October is the Month of Free Thought. You're free to pick one of the below.
The first message on a thread is deleted ... hmm this is a first for me.
On topic ,meh online game!
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Oh I completely forgot about that free box for each arcade you win first time on account. I guess you might be right about 40 a week after all. I haven't really invested full week playing it. Usually I play for couple hours a week. Totally agree with you it is fun game and anyone who is at least a little interested in either shooters, tank/support/damage teamplay, unique abilities or multiplayer in general should give OW at least a try.
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If this was a Valve game, you could probably sell that skin for hundreds of Steambux...
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You regret buying a game because it got cheaper at some point later? Guess you regret buying all the games you bought then? ;)
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It's just sad that these kind of games require cooperation... Which is a nightmare to achieve with strangers. With a couple of friends, sure, it's pretty fun. But competitive is a mess.
Also matchmaking system ocassionally throws you in the end game to a losing team, cause it seems one of them left cause they were losing, and the system just found a replacement.
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Exactly my problem with mobas like LoL as well. Love the lore, the game itself, but thecompelling 'teamwork makes the dream work' happens so rarely. More often it's just someone dragging the team back, often by ignorance, helding the others 'hostage' in a losing game.
Also heard that OW matchmaking is just shagged :D
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Hey, it's me, Rusty! Didn't know how to approach you, or send message in Discord, cause I doubt you'd want me in friend list... Anyway, I just wanted to say I'm sorry, I really shouldn't just come and pour out salt on everything that's on my mind. I just happen to have a string of bad stuff going on in life, and SG server is the only place I come to visit and chat around, so in addition to just chatting I also happen to bitch about stuff, cause I really got no one else to talk to.
Again, I'm sorry for my behaviour, I will try to be less of a whiny bitch.
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Solid advice. Unless you have a group of regular unsalty people, Competitive is the fastest way to kill any kind of fun.
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Seems so.
But I'm not sure how much I can play Overwatch with my crappy net connection. The best ping I get in any online game is around 180 ping. The reason I dropped almost all online games.
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We always called them water striders, pond skater is a new one for me.
All the tags in the wikipedia article use 'water strider', so I'd assume it is in fact a more common term, but the article does list pond skater at the top.. though that's along with 'skeeters', 'skippers', and 'jesus bug'. >.>
The Gerridae are a family of insects in the order Hemiptera, commonly known as water striders, water skeeters, water bugs, pond skaters, water skippers, or jesus bugs
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"pond-skater in British"
Between the dictionary labeling and the fact that all the google results for "pond skater" which didn't also include "water strider" were for .uk sites, it looks like you've got it figured. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to figure out if the "jesus bug" labeling is exclusively because they can walk on water, or if it's also based in them having an ability to turn water into wine.
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They are certainly pond skaters in England, but Britain has more than one language. They are sglefriwr y dwr to at least the most pigheadedly nationalistic round here. I've seen a lot while fishing but I've unfortunately never seen them turn water into wine.
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That's a strange thing to say about a massively popular game with millions of active players.
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That doesn't mean it's dead. It's still one of most popular online games there is. Also, Overwatch League will expand next season, they're hardly abandoning it now. Experience shows Blizzard games are known for having a long tail and this one probably won't be any different. Chances are people will still be playing it years later. Writing it off now as "dead" is more than hyperbolic.
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Thanks to the brainless Blizzard die hards. Apart from smurf accounts it's not getting new genuine players. It's humorous how some of these people are so attached to Blizzard but Blizzard doesn't give a shit about them. Take a look at the lackluster events they have released (Lucio ball for the 3rd straight year or something) or the lack of support for toxicity in the game. They are like Valve in that sense just keep throwing cosmetics at us and hope that will keep us content for some time.
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I was watching Humble stream Overwatch after the reveal. There were lots of times games did not start due to no players found. A little embarrassing actually. And that's on a Friday which usually has more players. So yeah, I'd say it's on Humble in an attempt to stop the game from dying.
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Do you have a single source to back up your preposterous claims? The last time Blizzard mentioned player counts, they had reached 40 million players, up from 35 million half an year before. That would be a hell of a lot of smurfs. The summer games event was unchanged, granted, but they have continuously added new events, maps and heroes, and as stated in the above source, Retribution was their most popular event yet. The newest map Busan is live in the PTR as we speak. Speaking of which, when was the last time people actually cared about and populated public testing only servers parallel to the live game to the degree you can get regular matches in the Overwatch PTR? Most online games would die for those numbers alone.
