Requirements to enter:
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The wishlist-based GA is in a comment right above this one.
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01110100 01101000 01100001 01101110 01101011 01110011 00100001
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To enter: Remove the "---" from the URL
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Maybe bots won't be fooled by this, but it still worked fine. The GA above received 234 entries and did not require reroll. An identical GA that I posted as a public GA received 1596 entries and did require a reroll. I'm pretty sure that a much larger portion of those 1596 entries were bots/scripts than in this forum GA.
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To enter: Just paste and add ssU50 between the two //
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To enter: Paste and replace /discussion/ with /giveaway/
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To enter: Paste and replace /PiNGu/ with /TZMdK/
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To enter: guess...
Genius idea for a thread btw
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Do you think there are many bots on the forum? Bots and auto-join scripts are not news on the public giveaways, but I honestly have my doubts about private giveaways. Would be interesting to create two identical private giveaways, one with an obfuscated link and the other not, to see if there is a huge difference in entries.
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A few dozen at least, but not that 5 digits worth that stalks either the New or the about to expire giveaway sections of the main page.
(As a side note, my current experiment shows about 40% of the bots stalk the new giveaways part, I assume because the user can later use the stored points for more lucrative giveaways they find themselves.)
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Not a bored statistician, but this looks like a puzzle, so I can't pass (or rather, No puzzle shall pass!) :)
7.8% of GA links contain at least one "O".
0.6% chance of Mihey3Z's double misfortune.
(Assuming all 62 alphanumeric characters are used in GA codes and each character is chosen with equal probability, independent from other characters.)
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7.8% for a single giveaway you say? That's like 1 of 13 entries, right? ;-)
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If you make your GA's Level 2 (or at the very least Level 1), you will eliminate 99% of bot/script/(leecher) accounts.
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Level 6 still has plenty. I have been trying to get enough numbers in level 0–10 series of different games with a list of different parameteres in running times to pinpoint these drop-off points, and level 6 seems to be pretty much the same as level 5, as if there was no difference in population there. Level 5 and level 7 are where usually the largest changes show, and level 8–10 acts almost like one gigantic level.
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I am curious if the data is normalized to the population at that level. In addition, the data might need to be corrected to the user habits. For example, high level people might own more games or be pickier than low level people, which could drop the entering rate as well.
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Those statisticians, they have no sense of humor 🙃
(PS: I agree 👀)
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the thing it's.... at this point no one should be lvl 0.... because... really.. you can be lvl 1 just spending 0.10$...... i really hate people that want free games and aren't good enough to spend 0.10$ to free to another user something......
that lvl 0 people don't deserver nothing.
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nope because whit only 0.10$ spend you will be level 1 too.
you don't feel that something it's bad when more than 90% of users don't spend 0.10$ for giveaway to other people and just are lecheers??
quality it's better than quantity and in the case of this web the diference it's bigger. (more big) because that 90% of users keep winning a lot of giveaway and they will never make a giveaway.
and please don't answer me whit people giveaway games because they are nice, because we all know that people make giveaways for get more levels and have more chances to win other games.
only a few people make reals giveaway (they spend 60$ buying in the store of steam) almost all the giveaway are from high % discount games or bundles games.
and i can write a big big text saying that obviously some people don't have money to spend for 60$ games and another big big other things about real people that like giveaways. but the fact and the truth it's that a very small % of users are here to giveaway because they like it do that.
almost all we are here to win free games. we all don't should be hypocrite whit that.
for me auto join bots are a cancer, lecheers + bot, really??? this people don't deserve nothing but a perma ban of this web. and obviously they never say thx for the game won or use a generic "thx for this chance" or "thx"
lvl 0 user after a few week / month in this web or after win some games = a cancer of this web too. one thing it's not have money to spend (like me 5 years whitout work, but ehhh i maked some giveaway buying the games in the steam store and not bundles games, so ISN'T a EXCUSE not have work to make a giveaway)
you can sell the cards you get winning games in that web, and wait for a sale to buy a -90% game and giveaway for example.
so please don't say that do what i told about level 0 users will make this web worse and closed community.
also that's a lot of hypocrite when actually in this web we have closed groups / whitelist giveaway.
thx for read this whole text and hope i explained well, english isn't my native lenguage.
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A simple solution would be to make all GAs accessible to lvl 1+ only. NB: not arguing for that solution here, just trying to solve the mathematical question ;)
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I don't really think this site was intended for those who "deserve" to win games. How would one determine whether one was "deserving" of winning games? My point was that there is practically no difference between giving away 0 games and giving away 1 game.
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how i told you don't see the point on what i want to say. will be to dificult to explain to you at this point, you aren't going to open your mind to understand too, so better stop the conversation here. good day and good luck to you !!!!!!!
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True. lol
They would all buy just a 10 cent game to level up. ^^
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nope, i'm saying that a guy/girl that after some weeks or some won games don't want to spend 0.10$ for make a giveaway and win a lvl 1 don't deserve absolutely any more free game.
hope whit that i explained well what i really wanted to say, maybe sound a bit rude but it's the only way i can say it using the english lenguage xD ^^.
