Hi I need your help guys.

I am trying to find the best XP successor.

My machine is a
CPU: Athlon Barton 2.1 GHz
HDD: 75 GB

I know it is outdated but I dont want to throw it in the trash for nothing.

Everything I need runs fine but in April I think they want to fool some.
A new OS is required.

It will be probably a Linux but which one?

I tried several Live CDs, Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Puppy, and I know that from CD it is slower than from HDD.

No one did work properly. I could not manage to install steam with any of these. Ubuntus GUI is far too slow for me (I read that Unity needs 256 MB VRAM)

Puppy plain said boot failed.

antiX said sector errors (anyway would probably not be the best choice)

The best result got Xubuntu and Lubuntu but I could not install Steam, it does not open and run the second install routine.
I read something about missing fonts in the internet?

It seems the migration to Linux is not easy for me, I feel like a kid when I had to get my first pc games running with MS-DOS.

And why do linuxers write "MiB" instead of "MB"?

Trying Kubuntu Live CD now.

11 years ago*

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I think you should try Linux Mint with Mate or Cinnamon as they are lighter GUIs than KDE and Unity

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Moved recently from Ubuntu Unity and KDE(I used both in the same OS but in different accounts) to Linux Mint Cinnamon. Didn't regret a thing.

11 years ago

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Cinnamon is worst hat you can do for it. It will leak much memory, fast take 300-500MB for only that GUI. Yeah it is still faster than Unity/Gnome3/KDE, but it is to high for their specification. Mate is the best option, but if you want extra performance you can use Mint with XFCE. LXDE take only more problems and limits (at XFCE is also few, but less). Mate vs Cinamon is quite difference in performance. Mate vs XFCE vs LXDE almost the same (you don't feel it), hovewer Mate is the higher from then (and the most user-friendly, later XFCE, later LXDE).

11 years ago

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I'd pay attention to that error about sectors, if you have a build up of bad sectors on your disk, which is likely considering how old it likely is to be that small, if that's the case it may die on you soon anyway

that having been said regular old ubuntu is probably your best bet in terms of getting steam up and running, but you might not be able to install since you don't have any persistence on disc? try actually installing it or running it live from USB instead of cd
and only 1gb of ram? how do you function man?

good luck either way, but considering ddr4 is coming out now and you're probably on ddr1 it might be time to upgrade... give the old stuff to your parents or something

11 years ago

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I think the sector errors belong to the DVD, but I may be wrong. It did not say wich device, just "sector errors"
e.g. just "checked the disc" with kubuntu live cd and it checked.... the DVD drive

11 years ago

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Linux on USB is very interesting but I am not very advanced in pc technology. My AMIBIOS has no selection for boot from USB, maybe "try other boot devices"?
Do I need to write the iso on the stick?

11 years ago

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Kubuntu worked for me for around 6 months before I switched back to windows,installed steam on it. If I recall correctly,1 mib=1024 kib=1024X1024 bytes where 1 mb=1000kb=1000X1000 bytes.

11 years ago

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+1 to this, and I'd recommend Kubuntu also, KDE is lighter and a bit more usable than Gnome imho

11 years ago

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You could try out Fedora, and I heard Mint is pretty good, but I never used that one. I used to use openSUSE years ago, but I don't know how it's doing right now.

11 years ago

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you can download windows 8 from microsoft. You can try it for a month without the serial code and the decided if is worth.

11 years ago

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Thx but the windows upgrade asisstant says my CPU does not support PAE/SSE2.

11 years ago

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Eh, you'd be surprised on what Windows can run well with extraneous bits and beautification cut down. I ran at least 3 generations on windows on machines that didn't met the requirements (starting with Win 95 on 386).

11 years ago

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MiB instead of MB. Basically people are trying to adopt it to remove the confusion between binary and decimal based prefixes.

11 years ago

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Ubuntu with Xce its pretty lite... so i guess Xubuntu its a great option.
if you have kids you can intall Doudou or quime, my kids love those

11 years ago

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Even with it it load tons of unnecessar packages, and still working worse than Mint or Debian even with MATE, or that XFCE.

11 years ago

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Is this real? If you want steam installed, NO linux distro will cut it with those specs. The main reason is the gpu being SOO old. Drivers are going to be hell.
Stick with XP, nothing will change in April. The computer will still boot just fine.

