Yeah, sure, why mot? I have some games to finish still, and a good old challenge might do the trick to motivate me even more.
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OK, The Legend of Heroes is the only one I haven't beaten yet from that list, so I pick that, BUT I'll replay Ys Origin too and this time I'll do one of the two stories that I have left!
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Throwing my name in the hat for this month! And to make it easier for whoever challenges me here is my SG wins BLAEO page so you can easily see what is already beaten(some off-steam), half played, or won't play. (games with playtime but not that orange outline are just idled so count those as unplayed)
Also please keep in mind that this month I'll be travelling a lot so my time is limited and will mostly be only able to play games with not very demanding hardware requirements so please make sure you include at least one title that fits those criteria in the list.
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?! hmmm... this warrior is quite skilled. Based on your record i've now reviewed to make sure you don't face any challenges you've already done before. I send you against THESE MIGHTY TITANS!
Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition
FTL: Faster Than Light
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That's more like it!
Since I've played enough FTL to know I'm never gonna finish that, and Lightning Returns will have to wait until I've tried FFXIII, that leaves me with Dying Light. Which I will most certainly beat by the end of the month, because that's what I was gonna play next anyway.
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Oh wow...that's impressive. That was quick, and takes commitment.
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Sure, I'm up for the task once again.
Edit: BLAEO SG wins list, to make it easier to pick if you don't use the script in the OP
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Not sure about how you can "beat" Insurgency since it doesn't have a single player mode. How about Ghostbusters or the Stanley Parable instead?
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Stanley parable, while it does have endings, the game never ends. Anyways I was going to write something like (play for (x) amount of hours.) But I wasn't sure. I think if you play it until have an amount of time in the game you're satisfied with. That'd be good. I think 12-36 hours constitutes as actually playing the game and giving it some love.
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I've gotten as far as I can in Thomas was Alone. My poor reflexes are not fast enough to make it past level 4.9 so I suppose I must attempt something else.
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Sure why not, i am so bored now that i quit dota 2.
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Call of Duty®: Ghosts
Tales of Zestiria
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons (only if you have an xbox controller)
Hard Reset Extended Edition
How to Survive
Borderlands 2
A Story About My Uncle
Good luck and have fun!
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Thanks, I have already finished brothers, sooooo god game.
I will try to take on the others!
Edit: I choose Borderlands 2.
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This game was so much fun, final boss could have been better imo but still cool game, looking forward to play some quests from dlcs.
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Games excluded in the challenge (by personal option - sequels/problems to run/multiplayer): Insurgency, Fallout: NV, Tomb Raider, Hitman Absolution, Star Wars Dark Forces, Metal Gear Revengeance, Half-Life 2, Steamworld Heist, Devil May Cry 4. Hopefully you'll respect this, since I have many games excluding these that I've yet to play.
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Worry not, I'll take your challenge too :P
Since Brothers is in both answers, I'll prioritize that one. After I get that one done, I'll try to play Pony Island (from the other challenge) and then The Silent Age. Since all of these are pretty small, I should be able to at least get them finished this month! Not sure about Dead Island but will see.
I don't know when but I'll update you when I've got some news. I'm currently playing KH1 FM (I'm probably 50% now) and it might occupy me for the first week or two of March. But after that! Maybe! :D
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Interesting challenge, i want to try it :D
I've been playing really few games that i won, shame on me
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Are you prepared to choose which GAUNTLET you'll wish to take on?! HERE IS YOUR POTENTIAL FATES
Crysis 2
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition
The Last Remnant™
F.E.A.R. 3
May you enjoy whichever one you choose young warrior of light.
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Hi, I have finished this game in 5.7h. Quite suffering to finish such an unriddle game which does not have my native language translation.
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Since it's a challenge and you don't want more than one, I'd say Europa Universalis 4 evil doge is evil! jk the game is great!
It's my favorite game on steam. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. No need to thank me later, btw. xD
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Np. I just want you to have fun. If you need more options, I could also suggest more games. The in-game tutorial really sucks. Tutorials are Paradox's Achilles heels. They really don't know how to do them. I recommend Arumba or quill18's videos. They are great. As always, if you need any help, I'd be glad to help too.
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Since you have a link to your BLAEO list and i'm lazy, I'll pick for you ;)
Have a pick between:
Stardew Valley (I highly recommend this one)
Fallout 4
Edit: Since I saw that the other rules say that 2/3 games need to be less than 30h long, I'm gonna assume it also applies to this one so I'm adding you a shorter one since both Stardew and Fallout are 30+ hours. Leaving them both though since they were my initial choice and you only have to pick one ;)
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you picked exaclty the games that I've included in my next batch Great minds do think alike! xD
edit: gotta add dyscourse now.
