As the title states, I would like to know what do you think about online dating sites. I would like to hear your opinions and stories whether you had some experience with them or not. Or if anyone around you had any experience with them. Please note that I don't differ between paid and free dating sites, take it as a one general thing,

I know it's fun to troll or mess around in the forums, but I would like some serious answers. I also know these sites are very different around the world, but there's not much I can do about that.

As somebody will probably ask... The reason why I want to know is because I'm sick and tired of being alone and have basically zero chances to meet somebody, ever. I always thought about trying these dating sites, but have been sceptical, thinking it would be a waste of time.

9 years ago

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Same question as the title for the lazy ones who don't feel like writing.

View Results
They are great/They are awesome.
They are ok.
I don't know/I don't have an opinion.
They are nothing much.
They are useless/They suck.
I don't want to answer, I just want to click something.

Well, personally, I would never use such a site, but if people can find their love through this, it's quite great! :)
There are always many dangers though and you don't know who the person really is. I prefer socializing irl, it's more personal and you get a better impression of the one you talk to.

9 years ago

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This. Can't phrase an opinion as I'd never use those, too impersonnal. Besides I've never had a need for them.

9 years ago

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Sadly there are many people with no time for socialize. They are mostly the ones who search into paid dating webs.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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As I said, those pages are not for us, are for stressed full workers with no time in their lives to socialize.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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no time for socialize
Solid foundation.

9 years ago

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I tried OKCupid, it's pretty okay, though I never had the motivation to actually try to hook up with people :D

Imho you probably have more chance to find a partner in communities that are about a shared hobby or fandom.

Btw if you're a straight guy, before you dive in, here are some "don't be like this" examples:

9 years ago

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I got a few hookups with OKCupid, a couple of dates with nutjobs, and it is how I met my wife. Ya never know...

9 years ago

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So you are saying your wife is a nutjob? Good choice, normal people are boring ;)

9 years ago

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I think it could work after all. Like always, you have to keep away from the trolls/scams and try to find something that works :)

9 years ago

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Online dating websites... They are depressing. To be honest thats the feeling i have and when i try them, i feele evn more miserable than before because its hard to get answers, even putting time, effort in what you write, trying to improve,etc. I tired them becausei actually have issues for "socializing irl", until i realized it would tbe the same with those sites.Sincei couldnt afford a monthly fee forever or rather didnt want to waste money i unsubscribed and closed the shelter door once again.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago*

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A person you meet in person could be and do all of those things. But I get your point.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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SteamGifts is supposedly the best dating site around.........

9 years ago

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Really? Then I must have been doing something wrong for these 2 years...

9 years ago

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how you doing ;)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Remember my super cool Rattata? My Rattata is different from regular Rattata. It’s like my Rattata is in the top percentage of Rattatas.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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NO HE'S NOT. He constantly calls me to talk about his top percentage Rattata.

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9 years ago

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We were on a break!

Woops, wrong person. ;p

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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They can work, if you know what you're looking for. There's tons of people looking for relationships, you just have to be persistent ;)

9 years ago

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I didn't try online dating websites. I met someone on random chat room 6 years ago and now we're engaged.

Too be honest the whole idea of those dating websites is based on creating profile, answering questions so people try to impress each other and simply lie. Second thing it's not very natural way to socialize, it looks more like picking stuff in the store and putting into cart: "that one looks nice", "oh! Maybe this one? He/she said he/she likes action movies!". It doesn't seem right.
I think you've got bigger chance when you're TALKING WITH PEOPLE! Not necessarily in real life, I mean forums, chat, e-mail, somewhere where you're active, with people who got similar hobby.

9 years ago

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I kind of have the same outlook as you, when it comes to dating sites. It feels like a shop where you pick the best looking fruit (aka people).

Your advice (the talking) is very nice, but usually runs in to the problem that the people I talk to are from a different country. And the local chats/forums/stuff? Meh...

9 years ago

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Whatever floats your boat.

9 years ago

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That answer may be serious, but is it helpful?

9 years ago

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Helpful for keeping your boat afloat? Yes, very much so.

9 years ago

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17 years ago (yes, internet already existed back then) I met a girl through an online dating site (It was a Dutch site that doesn't exist anymore).
Today we have 2 kids and celebrate our 15 year marriage (which will be next week actually).
So yes, I think it certainly can be a great way to meet other people. Especially if you feel like your chances in real life are low.
But beware, meeting people and having a relationship with them are 2 different things. A resulting relationship still happens in real life and is equally difficult, no matter how you met.

9 years ago

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Well, I don't say they are BAD. I just think that the real world is better, but if you don't find someone, go for it.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Like Sir9, I met my wife through an online dating site, so looks like they certainly serve their job. You get to date more varied people than in normal dating, which is to say, some people you wouldn't go out with otherwise, but you also meet some nice ones, and since most of these people are really looking for a relationship it can be easier and less stressful in this respect than IRL.

9 years ago

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There are a lot of mental people on them .... I know from my time on one but I did meet my wife via one after I gave up looking cause of the 5 or 6 crazy women i meet, sure they looked normal at first but damn after one date some wanted to have kids and get married others wanted me to be a father to the kids they already had ect.

To be hones I met just about as many crazy women in real life it was in fact easier to filter some out using a sight and talking via email first, but you never really know until you meet them and just like in real life you only really know what people are like after spending time with them.

Problem i had was my line of work kept me away from home and I wanted to meet some one local to me and not just pick some one up in a bar or club while drunk that was easy enough but damn some of those women were way worse then the one online. Ever had some telling you there are pregnant then they lost the baby only to tell you months later that is was twins and one baby died and the other is alive? Oh yeah and the dates didn't add up and they wouldn't show you any of the stuff the hospital gave you and they rang you 30-50 times a day ... I had to call the cops on her in the end she kept showing up at my house and stuff.