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Rules aside, I don't think that anything good can come from hating Level 0 users. If anything, I prefer a more positive approach. I may be naive, but I think the end result is better, with more of them becoming contributors or active forum participants.
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well this web have years so the info it's there. 90% of them don't changed so........ if people keep defending them they will never change.
from my part i will never more make a giveaway whit lvl 0 restriction. sry but i think it's a bit shameless not to giveaway a game using 0.10$ when other people do, you can't defend that in any way.
for me this tipe of user (lvl 0 whit some games won and never maked a giveaway) don't have any shame in their lives and are here only to be a parasite from others.
you don't need to buy any game or win anything for win money (in all sales steam give a lot of free cards than can be sold for nice money and make giveaways) so sry but for me this users don't deserve nothing (lvl 0 user whit some games won and never maked a giveaway)
i'm not the only who think in that way, there's a lot of people and also a lot of people that stopped making public giveaways for that thing. (and you are the proof because almost all your giveaway aren't public)
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Actually, almost all of my giveaways are Level 0 and are accessible to everyone on this site (who doesn't have unactivated wins or a trade ban). They just need to visit the forum to see them. I use public GAs as a form of advocacy to bring them here :-)
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I disagree a little bit. :)
The forum is public, but you are still imposing a condition for people to be able to enter your GA's. To me it's just like using sgtools. Public but not entirely.
Not saying you are wrong or that you shouldn't do it.
Just disagree as what public GA means to me.
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Levels are a condition too. There's nothing about SGTools that makes things less or more public.
"Invite-only GA" are not "public GAs", because this terms is reserved on this site for a specific type of giveaways, but when their link is posted in the forum they are public GAs, or publicly accessible GAs, or whatever you want to call them. But they are public.
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Past tense of make is made, not maked.
Don't mean to be rude, but found a little bit hard to make sense of what your are saying. At first I thought you meant marked than I realized it's made.
Just in case you want to correct those sentences. Will make it easier for people to understand what you mean.
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if people keep defending them they will never change.
Let me tell you a little story. When I joined this site, I was unemployed for over a year now. I joined to get some games legally as I was quite running out of my previously-acquired games on Steam. Money was tight enough that I had to skip eating at least one day a week (although usually one meal on two different days) to somehow get by. Asking for a ten-cent game was out of the question.
(Now I have a decent job, but I am still skipping a meal occasionally, although this time to get some nicer bundles to push them on this site.)
So, no, there is nothing wrong being level 0. Even if they won a dozen games already. The problem with level 0 are not those who never give back but those who use scripts or programs to enter anything indiscriminately, winning games they never intend to play, while others who would are left with nothing. Or those that think of this site as a random free key market to sell their wins on the trade forums or grey market. Those are whom against threads and tricks like this are devised, sometimes with better, sometimes with worse success.
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mmm you too don't understand what i want to say, i feel bad because your problem and sry for that, and if whit the next you feel offended, sry it's not my intention.
but you know that when you play a game ( a huge amount of games) can drop cards, that cards you sell on steam and you win fee money, if you sell like 3-4 cards you can buy a game of 0.10$ cost so, there's no excuse to be a lvl 0 if you win a game or get some free games from indiegala for example.
money isn't the problem for be a lvl 1 after you won 1-5 games or after you look the forums during 1-3 months (always there's someone saying where to get free games that drop cards).
in case you don't know for be a level 1 user you only need to make your first giveaway, no matter the price of the game 0.00000001$ game count too.
one guy that just want and want and want and don't spend a single 0.10$ to buy a game at -90% make a giveaway after won a lot of cards whit the games he won and got for free from webs, i just think he don't derserve nothing but some rectriction at least.
and well the bots how i told in one of my other message they only deserver a perma ban.
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One wonders if opinions has evolved since at least one participant in this thread branch hasnt had a GA in 5 years.
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Well when you enter for 3 consecutive years (talking from almost 7 years ago) in GA and don't win nothing you start spending you rmoney in "you" and not in others.
anyway this thread was 5 and almost 6 years old and you came here to talk shit from a post of 5-6 years ago without know anything that happened during those 5-6 years?
you are not very smart my friend.
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It does work. Here's what you need to do:
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I'm married to a bot so i am obligated to like bots ;)
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This is going to be hell for people like me using mostly phone to browse SG...
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Remove the number from the giveaway code.
Game is Ampersand (contains cards).
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So you want to create public GAs, but you don't want bots and auto-join scripts to enter? Good. Just post a comment in this thread with a link to an invite-only giveaway. The idea is very simple and is really not different from many (most?) of the other threads in the forum, except that you don't need to invest much time or thought into it. Just post the link in a comment, and you're done :-)
A few additional guidelines:

I'm trying to find how serious the issue with bots really is. So far the results don't really prove things one way or another. Here are some stats from my latest experiment:
Game: Space Trader: Merchant Marine
Number of giveaways: 5
Period: 3 days
Yet some more stats:
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