Hello, i had a script (i dont remember which - Enhanced steam, sth or some other) that was providing links under each card, so you could go directly to that card page.

from page ike this


You could go to any of these in one click


Any ideas what to use?

It also shown prices for each card.

5 years ago*

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It was Enhanced Steam. It was discontinued, this is its successor: https://es.isthereanydeal.com/

5 years ago

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Enhanced aka Augmented Steam displays the prices like Talgaby wrote and linked.
But a link to the special card listing at the market is only provided by Steam if the card if you don't have the card yet. Steam Economy Enhancer doesn't provide that. Did you use Steam Inventory Helper (not recommended)?

5 years ago

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I'm not sure what you're trying to say but Enhanced Steam (and now Augmented Steam) definitely gives you a link to the listing, it doesn't just "display the prices"

5 years ago

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Sorry, you're right, the price display is also a link to the market listing. I haven't noticed that yet and when I checked it yesterday I expected an additional button/link.

5 years ago

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