Even better...
Spend like $300 and get a faster computer than this, lol. If you want, I'll even build it for you.
$340 gaming build
GTX 650Ti/Haswell CPU/4GB DDR3-1600/SSD/1TB HDD/etc. Would fly on any game and run Win8.1 or any Linux distro like a boss.
The build is even fully able to support an i7 or Xeon paried with a GTX Titan or R9 290X. Just buy a new PSU.

Minimum wage here in Seattle is $9.32. Thats like 36 hours worked for this build. Factor in taxes and call it one 40 hour work week. One week grocery bagger's wages = entry level gaming.
You're welcome.

11 years ago

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My take away from your post... Seattle has a minimum wage of 9.32?! Are the roads made of gold? Does it rain flan and filet mignon? Is everyday Steak for Buck day? What a wondrous world you must live in.. NINE FRIGGIN THIRTY TWO!

11 years ago

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Is it good or bad?

11 years ago

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What? I was just mentioning the only minimum wage I knew. I don't even know if this guy is in America. Why do the numbers 9, 3, and 2 make you so mad when put next to each other?

11 years ago

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Washington actually has the highest current minimum wage in the US, the lowest being Missouri @ $7.50 I believe.

Edit: Apparently there are lower minimum wages in other states, what I looked at initially was a recent changes chart. Not much higher on a state level, there are specific locales that have higher but that is not the state min wage itself.

11 years ago

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Thx for all the help so far. Will go for the advised linuxes. I sure buy a new pc someday, the pickpart can looks good. Or maybe when win 9 is released. Wait just a moment I'll be back I have to oil my PSU fan, its sticking

11 years ago

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Since the GPU is the biggest problem, perhaps spending $30 on a used graphics card on eBay would solve it for less than a complete new build? Will that system take a PCI Express card, Spiderbat?

11 years ago

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very doubtful. also the PSU is probably extremely weak, which could cause issues with newer / meatier components

11 years ago

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PSU is 350 W

11 years ago

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I had 400 W PSU 16 years ago, you know this is one part of PC that doesn't go up, but in fact down with new focus on doing more with less last decade?

11 years ago

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no. it is an MSIKT4AV board

11 years ago

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They pushed back the End of the Support/Update System on XP of a year if I'm not mistaken.. look into it.

11 years ago

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I think that is only for ms antivirus updates.

11 years ago

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Isn't that the only update you might need by now ?

11 years ago

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unless you really know your XP is gonna screw up - stick with it.
I had to replace most of my system the summer before last but I still have a crap alternate box with XP

11 years ago

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I think Debian would be best try... it's primary distribution of one of three major Linux branches nowadays. The most popular branch. Because Ubuntu (X-, L- and K- as well) are based upon it, it guarantees quite high compatibility and similar functionality. Debian doesn't have many unnecessary tools integrated so it should be faster. If I were you I'd install basic setup for Debian (no GUI, tools, servers etc.) and then install GUI (Easy tutorial), command-not-found package and then what's needed so you don't slow it down much ;)
You have quite old GPU - best suited would be some lightweight GUI. Try testing MATE, LXDE or XFCE - those should work faster than XP and not consume so much resources but may require some basic configuration on start so it looks quite nice. Turning off some animations and/or effects should help if there are issues.
As for Steam problems... contact me if you can't do something - I'll try to help (but after next Sunday - too busy) - I've installed in few times so far and I had no issues... maybe you was missing some package or something (but then DEB package should detect it if dependancies are set properly).
From my experience I would not suggest new GNOME (or anything based upon it), KDE, Compiz etc.

If you want some testing, try making virtual machine on VMware Player or VirtualBox before making actual installation - I don't remember seeing LiveCDs on downloads page last time I checked. Virtual Machines are good for LiveCD tests as well.

PS: end of support for XP (not MS antivirus software) is scheduled shortly... means no new security updates (last updates distributed by MS for XP) anymore so if you're into security etc., it might be good moment for change :)

11 years ago

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Thx in some weeks I will definetely change to something like this. The steam install problems are probably because of the live CDs and only 1 GB RAM and me not yet knowing exactly how to install debian packages.

