap Remastered/Remake version game murkotlyvo
Jack N' Jill DX Game with special charaters in the title dollppin
4 years ago*

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I have to give up on Midnight Mysteries as it's freezing all the time 😩

Replaced it with Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride hopefully this will run properly 😊

4 years ago

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Etwas das mir bei der Midnight Serie geholfen hat, war es einen Controller anzuschließen. Frag mich nicht warum, aber dann haben die Probleme mit dem super langsamen Spiel/einfrieren aufgehört.

4 years ago

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Vielen Dank für den Hinweis, werde ich sicher mal versuchen. Nachdem ich jetzt aber noch die anderen beiden Grim Legends Teile auf meine Spielliste gepackt habe, reicht das auch erst mal als HOGs diesen Monat 😅

4 years ago

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Kann ich voll und ganz verstehen :)
Dachte mir nur ich geb dir den Hinweis, denn die Spiele sind nicht schlecht.

4 years ago

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Lethal League - Game where AppID has two identical consecutive digits.
Skullgirls - Game added to old PAGYWOSG events.
Sonic Mania - Game where AppID has two identical consecutive digits.
A Story About My Uncle - Game split in levels.
This War of Mine - Choices Matter tag.

4 years ago*

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It's been a while, but here' my list:

Nightmares from the Deep 2: The Siren`s Call - Game from a series
Nightmares from the Deep 3: Davy Jones - Game from a series
State of Mind - Game added to old PAGYWOSG events (Unplayed entry in "October 2019 - OKTOBERFEST")
Deep Sixed - Game where AppID has two identical consecutive digits

4 years ago

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Aw yes ^_^
Last month was fun but I should probably just stick to one or two games this time because I wasn't able to play all of them 😢
I'll take a look at my games and come back later to add which ones I'll play for this month.

Thank you for organizing this 💜

Game Subcategory Achievements Playtime Status
Evergarden Game added to old PAGYWOSG events 20/21 14h Beaten
Serial Cleaner Game split in levels 3/28 0.6h Unfinished
12 Labours of Hercules Game from a series 0/22 0h Unfinished
4 years ago*

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No worries, btw you can add the games you could not finish last time to this month event if you'd like. It is actually one of the subthemes ;)

4 years ago

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Thank you for your nice reply!

I have added three games and will try to complete them before adding more.
If I do want to add games in the future, I was wondering if >Hacknet_ Would count as a game with special characters?

Alicia Quatermain: Secrets Of The Lost Treasures & Tomb Raider would both count as a game from a game series I think?

4 years ago

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Yes the chars in Hacknet count as special characters
so it would qualify.
And both Alicia Quatetmain as well as Tomb Raider are qualifing as games from a series.

4 years ago

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Please provide proof for Evergarden (which month and year it is from) or it will get deleted from the website.

4 years ago

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Will do! Thank you for letting me know.
I have added the information. Please let me know if something is still missing and I will add it.

4 years ago

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Thanks, approved :)

4 years ago

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Beaten Evergarden 🥳
I even got a few achievements that I didn't think I would ever get. (The flying rabbit and the double and triple reward)
I've also been working on 12 Labours of Hercules. But have also been playing some other recent wins.

4 years ago

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Here I go, I will start by playing The Last Door - Collector's Edition.

Happy gaming you all!

4 years ago

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I'll be playing The Reject Demon: Toko Chapter 0 — Prelude under "Games in which the ID has two identical consecutive digits" since its app id is 358770. I might add another game later, but I'm probably going to be pretty booked in June.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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God's Trigger from February/20 PAGYWOSG.
*Motorsport Manager - Games in which the ID has two identical consecutive digits - 415200

4 years ago*

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Pixeljunk Monsters Ultimate

It was my first win on SG :)

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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9 Clues: The Secret of Serpent Creek (Game with special characters in the title)

4 years ago

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Demon Hunter: Chronicles from Beyond. 330990.
(Games in which the ID has two identical consecutive digits, Games from a game series, Games with special characters in the title)

4 years ago

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Woohoo just beat Horizon Chase Turbo. :D
....aww man I didn't know it was still the 31st here, got excited with the new thread being up (should really look at the dates more oops). But preeetty sure you guys said that was fine before, so will keep it up unless you reply otherwise.

4 years ago*

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As far as I can see all your recent achievements are from the first of this month. So all good :D

4 years ago

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Well in the case I definitely didn't play it on the 31st....nope...nothing to see here... 😇 (phew) Thank you!

And as others have already said, thanks for continuing on with the event. :) We all appreciate the work put in behind-the-scenes and giveaways created each month, but definitely try not to get burnt out!

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago*

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Diabolic - Game split in levels - "10 levels filled with various enemies await, you, each requiring a different approach to defeat."
Mekabolt - Game split in levels - You need to complete 100 levels to finish the game.
BattleStorm - Game split in levels - "Battle air & ground-based enemies in 25 levels across 5 unique environments!"

4 years ago*

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Queen's Quest 4: Sacred Truce game with a series

4 years ago

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I am prety late this time. >.>

4 years ago

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Black The Fall - Survival tag
Yakuza Kiwami - Remastered/Remake version game
Crash Bandicoot™ N. Sane Trilogy - Game from a series
Sniper Elite 3 - Game from a series

4 years ago

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Saints Row IV
The Legend of Korra™

4 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

4 years ago*

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Sleep was more important than being on top :(

Game Subcategory Status
Hotline Miami Game series Unfinished
Snake Pass Game with levels Unfinished
Stealth Inc 2 Game series Unfinished
4 years ago

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I was sneaky-beaky, I haven't started Chuchel so I will surely play it :3

4 years ago

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Initial games:
Game where AppID has two identical consecutive digit - Wooden Floor 2 - Resurrection - Beaten;
Game with multiple endings - STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II - The Sith Lords™ - Beaten;
Game from a series - House of 1000 Doors: Serpent Flame - Beaten;
Game from a series - House of 1000 Doors: Evil Inside - Beaten;
Game from a series - [House of 1000 Doors: The Palm of Zoroaster Collector's Edition] - Removed from Steam (302120) - Beaten;
Game from a series - [House of 1,000 Doors: Family Secrets Collector's Edition] - Removed from Steam (286500) - Beaten;

Game where AppID has two identical consecutive digit - Watch Tower - Completed;
Game from a series - 12 Labours of Hercules VII: Fleecing the Fleece - Completed;
Game from a series - Choco Pixel - Completed;
Game from a series - Choco Pixel 2 - Completed;
Game where AppID has two identical consecutive digit - Sakura Fantasy - Beaten;
Choices Matter tag - Downfall - Completed.

4 years ago*

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Game Link Hours of Playtime Subcategory Status
Day of the Tentacle Remastered Achievements - 58/58 7.5 Remastered (also time travel and consecutive digits) FINISHED!
Hidden Object 6-in-1 bundle In-game achievements - 34/34 26.9 Consecutive digits (being 6-in-1, can be also considered as split in levels/episodes/missions :P) FINISHED!
maybe soon™ --- --- ---
Total: 58/58
4 years ago*

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Game Subcategory Achievements Playtime Notes
Pillars of Eternity Games added to old PAGYWOSG events which are not beaten yet 7/48 133.2h May 2020. Full Act III and both White March adventures are still ahead.
Puzzle Agent 2 Games from a game series 0/52 0h Two games is a series, right?

Besides, Murdered: Soul Suspect was added to my participation list of May 2020 by a mistake - fixed, it turned out I can delete it myself.

4 years ago*

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Yeah sory that was me with the Murdered: soul Suspect or better said my internet that was having hiccups and you were faster than me deleting it.

4 years ago

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Game Achievements Hours of Playtime Subcategory Status
Alien: Isolation 47/50 20 Survival Beaten
Batman: The Enemy Within 30/30 10 Split into Episodes Completed
Moons of Madness 21/23 5.7 Survival Beaten
Prey 32/58 31.7 Multiple Endings Beaten
Resident Evil 2 28/44 11.5 Remake Beaten
Shadow of the Tomb Raider 61/99 29.7 From a Series Beaten
119 108.6 6

Old comment: Another month, more games in my sights! Before I pick my games, I have question for anyone who has completed Prey previously. I'm kinda itching to play that one (since I have it installed and everything) but I'm unsure if it would count for the event. I don't think it would count under remake because of how different it ended up being from the older game, and it has none of the tags needed. BUT I think it could fit under 'Multiple endings' since there are some, but I'm not 100% sure since I can't really google it due to spoilers. So basically my question is if Prey fits that sub category or not? :D

4 years ago*

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Yes, It has Multiple Endings:)

4 years ago

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Thank you for the confirmation!

4 years ago

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It should fit under multiple endings: See here.