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Ahaha and I hadn't even checked your next batch, I just picked games that I loved or that are on my wishlist ;) I hope you have fun :3
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Shush do not spread lies i'm not a pleasant person :p
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To make this easier: I haven't played Armada 2526, Impulse!, Jerry McPartlin -Rebel with a Cause, World End Econimica episode. 01.
Started but not finished: Knee Deep, Sixtieth Kilometer and Sudoku Quest (if it is finishable and not a endless game).
Sadly I couldn't play Fallout 4 because of gaming sickness :(
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Count me in. My SG wins on BLAEO for faster picking and clarity ;)
Thanks for organizing this month btw :)
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Nice choice, thanks for picking for me. I'll come back in a few days to tell you which one(s) made the cut ;)
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I'm not sure I'll have time for all 3, I'll be away from home one week (ie, no gaming) and I have Dead Rising 3 in progress. But I'll try :)
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This is the Police completed once, but I'll try to have another go at it before the month ends, as I want to see if I can get a better ending (I got arrested). It's really addictive so thanks for picking this one out for me ;)
Edit: I had another go and finished the game. I don't think i'll go for 100% cheevos in the immediate future as they're extremely grindy and the game is quite long and a bit repetitive. Still was a lot of fun.
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Hey, I wanted to update again, even though I don't think I'll have time to finish it before the month ends (I want to do side quests and not rush the main story, and there is TONS to do) but I've been playing Mad Max quite a bit this past week (I'm at about 8h) and it's really fun! Thanks for putting it up my list :D Sorry I didn't have time to play & finish all 3 of them.
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I see what you mean. So far I'm not bored yet, but I'm playing it alternating with other games. I think it totally fills that spot of openworld with mindless driving/fighting/looting for me.
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Already finished Fortix 2 game on impossible. Missing only achievements which I will try to finish this month (but you know it is a bit hard 100%ish).:)
So I will pick Eventide and thank you for this pick.
I don´t think I will even try Runaway atm. Missing first game of trilogy, so maybe I will get first that one, but I highly doubt I will beat whole trilogy this month.
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Tomorrow I will give it second playthrough to finish missing achievements (hell I don´t have idea how I miss 1 card and some note, because I checked everything).
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I 100%ish it now. Still can´t figure out which card I missed.
But for notes I had to finish whole game. Missed one note, because I picked item first time before reading note and that screen disappear after picking that item, so there was no chance to read it. I will give a shot to Fake Colours, but I am not sure if I will beat it in time.
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My BLAEO list
Outlast I don't have DLC, so I can't get rest cheevos.
100% OJ - I'm not gonna play it and I hope developers will die from ass cancer.
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It's not a requirement this month for the game to have achievements, it's just easier to validate. If the games you pick don't have achievements you can upload screenshots instead, preferably late in the game.
And since I already replied might as well put a list here:
You may struggle 😈
Kidding obviously, the real list is: Outlast, Dyscourse and 100% Orange Juice
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Oh gawd, I just realised I challenged the wrong person lol!
I meant to challenge skunlte below(thus the chivvies comment) but after scrolling back here I looked at the avatar and the edit timestamp and just went with it xD
Well at least you dodged the Daggers bullet, we have enough sadists around to have picked that seriously ;)
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I've done it. Tbh, I used guides for last cheevos and I didn't find way to save all survivors.
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Ok, I played a lil' bit and... There is no normal story or even decent tutorial, whole game is based on pure luck and it has really frustrating gameplay. So I ain't gonna waste my time on this crappy grinding. Sorry, when I won it I really hoped that it would be great game, but now I only hope that developers and all their relatives will die from ass cancer.
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I am in
[FINISHED] Fall of the New Age Premium Edition - No achievements, screenshots below
[FINISHED] Hell Girls
Dishonored - I have played about an hour of it. Sadly I wont get the chance to play more than this month.
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I will try to do all of them, starting with Fall of the New Age when it downloads in 10 minutes.
Thank you!
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I have successfully finished the challenge with Fall of the New Age Premium Edition! It was a waaay better game that I have expected from the mixed reviews, so thank you very much for the suggestion :) off to playing Hell Girls I go :)
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ok, i want to finish other SG win without achievement, but i want to participate in this edition too.
Bioshock FINISHED :)
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Frederic: Evil Strikes Back completed on normal - Achievement Proof
Now, time to work on the others....
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I wasn't part of the backlog assassins extraordinaire group so it might be tough to match wins and game time.
