liked the picture but didnt enter the giveaway and have a bump so more people can see this
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i've just read on the giveaway page, thank you so much for your help ^^
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Nope, i'm not cheating in anyway, I'm asking for votes freely, i'm not making people vote. I did the extra giveaways as an incentive and freely of chose and if you actually see what is wrote there you will see :)
I would not do that to myself you are mistaken in so many ways. The money is for my son as it is on the contest rules. Each person submitting the son/daughter there can share and get votes (or likes) in anyway they want. Just don't get the votes on a bad way. If you don't want to do anything, yeah i understand. Just don't tell lies without knowing the facts.
Thank you anyway.
Btw i would rather not risk my son life posting on the net just to get any amount of money for me, he is far more important than anything, i do not gain anything with this, i just lose time and some money and he's the only one that could gain for his future. So your thought on this case without even asking for the rules or checking it your self (using translator), is a dumb way of thinking but i understand and accept your opinion/thought.
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I didn't accept access to my fb by this contest page so i couldn't read the rules so i assumed that it's like any other vote for winner stuff in which every participant trying to cheat the system through buying the votes and similar techniques. If this one actually allows you to do that then good luck, but still i'm not voting cause i don't want it to spam my fb with it's advetisements, but you can have my bump.
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Of course, you could ask me for the rules, i would put the original rules here (or at pastbin) and i would translate (the best as i can) too. Also for now it's an phase, when the top 6 most voted goes to a jury and the jury decides the best one (online), to a final phase. No problem anyway, no hard feelings and thanks.
PS, voting on my son is optional, as it's stated on the giveaway page. The only people that voted, they did because they wanted to help, not because i told them to do or putted as a rule on the giveaway (and that's forbidden).
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Haha, me too mate, too bad that the vocalist broke his jaw, his voice is not the same and does not sound very good now haha
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See reply above, and the topic it self. I don't believe that you didn't read anything at all from the topic. No it's not to win a Ipad, its a contest were i put my son's picture and if he gets on the final phase, he can win an 5000€ in a save bank account, all to him and when he does 18 years old, he can use the money as he wants (but i hope that he chose to spend on a university, as he could pay the fees with that money and get and higher degree of studies)
Anyway thanks, i think.
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I didn't mean that this is about winning an ipad. I mean that in the past year there were shitloads of "contests" on facebook that involved "liking" or doing stuff (like making pictures). All of them were to a) gain likes for free or b) make ppl look like idiots.
Seriously, you believe that someone will give you 5k euros just for that your son picture will "win" a "contest" ? Don't be so naive
GL I would say, but I can assure you that you won't win. No oone will. Or more clearly - no one will get the cash.
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Man the contest was made by Nestlé, a famous company of baby products, did you ever hear from them? No? If not heres the link :
I hate when someone takes conclusions without asking first. It's your opinion and i respect it, but please don't do that anymore. As for me it's a dumb way of thinking. Why? Some yes can be fake, others not. I've won a tshirt and an cd album fully payed by a band (from Canada) on Myspace, only that i had to do is putting their logo on my myspace and using their image as my main image. Another on Facebook, I've won one of the Groupees facebook competition, all i had to do was liking and sharing.
In this case this contest is made by a famous brand (as i've told). If you have any more doubts then talk to them, they lately sent some discounts and some samples of their food/products.
Also i didn't make any photo, i just took one photo of my child and posted on their official contest app (the portuguese company of Nestlé did this contest).
Like i've said in some replies, if you need to ask or have you any question tell me and i will answer no problems. And it was my first time doing this topic, not for me but for my son to have a chance of getting a better future if something goes bad.
But it's good we are all different people with different way of thinking. Thank you anyway.
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If you don't want that's fine, but if you don't want to do that's fine, just don't write like that as you know something. Got any problem pm me or ignore my topic/giveaways, that's fine too.
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Hi guys/girls, my son is entering a facebook contest, where if he have the top 6 weekly (only need this once to be qualified to finals) he can have a chance to win 5000€ in a bank account for him (a save-account) until he does 18 years. If you would like to click the link you just have to like the picture (of course if you wanna share the link and ask your friends to help me out would be great too!). But if you are not going to help, no problem. I understand. Thank you anyway and enjoy the giveaway (not alot but if this goes well in saturday i'll put another one). The giveaway ends sunday as the contest. The link is in the giveaway too.
Once again thank you and have a good day/night.
BTW the link it's for a invite only giveaway and you must follow at least some rules (The part of the fb link is optional ofc but it would help my future's son).
Another giveaway, the same rules applies (in the giveaway description)! -
I need somewhat 500/600 votes every bit of help is great so if you can help me ^^
*Edit : To all that helped me out, thank you so much. To the people that didn't help me out, thank you anyway it was your choice and i respect that, just don't forget the rules on the giveaways. To the people who just want to tell rude things (in this care write), you have two options, ignore my topic and giveaways or just block me then. You wanna talk something rude to me or my son, i would not admit that, have any questions, ask me. If not and you just wanna troll/flame me even without reading the full topic, then turn off the pc and go to take a walk.
Thank you all once again ^^
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