From the linked article : In Prey, there are currently three different endings and two different after credits scenes you can earn depending on your actions and choices in the game.

4 years ago

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Thank you for the confirmation! Looking forward to tackling that one soon.

4 years ago

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I start this month slow for now, i have some work.

Gunmetal Arcadia Zero

  • Games in which the ID has two identical consecutive digits (Does three counts? 555610)
  • Games from a game series (Gunmetal Arcadia series)
  • Games split in levels/episodes/missions/periods ("Fight your way through six stages jam-packed with baddies and bosses")
4 years ago

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I finished Gunmetal Arcadia Zero. Only speedrun achievements are left, i might get them later.
Next Game:

Eternal Step

  • Games split in levels/episodes/missions/periods (Over 100 randomly selected floors)
  • Replay Value & Survival
4 years ago

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"Games added to old PAGYWOSG events which are not beaten yet" Goodness, Strife is laughing its ass off right now...
Regardless, I'll mostly start with Carmaggeddon Max Damage. Then it'll be up to my time and/or motivation to add one of the 3 games I didn't manage to beat in a former event.
EDIT: I actually managed to beat Carmageddon quickly. Time to dust off Strife.

4 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

4 years ago

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I'm going to try and finish SHENZHEN I/O (Games added to old PAGYWOSG events which are not beaten yet).
I played it in April and was about halfway through, but then life happened, I needed some relaxation and ended up mostly playing Just Cause 2 instead ^^

4 years ago

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I will play Serial Cleaner, it's a game split in missions-contracts.

4 years ago

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Have fun with that one. Btw if you try to 100% it you only need to clean all blood once per level. It will count even if you get caught afterwards so then you just have to sneak through without caring for all the blood.

4 years ago

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Regarding Inner Chains:
I am not sure where the special character in the name is? Unless you mean the space which does not count no. You got any kind of proof that it is split in chapters? I don't see it mentioned on the store page and I haven't seen anything on the uploaded screenshots that would indicate that to me.

4 years ago

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maybe i don't get the explanation corectly, the C is meant to be a chain handcuff or something. The game has achievements for unlocking chapters.

Edit: ok i'm stupid now i get it hahaha, you mean something like coma,questionmark etc

4 years ago*

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Yep, what you said in your edit is exactly what a special character is.
And sorry, my bad, I completely missed the achievements for the chapters! I just saw a bunch of spammy letter achievements and didn't see the chapters ones inbetween. Approved it now!

4 years ago

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Rooms: The Main Building (2 identical digits -> id 304500)

4 years ago

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Fowl Space - two identical consecutive digits (109500)

4 years ago

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Finished it. The game didn't have achievements, so I hope these screenshots will suffice:

View attached image.
View attached image.
4 years ago*

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Two identical consecutive digits:
Mortadelo y Filemón: Operación Moscú — '11' in 1114340 app ID
Consummate:Missing World 寇莎梅特:困世迷情 — app ID 630060
The Low Road — app ID 603700
Sakura Space — app ID 521500
Earthworms — app ID 320330
Magi Trials Deluxe Edition — sub ID: 137244 & full bingo in app ID: 446600

Games from a game series:
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition

'Choices matter' tag:
Leviathan: The Last Day of the Decade

Multiple endings:
Club Life — proof in the achievements guide

4 years ago

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I guess you know it, but just in case, please update/patch your Deus Ex to enjoy it properly.

  1. Maps fix:
  2. DeusExe:
  3. DirectX 10 renderer (optional):
4 years ago*

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oh, thank you! didn't know and furthermore, wouldn't even think about it at all 😅

4 years ago

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I'd like to try finishing Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride (game is part of a series).

I had wanted to submit this game last month, and told myself that I wouldn't unless I actually finished it -- mostly because I was getting stressed out in previous months committing to finishing a game and then rushing / forcing myself to play rather than just enjoying the game. And a few times I committed to playing games that turned out to be terrible, and remember forcing myself to finish it anyway because I wrote that I would do it -- even when it was painful and very un-enjoyable. I'm starting to get the impression I need to stop stressing about this so much, and just enjoy myself. :)

4 years ago

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No need to stress yourself out over it :)
This is all for the fun of it. What I usually do is play a short fitting game first, to have the stress of finishing a game out of the way. And then I play whatever I want. If I finish it great, if not nothing bad happens.

4 years ago

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Woohoo, finally finished the game! :D

4 years ago

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Congrats :D

4 years ago

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You know what, most of the time the Artifex Mundi games have a "Finished the Game" achievement that I can show as proof that I finished it, and this one lacks one for Casual mode. But, you know what, I am tired of stressing out about this, I am gonna take your advice and just enjoy knowing that I finished the game -- I feel as if I'm sipping a margarita on a pleasant sunny beach right now when I think about having finally finished this game! :)

4 years ago

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well done on completing the game but remember to fill in the starting stats so the mods can approve it for you
read what you put hopefully you actually didn't mind the game and wasnt forcing your self. That was my favourite of the grim legends series

4 years ago

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Unlike some of the other Artifex Mundi HOG's I've played, this one has a compelling storyline that makes it hard to put down. Other than some puzzles that had me really scratching my head, I feel this was a good game. :)

4 years ago

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When i think of it overall I think it might be my favourite. I like artifex mundi but they are all kinda the same in the end. Grim legends was the 2nd game I played after doing time mysteries so it really just stuck in my head of how great it was. If I had played it later after doing a bunch of others number 3 most likely would've been my favourite
There's only one I really disliked and that was dark heritage. I just couldn't stand what the people looked like in that game.

4 years ago*

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Game Achievements Playtime Subcategory Status
GRIS 0/17 0h Games in which the ID has two identical consecutive digits Unfinished
My friend Pedro 0/30 0h Games in which the ID has two identical consecutive digits Unfinished
realMyst: Masterpiece edition 1/34 0.4h Remastered versions / Remakes Unfinished
Sweet fantasy 0/15 0h Games in which the ID has two identical consecutive digits Unfinished

Last edit: June 6.

4 years ago*

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Excuse me. I finished The Walking Dead for this month's event, but when I tried to add it to the page, it didn't show up. And if I tried to directly copy the link of the Steamstore, it would redirect to The Walking Dead: Saint & Sinners.
EDIT: I tried with the appid only and I think it worked.

Game Category Playtime in this month Achievements in this month Status Notes
The Walking Dead Game from a series 3.5 (14.8 in total) 15 (47/48 in total) Beaten -
4 years ago*

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yep it works right. it got removed and readded so its still acting like it cant be brought anymore. definitely seems like a pain to deal with
Oh stuck with the rock paper scissors achievement, that was a pain

4 years ago

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Hahahaha, yeah, I gave up already. Three tries and I could only get 1 out of 3, after that he always changed the selection to beat me :(.

4 years ago

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it always bugged me how annoying it was. the fact you got to retry the whole episode again just to do it and it messed up your stats later on if you want to get everyone to come with

4 years ago

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I finished the whole dlc before trying again. But yeah, it is annoying to start doing that part from the beginning, because the game saves the progress at the moment you lose or win the Rock, Paper, Scissors :(.

4 years ago

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Space Fuss - Game tagged as Time Manipulation - 0/21 Achievements

Gunmetal Arcadia Zero - Game ID has two identical consecutive digits "555610" - 0/11 Achievements

aMAZE Gears - Game in a series - 0/150 Achievements

4 years ago*

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I'm gonna play Distance this month

4 years ago

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Mouse requested me to comment, so here i am.

I finished Vertical Drop Heroes HD. I started playing on May 31, after i saw the event. So i believe it shouldn't have any stat before the event but site showed incorrectly.

4 years ago*

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I started playing on May 31, after i saw the event.

Nope, that would be very much incorrect.

The event went live on the 31st of May at 23:31 our time. Your first achievement was 31 May at 20:30 our time. I am willing to give you an hour of head start (and I already did that when I counted the achievements) since your time zone is one hour ahead of us according to your Steam profile, but I am sure as hell not giving you any more than that.

4 years ago

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I am positive i started after i saw it. Not this thread but event on pagywos site. I picked few games according to rules then played one. You can reject my entry because of official start date, but i'm definitely not lying about this.
As for achievements, 7 of them are before 22:30 UTC+3: 9:53pm, 10:03pm, 9:40pm, 9:30pm, 10:10pm, 10:22pm, 9:39pm. Playtime could be around 2,5 hours, i don't know.

4 years ago

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Just because the event is on the PAGYWOSG website it doesn't mean that is actually open. We prepare things days in advance sometimes if we have time/know which theme is going to win. If you would have bothered to open the even on the website you would have seen that you actually can not submit any games yet (for a very obvious reason) because submissions where open on the website AFTER the SG thread went live and I am sure as hell not lying about this either and have plenty of proof to back my claims.