Misread the "less than 30 hours", checking my won list the only above 30 hours was Two Brothers, which was buggy.
Reading the February thread made me want to participate in this.
Favoring games also available on mac (since I can play during lunch time during workdays).
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Thank youu!
Yes, kinda ashamed to admit but I only idled 99 spirits for cards. Still planning to play it some day. How To Survive I really need to get playing, since it was a gift from someone since it was on my wishlist(it was a whitelist GA where I was the only person on their whitelist), but since it doesn't have a proper ending(at least I think so? Googling "Does How To Survive have an end?" just brings up a bunch of stuff about surviving the end times) I'll just play it normally and make Hypt my challenge. It looks pretty cool at least :D
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Okayy, didn't make it, not quite, but came close and it's sort of an interesting story!
So firstly, I'll admit that like many I originally only joined the site because I thought "cool, free games!" and just entered for everything because, hey, it's free so where's the harm, right? Didn't really think that I might be taking chances away from other people or anything. Either way, that is how I won my first 2 games, Hypy and 99 spirits, and I never really had any plans to play either of them. (Luckily, I've since been way more picky, and the last 3 games I've won are all things I'm actually interested in.)
Soo I wasn't really all that hyped for hypt, but actually, I really liked it! It's a fun little game, and really cool to play while having youtube on "my mix" in the background, because it doesn't need all that much concentration. 120 levels, so sorta long, and while the levels themselves can get a bit repetitive sometimes at least the aesthetic keeps changing which makes everything feel fresh, and towards the end the gameplay also changes quite a bit with some nice new elements introduced - you can manipulate the landscape! You can use the stuff fired at you to break blocks like that old phone game, you know? the one where you bounce a game to break a large brick rectangle and don't let it fall off the platform, only in 4 directions...
Either way, so, on the very last day, I got to the last level! And it looked great and like it was incorporating parts from all other stages of the game(each 30 levels are a stage, with a unique look and feel - different colors, different sorts of challenges), until I destroyed a... mini-boss? Some weird thing that fires at you, and so it looked like the platform it was on was falling and my "character"(a little ball with eyes and a shield, so whatever you call that) was circling around it... Only it stayed that way for like 10 minutes, until I realized the game was likely just stuck, and even the escape key wasn't doing anything, soI alt-f4 out of it and prepared to replay the last level... Only to realize I can't. Somehow whatever happened had erased all my progress. I was back at the tutorial, and the "load game" button was disabled and the "level select" only showed level 1.
I wasn't about to play 120 levels in one day just so I could do the last one, so I think I'm done with the game for now :p It was fun, though, certainly better than I had expected, and I get the satisfaction of having at least played to a satisfactory degree even if not beaten another of my SG wins. Only 99 spirits and How To Survive left. How To Survive I'm still super excited for and think is great so don't really know why I'm not playing it, keep getting stuck with other things. Might be I'll try 99 spirits next.
Anyway, so that was my journey. Thank you for the challenge! :)
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I think I will, yes, and thank you! Good luck with yours, too :)
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Then either Chains of Satinav & Memoria back to back or Night of the Rabbit for 100% to be able to listen to the audio books. Playing less of the latter or only Memoria without the worse first game removes way too large portion of what makes up the soul of either games. Memoria is especially strong if you manage to get through Chains of Satinav on your own accord and learn everything possible from the two main leads.
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Sorry to hear it wasn't fun for you. I have enjoyed Another World, probably because it has sentimental value for me, but yeah, the controls were clunky and I had to force myself to get back to this game.
How about one of these:
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FINISHED and 100%!
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Weaboo giveaway challenge
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All of them kinda were in my mind for after beating Hitman:Blood Money. Especially Wasteland because i was looking for a long new journey after DarkSouls. I checked them from howlongtobeat so so so i don`t know what to do :)
I will go with Wasteland 2 and can you pick the easier going/relaxing one from the other two for me?
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Hello! I have tried Wasteland 2 for a while ago but my wooden computer doesn`t provide playable performance. It is actually playable with low settings with a low resolution but especially for this type of game it is literally painfull for my eyes, it is hard to focus or differentiate objects and it totally takes the fun away. I feel kinda frustrated for not being able to enjoy the game while i want to so much, it could give me the long journey that i asked for.
Can i change my selections into The Last Door and Cognition sir ?