11 years ago

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To download and install DEB file from Steam servers it's (terminal commands):
wget http://media.steampowered.com/client/installer/steam.deb # to download Steam package
dpkg -i steam.deb # to install downloaded package
or if it's in repository (either by default or added to /etc/apt/sources.list), it's:
apt-get install steam # to download and install package named steam
I assumed you're logged in as root (su in terminal or open session as root)... if not working as root, you may need to use sudo "prefix" (it's like Run as admin in Windows; may require apt-get install sudo run as root) and extra entry in /etc/sudoers (visudo?). Of course you may do most of this by opening webpages and clicking - most important is getting job done, not way of doing it :)

I hope it helps. Cheers.

Edit: fixed minor typos.

11 years ago

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Cheers very good explanation.

11 years ago

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Linux Mint - it works much faster than Ubuntu. I don't know why, but it is good for desktop (you can use debain or ubuntu version // Ubuntu - easier, Debian faster, but also included older files), if you don't want install all themselves/ or from repositories old(stable) like on Debian. It also include java etc., so you don't must manually install it :). At package manager (have GUI) install wine and many games will work under it. Don't install "native" linux games or steam (which was portet to linux) as they have worse performance than running at wine (TF2 120 FPS vs 24 FPS). I recommend MATE or XFCE (LXDE take more resources than XFCE and are worse compatibility, MATE - old Gnome 2 have the most) - it works very well, also as file type I always use XFC for their performance (yes it is designed for performance for mixed sized files) - it easy get better performance, than popular ext4 or ext3.

I try install ubuntu 2-3 times, but never have it longer than 2 hours. It is too slow - on 4 core cpu, 4GB RAM it works worse than Windows 7 + 5 autostart programs or Windows XP on 1,8 Ghz CPU and 512RAM. Debian or Mint bit it easy new Windows 7, but on games will have less FPS, due to games mostly are done for Windows.

In that specification check, if you can or can't use newest version. When not - use older. It was 1 time, whenm requirements increse much. I don't tell you now exactly which version - look at their site.

11 years ago

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You understand that your Windows will still be working after that date. You just won't be able to get any more updates. (Just like if you installed Windows 98.)

They just can't keep updating that 12 year old piece of antique software forever. I mean, it's been replaced almost 8 years ago and we're on the third different major release since.

11 years ago

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Just stick win Windows XP?

I have a laptop that is from 2007, that came with Vista, pretty much always used it with XP, put 7 on it recently, but the old bastard barely can cope with it. So guess what, I am gonna put XP back on it shortly from now. That way I can even run some simpler games on it, where it is already slow on Vista or 7 without any games.

Don't really care about XP becoming EOL, as long as it runs way better on that old machine it'll be just fine for just that.

11 years ago

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Windows XP was great.... but lately Microsoft is doing everything to force users to change system to newer version. I’m kinda annoyed how every automatic system update mess up all of the drivers of my peripheral devices. So yeah it would be great… if not for those bloody drivers…

11 years ago

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Install SteamOS, obviously.

11 years ago

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Ok a few tips for you:

  • With only 1GB RAM please don't run LiveCD for testing, since for LiveCD the files are loaded in RAM. This will give you a wrong impression of performance. Install dual-boot or why not use complete HDD, you will see the real performance.

  • Try Kubuntu, I like it. Ubuntu itself is good and I use it on both my machines, but you need 2GB RAM at least for Unity (I run it on 7 year-old laptop with 2GB RAM).

  • Download Kubuntu 32-bit version, it should use less RAM than 64-bit.

  • Look on how to enable zRAM on your Linux install. On Ubuntu-based it's very easy to install and setup.

  • KDE (Kubuntu) also has a special netbook mode! Which is excellent for machine with only 1GB RAM. See here for example on how to enable it http://www.zdnet.com/kde-netbook-desktop-my-guide-to-configuring-and-using-it-7000001905/

If you have any other Linux questions you can always PM me.

11 years ago

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Just browse for some really lightweight Linux distros and try something from the list.

If you want to build a Linux system yourself (I'm not talking about Linux from scratch and such stuff right now) where there'll be nothing except what you really need, try Arch. You won't be given any GUI at first, so you'll have to use CLI instead until you install everything you need. It's not so difficult even if you're not familiar with bash commands; just read their beginner guide - this will suffice. Instead of heavyweight GNOME or KDE get yourself XFCE or LXDE, or, if you don't mind trying something even more lightweight, get some WM like openbox and use it instead of DE.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Heh, I said same thing before but instead of Arch I suggested Debian without any extras... meaning no GUI as well - just some basic commands - that's what I start with now :)

11 years ago

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Well Kubuntu is a verry easy distribution from Linux, Ubuntu is considered the most used distrib of Linux and also the best. But if you don't want to go after all to Linux you can try Windows 8,you'll be surprised that it's not that picky.