I have no problem accepting already started games before the event but the playtime must be marked correctly. Speaking about that is there any idle time that should be taken into account as well? Your playtime is almost 3x the HLTB main story playtime.

And if you delete the starting stats one more time on any game (if there is something you think is wrong let us know, don't just go delete stuff that shouldn't be deleted) I will remove you from the event for tampering with the playtimes. And starting with next month the playtimes/achievements will start counting at 00:00 UTC +0 for everyone.

4 years ago

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Okay then. I checked the site on May 31 > I saw the event > Picked a game and played: Please don't frame it like i'm trying to cheat my way in.

I was planning to send my computer to warranty service, that's why i hurried for the event. In the future, i won't begin before the start of the month.

No idle time. If you're familiar with roguelike games, there is high learning curve to be good at finishing the run. Theoretically, you can finish this one in 2 hours or so, but to get there you should spend much more. There are a lot of runs in my playtime. I don't remember what it shows but i can share a screenshot of my in-game stats.

I thought it showed incorrectly, that's why i edited. Tampering was not my intention, I won't edit again. Does these stats qualify for the event?

4 years ago

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Please do not edit the pre-approved times in the future unless we ask you to. This is just producing more extra work for us that is absolutely not necessary.

If you have time/achievements before the event started they should be filled out when you add the game by yourself, if not we will check those before approving the game as a new entry and edit those accordingly. If we did this, please do not change it again afterwards. Also please add any idle time to the time before the month. If your time is a lot longer than the HLTB time just add a comment to the notes section like e.g. missed some achievements and going for a seond playthrough or had problems with controls etc.

If you think something is wrong with the times, please ask here and we will take a look. Do not change it back yourself.

Other than that the game is okay and will be approved.

4 years ago

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As i said, i get it. It was a misunderstanding. I only edited because i thought event was live before i start playing. I never did before, won't do in the future. I will contact you guys if i think something's incorrect.

As i said, there is no idle time in my playtime. No, i didn't have problems with controls... It just took me that much to finish. After collecting in-game currency, you can upgrade your hero between runs. There are a lot of runs in my playtime.

4 years ago

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As i said, there is no idle time in my playtime. No, i didn't have problems with controls... It just took me that much to finish. After collecting in-game currency, you can upgrade your hero between runs. There are a lot of runs in my playtime.

Yeah i understood all those things.
Just added these as examples for why you could have more playtime, not saying it is the case here. And the idle time comment was just a general reminder, to let you know if your time for a game should be on the higher side to simply leave a note, because then we know about it and it will make it a lot easier on all of us.

4 years ago

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Okay. Commented on the site.

Thanks for your work.

4 years ago

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Game Category Status
Ellipsis Split into Levels* Beaten
Book of Demons AppID has two identical consecutive digits Beaten
Among the Sleep Tagged as Survival Played*
Circuit Breakers - Multiplayer twin stick shoot 'em up Special Characters in Title Played

Ellipsis: Gameplay takes place on screen-sized levels, chosen from an overworld map.
Among the Sleep: Beat just a few hours into July, so I'm carrying it over to the next event.

This was a fun one to teach to my spreadsheet. It turns out that only three of my wins don't qualify this month! (Aside from the ones I've actually beaten, of course.)

4 years ago*

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Game Play Time Achievements Category Status
Get Even 13 14/40 Games in which the ID has two identical consecutive digits Beaten
Full Throttle Remastered 0 (4.1 idled) 0/40 Remaster Unplayed
4 years ago*

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Enigmatis 2 - game in a series

4 years ago

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happy cakeday!

4 years ago

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Last month I wrote lots of games but finished only one of them sadly :/
This month I'll start one by one. For now let's just start with:

  • Call of Duty WWII (Games from a game series)
4 years ago

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Hello Samwise,

This time I wish to finish the games from the previous events and they will be following:
Her Story
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet

4 years ago

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You didn't provide any proof (and this comment wasn't here yet back then) so I deleted the submissions from the website. Please resubmit with proof as requested from the thread. I am not gonna go look at all the past events to figure out from which one it is from.

4 years ago

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Hello MouseWithBeer

I submitted those three games in the previous event for May.
Is this proof will be enough for you?

And I have two questions here for the next events. Could you answer please?
1) Should I necessarily submit a comment in the recent sg thread and submit games to the pagywosg website ONLY AFTER your's or other people in charge formal approval?
What I did this time is submitted them to the pagywosg website and then in a 5 minutes max submitted the comment to this thread.
So my comment was here but with a little delay and I understand it was not verified yet and no proof was provided.
2) Where is the most suitable place to put the proof here on the sg thread or in the description field for the pagywosg webste?

4 years ago*

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Just saying which month and year it was would be more than enough (if you add a link to it even better, but not necessary).

You don't need to wait for our approval before submitting to the website but I would suggest to comment first because I guess it was just unfortunate timing that I hit those games for approval in that 5 minute window in between :/ Because otherwise I would have just asked you to add the proof without deleting them.

4 years ago

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Could you answer this one also?
Where is the most suitable place to put the proof here on the sg thread or in the description field for the pagywosg webste?

4 years ago

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PAGYWOSG website. You can format the notes there just as you can format them on SG so you can add any kinds of links, images, tables, whatever else needed could be possibly needed :) The comments are mostly so I (or Samwise) can very easily contact you if something is wrong :)

4 years ago

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I want to add one more game just won from the group giveway
it's in the "two identical consecutive digits in the app ID" category
Angry Video Game Nerd II: ASSimilation

4 years ago

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Verified :)

4 years ago

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Is there any idle time on this game in particular? I am asking because HLTB claims is 3 hours to complete and you have over 10 but then again someone on my friendslist took over 8 hours.

4 years ago

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Hey MouseWithBeer
No idle time for this game at all, I would mention it if there is some as I did for every game I have idled before and put into event.
Won it from Khayta at June 6
It is pure gameplay, unfortunately I've selected medium complexity and this is really hard and punishing game. I would select easy if I would know in advance (=
Plus I wanted to achieve all the possible achievements like following they are pretty fun to use on the page showcase.

If I won't collect everything I could and won't die that much it could be faster (=

PS: As far as I know there is no upper border time limit for the game to complete or beat in this group.
We are not speed challenging anyone here. Are we?

4 years ago

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Hi Vladislav,

no we are not asking for speed runs. But as described in the rules here, we will check playtimes against the average HLTB times to check for any excessive playtimes and when your playtime is more than twice the HLTB time this raises red flags.
It does not necessarily mean that your game was idled, but without an explanation we unfortunately cannot know if you had any problems or maybe added another run to get missing achievments or something similar.

So to avoid any questions like this, simply add some explanation or if the game was idled (and idling is anything where the game is running in the background, but you are not actively playing) add the time to the time before the month.

4 years ago

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I understand everything written above.
Did my explanation fits?

I also want to mention that I'm that type of gamer who like to get to the every possible location to complete every possible branch if I really like the game.
I don't like speed runs as a concept. That eliminates the effort designers\animators\writers\developers put into the game.
Not all games deserve such approach but many of em.
So I'm basically playing pretty slow.

And I have one clarification question regards "to avoid any questions like this, simply add some explanation".
Do you mean I should add some explanation in advance or just answer moderator questions when required as I did when MouseWithBeer asked me?

4 years ago*

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Yep, I already approved it as played a few hours ago :)

And yea in the notes is enough if you say something along the lines of: there is no idle time, I just took my time to explore everything/did a lot of side missions/was really bad at the game/whatever applicable (doesn't need to be more than a couple of words). You only need that if you playtime is a lot higher than the expected HLTB time, otherwise there is no need for it.
We had to implement this because some people were idling +10 hours on some really short games that there is no way they would possibly ever take more than like 2.

4 years ago

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Damn why are you answering comments addressed to me faster than myself O_O

4 years ago

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And I have one clarification question regards "to avoid any questions like this, simply add some explanation"

What I meant was if you see your game time getting longer than the average HLTB time and you have not idled the game then you can add a comment to your game entries notes section explaining why. This might save you from us asking you questions about it ;)

Though if we still have questions simply answering them is also okay.

4 years ago

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thanks for all the explanations!
I would try not to forget about checking it next time but don't be mad at me if I will (=

BTW: I should mention that stats on the site is far from ideal for the game I've selected and we are discussing here.
Speedrun with cheats and without achievements on easy take about an hour. Normal run on easy could take about 2-3 hours but even on easy it won't be possible to complete in 3 hours as mentioned on the HLTB website. There are achievements like pass every level without being hit at all and pass every level with a single life.
If you'd try the game you would understand what I'm talking about.
ONLY IF you are not a professional hardcore platformer speedrunner XD

4 years ago

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Yeah which is why your game was approved by us after looking a bit more into it ;)
The times are not always correct, but they usually give a good estimate. You can always add your own to it, to make it more correct.

