What does that even mean? How many times can they post a game for sale at the same discount as before, WTF? Something new or underrated would be great not recycled shit again.
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What? Batman and Witcher both on yesterday for massive discount and now on vote so wtf?
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so wtf, some people might not buy and this is a chance for them to buy again. Maybe ran out of cash or something or was on vacation or bla bla.
Just be happy with wat you have. Steam is doing great and as a customer Im happy to that they are giving chances to everyone.
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I am happy, jesus do I sound sad? But see I want more.
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Buy Batman stop thinking, that game is great and looks fucking awesome if you got the system to run it all the way out.
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What? I got the entire thing for dirt ass cheap and unless they are releasing some new DLC with the GOTY I don't see how buying it now would be bad.
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I missed the GTA:IV vote & sale cos I was sleeping xD Stupid timezones.
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If you make something make it right . If you are gonna make a voting make it have sense and don't recycle games . What you are saying is dumb
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Not sure but you are talking to the other guy, I really can't figure out the reply format here so? Hard to understand if you are agreeing or not. And I might be retarded.
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Ok cool because that's what I thought, wasn't sure but now I am.
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I'm not sure what you're saying but I think you're saying "gift me skyrim"
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I can't they are stuck open from all the credit card numbers I have to enter all day long.
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But really its a sales tactic more then anything, just pretend its not there, on a positive note it lets people get sales they missed on occasion.
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I understand this plot but I really was hoping that the vote thing would allow more under privileged games to appear but WTF do I know I'm not Valve. As always it would just be nice for a change.
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Doubt even if this did not exist there would be more games on sale though.
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Possibly. I still think they could have better utilized the entire idea (and yes dear god I can't imagine how much they have earned doing it this way). Again I have bought plenty from all the specials yet seeing the same over and over etc kind of irks me.
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I am just glad we have sales that are this awesome a couple times a year.
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I agree, I love not sleeping which I don't do enough of as it is. And looking forward to buying something I normally wouldn't have because it's on sale is great more power to me and them.
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Thank you, you seem serious. I want stuff off my wishlist to show up. I am joking but I do mean anything other than what they are showing, maybe something that's not on my wishlist will show up and I'll buy it.
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So true. Things not talked about or overlooked would be great.
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I still can't believe there were people that voted for skyrim it was already 50%off
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Saints Row has been on sale 3 times now Witcher twice and almost all other big named dailys twice this is getting old.
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So I am not the only one, it's like ok we see that we sold x amount of y but I think we should do it again bc x wasn't enough last time, I mean yesterday.
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You're seriously whining about SALES? You aren't entitled to any sales. Valve is doing this because they can, not because you're entitled to it. Be happy with what you get because what other company is going to give you 75% off on major, recent releases? So what if some are on sale that have been on sale the day before. Some people miss sales, others want to buy it again as a gift for a friend. Seriously, be happy you get any sales at all and quit bitching
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Did I say I was unhappy? No. Just tired of nothing new showing up, is that so wrong? and +10 to this guy^
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I did not mean new as in release date sorry for the confusion, I meant new as in not listed.
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I check Amazon every Sat/Sun at midnight just to see if I can score something I won't have time to play.
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What about that change of address thing everyone keeps saying to do in order to buy from Amazon if you are not in the USA?
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I don't really get why deals that were on sale like a day earlier are popping back up the next day, I don't mind them repeating a deal but I think they should atleast spread them out. But if they're going to repost deals and stuff I hope Beyond Good & Evil pops up as a flash.
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im not sick of it i want dungeon defenders to go to 75% so i can grab some dlc
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I'm not sure but didn't they just do that because I just bought all the DLC I didn't have, sorry if you missed it. I am quite sure it'll show up again.
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they had a 66% midweek madness b4 the summer sale. but i didn't see a flash sale today
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It's all a blur sorry if I thought they did it during summer sale just checked emails and it was the day before. 66% is good but 75% is better.
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Nice, thank you. I stopped going to the steam forums got tired of all the bs more than even here. But thanks again.
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Shit, looking at these comments gives me the idea that you're pretty pissed. Like someone said before, it's for people who missed the sale . Just deal with it and stop whining, because complaining about it isn't going to fix anything.
