This suit is black ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................not.
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which ones? it get stupid pretty fast if you try to include more than one(unless with a setting in your profile, but you'd have to read enough to set it anyway). english spanish french russian korean chinese arabic esperanto ect. we'd have a screen long list peopled just click past because it looked like a text wall of gibberish. Like how nobody reads license agreements but worse cause they look even less like words.
Even if it was just english and russian it'd have that stupid canada thing going where everything would eventually have to be in both languages.
The sites in english, if you can't read it but are here you're either already using google translate on the page or similar(crappy I know but at least you get the point of what is being said if not the proper syntax) or aren't planning to read anything anyways, so if thats you and you think the site generates free codes somehow then nothing will change that no matter what language you type it in, just seems like extra work for cg translating without much gain.
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You know, there's a possibility to fetch the users prefered language. Just take it and list the correct message...
The translation could be done by sg community :P
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Language of the message could easily be determined when a user registers (aka, logins with steam). Just a simple question before the login page shows up. Everybody will understand it's a language selection when they see a drop down menu full of languages...
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(*ficksed spelang)
Everybody will understand it's a language selection when they see a drop down menu full of languages... everybody except the ones that think steamgifts generates free codes from thin air upon request, just pick a game from the list and set the amount of copies and time you're willing to wait for it. If you(not you obviously. a fake hypothetical you) somehow get the impression that happens then you'd also think the language selection menu was some sort of puzzle or the website broke or something :/
although I guess the confusion may make some leave before they bothered anybody so that'd be a + anyway
that and even with a language dropdown(dumb I didn't go to that immediately instead of thinking one multilingual popup) what'll you do when you get to the forum? split us up into language based subforums(language is supposed to help communicate not prevent it and how many of us would visit more than one)? Or just all speak your own thing together like chewie and solo?(person a: Skyrim я должен покупать сейчас или подождать на продажу? person b: Neither, wait for the goty edition with all the dlc. person c: ¿por qué no los dos? legendaria y descuentos)
Or does the site suddenly decide to ignore your language setting and dump everybody from their own language pages into this(defaults to basically english) forum?
(I vote the starwars cantina thing personally)
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No. You'd have to be an idiot to think that's how this site works. Language issues don't apply.
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(besides anybody that dim either deliberately chose to misunderstand or won't read or wouldn't comprehend if they did. nobody would think that was how this or any site worked. Anybody using language as an excuse is just making an excuse).
Like how this lake near me (for some stupid reason since this is middle of nowhere montana, how far north can you get without speaking english? any farther you'd have to learn french) has a sign in spanish saying (in addition to the name and the normal "no fishing" stuff) basically "please don't piss in reservoir"(strangely absent the english version which is noticeably shorter as well as probably 20 years older) If i was Hispanic I'd feel pretty insulted by that, but maybe some asshat did it and drunkenly(you'd have to be right?) claimed he didn't understand because there wasn't a sign in his language, now hypothetical drunk would pee anyway, probably on the sign post. hes drunk has to urinate and he isn't reading shit but its the only reason I can think of for the sign....unless some government guy though mexicans just sprayed urine everywhere unless told not to foul their emergency backup overflow water supply(that lake isn't actually used for a reservoir which is why we can go to it. also its infested with canada geese anyway). in which case its more humorous that he also thought they'd listen to a small wooden sign telling them not to. nobody obeys the fishing and boating one and thats in "universal" pictograms)
although given that its the only sign in wood I've been assuming it was some sort of joke added by some highschooler in spanish class nobody thought to take down because "a sign must have been placed by somebody with the authority to do so or parks would already have disposed of it".
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These threads are amazing. I don't suggest starting your day without one.
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1.7% not received, not a problem
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Many fake giveaways are deleted by mods, even after they're over.
So that doesn't really say anything.
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No, this isn't needed. The points aren't the problem.
The problem with fake giveaways is that someone enters to win something, gets the green banner and finds out it was fake... How does that feel do you think?
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I just get my rocks off to the green banner first - that way I've already peaked if it's fake or not!
