You do not know how freaked out I got watching this....
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You can find plenty of articles related to overcoming fears/phobias. Here are two decent ones that I found:
Just ignore the stupid comments people leave here. Good luck finding something that works for you. (:
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Thank you, I'll just halfway reading the first one ^^
Not on phobia level and panic though, just shocked ;_;
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they can transmit diseases and viruses plus bacteria.salmonella, staphylococcus and streptococcus are some examples. They also taste with their feet, which means if they crawl on you, they are essentially licking you. Getting a disease from them is not common, but they are just all around disgusting
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I was, and still am, afraid of spiders. When I was younger, I would start to scream and panic, but it got better.
It's kind of silly, but I started by giving them names. Fridolin was the hugh spider that lived in our cellar. After awhile, it felt natural to see him there, say hi and he was not scary anymore. He was simply a small animal that probably never realized that I was there.
Then I thought how unfair it is to kill them just because they enter our houses, I mean, they are useful, right? So whenever I saw a spider that was moving relatively slow, I would catch and release it in the garden or on the balcony. If they look harmless, and are small enough, I even catch them with my bare hands, or a simple piece of paper.
I know, cockroaches aren't as useful as spiders, but... it's not like they are just pests, they are awesome little creatures that can survive almost everything. Maybe it will help you to read about their abilities, get to know them a bit better and if you frequently see them, just give them a funny name ^^ 'Cockroach' sounds way more nasty and scary than Sillybell or Gustav.
Good luck with overcoming your fear :3
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I guess the names make it easier to see them as 'normal animals' rather than 'creepy insects', maybe even a strange form of a pet. Or it just humanizes them? I don't know, but I find it harder to be afraid of Fridolin than of his nameless brother and I would certainly never kill my friend Fridolin.
Yes, now I even smile when I see a spider in my bedroom and cheer them on to catch every mosquito that tries to turn me into his meal. And as long as they keep away from my pillow, everything's fine.
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Like you, I wish not to kill any living creature, if dragonfly or moth got trapped in the house, I can grab it and place it outside.
There's exception for "coco", red ants, termite, and mosquito ><
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Play this game, finish it, learn from it and im sure you'l do just fine the next time you come across a cockroach or other creepy crawly = (Just kidding, i dont know how to help you, doubt there is a way to eradicate your fear of cockroaches, just like i wont stop fearing spiders and wasps and such, never got stung by them by the way and id like to keep it that way, no matter how much of a fool il make of myself in people's eyes if it would mean to avoid bites and stuff. Anyway, good luck with the cockroach problem, its gonna be a huuuge hassle..)
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Hmm... Interesting, but I'm unaffected by gore or disgusting graphic ;_;
I'll try it on weekend
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How to overcome your fear of bugs in 3 easy steps....
Step 1. Build a box... basically coffin size, made out of real thick Plexiglas and make sure it has a lid that can open and close. Also make sure there are lots of small holes, smaller then the bugs.
Step 2. Have some good friends tie you up nice and tight and put you in the box.
Step 3. Have them pour in about 5 or 10 pounds of the bugs you dislike, then superglue the lid closed.
At this point you might be asking how is this going to help, but it will be a little too late cause you will be tied up in a clear box with 5 to 10 pounds of bugs crawling on you, as your friends take video and pictures of you going out of your mind insane....
After your mind has broken, you will no longer be afraid of bugs... well maybe... but well you really won't care cause you will more likely be drooling over in the corner...
You know come to think of it this might not be the best idea for helping you over come your fear of bugs...
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Imagine me having pet coco is... feels strange @_@
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Watch this movie? ;) (trailer)
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eh, thats just like how i overcame my fear of tigers too.
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Tarantulas don't bite unless provoked. They're like 8-legged hamsters. My college roommates were slobs, I dislike insects, and rather than keep the spiders in their terrarium, I'd let them roam my bedroom and keep it insect-free (I had 3 of them). They were always pretty easy to locate, too -- kinda hard to miss a 5-6 inch spider. :)
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yeah but they arent exactly huge either. i mean by spider standards sure they are but its still something you could easily overlook, especially if you come home drunk :P
theres nothing like throwing yourself on your bed, and landing on top of a tarantula >:< not to mention, if that happens and you have 3 of them... there would also be 2 witnesses ! as in 2 pissed off tarantulas ! scary :p
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I've watched the first episode of the first season and didn't like the animation too much. It seemed to me the they tried to censor out the blood and violence. It seems strange regarding the violent nature of the manga. I prefer if the animation stays as close to their source material as possible. Maybe I'll give it a second chance since the manga is really interesting although confusing at later parts.
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Find something scarier than them, or just make yourself angry and make a physical contact with them.
I think the best way to overcome a certain fear is, just to get used to it.
I remember I was really afraid of dark back then, but I had a few situations when there was no choice but to endure being in darkness for a while, after that I realized I wasn't afraid of it anymore.
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Barring some kind of Kafka transformation, you should be okay driving without a roach in your car again. I'd just keep the car clean of food debris and you shouldn't have to worry about roaches in the future. You shouldn't really need to overcome your fear of bugs to drive - I'd lose my shit too if a roach was in my car while I was driving, and most likely crash, but I've been driving 20+ years and have never had an issue.
OBV. I don't know where you are specifically from, it's possible you are living somewhere filled with roaches - like moving carpets of roaches, roaches as neighbors, roaches in the government - if this is true, I apologize and you probably have a 99% chance of having a roach in the car (OR MAYBE THE CAR IS A ROACH - M Night Shamalyan.)
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Pick a small one up. Then a bigger one. Then a bigger one.
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How to face your fears:
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Kill It With Fire!!!
Actually, I understand your problem. My wife is afraid of spiders, so now I have an instinct to kill every spider I see, even if my wife is not around. And I'm afraid of crocodiles...
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I HATE live cockroach...
It move sooo fast, have hairy legs, very durable, and invading my house @_@
The problem is... I want learn to drive then recently it's somehow appeared inside the car.
I thought it died, so I want to pick and throw it out, BUT it moves asdfg, I screaming because of the shock @_@
My brother (the driver) got mad at me and start nagging that I can get into accident if I shocked easily when I drive (he's right but I tend to keep calm in real situation).
I'm fine with other bugs but not this one... How to overcome fear of it..?
Sorry for strange english...
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