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We do it between two closed groups because that's how the organization goes, but we were talking about maybe including BLAEO (only the steam group) multiple times. With three groups it would be both easier (and harder) to make a separate group for the events. It's almost two weeks until the next round, we'll figure this out. (Basically two of us manage a spreadsheet based on the comments on picks done in the two groups, so that's why it's important at this point to be group members, to access the forums)
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Hydrophobia completed, so the minimum work is done! I'm curious if Neighbours from Hell will run as it's pretty old, but liked it back in the day, and some RTS would be nice as well.
Survivor achivement for completing the game
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Surprising you didn't get the sweep three with water at once achievement, it usually auto-unlocks at the part where you can break a glass in a wide corridor.
At any rate, nice. Uprising's campaign is more like trying to emulate isometric action games in an RTS engine, but this is why maybe it'll be a refreshing experience.
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I think i follow the order and start with Murdered, hopefully i will have time for Back to the Future too!
Thank you!
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Broken Age
The Banner Saga
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
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I may be able to finish all three given the time :^) Thank you for the picks!
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Already have an idea of what I want to play, but feel free to throw some suggestions to help me re-prioritize.
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A fellow 2hu huh :3 ? Lemme pick some games that are pretty pleasant for ya
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Me, me!
I will be busy the first half of the month, but I can definitely play a game during the 2nd half of March (as long as it's not super long)
Here's my BLAEO list:
List of SG wins
Any game without a colored line under means that I haven't played it.
Thank you:)
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Wow you have like tons of good games, so I will pick out my 3 favs :3
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Yasss - Thank you for picking for me, Guacamole:D
While I do plan on playing Witcher 3 in the coming months, I definitely won't have time to finish it before the event ends.
So I will pick Hollow Knight, that looks awesomeee!
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I'll finish Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride and hopefully play at least one of the others. Thanks. :)
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FINISHED D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die
And some screenshots (with spoilers)
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Hmmm, I won Year Walk yesterday and started to check it out last night. The folklore is very interesting so I'll go with Year Walk first. (game is too confusing for me lol)
Will definitely play ABZU after, the controller for it was awkward for me which is why I barely played it. Maybe I can fix it though!
Outlast was a good choice in there too - (gonna try to finish this one instead of Year Walk!)
Thank you!! =)
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Have fun. :D
I own Year Walk and have been meaning to play it for a while, I know a couple people who really enjoyed it. Fingers crossed you do too! And ABZU took me a little bit to get the hang of the controls, but once I did it wasn't a problem. Hopefully you're able to get used to it as well!
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Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk
Evoland II
Enjoy! :)
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Thank you for the challenges, for some reasons Evoland II caused lags for my laptop, and it's a pixelated game lol. But I'm enjoying Joe Dever's Lone Wolf a lot, will continue Lone Wolf for now.
Joe Dever's Lone Wolf:
Evoland II:
Edit: Finished Lone Wolf, great game!
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main story and all side quests completed, still have a few achievements left (involving a new complete playthrough) ;)
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I have enjoyed BLAEO monthly themes to help tackle backlog but I would like to finish more of my SG wins.
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Irdra! How about...
1- SteamWorld Heist
2- Star Sky 2
3- Tales Across Time
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Awesome, I hope one of them turns out to be fun ^^
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Grab a game from here Mr. :^)
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Divinity: Original Sin have been waiting in my machine for me so long.
Since it have 2 versions it's ok to do only one?
Not sure if I can spare 100+ hours (HLTB) this month :(
I 'll go for The Darkness II since I don't have 60gb free on my HD for games xD (damn steam, why do you have so many achievements?!)
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I heard it is a really good game! I believe in yu :3
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Pretty clean backlog! I like yu already :^) Now for the challenge
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I think the Banner Saga is pretty long so I'll try my luck with Marvel Super Heroes :)
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Did it, finished the Lego game. (at least the singleplayer campaign) 100% sounds like a lot of grinding so I'll skip this. 😎
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Yah one of the backlog! That's such a sweet feeling! Do you recommend the game :^) ?
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Yeah, the gameplay of the lego-games is nice and the jokes are mostly for kids (ofc) but funny.
All other stuff besides the campaing is, a lot of grinding what sounds like fun if you play the coop but if you play alone it becomes a bit boring. And since my significant other dosn't like games like that...
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I challenge you to do one of these:)
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Lemme pick you some personal fav :3
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Thanks! I'll try to beat Metal Gear Rising. I tried before and it's above my skill level but I guess I'll just play on easy so I can beat it this month. :P Unfortunately The Witcher and Skyrim are way too long for me to beat in one month. I'm pretty busy with work and college. :(
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Dont be too stressed over it! It would be way better if you can enjoy them at the same time, because imho these are the very best games that I have ever played :^)
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Okay, since I've been playing a little more of my wins lets give this a go!
