My best friend and I both bought the Bohemia HiB for DayZ. When I mentioned it to my boyfriend he expressed interest in it but never bought the bundle himself. Now after watching heaps of Youtube videos he's decided he really wants to play with us. He has no money and asked if I would buy it for him and he would pay me back, but Combined Ops is $24.99 on Steam right now which is really hard to justify when I bought the Humbundle for $6.

I know it's a big stretch because of the Holiday sales and the Humbundle being so recent, but are there any places that might be selling this a bit cheaper? I've looked at r/Gamedeals and done some general googling with no results but I'm not necessarily looking for a sale, even somewhere that has the "regular price" set a few bucks cheaper would be good. Or maybe someone knows of a coupon or something. Anything would be helpful, really.

I know the obvious answer is to trade someone for the HiB but I've never traded before with someone I don't know and I'm not too confident with doing that.

Sorry if I'm being a pain in the ass but any help is appreciated :)

11 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

11 years ago

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I was totally trying to find that site before but I completely forgot the name of it, thanks! :)

11 years ago

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Go to steamtrades, check ppl with 50+ rep that are trading the particular game (that you want) cross reference their price with other traders, and pick one you feel not robed (dont fall for the ITS TOO CHEAP to be real scams), they usually let you know whatever they want, either Keys (you can get them on trades or buying them on SteamMarket), cards or whatever holds value

You are welcome

ps. dont forget to check their steamrep profile!!

11 years ago

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I wouldn't suggest that,the BI store often falls victim to credit card fraud.

11 years ago

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did i mention any BI store? no i didnt, if you are actually referring to steamtrades, i have 76 rep worth of trades and i never got any game removed from my account...

11 years ago

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I think he means that people might be trading keys that could be revoked due to card fraud at the BI store.

11 years ago

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This. It's much safer to find a trader yourself, check him and add him for the trade than make a thread and have people add you (impersonators, etc.). Especially if you have no +rep, which means you will probably have to go first anyway because for the trader you could be a scammer. Some people hate random-adds though, so they might not accept it.

11 years ago

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He might be able to get it for 4$ on the BI store if he can wait.

11 years ago

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Could you elaborate? :P

11 years ago

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Combined Ops has been 4$ here.That's when I bought it :D

11 years ago

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Ah okay thanks! :)

11 years ago

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IIRC, it was a birthday promotion and may not necessarily be on sale in the near future

11 years ago

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Steamtrades, you might need like 5 keys (around 10 bucks), but is way cheaper.

11 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. I would say max 4-5 keys ... listen to the cat :P

11 years ago

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If he want do play the dayz mod that bad, there is a way, you can simply buy the operation arrowhead and add it to the arma 2 free, i have done it for some time until i got the arma pack from steam sales(then 4 months later comes the humble wtf...) works fine and the game play will only fail to have high textures, with remmebers me this site accept giveaways of non steam keys? i still have the OA key sitting here somewere, and i think you would like to enter this giveaway.

11 years ago

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A little off-topic but will DayZ mod continue to be supported by the devs or will they change over to the standalone completely now? :o
On topic: If you can find a trader with 100+rep on strades selling, it may be your best option that cheap :x

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by chimairacle.