And we won't be mad. As long as you have a comment on the corresponding monthly thread we can easily get in contact with you ;)

4 years ago

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Game Time Cheevos Category Status
METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN (10.4h) (7)/42 Series unfinished
Highschool Romance 0h 0/4 old event unfinished
Magi Trials 0h 0/10 old event unfinished
Sweet Volley High 0h 0/6 old event unfinished
Along the Edge 0h 0/28 old event unfinished
4 years ago

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I would like to enter with aMaze Classic and aMaze Gears.
After those are finished I might add some more.

4 years ago

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Game Achievements Hours of Playtime Subcategory Status Note :
Asylamba: Influence 8/22 6.3 Hours Game with special characters in the title Beaten Campaign finished in Noble mode, but the last achievment don't unlock, it seems it is broken :/
Midnight Mysteries 3: Devil on the Mississippi 10/16 4.9 Hours Game from a series Beaten Finished the main story + the bonus one. Impossible to take screenshots.
Alum 1/17 0.5 Hours Game where AppID has two identical consecutive digits Unfinished
4 years ago*

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Game Achievements Hours of Playtime Subcategory Status Note:
This Is the Police 5/10 38 App ID Beaten
4 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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I will try Gloom, with the Perma-Death tag.

4 years ago

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Swordbreaker The Game ( Games in which the ID has two identical consecutive digits )

Thanks for the event.

4 years ago

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I played

Next Hero: Multiple Endings

HellBlade : Senua's sacrifice: games with special characters

Without Within 2 : Game from a Game series

4 years ago*

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I wouldn't say that it is really split in levels and you have not provided any proof as requested (tho I have played the game myself so I know a thing or 2 about it). If you fit a better subtheme for it feel free to resubmit.

4 years ago

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Sorry for not paying attention to the request for the proof. My bad.
If I had to reapply I would say Game with specials characters since ' in senua's is not a letter or a number. If it is not applicable as well I am fine. Whatmatters for me is too play my wins :)

4 years ago

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And same for this one. You can resubmit HellBlade : Senua's sacrifice under "games with special characters".

4 years ago

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I did not notice you have provided the answer forHellblade! I just wrote the same thing as reply to MouseWithBeer.
Thank you both for all the work you do.

4 years ago

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You are welcome :D

4 years ago

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"Sniper: Ghost Warrior" from Sniper: Ghost Warrior Trilogy
game from series

4 years ago

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Sorry for being difficult on this one but the only place I know where to check what is in "Sniper: Ghost Warrior Trilogy" package is currently broken and since the package doesn't seem to exist anymore I can't find it on SteamDB. Could you please just screenshot the licenses page around the date you activated the key if it by any chances shows all the games that were activated? If it doesn't I guess a screenshot of the store page of the game showing when it was added to the account works fine as well too.

And in case someone else is able to confirm this one instead:
Is this in the Sniper: Ghost Warrior Trilogy pack that had an ID of 36904?

Ignore all of that, Sam provided proof and the website works again now so I could double confirm it :)

4 years ago*

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Kind of fell down a rabbit hole with Nier Automata last month - over 100 hours and still not done. But looking at steam reviews, seems I'm not the only one this happens to. I'd like to finish it for this month's event if that's okay - but I'm not sure how to split out the hours for that.

4 years ago

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Well it totally fits the theme since you started playing it for last months event, so all fine.
Well it says that you have played 33.4h in the last 14 days. Since today is the 11th of the month you need to makle an educated guess on how many of those 33.4 were in the last 3 days of May.

4 years ago

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Sounds good. Math says 7.6, but I'd say 10 hours to be on the safe side.

4 years ago

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Please next time submit the month&year of the event to the website itself for the subtheme you picked.

4 years ago

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Sorry, must have missed that. Will do.

4 years ago

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I'm going to replay these ones from last month. Nice theme, I'll be able to clear some of my unfinished Pagywosg games. Thanks for hosting another event, Sam and Mouse 😃 (in the background).

World's Dawn - May Pagywosg

Subterrain - May Pagywosg

Underhero - May Pagywosg

4 years ago

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Beaten World's Dawn. The characters are great, but I feel like they it was slow in Fall and Winter.seasons. Needs a bit more mini-games or activities to do. I quickly had too much money and nothing to really spend it on except waiting for the next season to participate in the next festival. I like how you could assign some chores to your dog and your wife even helps you out with feeding the livestock. I enjoyed getting to know each character.

4 years ago

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I think I'll try out Q.U.B.E.: Director's Cut!

4 years ago

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Neither me nor Samwise think that fits under remake (looks like it is the same game just with a bit added so more like a deluxe version than a remake) to it and it doesn't have the "remake" tag that apparently other ones have.
Feel free to resubmit it under a different subtheme that fits,

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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But because samwise is nice, she figured out that you can submit it again under games with special characters.

4 years ago

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I posted this one on the website and beat it!
Entry #237 LEGO Marvel's Avengers - 28/70 achievements, 11.5 hours

4 years ago*

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For contact purposes, yet I believe the submissions on the portal should be fine

4 years ago

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I played Goats on a Bridge! I was certainly doing a lot of dying.

I wanted something short and sweet, so I could turn my attention to playing and sorting through the insane amount of cool games the Itch bundle for racial equality has.

4 years ago*

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I had intended to take a break this month considering I'm starting to run low on short wins that I know I could beat in time for the event, but it turns out the game I planned to play this month was also a win.

Yakuza 0 beaten for the 2nd time, this time for the Legend Mode achievement [Stuff of Legend]. Adding as Game from a series.

4 years ago*

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Props to you for beating it on Legend, I ragequited on the car shooting scene (in chapter 13 I think) on Legendary mode.

4 years ago

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oh i so wanted to quit then to. it frustrated me so much.

4 years ago

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If you still happen to have the save file (it is chapter 13), a tip I ended up looking online for that made it easier (particularly against the vehicles) was not to actually aim for the head but rather the center of the circle even if it looks like it shouldn't hit.

4 years ago

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Hmmm I don't recall what I was aiming for exactly anymore but thanks for the tip, will give it a try if I ever pick it back up :)

4 years ago

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Hi Sam, thank you for hosting this event. I'm sure it's really tiring. You and Mouse try hard and I appreciate it. I try to join every month :)

I just have a question. Yesterday I added a new game to play on pagywosg. It's Book of Demons. I started the game yesterday but it looks like I've made some stats before the start of the event. That is actually wrong. Can we please fix it? I mean I added the game and a couple of hours later, I started. Perhaps I should have waited until the game is approved. If this is the rule, it's fine. I'm just asking because I don't know how it works. Here is my stats for Book of Demons, you can see that I started it yesterday.
Thanks again for all your efforts.

4 years ago

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Fixed. Has something to do with the algorithm we use for the updates. It sometimes classes the times wrong so we have to fix those by hand.
We have an updated version of it, so it should hopefully be fixed soonish.

4 years ago

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Thank you :)

4 years ago

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Neoverse - it, by design, embodies the words: Live, Die, Repeat, but let's go with "games split in missions" since each run through the game is split into multiple "missions" you try to complete as you fight your way through.

4 years ago

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Game Achievements Playtime Subcategory Status Notes
Hidden Folks 5/8 before event, 8/8 now 5.6 H before event, 8.4 H now Games in which the ID has two identical consecutive digits Completed Finished with release of recent update
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide 58/108 before event, 66/108 now 96 H before event, 148 H now Games in which the ID has two identical consecutive digits Beaten Completed all base missions on Cataclysm difficulty
4 years ago*

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Hey Sam! This month Im going with Blade Kitten (appid 9940).
And since Im not using the site, Im gonna leave a comment again once Im done with it, as usual. o/

4 years ago

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Added it to the site for you for tracking :)

4 years ago

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Done, was great.
Too bad the full game is DLC ... but ehh, Im sure I will beat the DLC one day too. :D

4 years ago

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Well. System Shock Enhanced Edition. Yes.

4 years ago

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And beaten. Oh my. Yes.

Achievements are here. Yes.

View attached image.
4 years ago

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Game Name Subcategory Hours of playtime(this month) Achievements Status
Overlord II Game from a series 15.7 - Completed
Riddled Corpses Survival tag 5.9 12/15 Unfinished(stuck on last stage
Swordbreaker The Game Game with multiple endings 4.1 67/67 Completed
4 years ago*

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Hi, I'll be playing this SG win if that's ok:

A New Beginning - Final Cut

I think it should fall under these rules:

Games in which the ID has two identical consecutive digits (e. g. 633950) (it has at least 2 identical consecutive digits)

or if that's not ok, this rule:

Games with special characters in the title**

The "-" falls under this rule I believe.

