You think...
I always enjoy seeing a thank you message after a win. Do I say you're welcome every time though? Ehhhhhhh...
Depends on how I'm feeling at that moment. I would say it's 50-50 on my end.
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I'm fine with thanks, lets me know the game has been activated successfully. I'm fine with no thanks too, one less notification. I personally rarely reply to thanks, though, and I don't care if someone replies to my thanks or not.
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i usually don't do it, but it's nice when others do. it adds some personability to the giveaway.
also - responding after playing the game with an extra 'thank you' or 'this is what i thought of the game' is a nice way to express some appreciativeness.
edit- to be clear, i'm saying i usually don't reply to other people's thanks with a "you're welcome". i always say thanks after winning. after reading the previous comments, there's some serious confusion about what op was asking. some of you really gotta work on your reading comprehension.
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also - responding after playing the game with an extra 'thank you' or 'this is what i thought of the game' is a nice way to express some appreciativeness.
I'm going to try to do more of this sort of thing. That's what I did with Arcade Spirits, and it seems to have been appreciated. I just worry that my comments might be seen as too little too late, if I comment about a game that I won years ago. But I still would like to update a gifter at least about newer gifts. I want them to know how much fun I've had.
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I do love a positive exchange on this site, regardless of whether it started with a winner or gifter. I especially love genuine gratitude, which can be so rare.
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Yeah, I'm not a fan of any sort of bots, such as "May the coyotes defend you" type shit that I've seen certain accounts spam on every giveaway they enter.
I don't even expect something long and complex with every interaction, just something that isn't obvious copypasta from a script or bot.
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I don't mind "you're welcome", but "have fun" or "enjoy the game" kinda makes me feel ashamed for not actually playing the game.
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I've said "Have fun" and "Enjoy," but I only mean "Have fun whenever you decide to play your game." I never expect everyone to play their game right when I say it. Others undoubtedly mean the same.
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You win one of my giveaways. You say thank you. I say You're welcome.
What kind of blasphemy is this?
jokes aside, I of course thank every time I win something. I also like it if I get thanked as well and don't appreciate someone winning and ghosting. But I personally hate getting spam "thank you" messages. And its fascinating that they think that setting up a bot to spam thousands of messages is somewhat a good thing. I would really like to understand their way of thinking when they set something like that up.
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Yeah I also like it to get a reaction from a winner. I'm a bit disappointed about my public giveaways recently. There are more winners with no reaction than winners who do say something. But I know it's not really only my giveaways, but in public giveaways generelly.
The best Thank You-bots are the ones, that spam Thank you in all your open giveaways in the very same second. Can't they make it a bit ... less obvious? :D
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Thanks to everyone for all the replies! Not sure if I messed up the OP question a bit (or it was a bit confusing), but what I meant was what do you think about "You're welcome", "My pleasure" messages etc.. Something you can say after someone said "Thank you" to you.
I usually reply to a "Thank you" this way, not always the same "You're welcome", I do some variety. Also depends on what the Thank you-writer writes, I will add some words to it or something. I try to avoid being robotic.
But I think most of you think it's a nice thing to do or they don't care much about it. Sometimes I think it can be annoying to someone (extra notification), but I never got negative feedback so far for it. ;)
Sadly the bots kinda made Thank you messages (just for the giveaway, not for winning) something annoying for many of us, as you never know exactly if the Thank you comes from a bot or just from a user who wants to be friendly. I sometimes see new users saying Thank you for the giveaway, and I think they just want to be friendly. It's unfair to treat them equally to bots.
Will start an Invite Giveaway in 3-4 hours. :)
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Not sure if I messed up the OP question a bit (or it was a bit confusing), but what I meant was what do you think about "You're welcome", "My pleasure" messages etc.. Something you can say after someone said "Thank you" to you.
I understood your OP to mean this but then started to second guess myself after seeing many comments answering as if this was another "how do you feel when users post thank-you?" thread. :D
Anyway, whenever I win I naturally thank the creator for the win after I got it, but I've never really minded if the creator responds to it or not. But whenever one of my winners say thanks, I try to give them a reply. Usually just a simple "My pleasure!" but I'll add some more if the winner said something extra, for example if they expressed their excitement to have won a wishlisted game or anything like that. I'm always open for my winners to come back to give their opinion on the game after they've played it, but most of the time I don't comment that to them directly since I don't want to sound like I'd be expecting them to do so and "put pressure" on them with that. With some giveaways I simply add it into the giveaway's description, but wouldn't want such a thing to be burden to anyone entering/winning, just an option for some chatting if they'd be interested.
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I look at it like this. The SG notifications alert is a tiny area on a very large screen that is easily ignored. In fact some people seem quite adept at ignoring it for days on end. If this small patch occupies so much of someone's thought process and annoys them then maybe they should rethink life or see a therapist. On a different tack it takes all of 5 seconds to click it and then all read and move on with life. Oh this isn't meant to be directed at anyone. It was just a thought that there are more important things in life to worry about. I'm just not the best at putting things into words.
Anyway, how long have we been trying to save Raccoon City at this point? Maybe it's best to write it off.
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Oh you are so right - there are more important things in life. I always forget that and start overthinking about very harmless things over and over again. Like is it annoying to anyone to reply You're welcome to his Thank you? Hell no - and even if someone gets angry about such a actually nice phrase, or gets angry about the notification they get, what can I do about that? Dig a hole, hide inside it and never talk to humans again? :(
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Pretty much this comment for me. Always found it weird how some people here get annoyed because of the notifications. It's such a small symbol I barely notice it's there most times. Plus, like you said, it takes like 5 seconds to open it and mark it as read so no need to get upset by it but we are all different and so to each it's own.
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I think it's a question of etiquette and polite acknowledgement that games on SG are not random freebies coming from a vending machine but from people giving away stuff they (most often) paid for and could (nowadays) sell or trade instead of giving them away to strangers.
I always say thanks when I win, and make the message personal if I know the gifter.
I tend to blacklist people who win and don't even see fit to say thank you. Forgetting happens but when I check and see that all of their wins have 0 comments, it's a blacklist.
Now if I get an auto "TY" or a short "thanks", I tend not to reply to my winners. I assume they don't speak much English or are not looking for conversation. If the message is more elaborate or if I know the winner and we engaged on SG or Steam before, I'll reply. It feels more like a conversation and it would be rude to leave them hanging.
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I was gonna elaborate a comment, but I agree with every word here.
When I joined SG, the first giveaways I won, I didn't thank them and I feel bad for it looking back, so now it's something I do as soon as possible since someone is putting the effort to create the GA.
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I mean when you join a site, you're not sure what the etiquette is. You don't want to bother people with notifications, it's one thing.
But people who have been on the site for years and never take a minute to say thanks... yeah no.
You're absolutely right, it's a matter of gratitude. People put in the effort and time to create the GA. It takes less time to say thanks than to make a GA
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I always say thank you when I win or you're welcome/enjoy the game/have fun when a winner thanks me for the giveaway. I think it's the polite thing to do. Plus It makes the gifting process more personal and not feel like we're all just bots around here.
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Spamming "Thanks" when asked not to is sus to me, too, especially when one does it multiple times within the same second or so. At the very least, it show the inability to respect simple requests.
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You win one of my giveaways. You say thank you. I say You're welcome. What do you think?
Link to jigsaw:
Link to giveaway:
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