Its been a while and after multiple emails to customer service.
I was told after several emails that the key that was exhausted and that they were currently selling it in the store.
F'd me over on a GA, that the winner kindly rode out the months of delayed sent.
It was magically available after 3 months IIRC while always available for purchase in the store.
Havent touched Humble since. And if I do, I will reveal every key the moment I purchase it.
I'd start here
Even that is very effy.
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In that scenario the dev would have revoked the key for the bundle as a whole, be it revealed or not revealed.
Yeah, but Humble support honors your claims depending on how long ago you revealed.
If you have revealed your key yesterday, only to find out it's not working then they'll get you a new one. But when you revealed it "too long ago" then they simply refuse to do anything about this.
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Hm... that scenario and what you mentioned is different though
In the scenario where you reveal and attempt to activate and have issues with it HB will attempt to help you, if it's been to long then they won't
If a dev revokes a key and you've either revealed it or not revealed it, and attempt activation, or had it revoked from your account and then go to HB and ask for assistance they won't help you because the dev revoked all the keys from the bundle then.
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I mean keys can be revoked hard and soft. The soft one is invalidating the unused keys (but leaving your library intact)
The hard is also for these used, removing the game even if it's already in your steam library
If dev soft-revoke the key you got from the bundle and you have it revealed long time ago, then you're left with nothing because HB support won't help you.
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Oh, I didn't know they did soft locking.
I would still put the effort in to see what HB would do. Because if the key is invalid or is showing as a duplicate a person can request information from Valve, and if it shows that it wasn't activated before I wouldn't accept a "you revealed it long ago so we aren't helping you" excuse, since the key was never used and I'd have the proof for that.
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As Ashtwo said, go to your Keys & Entitlements, then check the box "Hide redeemed keys & entitlements". Among the Humble Choices you might have had in the last year, you'll see all the keys you've not shown, including those that weren't available at buy time.
I still have unavailable keys from 1.5 years ago, and I've heard people mentioning +3 years several times.
Fanatical says "X game is sold out". Humble keeps selling the bundle regardless, and you don't know if there's any unavailable until you click on any; if you reveal one, you can't refund.
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I ignore most AAA games, and tend to care more about smaller budget games
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Among the Humble Choices you might have had in the last year, you'll see all the keys you've not shown, including those that weren't available at buy time.
That page only shows me some "get my games" links whenever Choice is involved (while other bundles show the individual game names just fine). It's super annoying and I don't understand why they did it that way since the "choose your x games among this selection" thing about Choice is long gone and you get all of them anyway now. Every time I need a key from some of those Choices I have to go to to find which month the game was featured in and it's an extra step I'd rather do without.
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Yes it's stupid, it shows unrevealed keys from 2 years ago but show the last year of Choices, which all have every game claimed. Maybe it's a remnant when you had more games than choices to claim?
BTW you can get the names of your games from Choices from the Purchases page, which links to the game names and their keys.
Personally, whenever I buy a key or a whole bundle, the first thing I do is reveal everything and put it in a spreadsheet - date, bundle, price, game and key. Extra notes if needed (e.g. "this key expires on XXX" or "if you activate this key you'll go to hell for being a bad kid"). Then I have a list of games/keys activated (keeping the key, bundle and date), and the list of unactivated keys. Thus in HB the only unrevealed keys I have is for the Easy Spending bundle with three games with no keys available.
Yes I know it sounds as too much work for some people, but ensures me to know and be able to follow the origin of a key in case of a mismatch, error, or uncorrectly misaligned planets. And for me, it's kind of entertaining and satisfying. I have (literally) a trait of OCD.
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You're document system works though. After about 4 years of doing this I have trained myself to record the bundle name, date of purchase and list of games. I then notate which ones are for me, which makes it clear which ones can be gifted to friends, family or SG. Trouble is I am running out of room in my filing cabinet, I think I am on to my 3rd suspension file, lol.
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I've heard of a new method where an electronic device helps you with managing information without filing cabinets. I have no idea how it works without paper, but TV doesn't lie:
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Thank you for all the replies, I'll follow your suggestions
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Small side story here:
I used to think that it was impossible to 'lose' a key from Humble (as in forget it ever exists). I mean, how can someone have so many revealed keys they just 'forget' about one? Well, about a few months ago I was looking through my revealed keys on the Humble entitlements page and I saw 2 DLC keys for some Pinball FX games, and I was baffled, because I don't remember ever using them or giving them away or anything like that and I slowly realized that I had forgot to write it down one day and I distinctly remember saying "ah, I'll just write it down tomorrow". I ended up giving away those keys successfully and that proved my theory, I had indeed forgotten.
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over time I ended up with pages and pages of humble stuff, there's plenty of keys I've forgotten about. :\
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If you bought the Easy-Going Games: Whitethorn Showcase bundle (May 2023) then you will be missing keys for We Should Talk, The Forest Cathedral and Re:Call. I am still waiting for mine. Have tried HB support twice and been told they have issues getting more keys :(
I think they sent Epic keys for those games. I told them I would not use those keys as I had no Epic account. I wanted the steam keys I paid for. Still waiting ....
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still waiting on my meadow key, probably never going to get refilled :)
Every game i get now from HB goes straight into my account.. not going to risk any keys on there any more. neither going to keep them saved elsewhere if possible.
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Back when I used to be a prolific trader, this was more relevant to me than it is since I retired from that digital life, lol. At this point, I have no old and/or unredeemed keys. I immediately either redeem every key myself, give them to friends, or do g/a's here, and that system prevents all issues being discussed in this thread.
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How do I find all those keys on humble bundle that I'd clicked on over the years and was told "keys were exhausted we will notify you when blah blah blah"
because I'm pretty sure I left a few of those that I'd not gotten back to, but I don't know which ones they were ):
is there a way to look them all up?
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