I'm currently playing Tales of Symphonia and Owlboy that are wins so please be gentle! I do have a whole month though so whatever! Challenge me!
Red: Won't play
Orange: Started but not finished
Green: Beaten
Blue: 100% completion
White: Not touched
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Right. I haven't played the first two Neps and... no rats ;-;
FF it is! I doubt I'll finish it but I'll give it a good go :3
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Thanks, CrazyGuacamole! All of them are great games that must play. I'm going to try Tales of Zestiria first. Then Fallout 3 main story. And I've already beat Mirror's Edge on Origin with KB&Mouse, I'd like to beat it again with Xbox controller if I still have time left since 2 RPG really take times :)
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Screenshots & Achievements
Just beat the main story and most of the side quests on Moderate. I quite enjoy the complex battle system, which reminds me of Grandia 2, although the AI partners acts like potatoes :S
It's just the beginning to complete the first playthrough, there're more to explore via Ex New Game and higher difficulty, furthermore endless equipment improvement...But I'll do it later because I need some time to calm down the mood every time I beat a JRPG.
Now move on to Fallout :3
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Haha look at you go! Do you recommend the game? I was kind of interest in the Tales Of series but never have a chance to try them myself. Now Fallout 3 is a classic tho, so guarantee a good time :^) Go you!
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ofc I recommend this game, you should at least try to complete the main story once. It's forgivable for such a complex battle system has some bugs like invincible frame and weird hitbox, stupid AI etc, there's always more than one approach to beat certain boss, those bugs aren't serious in Moderate difficulty, and you can change the difficulty any time. Just be aware that although it's called Action RPG, it's actually a turn base JRPG in core: you can - and must - pause the game to analyse the enemy in battle, spamming certain skills won't save your time, you got to change your skill set or even character to target boss's vulnerable.
Plus the story got something new compare to less innovative character development, and I strongly recommend to play it in Japanese voice + Your language subtitle.
btw Try Grandia 2, it got a flawless turn base battle system.
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Sounds promising! I will give them both a try soon enough :^)
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Except for the first one, I picked two short ones since you said you won't have a lot of time ;)
Shadow of Mordor
Monster loves you
Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden
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Thanks a lot. :)
I'll try to beat Monster Loves You, then. If I feel I can do it, I'll beat the other two. I'll probably have to beat Shadow of Mordor soon, since the sequel is coming, so if I managed to beat the 2 shortest by the 10th of March, I'll give it a try.
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Lol I missed the "not" when I first read this. I'm done ryse and almost done mkx. Bit blaster should be a breeze.
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Ohh so are we supposed to get all the achievements as well? In that case I'll probably only finish bit blaster.
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I'm up for a challenge.
P.S. I only play games in order (If it matters for the story). So for example I'm not going to play Mass effect 2 unt Ihave finished ME 1
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Challenge me!
I failed the first two events, but third time's the charm, right?
I'll try really hard. >~<
Last month's effort, also including the link to the first event
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I'll do Spec Ops: The Line then. Might do Lumino after finishing that but we'll see. :P
Spec Ops is done. FINISHED
I hated it. Not the gameplay. I hated its story cuz it's super depressing. Had to take a break from it for a while before finishing. Imo war is just stupid, and I have no idea why the characters in this game do what they do.
Also, Lugo killed the Radioman, which is like my favorite character. Why did he kill him all of a sudden? I have no idea. Lugo was like so calm before the Radioman helped him broadcast and then he just killed him after using him?! That dude was so chill when they came up. :c Had to redo that checkpoint with his cut-scene a few times cuz I suck at the game, but I don't mind at all since I can see the Radioman alive again. A shame that they decided to let him die. Maybe I should've guessed that they won't let him live, but what they did is just not cool.
However, the game play is pretty good, had lots of fun playing it until it got to the heavy stuff. So, it's still a good game. And you can say that the story is pretty good since I reacted this way, and you'll be right.
Overall, a good game. I'd recommend it to others, but I still hated it tho.
EDIT: After watching some analysis and reviews on Youtube, I find myself to completely change my opinion on the story. Perhaps when I just finished it, I was so deep into the story that I just mentally don't feel that well. And also, never played much military shooter, so I wasn't really their target audience. After getting some distance and rest, the story really starts to stand out to me. There's little details that I missed, and speculations that I never thought of. And how they honestly did a really good job delivering the story. So yeah, definitely recommend it. Sadly it's underrated by so many critics.
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I was counter-challenged by Tewam.
Chose Titan Souls and beat it. FINISHED
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Then I pick:
Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan
Shadow Puppeteer
The short ones ^^
Maybe if I have time I'll get cracking on Sunless Sea.