So yeah I thought it might be safer to have some anonymity from these women and joined a sight years ago mainly cause i'd met crazy ass bunny boilers I didn't want to pick up women in bars/clubs any more. I found there were just as many crazies online as in real life and you and gave up looking, some of these women lied so much you could tell that through emails ect others managed to get a meal or a few dates out of me before showing their true colours.

So while they scare the shit out of me for the most part when I stopped looking my now wife found me and started to message me, I held no hopes of her not being crazy like all the others. We met she was normal and we've been together since then, so I guess it doesn't really matter if you use a sight or date the normal way there are tons of pit falls and crazy people out there.

If it's meant to happen it will, using a sight or not wont really change that there are crazy people out there and normal ones but my god if you find a normal person either way hold on to them lol.

9 years ago

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Thank you for the detailed input :D

9 years ago

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I never use and don't plan to use.

9 years ago

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Having used them for a few years now, I can say that they are completely useless. Not because the sites themselves are bad, but because everyone on them is shallow. If you have a photo uploaded, and you AREN'T the hottest thing on two-legs, you aren't going to be getting any messages or getting responses to your messages.

This goes for free and paid sites. I've tried both.

9 years ago

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I am definitely not the hottest thing on two legs. But look at it this way, if somebody does reply to you and/or wants to meet, he/she doesn't care too much about the looks. Or is totally desperate :D

9 years ago

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You'd want to avoid the desperate ones. :P

9 years ago

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Long time ago I decided to create a profile on a dating site, but after it matched me with a friend of mine I decided to just leave it at that and never look back.

9 years ago

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pointless. you're already HERE

just...hook up with one of us

9 years ago

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So, when are you free?

9 years ago

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Since he didn't replied, I'm free right now, babe ;*

9 years ago

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So, insert flirting voice where are you from?

9 years ago*

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I'm from a small planet called Amphibios 9, how 'bout you?

9 years ago

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What's your opinion on online dating sites?

I'm enjoying SG so far

9 years ago

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Next we'll be making a loveboat intro to SteamGifts featuring all your favourite SteamGifts characters.

9 years ago

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I already did a summoning guide in valentine's day, but something that would match me with some user would be great, although I'm pretty sure Yeliena would go on a rampage claiming my butt only belongs to her and her banana

9 years ago

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so you n psychoclown
what's cooking there?

9 years ago

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True Love. Don't you know?

9 years ago

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Someone said cooking? I smell pizza

9 years ago

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That would be me.

9 years ago

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I said pizza, not asshole.

9 years ago

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You'd even sell your mother for a slice of my pizza.

9 years ago

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I'll just get yours in your multiverse nonsense.

infinite pizza

9 years ago

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You rule only one Universe, you dumb fuck. I am the President of the Multiverse!

9 years ago

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More like Cuntland

9 years ago*

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Banhammer incoming. :>

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Huehuehuehuehue little Bear scared of banhammer.

9 years ago

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I can't be banned. Remember? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

9 years ago

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Regardless, we probably should make one. I've always wanted to say the following line:

"Luxy, Yeliena, Murk, Turret, Clown, Zombie, Llama, Meow, Bear, Frog, Gabz, Fyan, Khalaq, Kathleen and Pesmerga! Report to the ship as soon as possible! We'll bang okay?

9 years ago

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Yes, heretical gangbang. As the president I should go first. To be raped of course

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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You can never go wrong with gamer poop

9 years ago

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I'm glad being a part of such a VIP group. I would rather be excluded from the latter though.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Don't bother with any of them. Not worth your time.

Then again, neither is believing in the fates greatest joke played upon humanity- love.

But that's just my acceptance that I'm not meant for anyone speaking.

9 years ago

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Never tried it.
personal opinion is easier to trust person who we have meet IRL than on net.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Too many fake profiles, fake glasses girls with fake big boobs and fake russian voices... also there is too many dogs and horse limes D:

And there is rule 29 and 30... D:

View attached image.
View attached image.
9 years ago*

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No opinion other than knowing that they're not for me. Specifically setting out to seek a relationship or even just sex is something I can't ever see myself doing. I've always let things happen spontaneously or by chance and have never thought "I want a relationship".

9 years ago

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Yeah, I was always that way, too. But when you are still single after a few years while everyone around you isn't.... AND you're in that age, when you should be starting a family (or at least be in a serious relationship) and you aren't.... It's just kind of hard from time to time.

9 years ago

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I used to browse them for shits and giggles, but the thing that really shits me about them is the number of grown arse women on there who claim to be in their 30s and older who just can't fucking spell! They type in text speak like u and "I lyk staying in 2" and all that sort of shit and you just KNOW that they're a few beers shorts of a 6 Pack because the lack of spelling/grammar/punctuation is all OVER their dating profile, yet they claim they're sick of arseholes and want to be treated like a princess? I don't think so...but what really grinds my gears is women claiming to read but all they "read" is magazines! Sweetie, I don't think gossip rags like No Idea and Women's Monthly and OK and all that shit actually count as proper reading, sorry...that being said, I met my current gf through whatever works for you, just do it ;)

9 years ago

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Wow, now I wonder what the men are like.

9 years ago

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I met my wife through a dating site so I can vouch for the fact that they do work for some people.

Just don't think of it as a magic way of finding love. It's more like an extra avenue to meet people that may or may not be right for you. It's merely an alternative to the bar scene or other similar venue.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Minous2.