4 years ago

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it fits both of those themes. You also have time travel it fits to since it has the tag

4 years ago

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I was unsure if it had a time travel tag, but the game does indeed include time travel.

A New Beginning - Final Cut completed :D

4 years ago

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Animalia - The Quiz Game as a game with special characters in the title.

4 years ago

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Full Throttle Remastered - Remastered versions / Remakes - Completed
I've been trying to get to this game since February, but every month something would interfere and then the next one would still have an appropriate category. Come to think of it, July is going to have one too, but enough is enough :)

Paradigm - Games in which the ID has two identical consecutive digits

4 years ago*

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I've beaten the devil's daughter in the choices matter game, Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter for this month. It's a start XD

4 years ago

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Did you like it?

I approved the entry for you btw.

4 years ago

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I did enjoy it! I love story-rich games and I'm a reader, so I'm very familiar with Sherlock and Watson, it was nice to see some familiar aspects from the books in video game form. I wouldn't have bought it at full price, but I'm very grateful I had the chance to play it via a giveaway.
Thank you for approving my entry and for all the effort you put into these events, have a great day! :D

4 years ago

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Congrats on beating a win for June is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month, you can request to join the group here if you want. Giveaways are available on the website.

4 years ago

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Reply to this comment with your ideas for August's theme. (500 characters or less please)

4 years ago

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Hard Cases

  • Games with <= 4 tags
  • Games without a HLTB time
  • Games translated into any other language than English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish
  • Games with a rating <= 60%
  • Games with a tag with less than 200 games on (
  • Games you tried to win >= 25 times
  • Early access games
  • Games with Mac/Linux Support
  • Difficult games
  • Puzzles
  • Investigation/Detective games

Example Games with <= 4 tags
Example Games without a HLTB time
Example Games translated into any other language than English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish
Example Games with a tag with < 200 games
Example Games you tried to win >= 25 times

4 years ago

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Interesting theme. This can go either very wrong (rating <=60) or very good (tried to win >=25 times).

4 years ago

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Yep and Mouse can just play any of her wins as they should all have Linux support :D

4 years ago

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And are probably with a rating <=60, she likes her trash games XD

4 years ago

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i didnt read it all just the under 60 and tried to win 25 times so I thought moony was literally saying all her wins are trash but oh well

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Actually not even close. I most of my wins do not actually have Linux support and I play a lot of games with Proton. But I would say the majority probably goes under the less than 60% rating :D

4 years ago

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See I knew it
Queen of trash :P

4 years ago

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I didn't wrote "Native Linux Support" if it is playable on Linux using Proton, then it has Linux support, right? ;)

4 years ago

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I thought it was implied but I guess we can just go with any kind of support c: Still not all of them would work but close enough :D

4 years ago

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Mouse's fav. National Days

  • games with the following tags: Simulation, Building, Management, Sandbox, Family Friendly, Economy, Colorful, Open World
  • games with at least two 3s or two 4s in the appID (e.g. Planet Coaster is 493340)
  • games won in April (because mouse won Planet Coaster in April)
  • games with cookies*
  • games with female protagonist/villain/antagonist**
  • games with cats***
  • very old wins - aka games you procrastinated playing for a long time - aka 20 oldest unplayed/not yet beaten wins****

* because there is a national chocolate chip cookie day in August and mouse likes them, but to be honest, who does not like cookies
** because national women's day is in August and well mouse is female
*** because there is the International Cats Day and well even though mouse should be afraid of them, I mean after all she is a mouse, she usually goes awww a cute cat
**** because there is the National Lazy Day in August

Short explanation for the theme: Well Mouse is playing/streaming Planet Coaster at the moment so the first few subthemes are about that.
Then when thinking what else to put in there I looked up the National Days of August and found out there is actually a National Rollercoaster Day in August. So then I went through the list and found some things that mouse actually likes

4 years ago

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Hey! The mouse card can only be played once! 😂😂😂

4 years ago

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shhh mouse card can be used all the time to rig the vote. Make up your own one next month so we can have 2 mouse themes fighting against each other

4 years ago

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Just doing it to annoy the shit out of mouse :P

4 years ago

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Happy Cakeday Virgo

  • Games with cakes, balloons
  • Party games
  • Games where you can dance, sing
  • Games where you can stargaze
  • Games where you clean or tidy up things
  • Logical / puzzle games
  • Games with perfectionist / completionist achievement
  • Games playing in France
  • Farming games
4 years ago

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Don't remember if these have already been suggested before.. anyway..
Both themes are orginated from the Ferragosto italian holiday.
The first is due to the association with the first part of the word part ferr- with iron (ferro means iron in italian), even though "ferr" has nothing to do with iron :v yes, agosto is august
The second is a pun I made time ago (which I forgot but the word got stuck in my mind) which involved mouse instead of iron.
I know I haven't provided many categories to choose from, but they should be pretty wide.. just, I wanted to share them, for once that I got ideas for a theme (don't even remember if I already suggested 'em in the past.. sorry if that's the case, too lazy to check) =P


  • Games with iron in their name Tekken (iron fist) and Fe (chemical symbol of iron) could be valid entries
  • Games with 26 (iron atomic number) in their appid
  • Games where iron is involved (industries, blacksmiths, mining..)
    • Special mention for games with trains, since "railroad" is ferrovia in italian (which, as you can see, has iron in its name)
  • Games with metal soundtracks and/or other metal components (characters, events etc.)


  • Games with mouse(s)
  • Games with beer (definitely not a tribute) =P
  • Games released in one year of the rat
  • Games won in one year of the rat

EDIT: Well, seems mouses are kind of a popular suggestions.. well, I'm not gonna delete it =P

4 years ago

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Of course mice are a popluar suggestion XD
I will add both of those to the poll for next month :)

4 years ago

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Damn! not one, not two, but three times I wrote mouses instead of mice! >_<

That's what you get for using another language when you just woke up and your brain isn't fully operating yet =P

4 years ago

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dont worry I can no longer write mouth without putting mouse
at least your mistake is the same thing

4 years ago

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Shall I keep the mouses or do you wish me to rename it into mice?

And it happend to the best of us ;)

4 years ago

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Please, don't. Use the correct version. Also, feel free to correct any other error I may have done.
I believe there are many users (like me) who also take advantage of this community to improve their english skills; i don't want to spread "false informations" :)

4 years ago

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I already changed it to the correct form in the new thread 😉

4 years ago

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Thank you ^_^

4 years ago

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I guess I should make a statement regarding the state of the event considering this is the 2nd month now that Samwise has been nice enough to host the SG thread about it:
I was being burnt out by the event and decided to take a month off in May and let her host it. I also borught up the tought about shutting the event in the near future (this is still a very big question, will see how it will go from now on). I am back from my "vacation" but I will not host the SG thread anymore, Samwise will do that as long as she is willing to do it. However I will still be running this in the backgroud and I will take care of the events on the website and group invites so you will still see me around just not as much.

So if you have any questions regarding the event Samwise will probably be the right person to ask, if you broke the website or want to know anything to that I am the right person. Giveaways can be forwarded to either of us and we will organise ourselves.

4 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago

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We appreciate it and should it ever come to that we will get back to you :)

4 years ago

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Basically what Sam said :) thank you!

4 years ago

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Take care of yourself, Mouse. I am very familiar with "burnout," and it is not something with which you want to tangle. Take a break (or more than one) before it gets to that point. That way, you can always go on extended hiatus without hating the thing you are leaving.

And like NoSenses suggested, let some of those wanting to help you shoulder part of the burden. Nothing facilitates "burnout" like trying to do everything yourself.

4 years ago

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Yea, I definitely plan to do so in the future some more if needed. It is just the eternal problem of feeling bad for asking for help. Not because of shame or anything, but because not waiting to subject anyone else to the work if that makes sense.

4 years ago

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I feel you. Imagine asking people to join Support. Even when they say they want to do it, you know what it will do to them.

4 years ago

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I am always here and you do not need to feel bad since I already know what I am getting into ;)

4 years ago

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Take care of yourself :)

As it is my theme I'll try to answer as many of the "does this game fit" questions as possible :)

And just my personal opinion:

The site was intended as a relief and time saver. But if you still have to compare everything with here and always have to check whether someone might have forgotten to add something, then that is still too much effort.

Therefore only what was entered on the page should count. So if someone misses the point to update their data, then that's the way it is. If I don't update my stuff at BLAEO, nobody does it for me too.

