Hi everyone,

The stats page has been updated with information about active users (you'll need to be logged in to view the page). I started logging the data in August, so it's relatively new, but it does include some graphs that people might find interesting (e.g. how many users are active for any given contributor level).

There have been a few other changes to the site the past couple of days. You can find them in the change log.

2 hours ago

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Stats 💜

What's the time zone on
"Per Hour
The number of registered users that have been active each hour within our community."
Or is it localised to the users?

2 hours ago*

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It's UTC.

2 hours ago

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The stat andys send their warmest regards

2 hours ago

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This comment was deleted 2 hours ago.

2 hours ago

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Nifty, thank you!!!

2 hours ago

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now we need to know how many bots are from these people

2 hours ago

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This is nice to know. Thank you!

2 hours ago

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Pretty neat to get up-to-date stats. Thank you!
It's eye-opening to see how many active users there actually are vs the number of registered users from older stats.

2 hours ago

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It's so nice to finally get some data on how many people are active at the same time and how many users actually bother to at least log once in a while.
It's interesting to know that Saturday is the least active day and that lvl 0 isn't the most active. Also I finally have confirmation that any given day there's more people here who speak English as a second language than those who are native.

2 hours ago

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Wow Poland is pretty high:).

Ps. Very interesting statistics although I feel some drama in future:)

2 hours ago

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What about the inactive users? What are they up to?

1 hour ago

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My brain likey numbers

1 hour ago

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Um, did this somehow break the Do You Even Play, Bro? addon?

Or is it my browser that is broken?!


1 hour ago

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Not just you, seems to load endlessly now.

1 hour ago

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It's broken for me too. It asks me to provide an API key again, but doesn't respond when I click on the button.
Tried it on Opera and Firefox.

View attached image.
1 hour ago

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Works for a Micro$ whore like me on Edge. This aside I feel those alterations are rather useless and only try to distract from the pressing issues the site has (wink, wink).

1 hour ago

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pressing issues the site has (wink, wink).

Hmm... What could it be?

View attached image.
1 hour ago

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Glancing at the code for the add-on, I'm assuming it's breaking because of a change to outgoing Steam links. The regular expressions in the add-on are looking for a trailing slash that is no longer there. Search for each of the below lines in the code for the add-on...

var id = $ga_icon.attr("href").match(/https?:\/\/store.steampowered.com\/([^\/]*)\/([0-9]*)\//);

var type = $link.attr("href").match(/https?:\/\/store.steampowered.com\/([^\/]*)\/[0-9]*\//);

id = url.match(/https?:\/\/store.steampowered.com\/([^\/]*)\/([0-9]*)\//),

And replace them with these lines...

var id = $ga_icon.attr("href").match(/https?:\/\/store.steampowered.com\/([^\/]*)\/([0-9]*)/);

var type = $link.attr("href").match(/https?:\/\/store.steampowered.com\/([^\/]*)\/[0-9]*/);

id = url.match(/https?:\/\/store.steampowered.com\/([^\/]*)\/([0-9]*)/),

That should fix the issue, but I don't have the add-on installed, so I'm unable to verify.

56 minutes ago

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That did the trick... Thanks

50 minutes ago

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Interesting stuff. It's quite a surprise how the active user numbers are the lowest every Saturday.

1 hour ago

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I was not surprised. I saw lower entries (or just activity) in weekends:). For example if you make GA in Monday or in Weekend.

1 hour ago

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People gonna say to make level 8 giveaways now to avoid any bots. There's more level 1's than level 0's, and there's more level 3s and 4s combined than level 1's. Up until level 8 the differences aren't big at all. Hopefully this provides some clarification and daily data to all the tin foil enjoyers.

Also the daily active users by country is kinda nuts too, considering how popular this is to Russians and Brazilians, but not to China, Canada or the UK , and to see Saturday not being a popular day is kinda strange too. Also strange to see Kazakhstan has about as many active users daily as Japan, like wat? Didn't even know they could game.

Thanks for the data :)

1 hour ago

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Didn't even know they could game.

Don't ever underestimate Kazakhs and their hands on approach to gaming.

View attached image.
54 minutes ago

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From 28 581 to 28 143 .... SG is dead :D
Thanks for nice update ;)

7 minutes ago

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