Which staple food powers the better bundle poll options: potato, passata or avocado?
I´m gonna go game-by-game again and see what I´d be willing to pay for each one.
Expeditions: Rome 1€
Looks nice, but chances are slim I´m ever gonna play it.
Midnight Fight Express 0€
Not really my style. I can see myself having a few minutes of fun with it, but thats about it.
ELEX II 2,50€
Im a big fan of the old Piranha Bytes games (Gothic 1&2), but I´ve still got the whole Risen-series and the first ELEX on my pile of shame... I´m sure I´m gonna play this someday, but probaply not this decade.
Nobody Saves the World 2€
Not sure about this one, but could be good fun.
The Gunk 2€
Seems like a nice snack-game for my Steam Deck.
The Pale Beyond 5€
My personal highlight this month. Great atmosphere, hard choices and a well told story. Count me in!
Last Call BBS 2€
Dont know what to expect, but it does look interesting. Also the OS reminds me of Amiga Workbench. Good times ^^
From Space 0€
Might be fun, but doesn´t really look that appealing to me. Nothing I´d need.
Personal worth of the bundle: 14,50€
What I payed for one month subsciption: 7,25€
YES, its a buy!
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"Im a big fan of the old Piranha Bytes games (Gothic 1&2), but I´ve still got the whole Risen-series and the first ELEX on my pile of shame... I´m sure I´m gonna play this someday, but probaply not this decade."
I think you can safely skip Risen 2 & 3, they're pretty mediocre games. The first Risen is quite good though, as is the first ELEX.
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I enjoyed Risen 1 and 2. 3 was straight trash IMO though.
Elex was fun.
All are pretty challenging at first.
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Thanks for the input. I´m gonna give them all a fair chance at least, but maybe I´ll have to lower my expectations ^^"
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Correct 👍 Skipped a few months, so I´m still running on last years offer.
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It's the responsibility of the creator to set up the giveaway with the correct region restrictions anyway and you can't enter giveaways outside of your region. So as long as you have the correct region set in your Steam account, you're good.
If you still happen to win a key you can't activate due to region locks and the creator can't provide an alternative, you can decide if you agree to deleting the giveaway or set it to "not received" after 7 days. Usually in these cases mods won't allow a reroll because of the risk of it happening again.
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Yup, they have no region locks.
You can enter Expeditions: Rome and Elex too, as long as the giveaway creator is not from RU/CIS + LATAM + SEA + Turkey (or rather, if they didn't buy it from those countries).
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You will however fall back to 10% store discount whenever you skip a month and will have to build it up again, if you care about that. But that's no different from the monthly subscription.
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That I don't really care. I wanted to buy only once newly released game in humble store and they were threatening me with ban, because I asked about region restrictions as it was for giveaway. It was full price game from their main store... how come I am not allowed do with key whatever I want? Never gonna consider again to use their site for anything else than bundles.
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Yeah, never, EVER buy anything at the Humble Store if you want to give it away. Even if it's a gift link, they really don't like it when non-Americans use it to buy games. They also threatened to ban my account for "reselling games" after I tried to gift a monthly to a friend and had to fight with them to give me my money back.
I only use the store for the rare game that is cheaper at Humble than on Steam directly because of publisher stupidity (e.g. the price being higher than USD for no damn reason.)
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Even if it's a gift link
Especially if it is a gift link. We have had bunch of threads here on SG dealing with this. This goes to xxxka as well.
Humble considers using gift links only for "friends". Don't argue at me for why and how that is dumb, as I agree. Just stating their point of view. As for SG - they consider this raffling. Users enter with points and win games. So practically speaking they have a point here.
You might ask how they know that the person you gift to isnt your friend? Well, most usually its the gifters fault. You don't contact them saying the game is for a giveaway (they consider these a raffle, so why even argue?). I have had issues with gift links and I have only said that I am giving it to a friend. Thats it - nothing more nothing less. Gets resolved quickly.
BUT when most of your library is gift links sent to different Steam accounts - thats a red flag again. And their rules don't allow trading and reselling. Which again I don't care how you see it, they simply don't allow it. And when they see a user with tens of games given away to random countries and random people - that is a red flag.. and a big one.
This is a theory as it has not been proved - but the talk is that they have traders (or those who are banned already) flagged in the system. And when you give a gift link to someone who is a known trader (which could be practically anyone on SG for all you know) you get flagged as trader and banned as well. IMO that makes sense. I don't agree with it and obviously you should be able to do with the keys as you wish. BUT they still have their rules in place which are supposed to tackle trader issue which I believe should be stopped. But eventually the control mechanism will flag those who don't abuse the system and cause issues....
