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This is what happens when my Demon wants to say something... I have no control of this... :(
Shut your fucking mouth you Rickenbacker new balance wearing, knock off china having bare assed sexed out wanna be sapien!
Come get your mouth checked, get some implants, cause what you got now, sure the fuck at working, bet. Call us all cancer, take a look in the mirror bitch. Rumored up like your nuts look everyday of the season still touching yourself shit trick ass flee them nutts n shit tumor vetted, you bitch. Wanna type some words, best erase them soon after ever trying to commit them to a subject, that you created to flame out the mouth about, some nonsense, stupid shit, putting on blast with a poll about some click click shit. Bang on you bitch! Hang on your bitch, til she wets up this shit.
We got some click click shit, it called click click look.
Click click boom! Bang on that ass, for speaking way to soon.
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I really do have to apologize for him... He sometimes just needs to type what he wants. Sorry.
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I won, but I got a finger gif instead. They must have changed it.
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Call me a curmudgeon, but I'd rather not have meme cancer show up every time I win a giveaway. Not only does it reek of immaturity and unprofessionalism, but it's not even funny.
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I do, but I'm still going to complain, since this is a thread about the *.GIF. Might as well voice my dissent.
A curmudgeon is a rarely-used descriptive term of uncertain origins, often used to describe old men, archetypal characters, and Sesame Street monsters alike. I may not be an old man, nor an Ancient Greek comedic character, nor a furry trashdiver, but I sure can be curmudgeonly.
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I enjoy it, too, though it only partially describes me at times. Being the pedant that I am, "kinda accurate term" isn't good enough for me.
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For what it's worth, I misinterpreted his post as asking what curmudgeon means as compared to calling me a curmudgeon (like I said in my post), as well.
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I believe the site should be professional in design and presentation. The conduct of the community, and even of the staff, need not be professional except when needed; however, it would seem more respectable for the graphics presented in the won giveaway notification to be something that isn't a meme.
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Majority is only authority by virtue of its mass. Sites like 9GAG also appeal to a wide audience, but I wouldn't consider them a respectable or professional site (quite the opposite, in fact). Likewise for a variety of other sites. Just because the majority may enjoy it, that does not mean it should be done. Anyway, I seriously doubt anyone would have cared if that .GIF was replaced with a more respectable and professional icon, or none at all. Well, many might now, but only after knowing it existed. If it did not, it would have otherwise not been desired.
EDIT: I am now frustrated that I can't put *.GIF due to the formatting codes used on this site.
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Using two ` between a part of a text will disable formatting.
Example: *Gif*
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That's how I am. There's a time for humor and a time for thought. When I'm not laughing, I'm thinking.
I'm not laughing.
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I generally stay away from the community, which I've found to be very toxic and unenjoyable, but I still use the site because I desire the services it provides and would like to win games. I have reconsidered my participation in the community, but I don't see why I should abandon the site altogether. I may be critical of it, but I still value its services.
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Basically, you dislike Steamgifts for what it is, but want the free games so you're staying? :P
Also, why do you care about the "winning .gif" at all? It's not like it'll hurt you in any ways. Heck, if you get that gif, it means you won something, which is the primary reason you are on Steamgifts. You pretty much have no reason to complain.
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In essence, what I'm saying is that I'm here because I want to win free games. I also occasionally participate in the community, like I am now, but generally keep away because the vast majority of my experiences with it has been negative.
I am complaining because I don't like it, I think it's unprofessional, and I find such use of memes to be a plague to the Internet. I would consider those reasons enough. They're opinions, though, and they're rather trivial. It's not like I'm demanding change or anything; I'm just voicing my opinion, which happens to be critical, about this aspect of the site on a thread pertaining to that aspect.
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Ah, I see what you mean. But knowing that you do not care for the community, I fail to understand why the .gif is a problem to you. I acknowledge the fact that you dislike it; but since you are only here only for the free stuff, I don't know. Seems a bit odd to dislike a community and still care about how the website is handled.
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I think I understand that you mean that I don't care to participate in the community and don't care for their behaviors, but just in case you meant that I don't care about the community (just to clarify): I do care about the community and would like to see it improved. All of my threads, save one, were actually created with the specific intended purpose of improving the community or the site. I just don't care to participate in the community, since I find it to be an unpleasant experience most of the time and my previous attempts, however, flawed, to help improve it have been met with increasing resistance and little success.
I dislike the community because I think it is a toxic environment, but I would like for it to improve. I also hope to see (and perhaps even help) the site improve because although I may not like how the community acts or even the opinions of the staff, I nevertheless respect and value the services they provide as the leading platform for giving away Steam games. SteamGifts is an indispensable site, and one off of which I have won numerous enjoyable games I could otherwise have not afforded, so for those reasons (among others) I would like to see and encourage improvements of it, whether it be by means of suggestions or criticisms (or both).
Believe it or not, I once enjoyed the community. I rarely participated in it, but I found it to be interesting and I enjoyed reading the threads. Nowadays, however, I've distanced myself from it for the most part and when I first began to interact with the community is the point at which I began to dislike it. Whether this is because of me, or because of my posts, or simply a coincidence with the decay of the community, I cannot say. All I know is that I've had an overall negative experience with the community, many of whom are or were hostile and rude. There have been a number of pleasant experiences and encounters with admirable users (including yourself, who I have whitelisted, even though I'm too poor to really give anything away), but in general I expect negativity, not the contrary, from the forums.