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If you looked at my profile you would see I am not mad just confused on why they do it, and yes missing s sale from the day before is an understandable reason to re-post but still, variety would be nice. And I have written numerous emails to valve about this, no the fuck I haven't because it will do nothing (and I keep buying anyways). Just wanted to see if others felt the same that's all.
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Funny. And he's right because 0% isn't on sale but should be.
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I'm waiting to see if they'll throw up a "Every game on steam" bundle. Even at 75% off that's gotta be quite a chunk of change. But in regards to variety, yes I can see your point. Though if the same game is winning a community choice vote that was just on flash sale before, then obviously enough people missed it the first time to warrant the encore.
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I know but how you miss something like that, I mean people actually work for a living or have families? WTF? JK
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Ugh. Complaining about sales that let you save money in which you don't have to pay if you don't like? -_-
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No, not saving money if I keep spending it so no.
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I keep spending so it doesn't matter and never really has but different shit on sale is what does matter to me. And the games I do buy full price don't matter either.
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The choices are games from the other days! Ex: Skyrim, Deus Ex, and MW3 was a community sale, even though they were 75% the first day! I want Red Orchestra 2 damnit!
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I would hope so, otherwise why would it be on your wishlist?
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Yeah but that stupid wishlist never seems to get smaller.
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Resales are just fine. Especially for some of us broke lads who are still waiting on this month's paycheque. I'm hoping to see a couple of prices slashed again towards the end of this week. IMHO, only the daily deals should be guaranteed unique. Everything else is gravy.
I do agree with the spreading out bit though. If I didn't have funds / was out of town on Saturday to get Saints Row: the Third, another chance on Sunday will hardly help me.
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Great view on it, that's helpful. I just want to add, I am assuming they will do all the sales at the end so with this in mind I really do believe that variety should be the best in offering deals on front page.
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Whats fucked up is I voted for TW2 and I got that yesterday because I don't want Risen 2 and now I am a hypocrite! FTW
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I missed Skyrim; now I have another chance. I'm ever so sorry you're sick of seeing the same shit, really I am, but I have this thing where I care more about what I want than what you want. :)
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True that man. But Skyrim came out how long ago? JK Enjoy it.
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I don't think you are understanding this, it was 50% already not yesterday not this morning, but at the exact same time there was a vote for it to be 50% off
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Whoa I don't remember seeing that, really it was a flash/daily for 50% and had a vote for it? If true fucking crazy.
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Oh no, I do. I missed it when it was 50% off earlier in the week in the daily deal. It has now won the community choice vote and gone back to 50% for ~8 hours.
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I meant boondoc, sounds like he is saying Skyrim was 50% off twice in one day which I can't seem to believe, now 50% one day and another that's different (and pertains to this thread). Hope you get it and enjoy.
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Ah ok :) Yep, I got Skyrim, now I just need to wait for the new month so I don't go over my data cap :)
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Wow man you got problems, Skyrim way after it came out and now a data cap, life sucks. Just teasing, but really that data cap is bullshit.
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We've all seen that the voting system is a gimmick to attract more sales. It gives the potential buyer this sense of "OMG, last chance. Gotta buy!" and, since not everyone is constantly checking Steam, this multiplies Steam's revenue count...
... At least that's what I think.
However, don't jump to conclusions just yet. There are still six days left and anything could happen in the last couple of days.
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Yeah makes great sense and as stated before it seems to work and lets people who missed out etc, still want different choices. But it is what it is. I just wanted to hear what others thought and see if I wasn't the only one losing his fucking mind.
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everything on that steam summer sale badge is a revenue gimmick
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It only requires you to vote not buy something every vote unless I misunderstood what you are saying.
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Well, unless you want the "Save money!" task (which requires buying a discounted item during the event), you only have to vote. But here's the thing: The gimmick is to get people to look at and interact with the front page of the store on a daily basis or even more often if possible. The front page is just grids of games on sale, plus the voting widget, so you're exposed to the current deals anytime you vote.
The more times you look at the front page, the more likely you're going to go, "You know, I am going to buy Crysis 2 since it's on sale." Or whichever game, obviously.