Not really...I haven't won yet =/
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When I said how do you feel I meant how does the person who won feel not you personally. Someone somewhere will win it and be like 'Holy fuck hell yes! Just won AAA game' only to find out that it was fake / the gift wasn't coming and that would be a bit crushing for them really? And the thing is, because it is 1:8000 chance against winning, they were incredibly lucky, heightening the feel of 'oooh YEAH'...
Just because you check and can tell what is fake doesn't mean everyone does, and no matter how many 'FAKE' comments are there, giveaways still end with huge entries and can turn out fake.
Someone somewhere loses faith in the SG community when they win a high-entry AAA game and it turns out fake
(I check if it seems too good to be true - and worth more than 30 pts - and don't enter if I think it is fake. I don't bother checking otherwise)
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Your first mistake is assuming that the people making these giveaways because they don't know how things work will take the time to stop and read warnings... (they won't)
If you see a fake giveaway, don't enter it, and move along. Reporting them before 7 days after the giveaway has ended is useless, because to take action on it, the mods have to know that the person has no intention of giving away the game... and that's not really possible until 7 days after the giveaway when whom ever won marks the game as not received.
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"and reporting them"
You say "no shit" as if you got the point I was making, but you apparently fail to see the majority of the second part of my post. Reporting giveaways as fake is useless. If it's before the 7 day grace period after the giveaway ends, there's really no grounds for action. After that period is up, the person who won but didn't receive the game will mark it as not received and most likely report the user. Long story short, you're only wasting your own time and the mod's time for reporting something when nothing has technically been done against the rules.
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Ban you, problem solved, as their time is no longer wasted.
Being new and without the game in their inventory isn't enough to report.
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I prefer to enter the obvious fakes, just so they stop appearing on my front page.
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You're still assuming they would read that. If I made a fake Skyrim giveaway with description saying "fuck you all, you're not getting any game, I'm going to give 'winner's' mail address to every Nigerian prince in existence" I would still get comments like "thanks, so generous :D".
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How wonderfully bigoted of you.
There are over 5 billion people that don't speak English. There's 6.6 billion people in the world that don't speak English as a first language. You have no place to judge people for not being part of a small minority, especially when you yourself don't seem to speak English very well.
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Many countries in Asia have English as one of the most important launguages to learn about. I'm from canada but I currently reside in the philippines, and i do know quite a bit of people who are on steamgifts. Unless the "Asians" you were talking about is chinese and japanese, korans like that. I don't know if they also have an english subject there though.
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The real question should be how many english only speakers are using websites for transactions or to get free stuff on non-english websites without reading the damn instructions?
I don't care what language you speak. It's your responsibility to follow the rules. If I go to Singapore and chew gum and get in trouble for it then it's my fault for not knowing their laws before going there. This is no different and ignorance or laziness is not an excuse.
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How hard is it to know this? What's a giveaway? "Something given away free" or "The act of giving something away for free". The fact that you enter, or create, a giveaway should be common sense as to you're chances of winning or giving something away. If you're not fluent in English, there's so much you can do in this day and age to figure it're on a computer (or something with internet) so chances are you know how to work it and can figure this stuff out.
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Just because someone is new here and doesn't have the game in their inventory doesn't mean that they don't intend to buy it and gift it to the winner. Look at all of the Dead Island Riptide giveaways that were made before the game was even released. I know that some of you find it difficult to believe that someone on the internet might actually be a good person and want to buy a game as a gift but they shouldn't be called out until proven otherwise.
I plan to buy Fortix and give it away soon to see if it improves my kharma and allows me to win my own copy. I hope that people don't call me fake if I don't have it in my inventory yet when I do.
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Meh, it doesn't really hurt anyone and might serve as a learning tool for some. What I hate is when people shut down the give away to relaunch it again later for a group... but it is still currently their game they paid for, so why shouldn't they be allowed to decide its fate?
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15 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by Atombomb2097
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67 Comments - Last post 35 minutes ago by HowDareYou
people keep making fake giveaways due that they don't know how does this site works.administrators should just put a warning or something when they just register and they make a giveaway.. like "you must have this game as a gift or as a vaild key" whatever.. i keep reporting fake giveaways but as i see more and more are coming,as much as i appriciate other's giveaways i'd like to say that this cant continue, just put infront of the site a poping screen or whatever that says those stuff i said before..
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