By "lack of support for toxicity", I'm going to guess you mean measures to tackle toxicity (although based on your own remark below where you say you were banned, maybe you do mean you wished the game supported your toxic behaviour more?? 🤔). The design team have stated numerous times that they devote so much of their resources to fighting toxicity that it takes away from dev time they would prefer to spend elsewhere. Recently, they came up with the LFG and the Endorsement system, which has already had a positive effect on abusive chat. That's on top of the nearly half a million accounts that were punished thanks to the report function and Blizzard actually following up on those reports. They also recently expanded on their Avoid as a Teammate feature. So it's just plain wrong to claim that they don't do anything to fight toxicity in the game, even if it's far from perfect right now.
What is your problem, exactly??
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I don't have a problem, we just don't agree on this. Also I should have probably mentioned before but Fortnite happened and before that PUBG and then something will eventually replace Fortnite and so on and while all that is happening Overwatch's numbers will keep going down like they have been.
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If you're saying the game is dead that implies there are almost no people playing it. That's just not the case, and this is not a matter of opinion. It's just factual wrong.
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the report function and Blizzard actually following up on those reports
I only wish this was something we could expect from more developers of online games. Too often online games are destroyed not just due to lack of the developer investing resources into managing the community, but due to the developer having outright indifference to the state of things.
What is your problem, exactly??
This may help you narrow down the diagnosis.
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With the comments you've made I was thinking that might of been the reason. Then I saw a comment left on your profile back in July that said you were banned on Overwatch.
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Great deal if you don't already have Overwatch, but I do so that's a no buy from me.
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Inb4 no steam keys no buy
Overwatch is a very good unlock
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It is a very good unlock.
Still, when I subscribed, it was "Steam keys for everything", so it still gets said side-eye from me ;) Yeah yeah I know I can pause (probably won't though, want to get out of my yearly sub ASAP and that's the last month)
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I remember when we used to buy bundles before IGN
But then the crookedness just got mingled with the good games we got
Good games we won
Oh, good games we've given away
In this great future it's not all Valve, so unsubscribe
I say and to my peeps who want to stay
No steam keys, no buy, no steam keys no buy, say say say
Hey little sister, just unsubscribe
No steam keys no buy say say say
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Does anyone know if all the games in this bundle are from Blizzard.net? It says 'A curated bundle of games sent to your inbox every month. Redeem on Blizzard Battle.net and keep them forever.' I assumed that the other games would be on Steam, like they did with the one that had Destiny 2 in it, but reading that, now I'm not sure.
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You're right, I should ask them. I'll post if there's a response.
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Yeah, I saw that and thought 'oh, okay, that's fine, then.' Then several hours later they get back to me on support and say ... 'Hello there,
Thank you for reaching out to us here at Humble Bundle Support!
While Overwatch is redeemed via the Battle.net client, there's a very likely chance the other games presented in this month's bundle will be Steam or DRM-free titles. Let me know if you have any further questions. Thanks again for reaching out to us, and for supporting our unique network of developers, gamers, and charities!
All the best,
Humble Bundle'
So, as clear as mud to me. Why couldn't they just give me the same answer they did on Twitter? I'm going to go with them being Steam games probably, anyway. Maybe there's one more battle.net key, though. Ugh.
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I guess she just wasn't sure how much information she can share so kept it still secret a bit. I wouldn't worry much about other unlocks from battle.net this month. It is quite reasonable to give Battle.net games as early unlocks - not justified, but I am glad for that. Those who are interested purely in Steam games can at least skip a month
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The last time I contacted their support they replied literally in minutes, so we can but hope. I'll post any response, whatever it is.
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Well blizzard doesn't have so many games to fill the rest of the bundle slots. So i don't think you have to worry. :P
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I think techinically there are JUST enough to make a whole bundle, as one is also humble original, but somebody got a response from them on Twitter saying the bundle will still contain Steam games and sorry for the confusion, so I guess a tentative stick with it and see.... I guess they might release more 'early unlocks' ???
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What's up with all the hate Battle.net is getting? I personally used it just for Overwatch free weekends, and got no issue whatsoever.
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Or maybe people just don't want to create an account on another platform for just 1 game.
It is actually a game I will never play, even if it were on steam.
Or maybe they would like to be given what they were promised: steam keys.
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Nobody said to create an account for it, or even play it. HB hanged the steam keys only setup months ago, and again, there is no difference between not playing/wanting a steam game, or getting a game they don't want on Steam. Still tradeable, still giftable, still possible just to let it be around the HB account unredeemed. Just the usual hystery of "but I don't like dis" that goes against indies, against AAA, against any platform, against repeats, against anything. #SGCommunity
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Well, for me at least it is about retroactively changed assurances. When I signed up for my Humble Monthly year, the agreement was that all games (except the original) would have Steam keys. That agreement was even still in place (written on their website) after the Destiny early unlock became available. Only then did they quietly change it.
Also note that while Overwatch is tradeable, doing so is against Humble TOS and means that their Support will be far less likely to help you in the future. (I know, I already had support denied for exactly that: trading my Overwatch key.)