Add some moderator status to the site which can confirm entries but not play statuses, then some of us can do this part of the job. ;)

4 years ago

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It's what I have been doing all along in the background ;)
Running around and compairing/approving stuff. And yeah the page is a huge time saver, but it is still a lot to do for one person (especially since we have grown a lot), which is why we have decided to do a responsibility sharing now, e.g. me being the person to answer all of your questions while mouse does some approving in the background (if I do not do it for her and get yelled at for it :p)

And I totally agree about the people should be responsible for their own entries to the site. I mean i will add something if I see it missing, but I usually do not go through the whole thread every day to check. That's far too much work and I actually do have a life outside of SG ;)

4 years ago

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Will try :)

Yea I have been mulling around implementing some changes to make our lifes easier, but the problem is to actually find some time and will to sit down write down everything and then implement it. Do you happen to have some machine laying around that can stop time?

Since I did not make the website adding different roles is not as easy and if I were to get someone else I would honestly want them to have both (which is an option now already anyways). But then again since I will only run the website now I think it will be a lot easier for me anyways as I "got rid" of the annoying part of this to me and except on the first and last few days of the month the workload is usually not too bad.

4 years ago

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I'd estimate a big chunk of the work is to verify whether the games fit the theme (and questions surrounding that), so one way to save time can be to return to a theme-less version. While having one makes it more interesting, it's certainly better to have a simplified event less burdening for you then canceling it all together.

Would be sad to see the best event on steamgifts go away otherwise. Your (and of-course also Sam's) efforts to make it happen are greatly appreciated :)

4 years ago

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As long as people actually provide the proof that is required checking for theme doesn't take long at all (especially this month is super straight forward), the other checks take much longer (actually SG win, previous playtime, no rule breaking, legit playtime,...). And honestly other people can correct me if I am wrong but I think the theme is kinda what makes the event charming and interesting and I always look forward to see what ideas people bring to the table when it comes to themes.

What always bothered me more and burned me out were having to deal with people trying to bend/go around/abuse the rules and somehow expect that everything will be always approved immediately like we don't have lives outside the event.

4 years ago

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actually SG win

I think that could be fairly effectively automated by the website, if the programmers are still around ^^
but you're right, there are few more aspects over-all.

the theme is kinda what makes the event charming and interesting

I certainly agree with that, but I think to remember the event once was without one and it's just an idea how to possibly keep it running at a lower level.

Anyway, thanks for your all work (・◡・)ノ

4 years ago*

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There is a function on the website that does the heavy lifting for that already :) There is so many different exceptions there that I don't think automating it is a good idea.

Yep, but I have seen the numbers of people participating drastically increased once the monthly themes have become a thing. May just be a coincidence, who knows.

4 years ago

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I just wanted to say thank you for all the things you have done and are doing.

4 years ago

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Thank you <3 and thank you for participating ^^

4 years ago

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Thank you for your job and all your efforts that you put in the event. And I hope you'll get better soon with or without the event

4 years ago

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Thank you for the well wishes :) and for participating every month :)

4 years ago

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Thank you for your hard job on many levels, it's very very much appreciated! :3

Take care of yourself and don't let it take you down! Would be shame to see this event go as I enjoy it very much, I am still newbie in this, but if I can I will help anytime!

For now I am at least cheering for both of our girls! :D

View attached image.
4 years ago

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Thank you for participating and the kinda words ^^

Awwwww they are so cute :3 can I have them follow me around all day and cheer everything I do? :P

4 years ago

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Haha, of course they can! :D
Some more. ;)

View attached image.
4 years ago

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OMFG, they are so adorable :3

4 years ago

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Please take care of yourself! Thank you so much for creating this event 🤗

4 years ago

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Will try my best :) Thanks for participating :)

4 years ago

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Thank you for all your work, you kept the threads running for a really long time so you definitely deserve a good retirement. ^^

4 years ago

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I am not quite yet retiring, just hiding from the public into the shadows :P

4 years ago

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This is all for fun at the end of the day, so if you find yourself not enjoying the event and burnt out that's no good either. Glad you realised that and took a much needed step back. Thanks for hosting as many months as you did, you've put in an insane amount of time and effort with it and a lot of us recognise that. :) Enjoy the time away, lots of games to play and so little time!

4 years ago*

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It is just the thread I am not hosting anymore, I am still doing the work in the background :) but it has definitely given me a bit more time to play games already like this :) Finished 2 for the event yesterday \o/ And thank you for the kind words :)

4 years ago

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Kudos! That's great to hear. :D

4 years ago

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Take care, Mouse! You've really gone above and beyond to help participants of the event and make the event work month in and month out. I, and I'm sure everyone else here, truly can't thank you enough for keeping the event going on as long as it did despite the many hassles that come with it.

I'm also glad that you've decided not to shut down the event and instead, handed the reins over to Samwise as you take a step back. The event has come a long way and it would be really sad if it was to go away.

Thank you again!

4 years ago

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Thank you for the kind words :) I just want to make a couple of things clear: I am still running the event, I am just not hosting the thread anymore and it is not for sure decided yet if I will keep the event going (or pass it on to someone else completely if someone wants).

4 years ago

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I'm really glad that you with Samwise found balance! I hope this will work out and both of you will be sane and happy and with enough free time to play games. If you ever need a third wheel (like for tedious outsource job or smth) — I'm (and not only me, I'm sure) will be happy to help :)

4 years ago

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Thank you for the kind words and offering the help. Right now we are doing fine (at least on my end) but if we ever do we shall keep you in mind, thank you ^^

4 years ago

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Stealth participant, here. I'll figure out my game(s) as soon as I can. (Probably by tomorrow.)

4 years ago

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And now a special task for our math-loving people:

What is the probability with a 6-digit number that 2 consecutive numbers are the same considering that the last one is always a 0?

I know that the Steam ID is not always 6 digits, but I don't want to make it more complicated: D

4 years ago

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You mean, that any consecutive pair is repeated? Ok, I might be able to solve this, let me know if you find any errors...

Here comes the wall!

Let us organize the discussion:

  • A "bad" number is a number with no repeated consecutive digits that ends with a 0;
  • A "sneaky" number is a number with no repeated consecutive digits EXCEPT that it ends with "00";

Now denote by f(N) the amount of bad numbers with N digits, and g(N) the amount of sneaky numbers with N digits. We want to compute f(6), and at this point you are wondering why I care about g(N) at all. Trust me. :D

Computing f for very small numbers is easy. For example, f(1)=0 and f(2)=9 (we got 10, 20, ..., 90).

For f(3), you can start with any of 9 digits (1 to 9), then you have 8 options for the second digit (not the first digit, not a 0). So f(3)=72.

N=4 gets a bit tricky. To assemble a bad number, we have:
-- 9 options for the first digit;
-- 9 options for the second digit (anything but the 1st -- it could be 0);
-- 9 options for the third digit (anything but the 2nd digit);
-- 1 option for the last digit (namely, 0);
So it might seem we have 9^3 options... But, WAIT, I wrongly counted here "sneaky" 4-digit numbers (ending with 00)! How many "sneaky" numbers are there? See, that is why we care about g(4) as well.

That said -- a (N+1)-digit "sneaky" number is exactly a bad N-digit number, followed by the final 0. So I am saying here that g(N+1)=f(N). Great! In particular:

f(4) = 9^3 - g(4) = 9^3 - f(3)

But this reasoning can be repeated for other N's! In fact, what I am saying is that, in general:
f(N) = 9^(N-1) - g(N) = 9^(N-1) - f(N-1)

So now we iterate (and I will write f(3)=9^2-9 to get a nice pattern):
f(5) = 9^4 - f(4) = 9^4 - 9^3 +f(3) = 9^4 - 9^3 + 9^2 - 9
f(6) = 9^5 - 9^4 + 9^3 - 9^2 +9 = 53145.

Summary: if you restrict yourself to 6 digits ending with 0, there are 53145 BAD numbers from a total of 90000 6-digit numbers (ending with 0). Chance of bad = 53145/90000 = 59.05%, so chance of having a GOOD number is...


That is, about 40% of the games on steam can be played by that rule. :D


P.S.: In fact, f(N) = 9^(N-1) - 9^(N-2)+....+-9, which is the sum of terms of a geometric progression of ratio (-1/9), so it can be summarized as:
f(N) = (-1)^N + [9^N - (-1)^N] / 10
which begs the question -- could we have counted this some other way and get directly to this answer?

4 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago

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dude I just woke up thats to much math I normally cant understand. Like NoSenses said you are gonna scare mouse away XD
I'm not gonna bother reading to see if you actually did anything then just random numbers but well done on all that confusing hard work

4 years ago

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That is the trick -- if you write a serious-looking wall of text, no one will ever check it, so you can say anything at all! :D :D :D


4 years ago

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I have no idea if the result is correct but it's in a range I had expected.