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I just completed The Magic Circle (which I seriously recommend to anyone who enjoys unique games) but still want to be challenged!
Couple of exceptions:
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Thanks! I'll start with Dead Syncronicity and then move on to Papo & Yo! I'm in the mood for story-rich games.
Dead Syncronicity: FINISHED. - It was okay I guess. I... wasn't a huge fan of it. I found the New World setting overplayed and simplistic - it had that "edgy for edginess' sake" atmosphere to it. The main character also wasn't relatable - he wasn't as quick-witted as I would have liked and a lot of his dialogue/inner thoughts felt cheesy and forced.
Papo & Yo FINISHED. Really enjoyed it, it was half whimsical half tragedy and the finale hit me hard. The song that played during the credits keeps replaying in my head.
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Since you don't have a BLAEO account, I'll try to guess the games you haven't played yet. I'll add a 4th choice in case you've played more than 2 of my picks.
You may pick as many as you want. Good luck and Have fun!
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Took me longer than I thought. Didn't have a lot of time to play with my baby boy being ill for two weeks. He is fine now and I finally did it.
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I'd be up for this I think, really enjoyed doing Spec-Ops: The Line last month :)
Got a start on #2,3, and finished hard reset main story though I'm probably going to try and beat some additional things in it for the luls. :) Finished
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noone replied here so i'll challenge you:
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well it's difficult when others have to pick games for you but i'll try.
please have mercy and pick something interesting.
also please don't pick something that requires minimum dx11 as i can't run it,my gpu is quite old :'(
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The Last Remnant and The Sad Story of Emmeline Burns are not SG wins only the other 2 so i'm probably going to play Runaway: A Road Adventure,i wanted to try that for quite some time.
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FINISHED Runaway: A Road Adventure but the problem is i can't take a steam screenshot in this game :(
i also tried to create a screenshot directory and force a screenshot upload that way but i end up getting the message " There was an error uploading 1 screenshots. Steam Cloud may be temporarily unavailable" so that didn't work
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Tales from the Borderlands it is.
And will try to finish Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition as well.
XCOM 2 I won today and would like to buy the DLC for it first.
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This is kind of funny because out of my SG wins only three remain unplayed overall. :D I think it takes the fun away from someone challenging me to pick from those myself, so I hope it's okay that I'll just allow my challenger to directly pick what I'll be tackling!
Time doesn't matter to me, so no need to consider that.
My neglected wins:
Death to Spies: Moment of Truth
Hitman: Absolution
Remember Me
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Arrive with low expectations, don't try to compare it to anything, and you will have a great time. Try to get all collectibles and read a bit in your second play through, if you get interested in the world enough. It is a pretty damn good game, but it was held back continuously by its unskippable cut-scenes, really QTE heavy boss battles, and that people constantly wanted it to compare other things.
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I don't think I'll have a problem with comparing it to anything. I've played a little of it now and so far the game isn't giving me anything I'd jump to compare to anything else. It has given me a vague "this reminds me of..." feelings, but that's about it.
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One man's opinion, but it's worth it. I think this game has a fantastic mix of achievements-- some story progression, some combat-type things you'll unlock over time, some for doing "interesting" things, some for killing bosses in fast or more interesting/challenging ways, and some for collections. Something for everybody. It was the most satisfying 100% I've ever played.
Oh-- and New Game Plus helps you achieve them, because you keep your counts from previous playthoughs, and you'll keep your pressens, focus, and health from your original playthrough, which gives you a boost to complete additional difficulty levels.
Like you, I played on Easy Script Kiddie the first time around. In my next playthough, I knew I could do Normal Errorist Agent since it's not much harder, but I went for Hard Memory Hunter instead (knowing I had the option to ratchet it back down to Errorist Agent, and although it kicked my @ss in places, I pushed through and got my 100%.
Anyway, sorry for the Wall of Text and good luck!
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I definitely agree with you, the balance in the achievement variety is very nicely done in this game! I admit I was originally little intimidated by the sheer number of them, so it was pleasant to notice that over half of them just came naturally during the first playthrough. Looking forward to finding all the collectibles (specially the lore memories) and only worried about the time-based ones because those are generally where I've had the most struggles. I'm slightly worried about the difficulties as well since I'm bad enough player that I got my behind handed to me in Easy Script Kiddie couple times already, but hopefully I learned how to properly use Pressens by the end of it and will survive the tougher challenge as well!
