I would hope there is only one user like that. :)
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I mean .... based on the comments here , seems like that guy was an asshole who came seeking attention and mby get some free shit .
I assume support quickly dealt with him tho ...
As for the question ... if i take it to the letter ... do i care about the username or the avatar of people , even if it can be something people can consider offensive ?
Not really ... anything is considered offensive nowadays ...and to be fair most people who feel offended by random stuff like that dont really have any basis to feel that way
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I'm curious what would you consider crossing the line or does anything go?
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Honestly I am less okay with people (mostly Americans from what I can see) being offended by every single damn thing nowadays than I am about someone using arguably inappropriate avatar or username.
In general I don't like people who use memes for their usernames though, because most of those are trolls or just very immature so I tend to avoid interaction them.
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So we should reward people and do nothing because trolls are going to be trolls and racists are going to be racist?
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You don't want people hiding behind anonymity, but... Many won't answer your question honestly without anonymity out of fear of retaliation.
That said, I personally don't care who uses what name or says what. Words are words, nothing more. The sooner people stop getting offended by every little thing under the sun, the sooner idiots will stop trying to elicit a response. It's simple power dynamics, you get angry or upset, you grant power where power should not exist.
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I'm know people are afraid to talk. I expect most people will avoid the conversation for any number of reasons so appreciate anyone who actually answers the question.
Words have meaning, otherwise they would be random letters and noises. And I'm more concerned about the mentality of the person who uses the words. A person in a position of power can have an effect on a person's life. Would you be okay with a police officer calling a bunch of black people Dindus?
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Another reason I didn't want to add a poll was because I was looking for more than one word answers, but at least you answered.
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I get what you are saying, but the only reason I even know of the user was because they were bold enough to troll in the forums. If they win one of my giveaways, then what? Should they be rewarded for being a human trash can?
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I don't have problems with usenames or avatars in general. Been around for too long already to be affected much by things like that.
It's just a first impression, I'll judge a person by how they act beyond that
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So let's say user has a name "IFuckLittleBoys" and they act completely normal otherwise. You would be okay with that? Where do you draw the line? Is "subtle" racism and prejudice not in your face enough?
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Yes, censorship is sometimes taken too far, but toned down would be an understatement when the user's Steam name and custom URL are Dindu Nuffin. There is no play on words. It is literally the racist meme.
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It's difficult to take you seriously with that avatar of yours.
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He's a pretty shitty guy. While Xykon is evil just for the hell of it, Redcloak is the supremacist version of the oots universe.
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Wow, are you seriously justifying Redcloack? I thought that mass slaughter would have been quite the hint.
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im trying to work out, why adolfhitler 1488 and not like adolfhitler1939 or something?
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It's not in reference to a date. 88 is supposed to be a code for 'Heil Hitler' as H is the eigth letter of the alphabet so 88 is HH. The 14 is something to do with a speech Hitler gave where a particular sentence is 14 words long. So 1488 became a Hitler/Nazi meme.
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both are coined by david lane, the 14 words code and the 88 precepts (to match the hh in the alphabet).
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The 88 stands for HH (heil hitler), the H being the 8th character in the aphabet. The 14 I had to look up, appears it is a reference to a 14 word statement by David Lane “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”.
Normally it's used as a way to 'camouflage' the real meaning, but I'm not so sure how effective that is when you put Adolf Hitler in the same name...
Edit: ok me, maybe next time refresh the page after taking a nap...
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That is why I'm asking. Where is the line? Does it have to be so in your face that support can no longer ignore it?
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Thanks for the replies so far. I'll respond later, when I have more time.
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I don't really judge people (and especially internet users) based on their username or avatar, it's a pretty childish thing to do. Doing it with what they post it's another story, however.
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Without context it's difficult to judge. It could mean that the user put that avatar just for trolling people or to piss off someone in his friend list, especially when it is some kind of meme like the one in the OP.
Besides, where do you draw the line when talking about what is offensive or racist? I have a black friend who put his own photo where he was making a funny face as an avatar and he got banned from a forum under the reasoning of racism.
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If someone wants to post garbage memes, there are places on the internet that would welcome them with open arms. I would hope Steam and Steam Gifts wasn't the place for that.
Your story about your friend is moderation taken too far, but can you blame a forum, or anything really, for trying avoid racism? It is a damn plague, and I do not envy anyone who has to moderate it.
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It's not us you have to ask. SEnd a support ticket reporting the user.
Yes, I know there's a huge backlog of user reports. But, hey, what are the rest of us going to do about it?
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I did send a ticket to support. They closed it and did nothing to the user. So, here we are.
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At this point then, I say ignore the user. What you are doing is incitement - and you don't even know what you are inciting. But calling out to publicly shame and harass? Is that what you're after? Give it up. This is not a good thing for this forum.
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Tolerating racist avatars and names is good for this forum though? What in the fuck are you talking about?
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If the guy was otherwise breaking the rules, then fine. But I find the idea abhorrent that someone should be banned for a joke username or profile picture. Being offended is not a good reason for doing anything.
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If you think racism, subtle or otherwise, is a "joke" then I would question your character.
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I thought this was a person until I saw your meme link. I clearly do not know my memes.
As far as your question, now that I am informed I am not okay, but I like to err on the side of free speech. People should be free to chose what they want as their usernames and avatars, and we are free to blacklist them if they chose something racist or offensive.
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Like you said, people can say and do whatever they want, but those things you say and do can have consequences. Cg or support could not allow someone to be rewarded for being a piece of shit.
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If you are such a coward to speak, then don't.
And nope. They are free to win games like any other non-racist user.
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I dislike the rampant political correctness that seems to control media these days. I am always for free speech and that includes all political views - even those I find repellent. But I am not okay with the use of racial or sexual epithets here or anywhere else.
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People can say and do whatever they want, but those things you say and do can have consequences. Cg or support could not allow someone to be rewarded for being a piece of shit.
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I think you misunderstood my meaning. While I support free expression of political opinions, in any forum (which doesn't mean that CG has to support it, of course), I draw the line at racial slurs such as this or gender slurs etc. and I don't think that they should be tolerated here.
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At first glance I thought this said Dunder Mifflin, I was all excited about having a tread about The Office.
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Did you report them to Steam? Did you blacklist them here? That's all you can do. Trying to start a witchhunt however just because of a stupid avatar is not a good reason.
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Yes, I have done both. And that's not all that I can do. I made this thread to find out where the line is. It's not a stupid avatar. My avatar is stupid. That shit is racist as fuck.
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Are you okay with a user being able to use Steam Gifts while having Dindu Nuffin in their avatar and Steam user name?
I'd love to hear your thoughts, and I didn't add a poll because I don't want people hiding behind anonymity.
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