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There's a big difference. A steam key I don't want can be given away here. Or I can activate and drop the cards if the game has them. A non-steam key is just useless in every way. I wouldn't pay for a key that is basically useless to me [since i'm not required to create an account or play it or even redeem it, according to you]. In any case, I wouldn't pay for a game I'm not interested in, even if it's a steam key. Much less when it's not.
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A non-steam key is just useless in every way.
you can just go out and do the old peasant way and give it to someone who wants it.
Is this is SG now? 3 card drops worth 10 cents for an unwanted game is better than a nonsteam game because "it can not be given away" (I used my "useless in every way" game to sell for 7€ with15 min's work. Traded Destiny 2 for Darkest Dungeon and Evil Within, both trades were written offers from traders, required no bargains and such. Maybe they aren't as useless as some people like to believe)
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It is useless to me. I don't want to have the trouble of finding someone and trying to trade a game or sell it.
Good for you that you traded yours. But I simply wouldn't buy a game with the intent to trade it. I rather save my money and pay for a game I really want. Trading is not that easy plus 12 buck is expensive in my currency. Buying HB monthly is not really worth it for me and HB giving non-steam games just makes me want to stay away from it even more.
But others are welcome to buy the bundle and do whatever they want with their non-steam keys. It's just not for me.
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Overwatch was my GOTY for 2016. It's the only shooter I really care about.
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I tried Fortnite, and I thought it was unpolished and no fun. I liked Splatoon though it can make me angry while playing, so I stopped.
Also DOOM is alright as a single player game. The multiplayer wasn't for me.
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Zero interest in this unlock, or anything in that genre. Glad I only bought the one month. Need to remember to cancel.
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absolutely no interest in overwatch, but the early unlock(s) are rarely my favorites anyway. i think my yearly subscription is over so maybe it's time to cancel since i don't have time to play most of these anyway. also i'll have more giveaways to enter!
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☞ Purchase the OCTOBER 2018 Monthly Bundle! ☜
A curated bundle of games sent to your inbox every month. When you subscribe, you'll immediately receive Overwatch with more to come and enjoy 10% off in the Humble Store!
View this bundle on: ITAD - Barter.vg - Lestrades
Subscribe before the FIRST FRIDAY OF OCTOBER (5th OCTOBER) for $12* to receive the OCTOBER bundle
$25 when you subscribe for a year (limited promo)
if you wish to upgrade you may have to do so from the bottom of the monthly page.
Customers who have previously received Humble Wallet funds for subscribing as part of another promotion are ineligible.
Also, it's too late to buy the September Monthly Bundle. You will therefore NOT receive that bundle by purchasing this one!
Notice: ⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
In order for your Overwatch key to redeem properly you need your Battle.net account region and the key region to match. In addition to that, you will not get a key; instead, you will need to link your Battle.net account to your Humble Bundle account.
Gift links for Overwatch seem to be ROW though, with the exception of them not being redeemable in the following countries BU BY CN CU ER IR KP LY MM SD SY VE (HB notice). Customers from these countries will get a $5 wallet credit instead.
More info: here (scroll down to "Q: I am getting a region related error message when I try to redeem").
Dungeons 3 <- needs confirmation
Pay early and get: Overwatch; 21 Sep: Hidden Folks, Dungeons 3
👉 Overwatch 👈
You will not get a key for Overwatch. You will need to LINK YOUR BATTLE.NET ACCOUNT in order to redeem it.
There is still the Gift Link option though which seems to be ROW.
Note: An October 2018 Monthly entitles you to receive 3 Loot Boxes that will be delivered in the following Monthlies. If you stay subscribed to the Monthly, you will receive 2 Loot Boxes with your November Monthly and 1 Loot Box with your December Monthly.
Overwatch must be redeemed before December 31st, 2019.
Overwatch and Loot Box Redemption Instructions
Confirmation that the bundle will also contain Steam games
Note: Wandersong is not featured in the bundle (it's just an "Exclusive Sneak Peek")
Humble original: Ollie and Bollie
Note about the CV that these games generate:
Normally, the unbundled games from the Monthly bundles give full CV. However, depending on their value on the grey market, some of them will be added to the partial CV list, disregarding the "5% retail value" threshold. When this happens, your CV will be recalculated and as a consequence, reduced retroactively. More details about this can be found starting with this comment.
Note about referrals:
SteamGifts by default modifies all Fanatical.com, HumbleBundle.com, GamersGate.com links from all threads, adding the SteamGifts referral code. Whenever a user click or shares a link to one of the sites listed above, SteamGifts will earn a commission.
You can disable referral links from your settings panel:
Read Rachel's detailed Q+A to these Humble Monthlies! Also, read HB's FAQ!
Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!
Thanks to luckz for helping with the poll!
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