Today I have been doing some purge of what I want to see on giveaway page and quite late noticed I went over 20k hidden games on sg, so I joined a big hiding league.
Currently I filtered out 20,547 games that I am not interested in, are total trash or.. we probably shouldn't even consider that stuff as games. On way to 30k I am doing a short event. Guess a game that isn't on my hidden list and I will add there giveaway for every right guess (2 giveaways if I decide add game on my wishlist).
Please, one game per message and I will try to look up and answer at each.

Finished GAs
Active GAs
Death's Door
Punch club
Streets of rogue
Teslagrad Remastered
Secret neighbour multiplayer
Super buff HD
Rising Hell
Talk to strangers
Adventures of Chris
Deathrun TV
God's trigger
The Deed: Dynasty
Virgo vs Zodiac
Organs please
The Oil Blue
Super funny rhytm castle
Patrician III
Dread templar
The Hive
The grand ages: Rome

Of course we do not consider games I own, DLCs or games that never been given away on sg. I will let thread run until I run out of keys/money/interest.

1 week ago*

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1 week ago

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1 week ago

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I knew it was necessary to name something less well-known and old. Siege of Avalon or Lionheart: Legacy of Crusader)))

1 week ago*

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Giveaway added.
Kinda missed the or part and was searching game Siege of Avalon: Lionheart: Legacy of Crusader
Avalon I found on my hidden list, but Lionheart looks like cool oldschool rpg, would be nice see such game on sg instead daily asset flip spam.

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1 week ago

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Lionheart: Legacy of Crusader has a problem. By the end, the developer had run out of money or time. That's why the ending is much worse than the first part of the game

1 week ago

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So... something like Elex to Elex II (more like Elex 1.1) in which they forgot apply story.

1 week ago

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No, it's more like the original Gothic and Gothic 2. Interesting quests and dialogues from the beginning of the game disappear by the end of the game, leaving place for battles. But the game is still not bad. It's just that the ending spoils the impression.

1 week ago

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I am curious about Gothic remake with that. Piranhas were often crying how they planned huge story twists later, like possibilities stay with old camp etc. Now can be these parts added in remake. But it won't be done by Piranhas and in Alkimia I have no faith tbh

1 week ago

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If they can just transfer the Gothic to a modern engine without losing its atmosphere, then this will already be a success. There is no point in counting on more. They are unlikely to reach the level of Arholos

1 week ago

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I am really scared of what they will do. So far we only seen cinamatics trailers these only showed broken physics and AI generated pictures of monsters. Not even gameplay... yet they already gave away collectors editions.

1 week ago

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There is one good thing - we will still have the original. And if the remake fails, the original will not be taken away from us. It's not Blizzard.

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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1 week ago

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🙄I like it in my opinion, but I can't help but have a feeling that maybe it's in the filter.

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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Interesting challenge, let's see how many hits the community manages to get.
My contribution: Torment: Tides of Numenera

1 week ago

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Giveaway added.
Yeap, it is one of my wishlist games. We really need more such giveaways. Or maybe I will finally finish Planescape Torment and buy it.

1 week ago

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Sword will remember this

1 week ago

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Ouch, sorry, I didn't check your wishlist, otherwise I would have tried something different.

1 week ago

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It is only one guess per user? The OP only says one guess per message.

1 week ago

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Game has never been given on site, so I haven't encountered it by anyway. But seem as game I would hide as it doesn't seem as something I would enjoy.

I haven't clarified number of messages per person and I am not really against multiple tries, but prevent machine gun spam.

1 week ago

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Then before I consider further attempts. Is "given away on SG" a necessity for the suggestions?

1 week ago

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Well, if its never been given on sg, there is 0 chance I would have it on hidden list and my keylist would get drained fast.

1 week ago

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Which is the whole point of this strategy ^^' But okay, I will adhere to the additional rule and try another one which has been given away on SG.

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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1 week ago

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1 week ago

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Giveaway added.
I saw that game on steam discovery que recently and was watching at it for while, haven't seen it on sg yet. But I think I can slide it to hiddens, so I won't have to consider it again when I see its giveaway, there are users these will enjoy that game more.

1 week ago

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How come I've never heard of it before? Granted, I'm a very recent CRPG player, I think my first one was Pillars of Eternity, but it looks awesome, wishlisted.

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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Edge of War
CRPG wich seems to be going for a interesting setting (original inspiration at least) but very early in EA.
Cant help but be interested, crpgs, fantasy and mythology are my weakness and Finnish folklore sounds interesting compared to the same old elves goblins etc

Ive stopped hiding games on SG a looooong time ago... i go the other way around instead- i only browse for wishlisted games
...reason why my wishlist is 4644 right now
But that wasnt for SG alone, i like to find hidden jewels, try demos at next fest and theres just too much stuff to check everything so anything that seems could be remotely interesting but i dont have time to check right away gets added...

...Then on every steam sale i remove a bunch - but then theres new stuff and i do queues for cards so more stuff gets in... for every 2 games i remove i add at least one or 4 so... 😂

I like having variety but the current saturation, shovelware and sadly abandoned games is getting out of hand. I wish Steam and or SG expanded from just wishlist/hidden to lists. I wanted at least a 'maybe' list, or check later or something like that... i tried for a time using the 'follow' on steam to some extent but it lacks prices, sorting etc

Anyway i personally prefer clicking 5k 'maybe' then 20-30k 'never'. Steamdb says theres 112k games currently, 12k last year, 10k the year before... it only grows each year. 14, 15k this year?
I feel like this isnt the best strategy, it will start to become its own clicker game

1 week ago

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Thank you, looks promising, wishlisted it.