As for your case - Frankly I have no idea why HB should ban you for gifting the whole choice bundle (If I understand correctly you here), but look back at your key history and whether you have traded or sold your gift links to random users. They dont just ban you for wanting to gift stuff to others. They are looking to ban those who abuse their gifting system for profit - and sometimes people can be caught in crossfire...
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I'm a user in Mexico who pays for things with a US PayPal account. And I have complained to them several times over the years for selling me region locked keys despite having me pay US prices, and them removing access to some items.
They probably have a file on me somewhere in their notes.
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As I mentioned in the reply to Foxhack - mentioning gift link or giveaway and region locks is a red flag for obvious reasons. They don't allow trading or reselling their keys. And from previous interaction people have had with HB support, we literally have confirmation they see SG as a raffle site which goes against their rules.
how come I am not allowed do with key whatever I want?
That's a good question, but unless you are ready to sue and prove your right, just keep in mind that humble sees SG and giveaways as a raffle which goes against their rules of reselling or trading games. So why not just say - I have a friend living in another country and I want to gift him/her this game but I am worried it might not activate as I live somewhere else. If you don't have profile filled with red flags (e.g. many many gift links which go to many many users and countries) I doubt humble would see it as an issue.
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IGN prime starting to give out December 2023 choice coupons - https://www.ign.com/rewards/own-8-great-games-for-only-8-with-humble-choice-this-december (New members only)
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I suppose this is for new members only? Because I don't see it.
EDIT: Never mind. Found out that I have to go back to the claim page and claim it to have the coupon appear where the keys are.
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Then probably a region thing since I don't see it on my key page.
EDIT: Never mind ... I have to go back to the claim page and claim the coupon first. Didn't know that.
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might be. I found it at the bottom of the choice selector at https://www.humblebundle.com/membership/home
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worth activating to get steam keys for Undying + DLC and My Little Universe Soundtrack
There's also Enclave HD for Switch (I think) but for me it doesn't work.
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I can't press the subscribe button, it just doesn't work when signed in.
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From the instructions:
The redemption deadline for both coupons is January 31, 2024, at 11:00:00 AM PST.
On the Humble Choice page:
Must be redeemed by April 30th, 2024.
Which is the right deadline: end of January or end of April?
Also, is it possible to cancel the renewal plan right after subscribing, as with Game Pass for instance?
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Humble Choice for $8 code:
My Little Universe Official Soundtrack:
Enclave HD (Nintendo NA):
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Cancelled my membership right now, and the coupon is now gone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ We'll see if it'll reappear again
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$7 USD a month to sign up for Humble Choice for 3 months
You will be charged €7.24 for 2 months starting 12/26/2023. Subsequent months will be billed at €9.99.
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True and real, but also it says 3 months for USD and 2 months for EURO. HUH ?!
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Got coupon for 3 months 7 USD , But on using it i am being charged 9 USD
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Same, now i have only 9$ copun for 2 months on my coupon pages
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Of course. This isn't a normal month though as they are pushing the $99 / 12 month deal. Being as it's coming on Jan 2nd they could release one more coupon that's better.
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30% off (this will be 6,5 or 7 euro - I can assume. Could be offer only for a new accounts)
P.S. HB is amazing - blocking cards/payment methods because of you've tried to buy something from the different region (I was on vacation in different country where HB doesn't sell anything and you can't open support ticket because sub-site is blocked in that region. And they blocked card (or suspend my account) for "violating ToS") - so be careful while traveling outside of your home region, but last month's coupon 2 month for 6$ with blocked on HB card worked like a charm...
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Do they ever lift suspension or it's their code for "banned for life"?
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And what do you do now?
You have to add another payment method (another card)? Or do you need to create another account entirely?
My friend got something similar, but he never saw it through, he just didn't care and returned to piracy :)
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On "blocked" account adding another card will not help - orders will be canceled (I've tried that). I've tried to create a new account and use PayPal account that was linked to "blocked" account and my order was canceled right after I place it.
So the only option is to create a new account and link new card/new PayPal account.
Yeah, it will be easier to download games from some sites because legal way cause so much pain :(
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Well, if they don't want your money, it's their loss in the end!
Good luck, man!
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When there are it's generally on the weekend before the release, so maybe around the 30/31st
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I think Epic releases are more on billbilkun radar currently. It is too early though. You'll see something next weekend/Monday if anything.