I heard once about this birthday paradadox where in a group of I think about 20 people the probability for two of them sharing the same birthday was over 50% I think. Funnily in my company once there were 12 employees including the boss and three times two people shared a birthday, so math confirmed by life ;)

Also I found quite a lot examples in my own library for the consecutive number rule. The real number would have to include 3,4,5 and 7 digit numbers too, but it means that 40% of the 6-digit number games on Steam have consecutive numbers :)

4 years ago

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Yes, the birthday problem says that if you have 23 random people in a room, there is slightly more than 50% chance that at least 2 share a common birthday (=day and month). I actually have given talks about probability and this, and I usually separate 40 people to do the experiment live (with 40 people, matching odds are about 90%), and so far EVERY TIME I did get a match... Since I have done this a couple dozen times, I wonder where the other 10% is.... :D :D

Small print: the 50% thing assumes birthdays are equally distributed along the year (which is slightly false) and that the people are random and independent from each other (also often false). So, technically, the odds are even ABOVE the calculation for matching birthdays.

4 years ago

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Sounds right to me, but don't put to much weight on what I say. I love maths, except two parts of math. One is analysis and the second part is probabilities. I hate both of those with a vengeance so I very much approve of you doing said maths 😉

4 years ago

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I have a question about one particular game - Minit. As I understand this game is literally "live-die-repeat" every 60 seconds, but I don't know in which subcategory it can be placed. Does this game fit current theme at all?

4 years ago

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Maybe multiple endings? o.O
I am not sure but I would say there would be one true ending and some minor ones...

4 years ago

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I would put it under periods as there are always 60 second periods for each run. :)

And yes it is really a game you could describe as "Live Die Repeat" :D

Just link my comment at the site as a proof :)

4 years ago

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Thanks for the clarification

4 years ago

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I have played it myself and as moony said, put it under periods. It fits perfectly 😁

4 years ago

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Why do my stats now show 3/0 achievements? The game has 52 achievements, so I don't know why that would be the case. It should show 3/52

4 years ago

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It'll update to normal after the game has been verified.

4 years ago

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Perfect, thanks for the rapid response. This will be my first time participating in one of these events, so I'm excited to see what I can do :)

4 years ago

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No worries, I wondered the same thing before. :) Good luck, hope you have fun taking part!

4 years ago

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First off all welcome 😊
As Jaffa already pointed out this is pretty normal. The stats on the website will get updated through a script that we have to run manually, so until we do that your entries will look a bit strange. Most likely it is for a game we did not have yet so there is no entry in the database for it and stats need to be gotten through steam first. At least I think that is the case (have not written the code myself).

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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"I delete everything I'm not finished with at the end of the month" gang

4 years ago

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Me too. But do you keep it in the corresponding thread? That would be enough for it to count, as long as you have not altered that entry in the last 24h 🤔

4 years ago

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Lmao I keep that clean too. Luckily the games I intend to finally finish now fit in other ways :) I think all my wins fit this theme looking into it actually.

4 years ago

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yep i also just clean up everything. well i typically dont put anything unless I finish it anyway

4 years ago

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Yes, that way nobody can know of my failures!

4 years ago

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Hello! I'm the one who tried to use the link to previous (May 2020) event and found it needs a trailing slash to work.

4 years ago

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Works fine for me, but I will add the slash anyways.

4 years ago

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May be browser-dependent. Firefox is not so cunning.

And I have another question to ask: space is neither a letter nor a digit. Is it a special character?

4 years ago

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You mean space as in a space between two words? No that is not a speical character.

Things like punctuation or foreign letters (outside of the english alphabet) are meant here. .

4 years ago

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Going to tackle completing Spyro and then trying to take on No Man's Sky again, not really expecting to complete that one, but maybe beat it.

4 years ago

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spyro buddies unite!

4 years ago

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^^ I've been so excited to play it! So much nostalgia~

4 years ago

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ive now gotten up to the 2nd game and thats where the new art really shines through

4 years ago

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I've just finished the first one and I'm excited to see the worlds in number two. I can't say I enjoy Elora's redesign though, it's not... quite what I was expecting / hoping for.

4 years ago

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oh totally agree. She reminds me of a little kid now compared to the composed acting she had before

4 years ago

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warning gretal looks dead instead. her eyes are just so lifeless. probably just me though. the cutscenes show they have blue eyes but when outside the cutscenes its just a small blur lightly brown light

Oh and if a bug occurs just change you graphics to the lowest it will go and it should be fixed

4 years ago*

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That sounds super creepy.
I won't find out until Monday though, I don't play games on weekends (they're the only days my SO has off from work).

4 years ago

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This month will be The Story Goes On with the Perma Death tag ! :3

4 years ago

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Now I finished The Story Goes On I'll start Gunfire Reborn. I purchased this game this month and I really love it !

4 years ago

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Is recruiting of this group open? How can I join this group??

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago

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So I have to write here which game i want to play and submit the completion of that game??

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago

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I think serial cleaner fit in theme because it has two consecutive identical digits. So i want to join this group with playing that game if confirmed by admin.

4 years ago

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Hi admin here and I don't think you quite understand. This is not a group recruitment thread, this is an event. The event is open to everyone (you don't need to be part of the group) and you are welcome to join it. The event has a group just exist to be able to share random giveaways to members who participate regularly, but it is not the point/focus of it.

4 years ago

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Ok so i want to participate in this event with serial cleaner because i have won only two games and other title is not fit in this event.

4 years ago

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Hi there,

for participating in the event please go to the event page , log in via steam and then add your game with the correct category, i think games split in missions should work fine here. This is so your gaming progress can be tracked. Once you are finished with the game, e.g. have the achievement for finishing the game, you should change the status from unfinished to beaten (or completed, if you go for getting all achievments).
Once that is done your achievments and playtime (please add any idling time to "time before the month") will be checked and if all looks fine, your game will be approved. After your game is approved you will find the links to the invite only GA's on the eventpage.

Please also read the entry post on this page, as well as the FAQ's they should answer most of your questions. If you have any others. please feel free to ask.

4 years ago

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Ok thanks for to guide me, I have added game on that site.

4 years ago

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Congrats on beating a win for June is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month, you can request to join the group here if you want. Giveaways are available on the website.

4 years ago

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Ok thanks for approval, I have sent request on group page. Can I add another non win game in page?? Because i have only won three games??

4 years ago

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You can submit more games but it has to be your SG wins since both fit the event under the category "Games in which the ID has two identical consecutive digits".

4 years ago

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Hi! Thanks again for the effort to the people who make this possible. I came (again) with a couple of questions.

First: If, for example, I won a game and a dlc for that game. I beat them both, but it would only count as beating one (the main game), right? Given that there is no separation in the achievements section.

Second: Now it could be because I am still not approved, but last month I was approved to join the giveaways (after beating one game) but I couldn't see the giveaways that were post here. Now, for example, it says there is one for The Walking Dead: The Final Season b, for example, but I can't see it in the section of group's giveaways. Am I missunderstanding something?

Third: What about multiplayer only games? Is there a way to consider them as beaten here? Or only completing all achievements would count in that case?

4 years ago

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I will address the rest later but for the part two you will find the links to the invite only GAs on the eventpage once you have been cleared. See also the FAQs

We cannot open them here on the webpage since then the whole purpose of an invite only GA would be gone and we cannot mail them to every single person anymore, because that will just be too much work with over 100 participants each month. The GA for the walking dead is still running btw.

4 years ago

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Oh, nice, thank you about that. Sadly, I missed the giveaways for the previous 2 months then xD.

4 years ago

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Not necessarily. There are still some running for the last month. Just check the May event on the event page.

4 years ago

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Oh, thank you so much again. I should have asked before. I missed the one for Magicka :(.

4 years ago

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First: If, for example, I won a game and a dlc for that game. I beat them both, but it would only count as beating one (the main game), right? Given that there is no separation in the achievements section.

If there is no seperation in achievements it can only be counted as one game. Though it is of course possible to add a previously completed game, if you get a new, non-cosmetic DLC, meaning it does add new levels.

Second Now it could be because I am still not approved, but last month I was approved to join the giveaways (after beating one game) but I couldn't see the giveaways that were post here.

As already pointed out before you will find the links to the GA's on the eventpage.

Third: What about multiplayer only games? Is there a way to consider them as beaten here? Or only completing all achievements would count in that case?

It really depends on the game here. If it is a game with some kind of campaign with achievements then beating that campaign, e.g. getting the achievments is enough. If it is some endless thing I would say getting the achievments that most people (50%+) got should be enough. But it is kinda a case-by-case thing.

4 years ago

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Ok, thank you so much for taking your time to answer all that :):
Have a nice day (or night).

4 years ago

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Nice day, at least for a few more hours. And no problem. That's what I am here for.

4 years ago

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Stealth participant, here. I am doing Kentucky Route Zero, this month. If I can finish before the middle of the month, I will try to add another short one. (Brothers, maybe?)