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Valve is also collecting lots of valuable marketing data from the likely millions of votes it's receiving from its users. They can see not only what everyone decided to vote for in selection round X, but they can also see what YOU, an individual user, voted on over the course of the summer sale.
Plus, they can also turn to the publishers and developers and give/sell them that data combined with sales numbers. "X copies of Skyrim sold on Day A. On Day B, we sold Y copies when it was selected the community pick."
I just wish people would stop whining about SALES on ENTERTAINMENT. But every time I mention that people are being entitled whiners, I get branded as a troll.
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I don't see that in regards to you being a troll for saying that, but I am not complaining about the sale as a whole, just want more offered and not repeats which will more than likely happen the last day.
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Keep in mind that there are TONS OF SALES that aren't on the main page. Reddit's r/GamesDeals has been collecting and maintaining them.
The front page is only the start.
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Or do what I learned a while back during the xmas sale, just pick a category of games and set it by price, add to wishlist and buy it when it is that price or less.
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That's the best part about wishlists; they'll show you if the games you want are on sale. 90% of the time I put games on my wishlist not because maybe someone on my friends list will surprise me with them, but because it's easy for me to find them all in one place later when I've got some money to spare and want to buy a game. lol.
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Same way, what bothers me is I told my friends before you leave for the summer make sure to put stuff on your wishlist because I might surprise you, but no they couldn't be bothered with that could they, losers. JK I love my gang. And yes I agree about using it as a sales chart.
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As usual, what you say is definitely true.
About your last sentence, however, I don't know why people would consider it a troll comment but, more than whining, some are simply hoping to find a bargain price for the only game they were looking forward to. Perhaps it's their only chance to snatch the game without going overboard with their budget.
For example, I was fortunate enough to find what I wanted (and a little extra) at a great price. My limited budget wouldn't have given me the chance to buy all those games at full price. I would've probably felt frustrated otherwise, seeing great deals all around me except for those I wanted.
That doesn't mean that I'm entitled to demand a price reduction, not at all, but it's normal to feel a bit frustrated if you're only a few bucks away from buying it but you just can't (i.e. income awareness stops you from making a wrong decision).
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All true nothing wrong with this at all. But when you have pretty much covered those items on sale in flash/vote etc it would be nice to see something other than the same stuff, that's all.
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I won't link to it because that'd probably count as calling people out, but a few days ago someone basically started a thread that amounted to, "Wait, how come we don't get free stuff this time?" So I said he had first world problems. (As in, he's bitching about not getting free stuff in addition to being able to buy games at 30-80% off.) And apparently that makes me a massive trollish dick. Never mind that I'm willing to bet that the reason there's no free items (yet, at least; there are hints pointing towards summer-event-specific achievements, so this might change) is because of the massive abuses with the coal, proving to Valve that some of its userbase can't be trusted with the ability to get free stuff so nobody can have it.
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I saw that and it's whatever people want to interpret it as, either way maybe the OP was trolling IDK or IDGAF but for Valve to take away the chance for free stuff is cool with me. If you have to exploit/abuse something that's basically free you're a douche, end of fucking story.
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I think I know which thread you were referring to and, yes, I agree with you entirely. That's a very presumptuous and greedy mindset which I don't tolerate as well.
Nothing trollish or dickish about what you did, imo.
About the winter sales coal exploitation, it's a shame that some people got so disgustingly greedy. The usual rotten few than ruin it for everyone. :(
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Well I'm pretty sure Valve has all the statistics for what games the majority of people want and are using that for the basis of what becomes a poll choice. Also, not all developers want their games on sale so chances are, if they aren't already on sale or aren't going to be on sale later in the event, it probably won't become a poll choice.
That said, anything could happen so we'll just have to see.
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Thanks for your opinion, but posting it on SG will change nothing.
Mail it to Gabe and keep us informed ;)
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He's here now drinking from his golden chalice filled with our money telling me to GTFO forever.
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^Right? So what am I complaining about? I don't want to wait till the last day. Is this what I am complaining about? Fuck it I've lost all thought on this shit.
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11,114 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by jbondguy007
My memory isn't so great but it seems like they are regurgitating most of the daily deals or flash sales as far as I can remember them. They need to put stuff that hasn't been in either category because I am sick of seeing the same shit.
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