It says it's unavailable..? and thanks for no context at all at the post lol
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It's a comedy sketch about sexual harassment from a show on the BBC
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I mean
BBC iPlayer only works in the UK. Sorry, it’s due to rights issues.
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There is a YouTube link at the top. I can't use headers because people hate me for it
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Yes. I feel like people will miss the work harassment because it's not on the street. So a new thread for this is perfect. People can't use Google so I feel like I have to do it for them and make a thread.
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Watched the Youtube video, and she explains everything about women. What about men? You think it's okay to slap men on the ass at work, cause men are men? Works both ways, you gonna see sexual harassment in everything, I will start seeing sexual harassment in everything as well. And you won't like it either. 😉
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I'm afraid male harassment is none of my business and I know nothing about it so only females pls
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Being sarcastic. I really don't care how the conversation goes at all
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Just a side question, what type of touch women consider to be sexual.
1# I worked at this car part factory where the machinery is noisy as hell, so you're wearing ear protectors all the time. And in the beginning I had a woman explain everything to me, she was mentoring me. Multiple times I didn't know what to do, so I just stopped whole process and went to ask her. Sometimes she couldn't hear anything so I had to get her attention just by putting my hand on her shoulder. You consider that a sexual harassment, because I sure bet someone in America does. If you mess up some part of the car it might cost the company 20.000EUR for the whole auto body, so only option is to stop process and ask for help if in doubt.
2# We were out with my friends and some of their friends who I barely knew, we just had met for the first time. These friends of a friend were women. At the club it was super crowded and 'party master' decided to push right in the middle of the dance floor. Girls from our group are short, and I'm not, plus I'm well-built. So I was standing behind this half unknown girl waiting for her to push forward but she was afraid or just couldn't. So I just grabbed her hand and let us go forward as a group, cause other half of the group were already in the middle. And I bet some other girl would've considered this as a sexual harassment or an act of violence.
So, all in all, it's a perspective of a situation. Of course in first case I could've just stood there doing nothing for some time, looking like a lazy and useless worker, I decided not to. And in second case I could've left this girl stand there and just go alone with the rest of the group. I decided not to be a jerk only because of what she might consider as an act of harassment.
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My honest opinion is as long as hands don't wander or sexual comments are made then I'm fine.
I've hugged male colleagues, they've placed their hand on my shoulder or back and leaned over me to show me how to do something. It was all fine. But if they put their hand on my lower back/ass or were breathing down my neck then there is something wrong.
I've had males compliment me at work "you look pretty with your hair like that" etc and I've appreciated it and said thank you. If they said "you have nice tits" that is wrong.
So in my opinion if you did that to me I would be fine and comfortable with it.
Just some girls are paranoid, assume or maybe have been a rape victim before and they are aware of stuff like that
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I think even your example is questionable, and there are much better ways of doing it.
For example, "Your hair looks great", "I love your haircut", "That's a great hair cut", and "You look great with your hair like that" all would work better than "You look pretty with your hair like that" because it shifts the emphasis on the hair instead of the overall looks, and thus carries less sexual association.
In the first examples, you're complementing their hair. In the second, you're saying they look pretty. The latter could thus be seen as sexual harassment. Would a straight man tell another straight man, "You look handsome with your hair like that"? No, not unless it's a father talking to his son.
Likewise, "You look sexy with your hair like that" is right out.
If you would feel uncomfortable doing / saying something to the gender you're not attracted to, or having that gender do it to you, then that's sexual harassment and you shouldn't do it to the gender you are attracted to.
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Well, as a girl being told that from a guy... I didn't think of it in that way. I just took the compliment and it made my day. He was completely straight as well but he never tried to hit on me because he knew I had a boyfriend. He was just a nice guy.
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And they would never do that to a guy so they know it's sexual.
A colleague of mine told me she was in a taxi with two partners from our company and they were "jokingly" talking about how good she might be in bed while coming back from a clients meeting. And I don't mean she was joking with them. They just were talking about her like she wasn't there, but with a wink, you know?
When she told me that, another colleague was like "oh women get offended over just anything". If it was two gay guys discussing if he'd make a good bottom in a car with him, I wonder if he'd be offended. I bet he would.
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Wow, there's no possible way to spin that as anything other than sexual harassment. And you're exactly right, if those partners were in the taxi with your male colleague, "joking" about how good he might be in bed, I bet he'd be pretty uncomfortable.
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But why should SHE have to change jobs, when she did nothing wrong? Did she report anything to Human Resources? Did they ignore her? Was she afraid of retribution?
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HR is pretty much inefficient. It's a small company so they always side with the partners in anything.
She just feels uncomfortable every time she has to work closely with two guys and she just feels disgusted by what she perceives as the endemic toxicity of the culture of the company so she's moving on. I think she's doing the best for her, not just reacting out of fear or intimidation. But yeah I agree it's disgusting.
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I'm sorry to hear all that, and I hope she finds something better. =(
It boggles my mind that so many people either don't think workplace harassment is a problem, or counter with "well, men get harassed too!" when it's a small fraction of all harassment cases (and yes, also very serious when it happens).
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And even though some guys get harassed too, it doesn't make the bigger issue less important. Just because some guys get harassed doesn't mean women who are harassed are overreacting, right?
It's an abuse of power issue, not just a gender issue. The sexual component only makes it worse
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It seems pretty obvious to me your example is harassment...unless she brought up the topic which I doubt she did.
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She definitely didn't. And she's one of the colleagues I often joke about so she knows the difference between just joking and something else. She wouldn't have made that kind of joke with partners anyway. She doesn't know them well enough.