4 years ago

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First 12 GA's are up.

4 years ago

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12 new GA's added

4 years ago

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Added GA number 30 to the event. This closes the GA's accepted for this event. List gets too long otherwise ;)

4 years ago

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Just a question: I've been playing Dead Man's Draw - at what point do you think this should be considered Beaten? Level 34 achievement? 1 star tournaments? Something else?
Here are my achievements haha

4 years ago

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Talked with mouse about it and your times are fine. You can go ahead and mark it as beaten if you so desire :D

4 years ago

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Awesome! I could be there forever with my luck on some of the tournaments haha

4 years ago

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I'm going to try to play and beat STALKER Shadows of Chernobyl...long overdue.

4 years ago

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Added the game to the event page for you, since it does not have any achivements, please provide a screenshot of the end credits once you are done with it. Also if you are ideling the game for any reason, please add this time to the time before the month. Once you are finished with the game change the status on the event page to beaten (for finishing the main story) or completed (for finishing also all side stores / achievements). After your game time/achievements will be approved you can then see the invite only GA's on the eventpage.

Viel Spaß mit dem Spiel :D

4 years ago

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Danke :)
So far so good, had to tweak a file to even be able to save the I started the game about 5 times because until I changed that, tried mods to make it look better but it somehow didn't work (because of versions or something) but I don't care enough and play vanilla now. It's a good immersive sim kind of game which I enjoy a lot though the gunplay is a bit annoying...can't wait to finally play all 3 of the games...since I also bought Clear Sky on cheap last week.

4 years ago

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Please change your playtime settings to public or I can not verify the playtime. It is fine to set them back to private once I verify it, but I will have to go back to public again so I can verify it as played as well (after that it can be private once again).

4 years ago

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I'll do that but does it have to be right now or when I finished it?
I'm 4 hours in and from what I read it's going to take me at least 15 more.

4 years ago

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Basically once at the beginning, so mouse can verify how much of the game was played before the event started (even if that is none we need to check at the beginning). After it was initially approved, you can set it back to private. And then once again, when you are finished so that we can approve the playtime :)

4 years ago

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Ok, set it as public.

4 years ago

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I can't finish STALKER in time, had lots of stuff to do until now and meant to finish it this weekend but I got a new project to work on where I'm not home for a week starting tomorrow.....well I tried ^^

4 years ago

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Good look with your project then.

4 years ago

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I have a question. I won Bioshock some years ago but never got around to completing it. I've played a couple of hours and decided the game wasn't for me at the time. I'm planning on giving it another go in this event on the basis that it's part of a series. Since it doesn't have achievements I'll take a screenshot of the credits when I finish.

Is that okay for an entry, or should I pick something that I haven't played before?

4 years ago

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Totally fine. Just fill in the time before the event in the event page, so we can get accurate stats.

4 years ago

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Hi, I submitted 2 'request to play' games in pagywosg but weren't approved ( I guess ??), because they were deleted. Now I can't submit any other game. Is there a new rule regarding that ?

4 years ago

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You submitted 3 non SG wins (and didn't leave a comment here so I didn't bother contacting you) while you have wins that fit the theme and since it didn't seem to get the hint I removed your rights from the website so I wouldn't have to remove even more games that didn't follow the most basic rules.

4 years ago

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Oh my god I completely forgot that I have to submit from my wins ! I'm so sorry. I promise I won't forget again. I was so concentrated in finding a game to match the rules. And the last of them was a win indeed but from another website. I'm really sorry and thanks for clarifying this.

4 years ago

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Some suggestions from your wins:

  • Hitman 2 (game from a series)
  • Republique (2 consequtive numbers in appID)
  • Yesterday's Origin (remake)
  • The Testament of Sherlock Holmes (game series)
  • Nostradamus: The Last Prophecy (appID)
  • Primal Carnage: Extinction (Survival)
  • Styx: Shards of Darkness (game series)
  • STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic II (game series)
  • Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Libery City (game series)
  • Cities in Motion 2 (game series)
  • Orcs Must Die! 2 - Complete Pack (game series)
  • Alien Breed™ Trilogy (game series)
  • Saints Row: The Third (game series)
  • RollerCoaster Tycoon® 2 (game series)
  • Lost Chronicles of Zerzura (appID)
4 years ago

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Thanks for taking the time to gather suggestions for me. I really appreciate it. I'm really so sorry that I mixed things up. I didn't do it on purpose, I was just really tired (lack of sleep while taking care of my little kid). You guys are awesome and thanks again for taking care of this amazing event every month. #neverstopplaying

4 years ago

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Ugh, the power has been flickering on and off for the past few DAYS, I'm not getting much gaming done :(

4 years ago

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Doesn't sound fun at all. Hope it will get better soon.

4 years ago

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ah sorry for submitting a non SG win (twice) :D

4 years ago

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Please make sure not to do it again or I will remove your rights to submit to the website :D

4 years ago

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I'll try my best

4 years ago

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i added a few games and they were all accepted.. but when i went to mark one as complete, it was gone. what happened?

4 years ago

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You might wanna read the rules that have been linked right at the top of the thread for months. To make it easier for you here :)

4 years ago

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i'm aware of the rules and i wasn't idling. i did a normal playthrough making sure to get all collectibles, then another playrhrough for the nightmare difficulty achievement. picked up the two survival mode achievements in between. this was over two days. 15 hours gametime, minus 2~3 hours i had before i registered.

actually now that i'm thinking about it, why is there even a rule about reporting idle time?

4 years ago*

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Well HLTB states 6 1/2h completionist time. So if we double that we are at 13h, which is still below your 15h and honestly rather generous.
I've played the game myself and I was not good at it at all. I have all but the nightmaremode achievement and it took me a bit more than 6h.
So unless you spent hours in survival mode (and if you did that you should have stated it in your entry, because we do not have a crystal ball ;) ) your time looks rather bloated.

4 years ago

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survivor probably took about sixty, ninety minutes tops. part of the reason was probably because i watched a walkthrough on youtube as i played to make sure i didn't miss any collectibles, though i had it playing at 2x speed, that's still an extra 50% gametime. i didn't know a leaderboard even existed, or that it was ranked by gametime. this is my second month participating. i joined up to clear some games from my backlog and to get in on the extra giveaways. it wouldn't matter to me if i received zero hours gametime.
edit: nightmare mode took about 2 hrs 20 min if you wanna take that into consideration as well.

4 years ago*

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Well feel free to readd the game with the idle time then. From what you wrote above that would make it something like 2.5h (nightmare) + 1.5h (survival) and take my shitty time of 6.5h for all the other things. That would give you a total playtime of 10.5h. Which basically means add all other time to the time before the event and that should be good enough.

And ideling does not mean strictly ideling for cards, but basically having the game open without playing it at that moment, e.g. the time you have it open while you look at the youtube video to figure out where the collectibles are, or chatting with friends, answerig questions (something I am bound to do a lot XD ) etc. We will usually not bother if it is just a few minutes or an h longer than the HLTB, but your times were nearly tripple of the HLTB times, so yeah that sends red flags, especially without any explanations.

To the why was the game deleted. Well that has something to do with the second rule that was added in Feb:

no comment on this thread? If there is something wrong with the game you submitted it gets automatically deleted, I am tired of running after people

Basically we are no longer running after the people to find some old comment in some thread, so we can reach them. We have grown much to big for that. So to prevent that games are simply deleted in the future, simply post a comment in the corresponding monthly thread. Most people post which games they want to play, some simply leave a post along the lines off, here is a post so you can contact me if there is anything wrong.
It makes your life and ours a lot easier.

Also when readding the game, simply put a link to my comment into the notes section of the game.

4 years ago

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it's all good. i understand and have learned something from this. i'll leave deadlight off for now as i've already completed another game and unlocked the giveaways. i'll check future games against hltb to make sure they aren't over the average time and lower them as needed.

4 years ago

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And to that second question, because we had memebers that thought letting their 2-3h games idle for 10h+ was a good idea, so they could get the top spot in the leaderboard. I have no idea why. But to get a more honest representation of the time each person spent on their entries we ask you all to add the idle times to your entries.

4 years ago

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Quick question: What is the difference between "Beaten" and "Completed," and is there a defined way to determine that?

If I am correct about the first part, "Beaten" means you got through the main game, and "Completed" means you earned all the achievements. Correct me if I am wrong on that fact.

4 years ago

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yeah basically that. completed is normally for 100% achievements but people still put it even if it doesnt have any. In the end it doesnt actually matter how you class things since its counted as the same no matter what

4 years ago

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Yeah, you are right here. If you have a game without achievements where you have done everything humanly possible you can also set it to completed.

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by samwise84.