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Four leaks for January
Guesss someone at humble wanted to go for early vacation.
Not terrible for ~7€, I guess.
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What's the source of the leaks? If Midnight Suns is on that then I might pause for the first time ever. I tried the game on a free weekend once. Did NOT know it was a card battler. I HATE card battler games.
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Midnight Suns isn't even a leak, it has been announced by humble as being in next months choice.
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Midnight Suns was fun. There's a solid mix of things to do in the game.
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Pretty bad monthly for me. Only interested in Aragami 2. We'll see if the other 5 can carry using a 6-8$ coupon.
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I might get this just for Two Point Campus and Aragami 2, the latter of which I didn't know existed but I have the original game of.
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LMAO. I traded for Aragami 2 about 18 hours before that leak. <facepalm>
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The Aragami games have online co-op, maybe you can still find a use for a second copy. =O
But, well, at least it didn't go free on Epic 18 hours after trading for it, right? Or, worse, going free on Epic just after getting it in a monthly/choice the month before? That's the new rock bottom event for gamers, I think. :P
Like, at least here a second copy'll still have some value to someone, so you can find a use for it, or retrade it, or even bundlesplit it for a paypal return.
That all said, the person you traded with is probably feeling pretty good right about now.. >.>
P.S. Happy Holidays to you and your family, trent. <3
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Hi Sooth (Valex). Yes, it wasn't worse than winning Mad Max on SG then it being bundled in Choice a few days later (which at the time I always bought).
It will mean that I probably won't be tempted to by the January Choice, at least if the leaks are true.
As for Aragami 2, well, I don't think I have two PCs that can both run it smoothly. It may be that my old gaming rig can squeak by, but first I have to upgrade it to Windows 10. <ducks>
Happy Holidays to you as well!
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December 2023 Humble Choice
View this bundle on: ITAD - Barter.vg
📅 Important dates
💳 December 26th 2023: AUTOCHARGE DATE (for subscribers only)
📆 January 2nd 2024: Next Choice Bundle release date (first Tuesday of every month)
⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
Expeditions: Rome
From Space - Fanatical keys are usually PRC restricted (not redeemable in China), but this time they are WW keys {sub/749456} (can be redeemed everywhere)
🔑 Full list of subs (ROW)
🔑 Full list of subs (SEA)
🔑 Full list of subs (LATAM)
🔑 [Full list of subs (Mexico = LATAM)
🔗 Gift link notifications
To PAUSE a month: go to this link -> Skip A Month
(or: Settings -> Manage Your Plan -> Skip A Month -> Continue -> Skip A Month)
Free DLC to claim:
From Space - The Scouts Specialists
From Space - Festive Specialist Outfits
From Space - Grenadier and Scientist Specialists
!addlicense ASF 810860,801310,810857
🌟 2023-12-15: $8 coupons available (IGN Prime)
🌟 2023-12-20: $9 for 2 months coupons available
🌟 2023-12-29: $7 for 1 month coupons available
🌟 2025-02-16: ELEX II out of stock
🌟 2025-02-21: ELEX II back in stock. Expeditions: Rome out of stock
🌟 2025-03-10: Expeditions: Rome back in stock
⏩ LEAKS for JANUARY Choice ⏪
🎮 Games:
Also includes:
💸 Subscription + Bonuses
One plan for all
Starting Feb 01 2022, Humble Bundle offers only one plan, which will allow you to receive all the games included in that month’s lineup for the price of $11.99 (regional pricing may vary, see below):
Humble store discount:
The discount rate is based on how many consecutive months you had your subscription active, as seen below:
The stacking discount will reset back to 10% when skipping a month or canceling your Humble Choice membership.
Changes Coming to Humble Choice FAQ
USD regions: In some regions of USA, a sale tax is applied (example).
Non-USD regions: regional pricing is a fixed amount for each region set by Humble. More info here.
📝 Note about referrals
SteamGifts by default modifies all Fanatical.com, HumbleBundle.com, GamersGate.com links from all threads, adding the SteamGifts referral code. Whenever a user click or shares a link to one of the sites listed above, SteamGifts will earn a commission.
By using these reflinks, SteamGifts will receive $10 for new subscribers, 5% of Humble Store sales, 15% for bundles via the Humble Partner Program.
If you prefer, you can disable referral links from your settings panel.
📖 Informative links
Humble Choice FAQ
Official HB FAQ
Master thread of ongoing bundles.
🐰 Thanks to luckz for helping with the poll!
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