As you might noticed SG+ is broken due to that Kait's is throwing 403 for some reason,
which makes it impossible to fetch the newest version of the SteamGifts Plus plugin.

I have rehosted it so people can continue to use it.

leomoty and I (dotazured ) have decided to continue the development of this user script after that Kait's went down.
We will continue to improve and add features to the plugin. All of the settings and filters will continue to work as normal.

Original thread:

Note: This version may or may not work with Firefox atm, but works for Chrome, Opera 12 & 17.

Update 2


+ Added Halloween2013 Badge for the Halloween forum event.
* Changed hosting, you will need to download the new file from the link above.
* @include to @match for the Chrome users in the installer, it will now only have permissions to run on SteamGifts.
* Now dubbed as and using @name SteamGifts Plus Alternative.

Update 1

* Fixed the settings menu, just do a CTRL+F5 and you are good to go.
* Uses @name SteamGifts Plus DotHost instead of @name SteamGifts Plus 

Your filters and settings will continue to work with this version if you had the previous version from Kait!

11 years ago*

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Hi, I hope there are 'hide closed giveaway' and 'hide coming soon' buttons

10 years ago

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Is that possible to make operating system support filter? I am interested in the game which has GNU/Linux support. It is takes a lot of time to check every giveaway's Stem page for OS support. Great script anyway; thanks a lot! :-)

10 years ago

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Normally one would check the steam page anyway to see if they are interested in the game to begin with. Noone likes people who win giveaways for games they don't wan't or will ever play.

10 years ago

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That's no reason for a user to be inconvenienced by seeing a list full of mostly games they can't play.

10 years ago

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+1 !!

10 years ago

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Awesome and above all,super kewl.Many thanks for the continued support and devotion you guys.

10 years ago

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Could you edit topic a bit (like, add a date, or just delete that part about new hosting)?

Every time someone makes a bump, it looks like it's time for a patch, making me panic inside...

Thx for your work

10 years ago

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I'm not sure what's wrong, but running firefox, the script gets stuck at this section:
function expirationKey(key) {
return key + CACHE_SUFFIX;

I've been running without sg+ for the last 3 weeks or so because of this >.<

10 years ago

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Not a major issue but spacing is wrong on the right side where you find "filter settings" and "open" drop down boxes as the spacing slider, endless view and grid view options are almost right underneath them this image will show what I mean.
Any idea what could be causing this? I'm using Chrome with Tampermonkey Beta. Seems endless scrolling and newest comment first doesn't work correctly on the forums.

10 years ago

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Ill do the tampermonkey fix in chrome as it auto-disables it. But, why not add it also in the chrome add-on store? (just a question/suggestion)

10 years ago

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If they wasn't using a js file for the script but a .crx file Chrome wouldn't have issues with it.

Endless Scrolling doesn't work correctly at all on the forums.

10 years ago

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I updated Google Chrome this morning and Chrome blocked the extension because it's not from Chrome store, any ideas to still using it? I tried to use it as developer but still doesn't work.

10 years ago

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Remove it from Chrome (the trash can next to the extension) and then re-install it doing steps 1-3, or just 2-3 if you have it downloaded already.

10 years ago

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I personally use tampermonkey extension to install SG+ and some other scripts for other sites, but you'll have to enable TESLA in the advanced options to sync scripts'n stuff.

10 years ago

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Thank you, with tampermonkey it's now working again!

Merry Christmas!

10 years ago

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Please, fix this :)

10 years ago

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Another version was in development during testing of SGv2, just give it some time for it to pop up.

10 years ago

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Thanks for the info!

10 years ago

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Has this been abandoned? I see it is still an open thread but I don't see any download links.

9 years ago

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Is there new version?

9 years ago

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Is there new version? ;-)

8 years ago

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Is there new version? ;-)

7 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by msDOT.