It's my cake day! Where are my gifts?
First i want to tell you a story if you got time otherwise you can pass this scene. For a while ago my pc broke (My brother did it not me) and i tried everything. I was looking forums, YouTube, asking random people, trying to fix myself but nothing worked and i said "I am living in SG. Let's try to ask those people too." I opened a thread. I told my problem and suddenly you guys started to help me. You were like "Did you try that, do this, show that, post a photo, what are the specs tell us" etc. Eventually we couldn't fix it maybe i broke some more but that's okay. I always love this community from the beginning but the part that shock me was you don't even know me but some of you even got sad for me. However every good thing has an ending point. I am going to be a soldier. I was waiting to be called. Today the message came and next month I'll be on my way. (In my country every citizen that are over 20 have to go to military for 6 or 12 months) And you know the situations are little bit complicated these days. Of course I'll be back if nothing happens and will be the new president of SteamGifts. Until then you need to stay with current moderators. Anyways before i go i want to spend more time with you. So, i came with this idea that i always want to do since my first day.

I want to play a game
There are no rules. Just convince me to whitelist you. It's going to be a little game. You can comment anything. With a funny gif, a good video, a movie or a game recommendation, a joke or even some random things that you think would make me convince. Everything counts. Only rule to make the others think harder and push their imagination beyond their limits is: if i answer a comment that means you are in, no one can make the same comment. For example, you said "I will whitelist you back" and i respond "You are in" etc. I am only giving this example to not to give spoiler No other comments similar to this counts. So be creative, write something that no one could imagine or copy. It's going to be so much funny and show this people's creativity. Just give it a shot. It'll be fun.

I will add every comment that i found convincing here. So, you can check before write anything. Like i said in my cake day discussion i am checking this site couple of times every day. So, if i didn't answer your comments in 12 hours that means you couldn't make it. So try again or quit. Majority of the gamblers quit right before the jackpot. Remember that.

Now let's play!

My first real puzzle train. It has 4 steps. This is the first one:

Tango Whiskey Delta Echo^ Delta Golf Whiskey^

Games: STRIDER, Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive, Scribblenauts Unmasked, Fort Solis, House Flipper Pets VR


  1. When people want to post a meme or a gif majority using this site.
  2. Some of you already solved the first part but couldn't get there because you are adding extra words to it. Try this "site name/code"
  3. For the second part, you need to look closer and assemble the pieces.
  4. If you got stuck on the third part remember everything has a unique id.
  5. For last part turn back to stage 3 and read more carefully if you can.


1) Start with spelling alphabet twdEdgW
2) Go to imgur make puzzle gif xppnncpr
3) Make a jigidi and post a permalink to my first giveaway
4) And post the GA code in braille language w93s9

  • Don't just try to get in. Maybe i won't even do a whitelist GA or maybe I'll do some junk games. Try to have fun.

Thanks to aliihsandikmen for correcting a point in puzzle.
No more joke
No more this thing what even is it But definitely check that.
Didn't expect a poem
A good speech
For revenge
A memory about the super dead target
Interesting topic to discuss
I put my soul into this comment I hope you liked it
Just yoghurt
For understanding this threads real meaning! WaxWorm
Funny gif
Site recommendation
A little exception
That's what i am talking about
For being Einstein
That's art
Everything is white
A story about me
Portal 2 YouTube video!
Special thanks to these people. They know why.
MarvashMagalli, Almostn33t, s4k1s

I have to write this, some of you even surpassed my imagination and done some unique things. Thank you so much.

1 month ago*

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Thanks for the puzzles and train, ErhanT! I appreciated that you hit on many of the usual suspects for puzzling on this site. Your descriptions (and this whole thread, really) are nice and wholesome, too. The title, though, has gotten The Fray randomly stuck in my head all day....

1 month ago

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Thank you. Wait for the next one, that's better. ;)

1 month ago

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