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(I'm currently missing 1 uPlay achievement, I need to send Occuli to a friend but I don't have friends on uPlay so I won't be able to get it ;_;)
Extra screenie from the end (spoiler-ish):
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Already beat Rise of the Tomb Raider, I'll play Broken Age.
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I'm a bit late here but would appreciate if someone would challenge me! :-)
Here is my BLAEO list
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Darksiders: Warmastered Edition
Johnny Graves will have a full release in April so I won't complete it this month.
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since there's no achievements posting a screenshot
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alright :3
X-COM: Terror from the Deep - personal recommendation ^^ but a bit long so some shorter alternatives:
Beyond Eyes
Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today
A bit difficult to see what's unplayed, you have lots with 1/few achievs or a little playtime. Would have dropped Overgrowth additionally otherwise ^^
edit: sniped again aaahhhh xD
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Ok, I'm in again!
But last month I failed, so I hope you will pick short ones from my list of won games :)
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I wanted so much to finish Bedlam this evening since I couldn't play it last days, but the last level is affected by a terrible bug about saving. Most save files are not correctly loaded, almost each time I die and reload I can't go anywhere and I need to restart the game and load a previous state. I restarted the whole level 3 times so far and now I'm tired. I will try to finish the game despite this huge bug tomorrow, which means on April 1st, so the challenge is technically failed.
Here the achievements page to show how close I was to complete the game.
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FINISHED! Proof with screenies found here ->
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This should be fun. :3 (Although I'm probably going to be biting off more than I can chew because I have like 4 machine projects to do for this month and some exams... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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Hm... I've wanted to try out Portal for a while since I'd heard a lot of good things about it, and HLTB says it's pretty short so I can probably manage to finish that within the month. Portal it is, then! :D (Although I'll try to play the other two games too, if I can.)
Thanks for choosing the games for me! :)
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Will start with Ichi! I will edit this comment through my progress :)
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You only won 6 so my options were limited. xD
I also want to recommend giving a try in Insurgency. It's a really good game and I had quite a lot of fun playing it. :3
Good luck on the challenge!
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I've become very picky with the GAs I join; I only join those that I wanna play later on. XD
I choose Deponia. I've been playing rather dark, serious games, so I need something light. (@_@)
I played Insurgency using my old laptop but it was horribly laggy even in the tutorial. Hopefully it'll work better with my new computer. I'll definitely try it out, but I'll try completing all 3 games in the list first to clear up my backlog. :D
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Also FINISHED Dysfunctional Systems. I like it better than Deponia. It's a shame the game's never gonna get finished.
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FINISHED Deponia! I'll try finishing the other two in the list within the month. :)
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OK, so I've done the work and narrowed down my win list to those games into which I can sink 15 hours in one month. You tell me which option you wish me to pursue. The first option with three votes becomes my challenge.
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OK, that's two votes for #9 (one on my Steam wall) and three votes for #1. Fire, ABZU, AR-K: The Great Escape, and There Came an Echo it is, then!
I'd better get busy installing.... P
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ABZU: Played, not finished
AR-K: Unplayed
There Came an Echo: Unplayed
The time estimation given to complete these games is way off for me. It took me over four hours to finish Fire (instead of one hour), and ABZU is going to take longer than that.
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I challenge dirtySanchez to finish at least one of the following games this month:
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Looks like I'm going to have to do more research, then. I'll come back with a better list, God willing. P
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so I will play whispered world, as you both want me too :)
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<3 thank you for taking out time to pick the games , it means a lot when someone is nice to a stranger .
I'll Start with Nightmares from the Deep
and if possible move to reus next ^_^
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Oh cool, I wanna take part! =) From what I have, though, I ask the following not be picked:
Type:Rider (completed except for one lousy achievement that I'll get eventually)
Hope Lake (completed)
Ember Kaboom (almost completed, last chapters are infuriating due to slippery controls)
Dreamscapes: Nightmare's Heir - Premium Edition (sequel to a game I haven't played yet)
Age of Fear 2: The Chaos Lord (sequel to a game I haven't played yet)
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage (saving for a blindstream)
Magicka: Vietnam (DLC)
It's also worth noting that I've beaten Tales of Symphonia on the GCN but never played it on Steam; I'd be open to it being picked, but it won't be completely new ground. All my other won games are barely played if played at all. So yeah, all set!
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RRR, eh? =P Good choices! Those are all games that I think will be fun to play. I'm not sure which I'll go with first, but I'll answer soon. Thanks!
LATE EDIT: I chose Refunct first, hopefully following with Rive, and then Recettear depending on how much time I have!