1 week ago

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Game has never been given on sg, so I haven't encountered it.
But that one I wouldn't put on hide list. It looks good, hope it won't end abadoned by devs in early access. I will keep its existence in mind to check on progress.

1 week ago

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In my wishlist already, I'm expecting this to be fun!

1 week ago

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So am i, im just frustrated theres very little videos online and all show the start of the game from early builds.
I woulve bited already but ive been burned by abandoned EA games before...
But i may go for it anyway. Idk. If this steam sale dont eat all my wallet i think i will get it

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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1 week ago

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1 week ago

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Giveaway added.
First time I see that version of Prison architect. I slided it to my hidden games.

1 week ago

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Aw I thought you would love this one since you've played a lot of Let's Build A Zoo/Planet Zoo! But yay thank you! :)

1 week ago

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Yeah, I am more into animals and dinosaurs in such games. I could enjoy even a school simulator, but I am 100% sure I would put few hours in and than never touched it again.

Edit: Tbh, there are games I have in hidden list even for reasons like I would want to buy them on my own, to not disapoint gifter in case I won't enjoy game or won't play it much. I sometimes even enter for that part of games, but avoiding high winning chances as wl/group giveaways to prevent I take game of someone who really wants it.

1 week ago

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Sea of Stars?

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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Dang. :)

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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Giveaway added.
Never seen that game on sg, most likely will never seen in future apparently. But it looks like one of these games that would be granted a one way ticket to hidden list.

1 week ago

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1 week ago*

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Giveaway added.
Elden ring, even Mortall shell (yeah, I saw it!) are games I would like to try at some point, so I enter giveaways for them. Even when I know I will terribly suffer as with every souls like game.

1 week ago

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I went with Mortal shell originally because I had just bought it and was like wait, did nobody guess elden ring... wait do you own elden

1 week ago

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I don't own it, yeah, I also expected such big game be guessed sooner. Just damn, that game has TORTOISES everywhere! If it wasn't souls like, I would buy it. I am not sure how much I want to pay for Elden ring, cause I will absolutely suffer while playing it.

1 week ago

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It does a lot more to make the game more playable for newcomers than other soulslikes. It's especially more enjoyable w/ a friend and seamless co-op mod, but game gives you solo-summons and such if those human averse.

1 week ago

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Mortal shell is honestly not as bad. Once you get the 'flow' of the combat, maybe after a guide or 2. Each kill is incredibly addicting and gratifying. Plus it looks sick!

1 week ago

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I had it in cart at start of sale. But decided to remove it. Maybe at xmass sale

1 week ago

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It Takes Two

1 week ago

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Maybe if it was It takes one version

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1 week ago

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1 week ago

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I already own that.

1 week ago

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Hello again your Ing-ship.

The Lord of the Rings: Gollum?

1 week ago

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Hard decision has been made, my precious. I have been entering for it just for memes.

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1 week ago

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How about Riftbreaker?

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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Age of Reforging: The Freelands, which I found out about yesterday :D

1 week ago

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Giveaway added.
That is clearly a game I would enter for, hope they won't abadon it in early access.

1 week ago

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I'm at 20,562 hidden games atm.

1 week ago

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I mean who doesnt like the lovely combo of nuns and Satan!😇

20k huh, goals! Im still behind at 10k. Hope you reach 30k...considering the trash in here, sooner than later!

edit: LOL

1 week ago*

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1 week ago

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Bump & congrats!

I'm going to say Balatro

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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I had a feeling that you are not into this type of games :)

1 week ago

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I have been looking at Balatro for some time, but I actually do not even understand to that game. Like is is some gwent fighting? I like poker or solitaire, but concept of that went kinda over me. I guess others will like it more.

1 week ago

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i would say is more like a deckbuilding poker

1 week ago

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Balatro is a single player roguelike, I'm not familiar with Gwent, but I don't think that has anything similar.

Very bad explanation (probably someone who played the game first hand will be able to give a better one):
You play hands of poker to make points and reach a certain target which gets higher as you progress in the run. That would be the normal poker related play. Things start to get more weird once you start to use things that modify your deck (to the point of playing with a single card, let's say just kings) or the amount of points that you can score (mainly using jokers that act as point modifiers).

1 week ago

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yep, nailed it, much better explained than i did

1 week ago

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Just to clarify that my anotation as "very bad explanation" is for the one I gave as I haven't played the game myself.

What you said I think it's simple but accurate.

1 week ago

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Yeah, the tutorial vid seemed to unncessairy complicated to me. Guess I will rather avoid than making someone buy me game and drop it after first round. It will probably ends in choice sooner or later anyway

1 week ago

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I have seen other people playing but never payed attention to the video on steam.

Totally agree with you that makes a poor job on selling the game, which makes even more suprising the high and quick success of the game. And yes, either in choice or on some bundle.

1 week ago

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That's... Pretty impressive, lol.

Ghost of Tsushima?

1 week ago

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Giveaway added.
I have been considering buying Ghost of Thushima as gift for myself from myself, but decided to go with Horizon Forbidden west. I don't own a playstation, so I am interested to play it for first time.

1 week ago

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The Thaumaturge
i checked your wishlist, hope this isn't cheating XD

1 week ago

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I assume it isn't cheating. Tbh, just because something is on my wishlist, doesn't mean it isn't hidden, some games can be special for me, so I would buy them on my own. But most of these isn't released yet for purchase. Thaumaturge I found recently on steam and I somehow liked game.

1 week ago

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i discovered about it when i saw some GAs here, it caught my interest, i like tactical games and the aesthetics looks cool

1 week ago*

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I go with Animal well :D

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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Guess I am 13h too late. But it was worth a shot ;)

1 week ago

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I think 13h ago appeared first giveaway I could see, it was in PoP group.

1 week ago

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Closed 1 week ago by xxxka.