XCOM Confirmed coming to IOS - Includes Video Demonstration

Just one question.
Is it now time for me to change my "gamer" stance on Tablets?

Personally I don't own one, or any touch device. I've tried them but cannot get over the fact my fingers are covering the screen thus making the game-screen even more tiny taking any enjoy-ability away from the game.

Is there anyone that can convince a non-tablet owner these are good for games.
I'm not interested in playing free flash type games etc. I'm referring to duration games. Ones you will spend a nice chunk of time playing, not pickup for 5 mins at the dentists office or on the bus.

11 years ago*

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There is a huge gaming market in tablets, I'd wager more people have an iPad than a PSVita - a biiiiig market. So it makes sense devs would start adapting their games to those systems to exploit that market. That said, I would never prefer to play a game on a tablet device over another system. PCs and consoles are much better options simply for the larger screens and, in my opinion, better controls. Portable devices allow some scope for intuitive controlling via touch screens but it's a very small group of games that can get away with an entirely touch-based control scheme.

tl;dr - Good market for devs and decent option for portable gaming, but I would not prefer to play a game on that system over any other.

11 years ago

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This has pretty much been my thinking as well. Ive noticed more and more of my beloved Steam Indie titles are appearing on IOS. Not sure about Android as I didnt see their marketplace.
So in short, I know if I didnt have anything, a tablet would hold some game treasurers. But up to this point, I didnt see the point of having one in the house.. if I have console and PC.

11 years ago

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FPS has always been a bit iffy on tablets (control issues by default) but turn based is definitely fine IMO. I love messing around on my ipad when I have some downtime at the hospital.

11 years ago

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Would you or do you use it often over your Stationary gaming devices at home?

11 years ago

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For bigger games no, I still use my laptop for the majority. However, there are some nice sim games (Plague Inc etc), some of the EA titles, Angry Birds (mindless awesome), and more recently I played Bastion on the iPad. I steer away from the "hardcore" games on tablets even though I don't think they're very "hardcore" due to my aforementioned distaste for the control schemes. However, I think of the games as secondary. I primarily use my iPad for email, internet, research (journal articles), and a study aid. The games are gravy.

11 years ago

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What constitude a hardcore game anyways? does it mean its really hard? does it mean you need high reaction times to play it? or is it games that has high skill curve to master it

well there's hard games out there(IMO) and theyre actually really good in tablets.

  • Super hexagon
  • Dungeon Defenders
  • GTA? lol
  • Rouge japanese RPG games (Spectral souls, FF, Zenonia, Kemco Games)
  • Turn based strategy (total war, king's bounty, Great Little War Game, All out war)
  • TD games
  • T-aiko
11 years ago

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I use it loosely as a term. I think the App Store has a category named something like that or benchmark, dunno. It would probably encompass your shooters, flight sims, and things previously deemed too demanding for tablets. Not so much the difficulty.

11 years ago

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'when I have some downtime at the hospital.'
There's something wrong with this sentence....either this or you work at a hospital.

11 years ago

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I would assume he works at a hospital.

11 years ago

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I hope so.

11 years ago

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Yup, 5 more weeks and I graduate veterinary school.

11 years ago

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Nice :D

11 years ago

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That's nice, hoping to get it on android 1 day.

For now, I myself is having my own backlog games on my tablet D: but I'm happy that I can play it 2 hours a day in weekdays constantly (1 hour travel going back to univ and back) versus 0 hours currently in PC games.

Idk where is this complain about "my fingers is covering the screen" is all about, haven't seen any game that this has been an issue to me.

11 years ago

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I can't wait for it! :D :D

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I am a tablet owner. I don't think gaming on tablets is something I really enjoy. Having several games, I hate the touch control in fps, that's why almost all of them are strategy stuff.

I rather play on my pc any day, and keep my phone/tablet for annoying lines in the bank

11 years ago

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Not bad. Maybe someday it will come for android as well. :)

11 years ago

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I got a PS3, a Pc, an IPad and an android phone.

Tablet gaming is not going to compete with your Pc/console experience. Tablets are great because allot of the apps are free/cheap and short. so if you dont have allot of time on your hands or your bored with nothing to do; tablet can be a fun distraction. you can also use them to read articles/books or even watch some videos; speaking within the context that its light and portable.

Not to go where everyone has gone before but i usally use my tablet while i'm in the bathroom .... you can think of it as a replacement for a newspaper.

I dont think you should buy it to play games like XCOM, i presonally loved Xcom, but thats not a good reason to buy a tablet unless you have money to burn.

11 years ago

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thats pretty impressive

11 years ago

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XCOM is probably the only AAA recent game that would be playable on a tablet.

Everything else would have terrible controls...

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Matrixomega.