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Refunct has been finished! It actually took me around an hour to complete since I took my sweet time examining everything/figuring out some of the mechanics, but it was an enjoyable experience! I'm glad I got prompted into finally playing it. =)
Pictures (end game spoilers, not that there's much to spoil in this game):
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I am in dire need of decreasing the backlog, and the school quarter has come to an an end, so yes please challenge (=
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Count me in for Ryse, will respond when I've passed
(Will also be checking out Purring Quest :P)
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Sorry for taking so long to respond, been crazy busy
I actually didn't get to pass Ryse in time, but it is really very fun, I plan on finishing it soon (:
I DID, however, pass the Purring Quest in time (Level 5 fish bones achievement as proof):
It was a very sweet game c:
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TIS-100 is honestly really fun and challenging if you're willing to learn its mechanism.
Viscera is just silly fun and it makes me want to clean all the stuff 100%.
Never played The Walking Dead but heard so many good things about it.
Good luck on the challenge~
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Thank you for taking the time and looking at my list! I'm gonna go with TIS-100 first since it seems very interesting. Will update progress. If it will be to difficult for a programming noob I'll switch to others.
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Finishing Yu-Gi-Oh, X-Com 2 and Nonary Games. Need a shortish game to play as well for when the others bore/frustrate me or something that can replace Yu-Gi-Oh for a game I can play on skype. Tyranny/Dishonored 2 are getting played as my main games after X-Com 2/Nonary. So short/small games please!
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I finally finish Fallout 4 right before the end of this month
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Fuck it, you are on.
Starting with Stasis. Seems to be the shortest of the bunch that doesn't require awkward explanations.
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I challenge MaiteVaati and pick for him:
Stardew Valley
Epistory - Typing Chronicles
Among the Sleep
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I challenge kOROMOShYdOpOlOuS to finish:
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Miku: Apparently, the "play a game you won on Steam Gifts" monthly challenge is a bit different this month. If anybody wants to challenge me, go ahead:
Miku: (refer to my BLAEO profile for an easier choice, I'd prefer games with cheevos)
Here you go, Mike90, here is my challenge for you. :3
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FINISHED eden* after 9 hours and half (the rest is prior card farming), screenshots of the gallery as proof of completion:
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I want to challenge Erdbeertoertchen!
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The Dating Sim Genre is deep and vast. Have you ever felt the urge to date a T-rex? The Dating Sim Genre has got you covered!
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Accepted. @_@ Yes.
I'll go with Okhlos at first and then maybe Subnautica since it was won from a very nice person. Yes.
I challenge ya back with
Yes. DungeonUp still unplayed even after ya won it from fellow Discord Twitch Burning Sensation - Nariel? [Twitch: Nariei] Yes?
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The groups Quips and Beardtopia are already hosting something similar called play or pay. In which other participants choose the games you should play. If you fail in that month the punishment is to give away a game. If you're in one of those groups you should try it out
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Just ask combatbeard. he's a nice guy and will definitely send you an invite. :)
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Already playing without being challenged... The Swapper proved to be a really pleasant surprise for me :).
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Finished one won game last month, and that was yesterday on the last day of February ^^
I think I'm gonna finish Roundabout this month, it looks rather short and easy to finish :)
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I haven't won anything yet, but good luck to everyone else. :)
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This month I'll play Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek, Enigmatis 2: The Mists of Ravenwood and ABZU from my wins.
I've gotten my completed wins up from 35% to 42% in February :)
Completed both Enigmatis games and beat ABZU!
Also- my completed wins is at 50% now!
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I just finished the story! I thought it was a really beautiful game, although more an experience than a game. Which, as ABZU proves, can be good :) I love underwater/sealife so seeing all these amazing fish and pretty scenery made it very enjoyable for me.
The only thing I didn't like was that the graphics could have been better (and that's my laptop's fault!). I'll definitely replay it and get all achievements when I can get a new PC :)
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" a list of three games you won on SG"
WEll i won 2 of 4 and Natural selection 2 is not a game i can win, so that would basically mean i can only be challenged to win Magicka (Wich i already do with a friend from time to time).
Yeah i didn't had a good luck in the last 2 years, 0 games :P
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well, this challenge feels forced... I'd prefer to choose myself what to play
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I actually JUST beat Shadowrun Returns, a game i won here on SG a while ago, and Oxenfree just before that. I think I'm on a roll, but I won't be participating in this challenge. I might do enslaved next though or maybe the walking dead. Iunno yet.
And ironically I just realized that if the person who gave me Shadowrun looked at my steam they'd think I never beat it since GoG gave me a free copy since i owned the game on steam and I beat it there instead since the steam version kept wiping my save games off the face of existence.
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