But for my male colleague, and friend, it wasn't that obvious. I couldn't really tell if he was serious or if he was just trying to defuse the tension. Or maybe he is just reviewing conversations he had with other colleagues and finding himself crossing the line so he made light of it, I don't know.
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Assuming you're straight, think about it in terms of how you would touch a man, or have a man touch you.
Tap them on the shoulder to get their attention? Certainly.
Gently touch their arm if trying to walk past them? Sure.
Rest your hand on their shoulder while talking to them? Possibly.
Rest your hand on their back, or arm, while talking to them? Unlikely.
Take them by the hand? Unlikely.
Rest your hand on their lower back, or thigh, while talking to them? Certainly not.
Brush your hand across their ass while trying to talk past them? Certainly not.
Just think of it in terms of what you would do with someone you weren't at all attracted to, and it becomes easy. If you rest your hand on their shoulder while saying, "Hey, you did a great job on this project! You should come join us for drinks after work," it probably won't be seen as sexual. If you rest your hand on their shoulder while saying, "Hey, you did a great job on this project! Want to go get a drink with me after work?" it will probably be seen as sexual, and you would never do that with another man.
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Thank you! That was just what I was about to reply. Guys at my work were having the same conversation like "oh poor us, now we don't know what is safe to say or do without being victimized". I get that, sure, but I said "if you wouldn't say or do that to a colleague who's a guy, then assume it may be crossing boundaries"
There are women I work with who make sexual jokes with me and I know we can banter because we both know it's meaningless and without any hidden meaning but when I don't know someone, I assume that they might get offended or threatened by that kind of exchange.
My (twin) sister usually tells guys who are crossing the line "if some other guy was telling or doing that to your sister, girlfriend, or mother, how would you react?" because then they'd know about lines crossed.
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Exactly, it's not nearly as complicated as some guys make it out to be. It doesn't mean you can't compliment women, or invite them out after work, or look at them, or make any kind of physical contact - you just have to do so the same way you would with other men.
You wouldn't walk into the office going, "Hey Bob, looking handsome today. Hey George, love that smile. Hey Ron, mmm mmm, those pants look good on you." If you saw a guy standing in a narrow walkway, you wouldn't think "Let me just brush up against him as I scooch by, maybe I can even brush my hand across his ass."
Just treat women the same way you would treat the men.
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Then again why would I help my male friends get in the crowded club if they're bigger than me. And if they were smaller than me, they probably wouldn't be pushing in the middle of the dancefloor. Women are physically weaker and smaller than us, no matter how feminist you want to be. And why wouldn't I take my male friend by the hand if I want to bring him somewhere and he would be tiny. Bro, are you homophobic or something? I'd grab my friends by their hand no matter what sex.
It's the same as you would only hug female friends but no male friends, that kind of thinking is what started this sexual harassment stuff 😁
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Why are you posting this?
Isn't this supposed to be a gaming forum?
This highly offends me.
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You need the right pimp. For a small loan of a million dollars i have started a business for sexual harrassers. Paid breaks and commission for your hard... erm the hard work you do
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Why women are so crazy about SH? Does they dislike to be beautiful and sexy?
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Read my reply above.
I posted this because it's a comedy sketch. Basically don't be a dick at work. If I was single flirting at work would be the best way to start dating and most people do that. I agree. I feel like some girls just take compliments. I've had guys compliment me at work and I've just smiled and thanked them. It's no different than a girl saying it to me.
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I understood it, and I found this scetch pretty funny. But anyway - why? Not about this scetch, but about real situation. Why when you offer a woman to help her to exit from bus, she looks at you like you offer her a public zum-zum right on the busstop?
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Because some females are too far up their own arse that they don't appreciate the good people around them!
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It all depends on the context of the situation.
Is she having trouble walking, and that's why you're offering to help? Or are you offering just because she's a woman? Are you offering to help the men off the bus too?
If a woman is perfectly capable of getting off the bus herself, and you offer to help her, she may just be offended that you think she needs help. Just put yourself in her situation - if you're able bodied, and a guy holds out his hand towards you to help you off the bus, how would you feel?
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Depends on the context? Really? What kind of context it can be?
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but why is it ok for male soccer players to tap each others butts?
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Oh I so want to find this old clip again on Youtube about a man who goes to a shop to return a sweater.
Absolute pure Gold that was considering it was before any of todays shite. Scary how spot on this clip was back then.
I will keep digging.
Edit: Found it
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Straw man.
But well. He finally shows his real feelings. That comedic bit at the end, it's like a confession. A non racist, non violent person wouldn't EVER react like this. They try to make us empathize with him, because the THATS ENOUGH, argument.
That's a male argument, often played in abuse situations.
He lost it. She must have said something. She drives him crazy. and so on.-
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I just want to mention how energetic and over stimulated she is in the video :D
Shes like a character Kristen Wiig would creat for a skit on SNL..
Actually - not knowing who she actually is, I wouldnt be surprised if there would be a character based on her anyway :D
EDIT : hah, So this is already a comedy skit ? :D Didnt actually noticed. .Makes me think how its not that obvious amidst todays actual "news" :D
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Very good. Nowadays some people claim to be victims of a world which is "politically correct", but, for real, it's quite simple: you're just not allowed to be a jerk any longer. Is it so difficult?
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Here lies the incredible magical power of inserting Trump on topics. Just wtf
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Great, I think things are clear right now for people in UK at least :3
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I don't know about you guys but I enjoyed being lightly sexual harassed at work by some of the women at work. I think I have a problem haha
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No idea who she is but her delivery was fantastic.
I mean yes I saw the description and all but even with knowing her name I still don't really know who she is.
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