11 years ago

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Windows 8 isn't really heavy if you mean CPU... but you'd be surprised if you check GPU load while system works :) Also many of Metro Apps are working even when you don't use them, which gives some extra load :D
Kubuntu = KDE + Ubuntu... and KDE and GNOME are currently in top of heaviest Desktop Enviroments... Nice thinking xD

11 years ago

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I think Debian is one of the lighter ones.

11 years ago

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I recommend PCLinuxOS with LXDE easy to use, runs pretty well on older PCs.
Also you could install Steam client with the software manager with just a few clicks.

11 years ago

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I don't think you'll be able to install anything while running it from LiveCD.
Best performance you should get from Lubuntu or Debian+LXDE, but forget about Steam. Nothing will work with your GPU. Performance wise, Steam on linux is awfull and requires a lot of resources for even the oldest games.

Your best choice is to stick with XP - nothing is going to change.

11 years ago

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Performance depends on games and their technologies... some are native Linux apps, some are virtualized and some are emulated. Depending on this they may work very smoothly or lag terribly :P I'd not generalize your experience.
You can install software on LiveCD - it'll simply require more RAM as all LiveCD modified contents are stored there... but of course when you restart all "saved"/installed data will be lost :)
Yeah, LXDE but also XFCE and MATE are best Desktop Environments in this case; their performance is quite similar... somebody on top suggested OpenBox but... well, it requires extra experience and I wouldn't suggest it for begginer.
Staying with WinXP is also still good choice as long as it's good enough for user... but well, question was about finding possible successor, not whether to stay or change ;)

Hmm, it's possible store data on HDD/SDD when running LiveCD - I forgot there's always possibility to mount local drives and specify path when saving/installing as long as OS supports filesystem :) Sorry for inconvenience.

11 years ago

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Yeah, but with OP's setup there's really no gaming on linux at all. He might be able to play some native ones, but with that GPU there's not a lot to choose from. For example: any Source game requires OpenGL 3.0 (or DirectX 8.1 on Windows), while G4MX440 supports OpenGL 1.2 (and DirectX 8.1).
Anyway, with that setup LXDE would be my choice, because it's fast and still can look nice. But forget about games ;-)

11 years ago

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Ok, I didn't look much into requirements... as most of games doesn't post Linux requirement on Steam. Still, pro option could be keeping Windows and Linux on different partitions until guy's sure what he can or can not run and make a choice or keep both :)

PS: doesn't proper drivers support newer versions than hardware? Emulation (or API simplification?) possibly, I never cared enough to check it.

11 years ago

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Linux: Ubuntu

b-but Unity!
Install another desktop environment, like IceWM (+themes) or LXDE (they need low resources), and select them at login (Ubuntu icon near your name).
Unity needs 256 MiB vRAM
This is new to me. Where did you red this?
(by the way: Unity is just a plugin for Compiz compoziting window manager)

And why do linuxers write "MiB" instead of "MB"?
Because that is the real "megabyte":
1 MB = 1000 KB
1 MiB = 1024 KiB
Curse them hardware manufacturers and SI crap! :<
Next time time will be "reinterpreted":
1 h = 100 s
1 hi = 60 si
Motto: Work more for less!

And for those bad sectors: replace your harddisk, because you will loose your stuff!

11 years ago

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Well, instead of going with Ubuntu, then installing LXDE I'd suggest Lubuntu - just some extra apps differs.
Mi, Ki, Ti -B etc. were already explained few times - try some reading before "contributing" :P
256MiB vRAM is needed for Unity + GNOME as per Ubuntu's system requirements... I think he simply doesn't differ GNOME from Unity :)

Edit: Oh, I missed HDD part - I'd simply run some complex scan first... just to be sure and/or to block bad sectors; if no further (if any) regressions occurs, it should be fine.

11 years ago

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I see a lot of people here recommend KDE/Kubuntu, you do know that KDE just uses a lot more resource for no reason other than better looks , whistles and bells you don;t need. Ubuntu + gnome also uses a lot of resources, best performance would be debian with xfce but linux generally sucks with steam so you might want to keep XP...

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Spiderbat.