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If you think this community is a toxic environment then I don't know what you've been looking at. Sure there's a few people with short tempers, however from my experience the people who "claim" that this community is toxic are typically the kind of people who have gone out there way to piss off the community and frankly deserve the retribution they receive.
When I first joined this community the people whom I'd have labeled as "trolls" actually turned out to be the nicest people in the community as well as the most generous. Quite literally a person I had fun chatting with turned round and just gave me a gift out the blue cause they couldn't be bothered making a giveaway. These people don't bitch, they don't complain, they just wanted to have an enjoyable experience and promote fun.
TL;DR Version: If you come here with a fun attitude and willing to accept that most of the crap people post is just to pull your leg then you are going to have a good time here. If you come here on a high horse and a stick up your ass you are going to have a bad experience.
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Was I tagged as a troll? I probably was tagged as a troll. I always had an asshole side. :D
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No you were tagged as "kinky walrus". I have a weird labeling system! :P
Although in truth the asshole side is what I've always loved about you jbond! :P
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Hah, what else to expect from our Commissar of Heresy. ^^
And what would be the meaning behind "kinky walrus"?
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I have not intentionally gone out of my way to piss off the community, so it's certainly not that. In your opinion, do the responses to my posts or threads fit that to which they are responding? Do my contributions reasonably warrant such a hostile reaction, or am I just unlucky in my dealings with the community?
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Your posts and responses have a habit of typically aggravating the community. Is for example a "Cat Gif" something to get irritated about? I am going to give the answer plain and simple. No it isn't. Take it for what it is, a harmless attempt at humour and an effort to make you smile. If you cannot accept that then you may want to have a good look at yourself. I would certainly not dream about complaining about it and arguing with others who found it brightening their day.
In short learn that this is not a business. At the end of the day most people give games away for fun. Reputation can count for a lot on Steamgifts; such as getting you access to more good giveaways by either be invited to a private giveaway group or whitelisted. Often or not the best way to get into these groups is by having a good sense of humour and fun. If you appear to be complaining in the a "Much Ado About Nothing" approach then people will take a dislike to you. So if you are to have "beef" with something on SteamGifts I highly recommend it actually be for a very good reason.
I find the Gif I am about to attach (which I know you apparently love so much) a good summary of the statement I just put forward.
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Well, sometimes I do intend for my posts to be provocative, but I deliberately do so in order to incite responses and stimulate discussion. If my post is rather mild and unassuming, people still typically gloss over it. If it is provocative and bold, however, I'm more likely to receive a response, which I can use to spark an exchange.
This particular comment I made above was just me voicing my opinion. I wasn't trying to stir up a debate or cause a conversation; I was just contributing to the thread. It just so happens that my opinion was critical and disagreed with the majority of people here. When people began to respond, I took the effort to respond back. When I thought a conversation was through, I let it end. Unfortunately, my willingness to converse tends to lead to rather large comment chains, and very wordy replies, and in the end it may seem like I'm disturbing the thread. In reality, I'm just trying to contribute in the best way I know possible: by actively participating in the thread.
I'm not here to build a reputation. If people don't like me, then I guess that sucks, but that's their decision. I'd much rather them confront me about it instead of hold me in silent contempt and blacklist me without due cause, though.
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Ah, I see what you mean. I've once felt the same way about Steamgifts. To say the truth, at one point, I was actually about to leave it entirely.
But I quickly realized that any online community will have its share of crap. So far, Steamgifts is a community that I know and enjoy most of the time, so I'd rather be here than one, let's say, Reddit, 4Chan, 9Gag, or even some less-known forums such as GameFAQs.
I like it because of its purpose. Most users here gave away at least a few games, and whether it's for CV or simply for the heck of it, it's generosity. And any community that is generous can't be all that bad, the way I see it. :P
I also know a handful of respectable users, which tend to post great things and interesting replies.
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At least the cancer on 4chan (and, sometimes, reddit) is ironic. Here, it's genuine.
Although there are generous members of the community, some days I wonder whether generosity is the main motive. From many of the comments I've seen about so-called "leechers," I'm inclined to suspect otherwise.
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I also know a handful of respectable users, which tend to post great things and interesting replies.
I did not find your reply to be great nor interesting. That is all I will say.
At least the cancer on 4chan (and, sometimes, reddit) is ironic. Here, it's genuine
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What exactly have I done to deserve being blacklisted? Virtually all my posts on the SteamGifts forums have been valid contributions to their respective threads and every single one of my own threads have been constructive contributions to the forums. I don't see how my comment above, or any of my other comments or threads, qualify me as deserving of being blacklisted whatsoever.
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It is making reference to a surprise, that you've won something you maybe wished for, that you should be amazed that of the thousands and thousands of entries you were "chosen"... It is there to break the monotony of just opening SG and congratulate you that you have received a gift... And its a cat because cats are awesome in general...
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I agree that it can be mildly amusing—it gave me a fleeting smirk the first time I saw it—but I wouldn't classify it as "humorous." It can be a rather unexpected comical relief, but after the first couple times it becomes rather annoying (for me, at least).
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Since we have a Bundler, why don't we also have Winner GIF Master, who would collect awesome gifs for winning popup, where would show randomly one gif from collection? Moar space cats!
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Every time I see a thread about this I always win something soon....
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It's hilarious LOL. Good job guys!
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